How to scrub paint from pants: ways to remove stains

Often during renovations, in art classes, or while walking in the park, sitting on a freshly painted bench can accidentally ruin new trousers with paint. There are several popular ways to wipe paint from your pants, helping to correct the situation with the help of available tools. Most of them are in every kitchen and home medicine cabinet.

Features of removing paint from pants

To successfully remove paint stains from jeans, you must follow certain rules and know some of the features of the procedure:

  • it is always easier to wipe off fresh paint than dried paint, which has already been absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, so you should get to work as soon as possible;
  • so that the dye is not absorbed, a paper towel is applied to the fresh stain and the dirt is removed without rubbing or smearing it;
  • the denser and rougher the material, the easier it is to wipe off the dirt, and the dyes on thin, delicate fabrics are difficult to remove, especially the old ones;
  • you need to move during processing from the edges of the spot to its center, so that it has not acquired an even larger size;
  • when using aggressive agents - gasoline or solvent, you should first test their effect on a similar material;
  • if the pollution is too large, then it is better not to waste time contacting a dry cleaner, using folk methods you can successfully wipe off only small splashes and smudges.
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Removing old, dried paint from jeans takes a lot of work. In addition to water and soap, you will need more effective means that can penetrate the fibrous structure of the tissue. If aggressive substances are used for work - acetone, solvent, gasoline, then you should take care of personal safety measures. Handling must be carried out with rubber gloves in a well-ventilated, well-ventilated area to prevent irritation of the respiratory tract.

Important! The easiest way to wipe off is acrylic, water-based or watercolor paint. Oil-based paints and varnishes can be removed with great difficulty or not at all.

How to remove paint from pants using folk methods

Among the available tools, it will be quite successful to wipe off the paint:

  • table vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • ammonia;
  • baking soda;
  • refined gasoline;
  • sunflower oil;
  • household detergents and bleaching agents.
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There are very simple folk ways to restore the lost appearance of jeans with paint stains. For example, vegetable oil, which is applied to a stained area, rubbing a little into the structure of the material. The trousers are then washed in the usual way. The disadvantage is that after the process it will be necessary to remove the stain from the sunflower oil, but this is much easier.Typically, this method is suitable for removing oil stains from jeans or other dense materials. Other paints can be removed well with gasoline or thinner.

As for natural fibers - wool, silk, flax, cotton, turpentine will help to wipe off the coloring matter. Previously, the dye is gently cleaned off with a toothpick or napkin, removing as much of the smallest particles as possible. Turpentine is applied to cotton wool, the stain is treated. Lagging particles are removed with a paper towel dipped in turpentine. Then several wipes soaked in the product are applied to the dirt and pressed with hands. The jeans are rinsed and washed. As a rule, this procedure is carried out several times for maximum efficiency.

You can remove a fresh and old stain of oil paint from jeans with kerosene, which should soak it well for 4-8 hours. Pre-dried particles are removed with a knife, and an absorbent material is placed under the pants. A cloth napkin is placed on top of the dye soaked in kerosene and covered with plastic wrap. After the lapse of time, the product is washed in the machine.

How to remove paint from jeans with laundry soap

Laundry soap able to cope with fresh stains from acrylic, water-based paint on any clothing, including jeans. To do this, you need to substitute the place of pollution under a stream of running water and wait until it completely flushes out the paint. It is quite easy to wipe away water-based or acrylic stains with household soap using a brush or nails.

You can try removing more durable old paint from jeans with laundry soap and alcohol. The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. The soiled fabric is moistened with water and rubbed with laundry soap.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. The alcohol is heated, soaked in a cotton swab.
  4. Rub the paint off the jeans with a mixture of alcohol and soap.
  5. The thing is washed in the washing machine.

How to remove paint from jeans with vinegar

Combined with ammonia, salt and vinegar, you can quickly erase acrylic paint from jeans or trousers from any fabric. This will require:

  • 2 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  • 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt.

All ingredients are mixed, applied to the stain, and left for 3-5 minutes. Rub the dirt with a toothbrush and rinse the thing.

Vinegar can be used to scrub clothes and hair dye off immediately. The procedure is simple - table vinegar is applied to the stain, things are rinsed.

How to use hydrogen peroxide to remove paint from trousers

You can use hydrogen peroxide to immediately wipe off any paint that has come from a newly painted shop on your jeans. The product works well with hair dye stains, even dried ones.

Algorithm of action:

  1. Remove excess dye with a paper towel.
  2. The stain is treated with hydrogen peroxide from the edges to the center.
  3. The pants are soaked in warm water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. The garment is thoroughly rinsed and washed in the usual way.

For colored items and jeans, use hydrogen peroxide with lemon. For this, the contaminated area is treated with hydrogen peroxide and covered with chopped lemon slices. The mixture is left to absorb for 60 minutes, after which they are removed, the product is placed in the washing machine. An easy way to remove dye from jeans is quite effective and simple.

How to remove paint from jeans with glycerin and alcohol

From the home remedies always available in the medicine cabinet, you can use glycerin and ammonia. All this will help wipe the dye from jeans, this method is especially effective for colored trousers.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The stain is lathered with a solution of laundry soap in water.
  2. A cotton pad dipped in glycerin is applied to the stained area, left for several minutes.
  3. Immediately before washing, it is wiped off with a saline solution, to which a small amount of ammonia is added.

There is another effective way to wipe the coloring pigment from your pants with rubbing alcohol. In this case, table salt is added to it. First, salt is applied to the stained area and watered with alcohol. Leave in this form for 1 hour. It is quite easy to clean the contamination impregnated with the composition with a blade or toothpick, wipe off all the dirt. The jeans are sent to the washing machine.

How to remove paint from jeans with butter

You can clean the jeans of fresh, recently planted paint in this way:

  1. Take good quality butter and washing powder in equal proportions, for example, 1 tsp each.
  2. Mix the ingredients and apply a thick layer to the stain.
  3. Rub the stained area with a stiff brush until the paint begins to lag behind the jeans material.
  4. Pants are rinsed and washed in the usual way.

How to wipe paint off jeans with gasoline

Gasoline or other aggressive agents - white spirit, acetone, solvent are used to remove oil paint or dried stains from jeans at home.

For this:

  1. A little refined gasoline is applied to a cotton swab.
  2. Apply it to the dirt and leave it on for a few minutes.
  3. The paint can now be wiped off with a sharp knife or toothpick, moving from the edges to the center.
  4. Jeans are washed in the usual way with the addition of conditioner when rinsing.

If after gasoline the coloring pigment remains, then you can try to wipe it off with ammonia, only then clean it and send it to the wash.

There is another way to wipe old oily or acrylic stains off jeans:

  1. Use a knife to gently scrape off the dirt.
  2. For stains from oil paints, use vegetable oil or refined gasoline, white spirit.
  3. A cleanser is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the contaminated area.
  4. Wipe off the paint with a swab, without rubbing it in, namely, removing and often changing the cotton pad.
  5. The dirty area is treated with a solution of soda and jeans are washed in warm water.

From cotton trousers, you can wipe the paint off with gasoline mixed with white cosmetic clay. A mixture of equal proportions of the indicated components is applied to the contaminated surface and left for 3 hours to dry completely. Brush the product and wash it in the usual way.

Important! It is advisable to use acetone only for light-colored jeans, as it dissolves the coloring pigments of the fabric. Not applicable for synthetics.

How to remove paint on jeans with baking soda

The baking soda will help remove paint from cotton, light-colored pants or clothing that is stained, for example, from a park bench.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. In an enamel container, mix 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. soda and crushed laundry soap.
  2. The mixture is put on fire until boiling.
  3. During boiling, the contaminated area is immersed in the liquid for a few seconds.
  4. The paint should soften and it will not be difficult to wipe it off successfully.
  5. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to clean jeans from paint using chemicals

Household chemicals will also help to wipe the dye from jeans. First of all, you need to use the dishwashing detergent that is in every home.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Dish detergent is applied to the stain.
  2. Using a soft sponge, rub it into the fabric and leave it for 24 hours.
  3. The stained area is carefully wiped with a brush.
  4. Jeans rinse well.

Bleach works great on volatile dyes and is great for cleaning white pants. The soiled item is soaked in bleach for 30-40 minutes, rinsed and placed in the washing machine. Bleach can be replaced with hydroperite solution, but use it carefully. You should first test the hydroperite on a small piece of a similar tissue.

Use chlorine to remove dried paint from trousers or white jeans. Previously, as much of the coloring pigment as possible is removed from the surface with a clerical knife. Then the item is placed in a bleaching solution of 5 liters of water and 1 liter of chlorine.Boil for 30 minutes, stir occasionally. Then the product is placed in an automatic washing machine.

From household detergents, tar soap can also help. It is able to wipe off even oil paints, as it perfectly dissolves fatty substances, on the basis of which these types of dyes are made. The contaminated area is rubbed with soap, before that it is slightly moistened, left for 2-2.5 hours. They wash their jeans in the washing machine.

On sale today there are special stain removers designed for these purposes. They must be used strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm the material of the jeans.


All of the ways to wipe paint off your pants work well, but none of them guarantee 100% results. In exceptional cases, even dry cleaning of the product cannot cope with severe contamination. It all depends on the area of ​​the stained surface, the age of the stains and the material of the product. But trying to remove dirt and save your favorite pants or jeans is still worth it.

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