How to wash cherries

Many adults and children love cherries and everything that can be prepared from this delicious fruit that summer gives: dumplings, compotes, juices, jams. But it often happens that the pleasure of eating your favorite berries can be overshadowed by traces of juice on your clothes. There is no need to be very upset. You can remove cherry stains from any kind of fabric using simple home methods. You just need to know some rules for handling contamination from berries and follow them.

Features of removing stains from cherries

So that traces of cherry or cherry juice do not remain on your favorite T-shirt or jeans, and things retain their previous appearance, you should remember a few rules:

  1. It is necessary to wash off the pollution as soon as it appears, preventing it from drying out, since it will be much more difficult to cope with old cherry stains.
  2. As soon as the juice or compote has been spilled on the clothes, sprinkle this place with some kind of absorbent substance: starch, baby powder, fine salt, crushed chalk. After the substance absorbs the cherry liquid, shake it off, rinse the place under running water. Next, apply one of the methods to remove the cherry trace.
  3. Which tool to use will help you understand the acceptable processing conditions for this thing. They must be taken into account in order to wash well and not ruin your favorite dress, for example. All conditions are indicated on the product label: temperature conditions for washing, ironing, whether bleaching is permissible, how to properly dry a thing.
  4. It is not recommended to rub the stain from cherry juice chaotically so as not to make it bigger. Wipe off the dirt gently with a cotton pad or wet sponge, moving from the edges to the center.

When it is not possible to remove stains immediately after they appear, you need to soak your clothes with the powder for a while. So, the spilled juice will not dry out and the dye will be partially washed out of the fabric.

Attention! When the trace of berries disappears after using one of the available means, the soiled item should be washed off as usual using washing powder.
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How to wash cherries from clothes using folk methods

If you happen to stain your clothes with cherry juice, then you should not immediately use chemicals to remove the contamination. Otherwise, the quality and color of the entire product may be damaged. It is recommended to try one of the available substances: the most gentle one is sometimes no less effective than special chemicals.

When choosing one of the folk remedies for removing traces of cherries, you must follow the instructions for caring for clothes. This will avoid mistakes and not apply an unacceptable way, due to which the thing will be hopelessly damaged. Some products are suitable only for washing light-colored items, others cannot be used for delicate fabrics, while others work only under certain conditions. You should pay attention to this.

How to remove cherry stains with boiling water

One proven method to wash cherry juice off fabrics is boiling water. To do this, boil water in a teapot and gently pour over the stain. The trace will disappear before our eyes.

This method is effective for fresh stains, but not at all suitable for some fabrics. For example, linen, cotton items will tolerate this procedure well. But for woolen and fine fabrics, you need to try other means.

How to remove cherry stains with laundry soap

To remove old dried out traces of cherries and cherries, laundry soap will do. Moisten the place with water, rub it well with laundry soap and leave for 20-30 minutes. After that, spill the place of contamination with boiling water and wash it off after half an hour.

How to wash cherry juice with hydrogen peroxide

Use 3% hydrogen peroxide to remove cherry juice stains from white and light-colored clothing. As a rule, it is in the home medicine cabinet. For pure white clothing, you can use concentrated hydrogen peroxide. But for light, you need to dilute the product with water, so as not to spoil the look of the fabric.

To wipe off a dirty place, apply hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab, wiping the juice from the edges towards the center of the dirt, without smearing it on the sides.

How to remove cherry stains on clothes with vinegar

If hydrogen peroxide was not at hand at the right time, then acetic acid in a diluted form 2: 5 will be no less effective. Wipe the stain with a clean sponge dipped in a solution. You can safely wash white clothes with this product by pouring them directly onto the cherry stain before washing.

Important! It is not recommended to use citric, acetic and other acids to remove berry blots on colored fabric, as you can ruin the color of the whole thing.

How to remove a cherry stain with salt

Regular salt is always available in the kitchen and will help remove stains on any kind of fabric, especially if the stain is fresh. You need to take a little salt, slightly moisten it to make a thick mass, and rub the dirty place with it. Leave in this form for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the area with water and send the item to your regular wash.

How to remove cherry juice stains with baking soda

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Baking soda is in any housewife's kitchen arsenal. It will serve to remove cherry marks. Mix soda with water so that you get the consistency of a gruel. Apply to a place contaminated with berries and leave alone. After about half an hour, wash off with a stream of water. If the cherry mark is visible, repeat the procedure and then wash the clothes.

How to remove cherry juice stain with milk whey

Somewhat weaker than a bite, it works milk serum... It can be used to remove stains from delicate fabrics such as silk, wool. To remove contamination, the area with cherry traces must be immersed in serum for 2-3 hours. If there is no whey, you can put the soiled shirt in sour milk, kefir or other fermented milk product. To enhance the effect, add a little citric acid to the whey.

Comment! The use of several methods at once, from the ones listed above, in order to wash the cherries well, gives the most positive result. For example, remove the cherry juice stain first with baking soda and then apply 9% vinegar to the area. After the reaction, rinse everything with water and wash the product.

How to remove cherries from clothes using household chemicals

In the case when none of the home methods to wash the cherries helped or you don't want to mess around with the tools at hand, household chemicals are quite suitable. These can be specially designed preparations or universal gels and powders. Currently, a large number of them have been developed and can be selected according to their effectiveness and price. Here are some of them:

  1. Liquid gel for dishwashing perfectly removes not only grease, but also removes traces of berries from clothes. To do this, apply a gel and wash the place. If stains from cherries remain, then leave the clothes for 20 minutes. in water with detergent and then wash it.
  2. Toothpaste will help when pollution cannot be removed using folk methods. You need to rub the paste into the problem area and hold it for a while, watching its effect on the fabric. After the stain disappears, wash off the product with clean water.
  3. A stain remover such as Antipyatin is specially designed to remove old marks from berries. Sold as a gel, soap, or powder. Apply the product to the stain, leave for 15 minutes, pour boiling water over and then wash as usual.
  4. Bleach washes well any dirt from white and light-colored items. It is better to give preference to such chemistry, the action of which is based on active oxygen, and not on chlorine, because it changes the color of the fabric.
  5. The combination of bleach and stain remover gives good results. To wash, first soak the contaminated area with a gentle bleach. Then they are washed with a stain remover for hand or machine wash, for example, "Vanish".

To remove traces of berries from your clothes, before using chemicals, you should read the instructions on the label and act exactly on it. You also need to pay attention to the fact that this product is suitable for the given fabric. In this case, unwanted traces will be successfully removed, and the appearance and quality of the product will be preserved.


You can remove cherry stains from any kind of fabric, even if you don't have special stain removers and bleaches at home. Folk remedies existed even when they did not know anything about household chemicals. The use of improvised means, their combination gives no less successful result than advanced chemical developments when it is necessary to wash clothes with high quality. You just need to follow some rules for their use.

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