
Zabrus: medicinal properties, composition, contraindications
In ancient times, bee hatching was very popular in folk medicine. Even in Novgorod birch bark letters there is a mention of ...
Cucumber pickle: benefits and harms to the body
The benefits of cucumber pickle depend on how correctly you use it. Valuable substances in the composition of the product can improve well-being, but in ...
Is it possible to borscht with HB (breastfeeding)
Breastfeeding borsch does not belong to the category of prohibited foods and can be of great benefit. But you need to use it with ...
Why vinaigrette is useful for the human body
The benefits of vinaigrette for the human body are very diverse; vegetable salad helps to reduce weight and improve health. To make it truly valuable ...
Borscht: what is good for health, is it possible during pregnancy
The benefits of borscht are undeniable - the soup contains very valuable and nutritious foods. But in order for it to have a beneficial effect on the body, ...
What foods cause insomnia
Difficulties with falling asleep do not always arise against the background of a violation of the regime, psycho-emotional changes. Neurologists and psychotherapists isolate foods that cause insomnia. Them...
Goose fat: benefits and harms for adults and children
The medicinal properties and contraindications to goose fat are worth studying, since the product is highly valued both in medicine and at home ...
Rosehip syrup: benefits and harms, is it possible during pregnancy
Useful properties and contraindications to rosehip syrup are an important issue, since the remedy is recommended for use for many ailments. To evaluate...
Casein: where it is contained, a list of products, benefits and harms
Foods containing casein can provide great benefits to the body. But at the same time, the protein compound has many disadvantages, and in order to ...
What foods contain progesterone for women: table, list
Foods that increase progesterone in women are important for the reproductive system and weight control. You need to use them correctly, so you should study ...


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