
What treats bear bile: useful properties, contraindications, how to drink correctly, side effects, storage
The medicinal properties and uses of bear bile deserve careful study. Traditional medicine considers the remedy to be one of the most effective, but take it ...
Why seal oil is useful for health: composition, properties, how to take
The benefits and harms of seal oil have long been known to people living in the northern regions. It is used for both outdoor and indoor ...
Buckwheat pillow: benefits and harms for sleep
A wide assortment of pillows is represented by traditional down-feather, padding polyester products. There are also more exotic options. These include pillows with fiber from ...
Riboflavin eye drops: instructions for using the solution, composition, reviews
Riboflavin eye drops are a vitamin solution intended for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. He is able to activate the processes of energy metabolism in ...
Pine pollen: useful properties and contraindications, how to take, reviews
The healing properties and contraindications of pine pollen should be known to connoisseurs of traditional medicine. A plant product is very beneficial, but only with the right ...
Products containing phytoestrogens for women: list, table
Plant hormones are components of various dietary supplements and cosmetics. Substances help to eliminate dryness and flabbiness of the skin, slow down ...
Glycine: which foods contain the most, table
Foods rich in glycine can be found on every table. Those who carefully monitor their health and diet know in which ...
What foods help with heartburn
Foods that reduce heartburn can help out when you need them most. They are a great alternative to drugs. The problem is accompanied by a burning sensation that spreads ...
Natural antidepressants in foods and herbs: a comprehensive list
The mood depends on health, external factors and the work of the main endocrine glands, which include the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. They generate important ...
Quercetin: what foods contain, benefits and harms
Quercetin in food, when used correctly, helps to improve well-being and strengthen immunity. To assess the benefits of a substance, you need to understand ...


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