What foods help with heartburn

Foods that reduce heartburn can help out when you need them most. They are a great alternative to drugs. The problem is accompanied by a burning sensation that spreads from the esophagus to the sternum. It is caused by a violation of the acid-base balance.

Features of products against heartburn

Heartburn is one of the common symptoms of diseases of the digestive system. It causes significant discomfort, affecting a person's performance. The burning sensation in the esophagus increases with overeating and after heavy physical exertion. The main reason for its appearance is considered to be increased acidity of the stomach. The regular ingress of acid into the esophagus provokes scarring.

The main danger of the symptom is the high risk of developing cancer. Therefore, it is imperative to stick to the basics of a therapeutic diet. It involves eating foods rich in fiber.

The following foods are necessarily excluded from the diet:

  • sour berries;
  • spice;
  • flour products;
  • salty, smoked and fried foods;
  • fatty meat and fish broths;
  • alcoholic drinks.
Baking soda is especially effective against heartburn
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take
Attention! To prevent a burning sensation in the esophagus, it is advisable to refuse clothing that squeezes the stomach.

What foods relieve heartburn

Products to help relieve heartburn should always be on hand. This will allow you to get rid of discomfort in time, without resorting to medication. It is extremely important to ensure a drinking regime. Clean water will help reduce the acid concentration in the esophagus. You should also add fiber-rich foods to your diet. They have a cleansing effect on the organs of the digestive system and normalize the stool. Fermented milk products also cope well with heartburn. They are recommended for breakfast. The most suitable option would be milk porridge made from rice or oatmeal.


Bananas are a quick and effective remedy for discomfort. They are quickly absorbed and relieve hunger for a long time. The main benefits of bananas are their vegetable protein content and low fat content. The presence of starch in the composition protects the intestinal walls. Fiber stimulates the digestive system.

Recommended reading:  Why bananas are useful
The calorie content of ripe bananas does not exceed 120 kcal

Potato juice

The juice of fresh potatoes also helps to cope with a burning sensation in the esophagus. It accelerates the regeneration of the mucous membrane, preventing the appearance of ulcers and erosion. Stabilization of acidity is achieved with potato starch. It envelops the walls of the esophagus, neutralizing unpleasant sensations. Among other things, potato juice normalizes stool and relieves swelling.

Recommended reading:  Potatoes: useful properties and contraindications
To get a drink, just grate the potatoes


Applesauce contains a lot of fiber, which is essential for relieving heartburn. In addition to it, the composition contains many vitamins and minerals.To enhance the effect, you can use mashed potatoes with cottage cheese or milk porridge.

Applesauce is low in allergenicity


Ginger root eliminates not only heartburn, but also cramps. In addition, it promotes the absorption of heavy foods. To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to take a drink prepared with ginger. You can also use 1 tbsp of chopped root vegetable. l. half an hour before meals.

Ginger contains a rich supply of magnesium

Carrot juice

Carrots are one of the healthiest foods for the digestive system. She has the ability to restore metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. The main benefit of carrots is to reduce stomach acidity. It contains vitamins that weaken muscle tissue, which facilitates the passage of hydrochloric acid and food debris into the esophagus.

Carrot juice has the ability to increase appetite


Nuts not only quickly eliminate the burning sensation in the esophagus, but also perfectly satisfy hunger. But they must be consumed strictly in limited quantities. It is enough to eat 1 handful of nuts a day. Due to its high fat content, the product can cause heaviness in the stomach. The most suitable types of nuts are considered peanuts, almonds and walnuts.


If you consume 20-30 g of nuts per day, you can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Milk porridge

Milk porridges also have a beneficial effect on digestion. They have a powerful absorbent effect. The enveloping properties of porridge help to collect acid from the walls of the esophagus and promote its elimination. In addition, the dish perfectly saturates with energy and restores vitamin and mineral reserves. It is advisable to give preference to porridge with a viscous texture. Oatmeal is the best option.

Banana Supplement Increases Oatmeal Potency
Advice! For immediate relief from heartburn, you can use pineapple juice.

Rules for the use of foods that reduce heartburn

Certain foods can treat heartburn in the stomach almost instantly, but it is much easier to prevent the problem. To do this, you need to follow a number of rules. First of all, avoid foods that cause heartburn and avoid overeating. Prohibited foods include:

  • coffee;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • citrus fruits;
  • salted and smoked fish;
  • fatty soups;
  • raw onions.

Heartburn is much less common in people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. In this case, the risk of developing diseases of the digestive system is reduced. The rules for eating foods for heartburn are as follows:

  • you can eat honey, waffles and cookies as a dessert;
  • with a tendency to heartburn, it is forbidden to eat foods with a high content of seasonings;
  • it is advisable not to talk while eating;
  • it is necessary to abandon the use of excessively hot dishes;
  • from the diet you need to turn off foods that increase gas formation;
  • it is not recommended to take a horizontal position after eating;
  • instead of tea, it is advisable to drink mint broth;
  • It is strictly forbidden to have dinner just before bedtime.

It should be remembered that foods treat heartburn, but do not eliminate its cause. To completely get rid of the problem, you need to cure the disease that provoked it.

Products for heartburn during pregnancy

A burning sensation in the esophagus often occurs in pregnant women. Most often, it appears in the last trimester. This is due to fetal pressure on the digestive organs. In the first trimester, heartburn often occurs together with symptoms of toxicosis. To normalize health, it is necessary to include in the diet foods that reduce the acidity of the stomach. These include:

  • kefir;
  • carrot;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • potatoes;
  • honey;
  • oatmeal.

The choice of products for heartburn during pregnancy should be approached with extreme caution. Baking soda, indicated for admission for diseases of the digestive system, is strictly prohibited for women in position.To prevent heartburn, you need to stop eating fatty meats, smoked meats and spicy foods.

Important! You can reduce the likelihood of a burning sensation in the esophagus with the help of chamomile tea, drunk after a meal.


Foods that reduce heartburn should be consumed in limited quantities, as overeating can make the problem worse. It is important to consider the degree of compatibility of products with each other. If the symptom is caused by a serious illness, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

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