Why seal oil is useful for health: composition, properties, how to take

The benefits and harms of seal oil have long been known to people living in the northern regions. It is used for both external and internal use. There are practically no contraindications to it, but before inclusion in the diet, you should consult your doctor.

Description and composition of seal oil

Seal oil is an environmentally friendly product. It is saturated with biologically active substances and is easily absorbed in the body. If we compare seal and fish oils, then the first of them is considered a more valuable product. It improves blood composition and has a positive effect on the health of people who have undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

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This substance is a source of fatty polyunsaturated acids:

  • docozapentaenova;
  • eicosapentaenova;
  • docosahexaenoic;
  • Omega-3 and 6.

These components have a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, the work of the brain and heart. Also fatty acids are involved in the synthesis of endothelial cells - the elastic inner lining of blood vessels.

The composition of seal oil includes:

  • vitamins E, A, D;
  • elements bromine, iron, iodine, manganese, calcium;
  • squalene.

Squalene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon that is involved in biochemical and metabolic processes at the cellular level. It is necessary to prevent oxygen deficiency in tissues and organs. Squalene is considered the enemy of many dermatological and oncological diseases.

Why seal oil is useful for human health

Seal oil is a powerful antioxidant. When it enters the human body, it promotes healing at the cellular level.

The beneficial properties of seal oil include:

  • reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of fat and protein metabolism;
  • elimination of iodine deficiency;
  • a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and hematopoietic organs;
  • anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action;
  • improvement of the condition in inflammatory diseases of the joint tissue;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack.

It is recommended to include this product in the diet for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive systems, arthritis, arthrosis. It has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes and prevents a decrease in visual acuity. Residents of the northern regions, who have seal fat in their daily menu, are less at risk of developing atherosclerosis, infection with tuberculosis and other diseases.

Important! Regular consumption of this product reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The substances contained in it prevent the appearance, growth and multiplication of cancer cells.
The raw material for obtaining fat is the cover fat of seals that live in ecologically clean regions, so the probability of accumulation of harmful substances in their tissues is minimal.

For women

Under the influence of vitamins, fatty acids, antioxidants contained in seal oil, the body slows down the processes of physiological aging.It does this by stimulating the formation of new cells. Also, the product improves eyesight and has a positive effect on reproductive function. It stimulates metabolism, speeds up the process of losing weight.

Women are advised to consume seal oil while carrying pregnancy. It has a positive effect on the growth, development of the fetus and helps to improve the health of the expectant mother. The substances included in the composition strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Particular attention should be paid to this product for women who are about to enter or have already begun menopause. Fatty acids support calcium-phosphorus metabolism. This reduces the likelihood of a decrease in bone density and the development of osteoporosis.

For men

Vitamin E, which is part of the seal oil, acts as an antioxidant. It is necessary for people during periods of heightened physical and emotional stress. It is recommended to use it as a food supplement for fatigue.

The antioxidants contained in seal oil prevent the development of oxidative stress, this is one of the reasons for the deterioration of the reproductive organs. It has a positive effect on spermatogenesis and potency.

Cardiologists recommend including a supplement in the diet, since men over 40 have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. People suffering from hypertension are advised to consume seal oil daily. This reduces the likelihood of exacerbations with increased stress.

How to choose and not buy a fake

In most seal regions, fat is sold in pharmacies or specialty chain stores. It is undesirable to buy it from unverified sellers or in spontaneous markets. There is a high risk of stumbling upon a fake.

The most convenient way to take seal fat is packed in gelatin capsules, they should just be washed down with water

When buying, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the product and look at the certificates. The list of mandatory documents includes a declaration of conformity. It must indicate the trade mark, product name and manufacturer.

Attention! Edible fat obtained from aquatic mammals does not belong to dietary supplements and specialized medical nutrition.

How to take seal oil

The method of application of seal oil in the form of capsules should be indicated by the manufacturer on the box, bottle with the preparation or in the attached instructions. Doctors' recommendations for admission may vary depending on the amount of active substances in the prescribed product. Some people advise taking 1 capsule three times or 2 each. twice a day.

If you managed to purchase a natural product, then it should be taken in 1-2 tsp. twice a day. The standard course of use is 2 months. It can be extended on the recommendation of a doctor.

The use of seal oil in cosmetology

Extraction from the fat deposits of seals is actively used in cosmetology. Under the action of the components contained in it, the condition of the skin improves, wrinkles are smoothed. Hair products are popular.

Seal oil is added to creams and masks for the face, décolleté. Their regular application promotes hydration and saturation of the dermis with nutrients. Under their action, the skin becomes softer and smoother. Regular application of products with the addition of a natural component allows:

  • restore fat balance;
  • eliminate lethargy;
  • make the skin firm and elastic;
  • reduce the severity of edema around the eyes.

The seal oil extract can be added to ready-made cosmetics or used in the preparation of homemade creams and masks.

An effective nourishing cream you can make yourself from seal oil, seaweed extract and aloe

The agent is actively used for the preparation of nourishing hair masks. They are designed to improve the structure of each hair, giving the curls shine and a well-groomed look.You can make a remedy from burdock oil mixed in equal proportions with seal oil. Previously, the last component must be heated to a liquid state in a water bath. You can increase the effectiveness of the mask by adding a few drops of vitamin E.

Apply the seal oil product to your hair twice a week. Procedure time - 1 hour. After the mask, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse your hair with cool water. It is not necessary to use an additional balm or conditioner.

Harm of seal fat and contraindications

Dietary fat obtained from aquatic mammals is considered harmless. But people who have previously been diagnosed with intolerance or allergy to this product, it is better to refuse to use it. When planning to include pharmacy supplements in the diet, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the capsules. Some people may experience an allergic reaction to the components used in the manufacture of the gelatinous shell.

Caution should be observed in people who, as prescribed by a cardiologist, are constantly taking blood thinners. Omega-3 acids can enhance their action.

Some people do not want to take seal oil. Contraindications include:

  • an excess of calcium and vitamin D in the body;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland, in which iodine is contraindicated, for example, nodes, autoimmune thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tuberculosis;
  • renal failure.

There are no known cases of overdose with natural products. But doctors recommend not to experiment and use it strictly in prescribed quantities.

How to store seal oil properly

The pharmaceutical product, which is sold in capsule form, should be stored in a shaded place, protected from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature is 5-20 ° C. The drug is valid for 24 months from the date of manufacture. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging.

It is not recommended to store natural seal fat for a long time. Due to the ongoing hydrolytic processes and oxidation upon contact with oxygen, its quality deteriorates. The seal oil, which has undergone heat treatment, goes on sale. It can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Such a product must be stored at a temperature not exceeding + 7 ° C.

Store natural seal fat in dark glass containers in the refrigerator


The benefits and harms of seal oil for the body can be assessed after the end of the course. They note an improvement in general well-being and appearance, an increase in resistance to infectious diseases, and a surge of strength. But before starting to use, you should make sure that there are no contraindications.

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