Products containing phytoestrogens for women: list, table

Plant hormones are components of various dietary supplements and cosmetics. Substances help to eliminate dryness and flabbiness of the skin, slow down the aging process. Phytoestrogens in foods and herbs help prevent osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's syndrome.

Effect on the body

Natural hormones gained popularity in the 2000s, due to numerous studies. It has been found that the substances contained in plants and certain foods have a positive effect on the body.

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring chemical compounds. They resemble active substances that are produced by the human body. The composition of substances determines their functioning as estrogens. It is noteworthy that plant hormones also perform the opposite task. They act simultaneously as antiestrogens.

Attention! A sex steroid is responsible for the functioning of internal organs. Estrogens contribute to reproductive function. A decrease in concentration leads to the appearance of menopausal changes with corresponding symptoms.

Phytoestrogens are necessary when there is a deficiency of their own hormones. After 40 years, the number of steroids produced decreases. This necessitates the use of foods that are natural sources of nutrients.

The female body is able to store estrogens. Their significant concentration is noted in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. This explains why thin women age earlier.

Phytoestrogens can compensate for the deficiency of a sex steroid

Signs and causes of estrogen deficiency

Female hormone production begins during puberty. The level of estrogen affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the development of sexual characteristics (secondary), the ability to conceive and carry a child.

Attention! The lack of the hormone affects the appearance of a woman.

Lack of estrogen in the body may be due to the following reasons:

  • pituitary pathology;
  • underweight;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • tumors (hormone-dependent);
  • taking nootropics and antidepressants;
  • increased physical activity;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.
Attention! A decrease in the synthesis of sex steroid is also caused by an unbalanced diet, in which there is a deficiency of iron and cholesterol.

Reducing the production of estrogen when a woman enters menopause is considered the norm. Signs of hormonal deficiency are more pronounced after removal of the uterus and appendages, as well as resection of the ovaries. It is this organ that is responsible for the production of estrogen.

If a deficiency occurs in adolescent girls, the following symptoms are observed:

  • absence of menstruation up to 16 years;
  • the formation of a figure according to the male type;
  • underdevelopment of the mammary glands.
Important! Hypoestrogenism interferes with reproductive function.

Decreased hormone production is considered natural after age 45. With early menopause, which is caused by the suppression of the ovarian function, the following symptoms of estrogen deficiency occur:

  • headaches;
  • hot flashes;
  • sweating;
  • pressure surges and increased heart rate;
  • dryness in the vagina;
  • decreased libido.

If hypoestrogenism occurs at reproductive age, the following manifestations are possible:

  • frequent inflammation of the genital organs;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • severe PMS;
  • lack of lubrication;
  • dry and peeling skin, rashes;
  • psycho-emotional changes (insomnia, irritability, depression).

What does estrogen deficiency lead to in women?

Hormones regulate the functioning of all systems and organs. Steroid deficiency provokes:

  • violation of reproductive function;
  • vegetative manifestations;
  • bowel disorders;
  • diseases of the urogenital tract;
  • joint pain, osteoporosis;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
Important! Determine hypoestrogenism using laboratory diagnostics.

What foods contain phytoestrogens

Plant hormones are found in the following sources:

  • nuts;
  • soy;
  • oilseeds;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • bran;
  • fruit;
  • flax seeds;
  • vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • hop cones.
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Important! Dairy foods also contain useful substances.

Phytoestrogen content table in foods

You can fill the hormone deficiency with nutrition.

List of products containing phytoestrogens for women

Sources rich in plant hormones should be included in the diet for deficient conditions. The list of products with phytoestrogens includes the following names:

  1. Soy... Foods contain isoflavones, glycitein (in seedlings), genistein and daidzein, which is similar in structure to estradiol.
    Plant hormones contain soybeans, milk, nuts, fermented drinks
  2. Dairy products... Phytoestrogens are present in cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese. This is due to the cows eating grass.
    A significant amount of nutrients is found in cheese with mold due to the activity of the fungus

    Recommended reading:  Why goat cheese is good for you
  3. Flax seeds... This useful product contains lignans that stimulate biochemical reactions.
    Flaxseed is recommended for menopause
  4. Grapes... Natural hormones are represented by resveratrol.
    The product exhibits antioxidant properties
  5. Pumpkin... Some varieties are rich in phytoestrogens.
    The presence of vitamins and minerals contributes to the production of hormones
  6. Olive oil... A food high in phytoestrogens is also rich in retinol, a fatty acid.
    Olive oil should be consumed in moderation due to its calorie content

Herbs rich in phytoestrogens

Natural hormones found in plant sources are beneficial for the female body. Phytoestrogens are present not only in food, but also in herbs:

  1. Red clover... The medicinal plant includes isoflavones.
    Red clover is used in the climacteric period to reduce the severity of signs of reproductive decline
  2. Licorice... The roots of the plant are rich in isoflavones. Phytoestrogens have a positive effect with a deficiency of their own hormones.
    Infusion of licorice root also helps to normalize liver function
  3. Borovaya uterus... One-sided ortilia is used to treat and prevent hormonal disorders.
    Natural hormones that are part of the composition are beneficial in the treatment of infertility

Products that lower estrogen in women

An increase in the level of steroids leads to a set of extra pounds, the growth of benign tumors of the organs of the reproductive system, pathologies of blood vessels and the heart.

The use of certain foods allows you to normalize the level of estrogen:

  • mushrooms;
  • cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli
  • grenades;
  • fatty fish (trout, salmon);
  • onions, garlic, green salad (sulfur sources);
  • citrus fruits, pears, apples, peaches;
  • dried fruits;
  • brown rice;
  • nuts;
  • seaweed;
  • green tea.
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Important! Experts recommend limiting the use of dairy products.

Phytoestrogen food table for women

Plant substances are important for the body. The table provides information on phytoestrogen-rich foods for women:

Rules for selection and use

Phytoestrogens for women are found in foods. A balanced diet is essential to ensure that all valuable nutrients are supplied. Vitamins and minerals present in vegetables, fruits, dairy products, seeds and nuts contribute to the synthesis of estrogen in the body.

The food consumed should include foods from different groups. It is not recommended to overuse foods rich in phytoestrogens.


The phytoestrogens present in foods and herbs are beneficial for the female body. Valuable substances help to normalize the level of steroids, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of various systems. Phytoestrogens contained in products play a special role for women over 40 years of age. The age period is characterized by the entry into menopause and the appearance of signs of ovarian extinction. Natural hormones help reduce symptoms of physiological changes.

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