Grapefruit oil: application for hair, face, cellulite, slimming

The properties and uses of grapefruit essential oil are widely known not only in folk medicine, but also in home cosmetology. With its help, you can cleanse and lighten the skin of the face, strengthen the hair, and make the figure slimmer.

Composition and properties of grapefruit oil

Grapefruit is a natural hybrid of pomelo and orange, which differs from other citrus fruits for its impressive size and bright orange color. It grows in Israel, America, Brazil and other countries. Its fruits can grow up to 15 cm in diameter. However, it grows in bunches like grapes.

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Grapefruit has bright juicy pulp and orange skin.

The use of grapefruit oil in improving fat metabolism, dulling appetite, fighting cellulite. With its help, they restore healthy secretion of the sebaceous glands, prevent the appearance of acne, and tighten the pores. The properties of grapefruit extract are determined by the chemical composition of the peel or seeds of the fruit - it is from these parts of the plant that it is made by cold pressing.



Organic acids (citric, malic)

Lemon acid

Mineral salts: K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Se, Cu, Mn, Fe, P, Na.

Flavanoids (querticin, rutinoside, hesperidin)

Vitamins: A, PP, C, H, B-groups

Vitamins: C, E



Glycosides: naringin, bergamottin


Natural sugars


The rich mineral and vitamin composition and the presence of protective, antioxidant substances in it makes grapefruit oil indispensable not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Some of the more pronounced properties of this product are worth considering.




Removes excess fat


Prevents dandruff

Retains moisture


Retains elasticity

Gives shine

Normalizes the function of the sweat glands


Improves blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer

Improves growth

Brightens, removes age spots

Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands

Accelerates regeneration


Makes pores and acne marks invisible


Slows down natural aging


Helps with acne


Prevents the appearance of stretch marks in pregnant women


Grapefruit oil is used for the body as an anti-cellulite and drainage agent. It has a number of properties:

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  • improved blood circulation;
  • establishment of metabolic processes;
  • cleansing from toxins, excess cholesterol;
  • disinfection;
  • decreased appetite;
  • toning;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • lack of addiction;
  • removal of excess fluid.

The huge benefit of grapefruit oil is that it has a tonic effect on a person, removes muscle spasms, edema, improves the elasticity of joints, and does not have a negative effect on the microflora of the body.

Attention! The grapefruit combines all the medicinal properties of citrus fruits due to the high concentration of vitamin C.
Essential oil is obtained from the peel and seeds of grapefruit

Terms of use and contraindications

The essential oil of grapefruit, like all citrus fruits, can be obtained through pressing (pressing) the peel. Aromatic oils are found on the very surface of the fruit. To get them, the peel is often and finely pierced, and then the necessary substance is squeezed out. You can also get grapefruit extract at home. To do this, the fruit must be washed and dried. Then remove the peel and cut into pieces. Squeeze them with your fingers. Collect the released drops of liquid in a dark glass bottle.

Your acquaintance with grapefruit seed oil should always start with one drop. People who are prone to allergic reactions should set a three-day trial period for the new product. Further, the dosage can be gradually increased.

The extract must be fresh, not only when used internally, but also for external use. The mixture containing grapefruit oil should be kept tightly closed in the refrigerator. Initially, cook in small portions so that the composition does not have time to deteriorate.

When using products made with the inclusion of grapefruit extract, you must carefully listen to your feelings. If a new substance causes a reaction of rejection in the body, that is, you do not like the aroma, taste, you should, despite all the apparent benefits of the product, abandon it and find similar in properties.

Aromatic grapefruit oil is actively used in cosmetology - both in industrial and domestic

The use of grapefruit essential oil in cosmetology

The fight against oily skin and hair, as well as cellulite, is the distinctive ability of grapefruit. To get the full result, one inhalation of essential vapors will not be enough. It is necessary to take it inside and use it for external rubbing.

By simply sniffing the essential extract, it stimulates the olfactory nerve. That, in turn, affects the brain and excites various emotions, physical needs. When oil gets inside with food, its substances penetrate into the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body, tissues and organs, which creates a kind of stimulation "from the inside" and enhances the positive effect of aromatherapy.

The main value of grapefruit seed oil is in its natural naturalness. When used, there are no side effects, as in many synthetic drugs. It is very important to monitor the quality of the product. You should not buy it for a low price, since real oil will cost at least 300 rubles for 5 ml. For the production of 1-3 kg of butter, it is necessary to spend about 100 kg of peel. Also, the manufacturing technology itself is quite expensive.

Acceptable dosages:

  • massage procedures: 5 drops / 15 ml base;
  • aromatherapy: 5 drops / 15 sq. m;
  • enrichment of various cosmetics: 5 drops / 10 g.

Citrus extracts tend to burn the skin slightly. Therefore, grapefruit should be used carefully. It is undesirable to apply it directly to the skin, but stir it in an emulsifier (honey, milk, cream). When using grapefruit oil inside, remember that it can only be added to fatty (dairy products, egg yolk) or sweet (honey, syrup, sugar) base, but not to water.

Grapefruit extract is often included in face masks, which gives them tonic, anti-aging properties

Grapefruit essential oil for face skin

Applying grapefruit oil for face is ideal for people with oily or mixed skin types.It tones well, gives freshness and elasticity, removes wrinkles, smoothes unevenness. This effect is achieved by suppressing enzymes that destroy the structure of the skin and cause it to age quickly. Rose grapefruit oil is often used for facials.

Grapefruit oil for acne

Using your fingertips, apply a couple of drops of grapefruit essential oil to your face and massage gently. Rinse off after two minutes. It is not recommended to use for longer than the specified time or on dry skin. If tissues are sensitive, it is better to dilute the extract with water.

Warts should be lubricated with clean grapefruit twice a day. Treat rashes, hives or lichen with a solution (10 drops of extract + 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil), which is applied to the affected area twice a day.

Grapefruit extract helps get rid of acne and other types of acne

Anti-wrinkle grapefruit oil mask

It is difficult to get rid of wrinkles if their appearance is caused by the natural aging process. You can slightly suspend the effect of time on a woman's face using oils, including a grapefruit product.

It is better to apply the mask on steamed skin - this way the effect will manifest itself stronger. The most affordable and uncomplicated recipes for mixtures:

  • from blue clay (+5 drops of grapefruit);
  • almond oil (+ 4 drops);
  • moisturizing day cream (5-6 drops per bottle);
  • mix with any other base oil.

Masks can be prepared with a more complex composition, which will vary depending on the type of skin. For example, for oily skin you will need: honey (60 g) + milk (1 tsp) + grapefruit oil (2 drops) + rosemary oil (2 drops). Mix everything, apply on prepared skin for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Attention! Grapefruit extract can be added little by little to any cosmetic product. This will enrich them and make them more efficient. For aging skin, you can prepare cosmetic ice with grapefruit.

Whitening mask

Grapefruit helps whiten age spots on the face

A mask to even out the skin tone on the face can be prepared on the basis of almond oil. It is necessary to enter additional ethers into it:

  • grapefruit - 3 drops;
  • ginger - 2 drops;
  • rose - 3 drops.

Apply twice a week.

Grapefruit essential oil for hair

The use of grapefruit seed oil helps restore healthy shine, density, and well-groomed appearance to hair. It successfully fights against excess oiliness, moisturizes the dry scalp, normalizing the sebaceous glands. Fights dandruff, hair loss, makes curls obedient and gives them shine, nourishes with useful substances. It is necessary to add a few drops to shampoo, masks. Grapefruit oil is also used for rinsing hair.

Grapefruit extract is used to strengthen hair

Hair growth and strengthening mask

Prepare a composition of several essential oils. Take grape seed ether (1 tbsp. L.) And 3 drops of sage, grapefruit, rosemary. Rub into the scalp. Then insulate everything and keep it for an hour or two, depending on the type of hair - dry or oily.

Dandruff mask

It is necessary to add 15 drops of grapefruit ether to 10 ml of shampoo each time you wash your hair. The mask is prepared as follows:


  • cold broth of calendula - 50 ml;
  • rye flour - 30 g;
  • grapefruit (oil) - 2 ml.

Prepare gruel from the above ingredients, keep for half an hour. Wash off with green tea broth. The course of treatment includes 10 sessions. Prevention - once a month.

Mask for eliminating grease

In the case of increased fat content, it is recommended to use aromatic compositions. The composition may include, for example, the following components:

  • grapefruit - 30 drops;
  • chamomile - 8 drops;
  • cinnamon - 9 drops;
  • cottage cheese - 40 g.

Apply the nutrient mixture to the hair roots. Keep under the film for half an hour. Wash off with a decoction of lemon peels at room temperature.

For hands and nails

Grapefruit ether strengthens the nail plates and cares for the beauty of the hands

Grapefruit extract is used to care for the skin of the hands, soften it, heal microcracks, and also to strengthen the nail plates. It can be added to hand baths, lubricate the nail plates with a brush.

For lips, eyelashes and eyebrows

Grapefruit extract helps to protect and moisturize the lips, prevent them from drying out and cracking. It nourishes and saturates with vitamins, trace elements necessary to maintain a healthy state. Improves blood circulation in this area. The lips acquire a natural, healthy color. Take a tablespoon of the base oil and add a couple of drops of grapefruit extract. Before that, test for compatibility with the body somewhere on the elbow or wrist. You can add ether to lip balm.

Eyelashes and eyebrows will be thicker when nourished with a mixture of grapefruit ester and base oil. Enough 1-2 drops per spoon of base. Apply, massage for a few seconds and leave overnight.

Essential oil of grapefruit for cellulite

Grapefruit is a proven remedy for fighting cellulite

Cellulite on the body appears as a result of serious hormonal changes that are very difficult to correct with the help of medicines and other means. It is all the more difficult to get rid of it at home. But you can try to prevent the appearance of the orange peel or partially smooth out its presence on the body.

In this case, it's time to do an anti-cellulite massage. You can prepare massage oil with the addition of grapefruit yourself. You need to take five drops of the seed extract and mix it with the base material. Better if it is a teaspoon of refined olive oil. Grapefruit extract has the ability to bind fats, thereby promoting the disappearance of cellulite.

Apply the massage mixture to the thighs and buttocks. Knead them with light and smooth movements for 10 minutes. Then, at the end of the massage, you should drink a glass of water. This will help remove toxins from the body. Water helps to speed up metabolism.

Grapefruit essential oil for weight loss

You can lose weight very easily with the help of grapefruit ether.

One of the properties of grapefruit is the ability to reduce hunger. Therefore, those who wish to lose weight should inhale its oil shortly before eating. There are other essential oils that can help reduce appetite and lose weight:

  • Apple;
  • banana;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • rose flower;
  • anise;
  • vanilla.
Attention! You should be aware that the smell of cigarettes in the apartment interferes with the perception of aromatic oils used for weight loss.

How to use grapefruit oil in medicine

The scent of grapefruit relieves headaches

Essential oils are carried throughout the body through the bloodstream and reach the brain. Here they promote the release of endorphins - these are substances that cause a feeling of joy. The person's mood immediately becomes elevated. This is the special state of the body that stimulates the autonomic nervous system.

For insomnia

Sleep disturbances are most often due to nervous strain, overeating or stress. Aromatherapy methods will help to cope with this:

  • add 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil to a warm bath, enjoy the relaxing aroma for 5-10 minutes, then wipe dry;
  • apply 1-2 drops of oil to the temple or wrist, rub in, you can use cotton wool and glue it with adhesive tape on your hand;
  • apply an aroma lamp.

It must be remembered that a few drops are enough to fill a large room with aroma. So it's important not to overdo it. It is advisable not to use more than 4 drops at a time.

For diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Grapefruit seed oil is a good stimulant for the digestive system and liver. Has a pronounced choleretic, antispasmodic effect.It is used for violations of liver function, digestive processes:

  • intestinal disorder (dilute 10-15 drops of grapefruit seed oil in a glass of warm water);
  • parasites, fungi in the digestive tract (3-15 drops / 200 ml of water), take daily for a month;
  • flatulence, constipation, diarrhea (3-5 drops / cup of water), taken several times a day;
  • intestinal infections.

The extract, diluted in water, helps with food allergies, poisoning and to normalize bile secretion.

For muscle pain

Massage Grapefruit Blend Helps Relieve Muscle Spasms

With increased physical exertion, massage using a therapeutic mixture based on grapefruit oil helps. The substances contained in it contribute to the dissolution of lactic acid - thanks to this, muscle pain goes away.

For the treatment of colds

During the cold season, grapefruit seed ether is often used as an indoor air freshener. Its disinfectant, antibacterial and antiviral properties help keep the air clean and healthy. There are other uses as well:

  • with otitis media, mix 3-6 drops with 30 ml of glycerin;
  • for herpes on the lips, apply topically;
  • for angina, rinse (10 drops / tbsp. warm water);
  • with bronchitis, drink twice a day (20 drops / st. water);
  • runny nose (3 drops / 100 ml of water).

With a runny nose, cough, grapefruit oil is used as a filler for inhalation.

Aromatherapy with grapefruit essential oil

A few drops of grapefruit can fill a large room with its scent.

The properties of grapefruit oil are widely used in aromatherapy. It began to be produced in an industrial way relatively recently, since 1933. Ether has a fresh, delicate and slightly bitter aroma, which has a bright tonic effect. The highest quality, expensive oils are obtained by pressing, the cheaper ones - by steam distillation.


  • as a filler for aromatic medallions;
  • for aromatization of premises;
  • for medicinal purposes as an antidepressant, as a tonic, to reduce appetite, improve brain activity;
  • for going to the bathhouse;
  • for aroma baths.

Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine. It is used to regulate memory, emotions, sleep correction.

What is grapefruit oil combined with

Grapefruit oil can be combined with other esters to create unique fragrance compositions

Grapefruit extract is combined with all fruit base oils. For example, it can be combined in one formulation with peach seed oil or used with others. Also, grapefruit oil is often found in recipes in combination with the following types of product:

  • citrus;
  • bergamot;
  • incense;
  • ginger;
  • jasmine;
  • laurel;
  • cypress;
  • cardamom;
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  • geranium;
  • angelica;
  • mimosa;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • carrot;
  • neroli;
  • pink tree;
  • palmarosa.

The citrus aroma, which includes the grapefruit, is rather unstable and evaporates quickly. Therefore, it is better to combine it with wood oils, which last longer.

Attention! For one session, it is enough to pour 5-7 drops of oil into the aroma lamp.

Contraindications for use

Before using grapefruit extract, test the response on the wrist or inside of the elbow

There are no serious contraindications to the use of grapefruit oil. It must be treated with caution by children, allergy sufferers, asthmatics. It is believed that grapefruit oil applied to the skin as part of any cosmetics makes it vulnerable to ultraviolet rays of the sun. Therefore, it is better to use it in the evening or before bedtime.

Attention! Do not use grapefruit extract for more than 6 weeks without a doctor's prescription.


The properties and uses of grapefruit essential oil are quite diverse. The extract has a bitter, but pleasant and refreshing scent, and has many beneficial properties. It is widely used in medicine, cosmetology, and everyday life.

Reviews on the use of grapefruit essential oil for hair and face

Danchishina Inna Aleksandrovna, Novokuznetsk, 38 years old.
I don't really like grapefruit, but I like the fresh and invigorating aroma of essential oil. In addition, it helps to improve mood, overcome stress, relieve headaches, give vigor and strength for the whole day. And in home cosmetology, this is an indispensable tool. Well tones the skin, narrows sebaceous ducts, removes blackheads.
Freeze Galina Alekseevna, Kiev, 27 years old.
I have been using grapefruit oil for a long time. I mainly use it to scent the room. Pleasant aroma, calms the nerves, relieves headaches. If you add to the water when washing your hair, the citrus scent lasts for a long time. I advise everyone!
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