Perfume stain: oily and regular, how to remove from clothes

Perfume stains are a common problem for many women. Girls, without hesitation, spray their favorite scent on a white blouse, sweater, T-shirt. The fabric takes on an ugly appearance, oily marks form on it. You don't need to throw away your clothes, although it can be difficult to remove perfume stains. It is worth reading some recommendations and folk remedies.

Does perfume wash off clothes

It is very difficult to eliminate greasy stains, since any perfume contains alcohol and various oily components. It is for this reason that it is believed that traces of fragrances cannot be removed from whatever fabric the clothes are made from. But thanks to the accumulated experience, it became clear that it is quite possible to remove stains.

Important! To prevent the appearance of oil marks, experts recommend applying the product to the body - not every woman is familiar with this recommendation, so the question arises about the need to remove perfume.
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Features of removing perfume stains on clothes

Perfume traces are complex contamination, this is important to consider before removing them.

Some recommendations:

  1. Before choosing a method, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of things. If the blouse is delicate, then choose soft, gentle products.
  2. If the perfume has left a stain on clothes, then it is better to remove it immediately. Stubborn marks will have to be removed in more complex ways.
  3. If the perfume has an oil base, then glycerin should not be used to remove perfume stains on knitwear. In this case, you need to use alcohol.
  4. It is recommended to wash the item immediately after processing. This is done to prevent streaking.
  5. As a last resort, you can use a regular stain remover. It is applied according to the instructions.

To prevent the appearance of perfume stains, it is better to apply them on the wrist, behind the earlobe, on the back of the elbow. Then the scent will last for a long time, the dress will not suffer.

Oily stains from essential and aromatic compounds are considered the most persistent. They are not easy to remove as oils are quickly absorbed into the fibers of the material and eaten into them.

General tips for removing perfume marks:

  1. As soon as they drop it on the thing, they immediately soak it with a paper napkin or towel. Do not rub this area, the stain will only expand.
  2. A cardboard sheet is placed under the stain on the seamy side of the product. The oily trail can easily seep from the outer surface to the inner, then you will have to remove 2 spots. To prevent this, they put cardboard. Can be replaced with plastic or other material.
  3. Take any of the substances - baby powder, talcum powder, baking soda. The formulations perfectly absorb excess oily deposits.
  4. Using a soft brush, gently rub the product into the dirty area.
  5. As soon as hard lumps of powder appear on the product, this means that the powder is absorbing fat.Leave for another 5 minutes.
  6. The circles are shaken off with a brush, the excess product is removed with water.
  7. A little liquid soap is dripped onto the oily place. If perfume gets on a woolen cardigan or chiffon blouse, then these things will need to be washed by hand.
  8. The brush is moistened in water and the soap is rubbed into the material.
  9. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with clean water and allow to dry.
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If the sweater or dress can be machine washed, then another method is needed. 1 drop of detergent is applied to the stain after talc treatment. Before putting things in the compartment, the area is processed manually. To do this, scrape it off with a brush. Sharp and strong movements cannot be done. Thanks to the treatment, the oily area from the perfume can be washed off faster and more efficiently.

Then they turn on the machine and set the mode depending on the type of fabric. Experts recommend adding plenty of powder or gel and setting the temperature to the highest. After the end of washing, the garment is dried in the usual way without a dryer. Thanks to simple rules, stubborn greasy stains will be removed without problems.

How to remove perfume stain from clothes using folk methods

Before purchasing store-bought chemicals, you should try to remove the stain with home remedies.

How to remove perfume stains from clothes with rubbing alcohol

To remove recent perfume stains on your jacket, you need to use rubbing alcohol. It will help remove a fresh trace, so after returning home, you need to immediately start processing. A cotton pad is moistened with alcohol, the material is soaked on both sides.

How to use vinegar to remove perfume stains

The practice of many women shows that vinegar can be used to remove traces of perfume from any fabric surface.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. In 1 liter of water combine 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 6 drops of dish detergent.
  2. The area is soaked with the resulting mixture and left for 15 minutes.
  3. Then rinse well.
Important! A few rinses are enough to remove the vinegar odor.

How to remove perfume stain with laundry soap

A simple soap will help remove the perfume. Moisten the tissue area with water. Lather this place with a bar of soap and leave for 20 minutes. Then it remains to wash the oily perfume from the clothes.

How to remove perfume stain from clothes with lemon juice

You can remove stains from perfume with lemon juice. If not, use lime or acid. The principle of action is that thanks to the heat, the acid will push the fat out of the fibers.

You can clean the product like this:

  1. Squeeze juice from one lemon wedge.
  2. Gauze is immersed in the composition.
  3. Apply to the problem area.
  4. Place paper towels under the stain to absorb the oil.
  5. A hot iron is placed on top of the gauze for exactly 2 minutes.
Important! This method cannot be used for leather and suede items.

How to remove perfume from clothes with glycerin

If you use glycerin with acetone, you can remove the stain. How to apply:

  1. Glycerin is heated, distributed over a dirty place.
  2. Take a cotton pad and moisten it with acetone.
  3. Apply to the area and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinsed with tap water and machine washed.

How to remove perfume from clothes with hydrogen peroxide

To remove fresh stains, use a simple method. It will not take more than 5 minutes. You need to act as follows:

  1. Peroxide is poured onto the contaminated area and distributed with a cotton swab.
  2. Leave for a while.
  3. If the stain does not come off, pour in a little more product.

The second method allows you not to wash the product. According to the hostesses, the trace disappears perfectly without washing. Hydrogen peroxide is poured into a dirty place and hung out on the balcony. Under the influence of the sun's ultraviolet rays, the effect of the liquid will increase.

You can also apply this recipe. Combine peroxide and ammonia and pour into 200 ml of hot water. The solution is applied to the contaminated area and wait until the trail disappears. Then it remains to wash the product.

With the help of peroxide, you can remove greasy stains on cotton and linen clothes. 15 ml of the composition and 30 g of powder are poured into the basin. Wait for the solution to start working.

Important! In addition to cleaning things, peroxide whitens them.

How to get rid of perfume on clothes with clay

Clay and alcohol are used to cleanse perfume stains. For greasy stains, use only a white product. Clay is mixed with water, a little alcohol is poured in. The resulting gruel is applied to the trail. Leave the clothes to dry. Then the composition is removed with a brush, the product itself is washed in a machine.

How to clean perfume stain with specialized products

Store-bought bleach can be used to remove perfume stains on blouses and any clothing. It is necessary to contact a store consultant, describe the trail to him, tell from what it appeared. The specialist will select the correct chlorine-free composition. Before using the stain remover, be sure to read the instructions and recommendations.

Important! Be sure to observe the specified proportions - if you break the dosage, you can ruin your favorite thing.

A little test is recommended before applying the bleach. A little means is applied to the seamy side of the product and they look at the reaction.

If a stain has formed on light-colored products, then you need to use stain removers:

  • Vanish;
  • Antipyatin;
  • Tyra spray.

The composition is applied to the oily place according to the instructions and left for a while. Then rinse, wash if necessary.

From store products, detergents are excellent. They are used to treat stains from perfume to washing.

List of effective formulations:

  • BOS Plus Maximum bleach is sold at a budget price, helps to remove perfume stains on white material;
  • Udalix Ultra removes old marks, does not change colors and protects the structure of the fabric;
  • Astonish oxy plus contains soda, helps to remove stains with high quality, does not harm fabric;
  • Amway is available as a spray.
Important! Recommendations for the type of specialized products depend on the material of the blouse or sweater. You can quickly deal with the problem within 6 hours from the moment the divorce appears.

Many housewives praise dish detergents - Fairy, Sort. They contain special substances that can dissolve fats and oils. Soak the stained place with the composition and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then the product is washed.


Removing a perfume stain is not easy, but it is possible if you respond to the problem in time. Among folk recipes, lemon juice, peroxide, laundry soap, glycerin have proven themselves well. Housewives also use specialized drugs that are sold in household chemicals stores. These are stain removers, bleaches and even dishwashing detergents.

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