Useful properties of Tibetan raspberries and contraindications

One of the more unusual types of raspberries is Tibetan. Outwardly, it looks like a strawberry. On the plots, it is planted most often for decorative purposes, since few like the berries. The benefits of Tibetan raspberries can be estimated after studying its composition and effects on the body. It has a positive effect on the work of the digestive, nervous and immune systems.

Recommended reading:  Raspberry: useful properties and contraindications, calorie content

Chemical composition

Tibetan raspberries contain many substances that are necessary for the human body. Among them:

  • vitamins C, P, A, E;
  • elements iron, copper, potassium;
  • pectins;
  • folic acid.

Under the influence of these substances, the work of the circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems is normalized. But from Tibetan raspberries can be not only good, but also harm. Before including it in the diet, you should make sure that there is no allergy. The substances that make up the berries can provoke the development of intolerance reactions.

What are the benefits of Tibetan raspberries

Despite the unusual taste, you can include Tibetan raspberries in your diet. Thanks to its composition, it has a positive effect on health:

  • ascorbic acid stimulates the body's defenses, helps it fight against pathogens of viral diseases;
  • vitamins P, E are antioxidants that help restore cells, tissues, these are known inhibitors of aging;
  • with the participation of vitamin A in the body, redox processes take place, retinol is necessary for the synthesis of proteins;
  • iron is responsible for the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  • copper is necessary to support the work of the endocrine glands and respiratory organs, strengthen hair;
  • Potassium is needed to maintain the ratio of sodium to magnesium in the body.

Pectins have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Under their action, peristalsis is normalized, the process of food digestion is improved.

The fruits of Tibetan raspberries are large, when they are used, fiber enters the body

With regular use of berries in the human body:

  • vascular walls are strengthened;
  • the required blood composition is maintained;
  • the development of anemia is prevented;
  • metabolism is stimulated;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • the work of the digestive system improves, gas formation decreases.

Tibetan raspberries can be used as an antidepressant. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. People who grow this variety know that eating several ripe fruits a day helps to reduce the likelihood of contracting the flu, acute respiratory infections. If it was not possible to avoid the disease, then this product helps to lower body temperature, get rid of other unpleasant symptoms of the common cold. Under the influence of useful components, the risk of developing complications of viral diseases is reduced.

Comment! Due to its low calorie content, Tibetan raspberries can be added to the menu of people who are trying to lose weight.

It is enough to eat 15-20 medium-sized and large berries per day. This amount contains most of the daily intake of substances necessary for the body.

Contraindications to the use of Tibetan raspberries

People who are prone to allergies should refuse Tibetan raspberries. You can check if there is a reaction to the product if you eat a berry within 2-3 days.If there are no rashes, itching and other manifestations of allergies, then you can include the fruits in the diet.

It is not recommended to abuse the Tibetan raspberry for patients with diabetes. It is not necessary to completely exclude it from the menu, but it is important to remember the restrictions when using it. 5-10 fruits per day will be enough.

When forming the menu, you need to take into account the beneficial properties of Tibetan raspberries and contraindications. It helps saturate the body with vitamins, but some people are forbidden to eat these sour fruits.

Collection and procurement

Bushes bear fruit from mid-summer to late September. Collecting Tibetan raspberries is necessary only after full ripening. It is undesirable to pick berries at the stage of technical maturity. Ripe fruits have a sweet and sour taste, the presence of a bitter aftertaste is allowed.

The collection process is complicated by the fact that the bushes of the plant are covered with thorns. Often the thorns are in the immediate vicinity of the fruit, so it is better to pick them with protective gloves.

Collecting Tibetan raspberries is easy, the bright red berries do not hide under the foliage, but are located on top

The fruits can be harvested for the winter. They are frozen, used to make jams, jams, jellies. You can preserve the maximum number of useful properties if Tibetan raspberries are dried. In the cold season, it is used to prepare fortified drinks - teas, compotes.

It is better to dry fruits in special electric dryers for vegetables and fruits or in the oven at a temperature of about 50 ° C. Teas made from them in winter and spring will help to fill the lack of vitamins. They are recommended to be included in the diet to strengthen immunity, reduce the risk of catching colds, and normalize metabolism.

Tibetan raspberries can be frozen. Beforehand, the berries should be washed well and dried with paper towels. It is necessary that moisture evaporate from their surface. If frozen fruits are needed for the preparation of compotes, teas, jelly, then they can be folded in plastic bags. After thawing, they will lose their shape. You can store Tibetan raspberries for up to a year.

Comment! If the berries are needed for decoration, then it is better to put them in boxes at a short distance from each other. So they will not freeze together in the freezer.

Most of the beneficial properties of Tibetan raspberries are preserved during heat treatment. Therefore, you can make jam, jam, add them to compotes from the fruits.


The benefits of Tibetan raspberries are great, these berries are a source of vitamins C, A, E, P, minerals, pectins. With their regular use, immunity is strengthened, the functioning of the digestive organs normalizes, the condition of blood vessels, skin, hair improves. They are advised to be included in the diet of people suffering from nervous disorders.

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