Useful properties of pollock

The beneficial properties of pollock attract many people. Carnivore meat from the Cod family is prized for its nutritional composition. It has an unusual and pleasant taste. The state of his health depends on a person's proper nutrition. Seafood is necessary because of the presence of valuable Omega-3 acids for the body, useful vitamins and minerals. People who eat fish are provided with protein in normal amounts. In addition, harmful cholesterol is eliminated with the help of this product. The benefits and harms of pollock depend on the quality of the product and the presence of contraindications.

What is this fish

The waters of the Atlantic, the shores of Iceland and Norway are the places where schools of these predatory fish are most often found. Her body is elongated, head is pointed. The belly is light silver in color, the head is darker, and the back is olive. On the sides it is yellow. Pollock can be distinguished from all its other relatives by a light stripe along the back. In addition, a distinctive feature of this predator is its protruding lower lip.

The size of an adult fish is up to one meter. Such a catch weighs at least 17 kg. Predators live in flocks for about 30 years.

In the middle of the last century, this fish was not so valuable. It was caught all year round in small quantities, which did not affect the population in any way. As time passed, people tasted the taste of its meat, and catches increased, which led to a gradual decrease in its amount. We had to regulate the pollock catch in order to relatively stabilize its population. This helps to keep the catch under control.

Pollock meat composition

The meat of this predator has a unique taste and gray color, dense consistency. It cannot be called rough or dry. Due to its specific shade and pleasant taste, it is liked by many gourmets and connoisseurs of seafood. It is used not only for culinary masterpieces, but also frozen for further cooking.

This fish is an incredible source of protein. It contains many vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, A, K, E, potassium, sodium, selenium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, nickel, manganese.

Attention! It is worth clarifying that pollock is cheaper than cod. But she is in no way inferior to her.

Calorie content of pollock

The calorie content of pollock per 100 grams is 92 kcal. There may be slight deviations depending on where she lives. The calorie content of baked pollock is 85.07 kcal, fried - 93 kcal, and steamed - 87 kcal.







Why pollock is useful for the body

The huge benefits of pollock for the body of children and women in position. Phosphorus, which is in fish, has a beneficial effect on the function of the musculoskeletal system of people. The presence of iodine helps the thyroid gland to function. Calcium is of great benefit to bones. Zinc, which is part of the meat of a carnivore, is a good work of the hormonal system of the female and male sex. In addition, this substance helps in the development of intellectual abilities.

Cobalt is an excellent helper in the body's hematopoiesis. With its help, erythrocytes develop faster, adrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands. Nickel helps to normalize blood pressure. Due to the presence of molybdenum in fish, teeth are strengthened and metabolic processes are regulated.In addition, this chemical increases hemoglobin and is very beneficial for the restoration of male sexual function. With the help of vitamins, the functioning of the liver, pancreas, thyroid gland, and gallbladder improves.

After eating fish and liver fat, immunity is significantly increased and the process of cell renewal improves.

Important! Baked pollock is an indispensable dish during the recovery process of people after surgery.

Is canned pollock good for you

The meat of this fish is delicious in any form. Gourmets appreciate the canned predator. Canned fish "sea salmon" is often found in retail outlets. This product is made from pollock. It is important to note that such meat is much cheaper than real salmon, but the product is in no way inferior in nutritional value and value.

Frozen and canned pollock is very popular in Western European countries. It is useful in any way.

How to cook pollock deliciously

The meat of this fish is delicious in any form. It can be baked, fried, boiled, canned, minced for cutlets. It can also be pickled and smoked. This fish, cooked with the addition of white wine, acquires a gorgeous and unique taste.

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Some housewives simply fry its fillet until golden brown and serve it along with potatoes, carrots and onions. Delicious pollock baked in foil. Before that, it must be sprinkled with special herbs for cooking fish dishes and sprinkled with lemon juice.

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Light ear made from this dietary fish is a favorite food in many families.

Harm of pollock and contraindications for use

It is important to consider that pollock can be a strong allergen. People who have noticed seafood intolerance should be careful. In case of the slightest signs of allergy, it is better to completely exclude it from the diet.

In addition, it should be remembered that pollock, depending on the environment in which it lives, accumulates such a harmful substance as mercury. It is advisable to find out where it was brought from before buying fish.

Despite the fact that fish is very useful for children, it is necessary to start giving dishes from it with a minimum amount. So you can notice a possible negative reaction to the product and take prompt action.

How to choose and store pollock correctly

When choosing a pollock, there are certain tips and tricks. They are not much different from the rules by which other fish species are selected. It is worth focusing on such indicators:

  1. First of all, the fish must have an attractive appearance. Fresh pollock should have a natural shine, firm when pressed and not emit an unpleasant odor. Do not take weathered fish.
  2. The place where the fish is bought should be considered. If it is too far from the place where it was caught, then it is better to take it canned or frozen. In this case, do not forget to look at the date of its packaging. Frozen fish should not contain much ice. This may indicate that the product has been thawed and frozen more than once, which is fraught with the risk of bacterial contamination.

There are also certain rules regarding the storage of this fish:

  1. Fresh saithe can be stored outside the refrigerator for no more than 4 hours.
  2. If it lies on ice in the refrigerator, it can be stored in this way for 3-4 days.
  3. Saury is stored in the freezer for about 8 months.


After the benefits and harms of pollock have been considered, conclusions can be drawn. Judging by what nutrients this fish contains, it is a really valuable product with unique taste. For those who want to be in constant tone, feel good and not get sick, it is imperative to include dishes from this extraordinary fish in their diet.

Reviews about the side

Pollock fish has received mostly positive reviews for its taste and useful qualities. Only in some cases is it negatively spoken about. These are mainly those people for whom, for one reason or another, pollock did not suit.

Inna Prochkovskaya, 34 years old, Perm
I bought frozen pollock for the first time. I tried to fry her fillet in batter. It turned out a little harsh, but all the household liked the taste anyway. Now I prefer to stew it with vegetables. Unusual and amazing taste. The guests are delighted.
Valentina Petrenko, 46 ​​years old, Moscow
I bought fresh frozen pollock in the supermarket. I wanted to bake it with lemon in foil. I have already heard a lot of positive reviews about fish, but I myself have never tried it. I was upset as soon as I unpacked the vacuum packaging. Even when frozen, the fish did not emit a very pleasant aroma. She looked unappetizing. Due to my professional habits, I wanted to see what the fish had inside. After I ripped open her abdomen, a liquid of an incomprehensible color poured out of it. In the abdominal cavity, I found a tapeworm larva. Even though it is frozen, it is harmless to humans, but its presence caused me rejection. As a result, the fish got into the garbage chute.
Elena Kravets, 56 years old, Pushkino
Pollock and pelengas are two types of fish that are adored in my family. Whatever I cook from them, nothing ever goes to waste. I try every Tuesday and Thursday to pamper my household with some delicious from these fish. Maybe that's why we all always have a great mood and excellent health. After all, pollock and pelengas are a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins.
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