Bergamot essential oil: benefits and uses

The benefits and harms of bergamot oil is a topic that is of great interest to fans of traditional medicine and home cosmetics. It is interesting to figure out in which cases an unusual remedy can be used - and what effect it has on the body.

How bergamot oil is obtained

Bergamot is a citrus plant bred by selection of orange and citron, and the fruits of this plant. It is from the peel of the latter that ether is extracted. The peel is harvested from still unripe fruits, as a rule, from late autumn to mid-winter - and oil is squeezed out of it using cold pressing. It takes a lot of raw materials to obtain a useful product - 1 kg of oil is obtained from about 200 kg of peel.

The finished product has a greenish-yellow color, has a viscous consistency, and it is very easy to recognize it by its bright, fresh, sweetish aroma and slightly bitter taste.

The chemical composition and caloric content of bergamot oil

The beneficial properties of the product are very high, since the composition contains many valuable substances. Namely:

  • limonene, or lemon extract - takes about 60% of the total;
  • linalyl acetate substance - about 17%;
  • linalool substance - approximately 9%;
  • bergapten and bergaptol;
  • citral and nerol;
  • pinene and camphene.

The calorie content is very low - only 2.8 calories are present in 100 ml of oil. Considering that in cooking, the agent is used in very small dosages, it does absolutely no harm to the figure.

Properties and uses of bergamot oil

With almost any type of use, the product has a positive effect on health. Namely:

  • accelerates metabolism and promotes the proper functioning of metabolism;
  • strengthens blood vessels and thereby protects the heart system from ailments;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels, reducing damage to the liver;
  • effectively fights bacteria and viruses, therefore it is actively used for inflammatory and colds;
  • reduces high temperature;
  • has a slight analgesic effect;
  • extremely good effect on the condition of hair and skin.

The benefits of bergamot are highly valued in cosmetology, home medicine, and cooking. Ether is used for personal care and for the treatment of a number of diseases, and the addition of the agent in minimal doses to food and drinks quickly strengthens the immune system and improves the general condition of the body. Also bergamot oil is an aphrodisiac that is highly valued by men.

Traditional medicine recipes with bergamot oil

For some ailments and disorders, citrus is the most commonly used remedy.It is useful to know the methods of use - this will help to cope with the disease faster and, moreover, not harm yourself through negligence.

For inflammation in the oral cavity

Since among the useful properties of the product there is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, the oil is good for periodontal disease, stomatitis and toothache. It is enough to drop a few drops of bergamot into a glass of clean water and rinse your mouth thoroughly. You can also add a drop of oil to the toothpaste - right on the brush before brushing your teeth.

For herpes

Ugly herpes sores will heal faster if you lubricate your lips with pure essential oil every 3 hours. However, before this procedure, the product must be applied to some other area of ​​the skin and wait to make sure that the body will not be harmed by allergies.

For runny nose and colds

The useful properties of the ether are excellent for colds, fever, runny nose and coughs. The tool helps to accelerate the discharge of phlegm, fights viruses and microorganisms, helps to facilitate breathing, and removes toxins from the body.

There are several ways to use oil. For instance:

  • open the bottle and breathe in the aroma of bergamot with severe nasal congestion;
  • pour a pan of hot water and drip a few drops of the product into it, and then breathe in the rising steam with your head covered with a towel.

The benefit of inhalations will be that they will help to significantly alleviate the condition with a cold and contribute to a speedy recovery.

From cystitis and other infections of the genitourinary system

The beneficial antibacterial properties of the product help well with cystitis and other inflammatory pathologies in women. The following should be done - prepare a half-liter container with warm boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to it, drip 6 - 8 drops of oil, and then douch.

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Also, warm baths with the addition of oil will be beneficial for inflammation and infections. For a whole bath, add 7 drops of oil and 2 large spoons of emulsifier, which will help the product dissolve properly. Take a bath as usual, about 15 minutes. This method of treatment is equally well suited for women and men with ailments in the genitourinary sphere.

To relieve PMS symptoms

If premenstrual syndrome is difficult, you can use essential oils and apply them pointwise to biologically active points of the body - the solar plexus and wrists. Usually they mix a few drops of sage, bergamot, jojoba oils.

For fungus and eczema

The antibacterial properties of the oil can help fight fungus, dermatitis, eczema and other skin conditions. You just need to lubricate the affected areas on the skin several times a day. The product will also benefit from traumatic injuries - burns and scratches, as well as from insect bites.

Before lubricating sore spots with oil, it is recommended to dilute it a little with water - so as not to harm the skin with increased sensitivity.

Compresses for swelling and pain

For migraines, arthritis, pain and muscle spasms, and swelling, it is not necessary to immediately resort to pain relievers. For starters, you can try using the properties of bergamot.

For pain in muscles and joints, it is customary to make compresses - best in the evening. A few drops of the product are added to 400 - 500 ml of water, then a piece of gauze or a tissue napkin is moistened in liquid, applied to the sore spot and kept for about 20 minutes. All the beneficial substances present in bergamot oil directly enter the body through the skin. If necessary, compresses can be repeated several times a day.

If you have a headache, you can simply lubricate your temples or neck with a few drops of oil. The relief will come very quickly.For muscle pain, rubbing the sore spot with oiled palms can also be beneficial.

Bergamot oil for face

Knowing about the beneficial properties of the product, one should not be surprised at the demand for bergamot essential oil for cosmetology. The oil is added to creams, masks, tonics, gels. It not only aromatizes cosmetic preparations, but also increases their value, as it has a tightening, rejuvenating and nourishing effect on the skin.

You can make healthy skin care products at home if you have a citrus remedy on hand.

Mask for oily skin

The following mask will help to narrow pores and normalize the production of subcutaneous fat:

  • whipped egg white is mixed with 5 drops of oil;
  • applied to the face with an even layer;
  • keep until washed off for about 10 minutes.

You need to make a mask 3-4 times a week, then the benefits of its use will not be long in coming.

Anti-acne remedy

The properties of another mask will help relieve irritations on the skin of the face and get rid of pimples. Mix 7 ml of grape oil with a few drops of bergamot and thyme oils. The resulting product is used to lubricate the face, hold the mask for no more than 15 minutes so that there is no harm to the skin, and then gently wash off.

Bergamot oil for hair beauty

The product brings noticeable benefits to the hair - with regular use of the oil, they become more manageable, silky and strong. Bergamot extract helps get rid of dandruff and moisturizes dry scalp.

A few drops of oil can be added to your regular shampoo, brush the teeth of the comb with the agent. There are also recipes for hair masks that are easy to make at home.

For oily hair

To regulate the oiliness of your hair and scalp, you can make the following mask:

  • 50 ml of yogurt is mixed with 2 egg yolks and 20 g of oat flour;
  • 5 drops of bergamot oil are added to the mixture;
  • the mask is evenly distributed over the hair, especially carefully processing them at the roots, wrapping the head with cling film and a towel on top.

Wash off the mask after about 10 minutes, it will be useful to rinse your hair with chamomile decoction. It is recommended to do the procedure twice a week for greater benefit.


Instead of expensive dandruff remedies, citrus ester can be used. It is necessary to mix a few drops of bergamot and sandalwood, dilute in 15 ml of jojoba oil - and distribute evenly over the hair.

You need to keep the product for about half an hour. After just a few applications, it will be noticeable that the dandruff has become much less and the condition of the scalp has improved.

Bergamot oil for cuticles and nails

A citrus remedy will help against brittle nails and burrs - and it is very simple to use it. You just need to massage the cuticles, the skin of the fingers and the nails themselves daily - just a couple of drops of oil will be enough.

The effect will become noticeable after about 10 procedures - the nails will become stronger and acquire a healthy color, the cuticles will soften and the burrs will disappear.

Bergamot oil in aromatherapy and perfumery

The product is appreciated not only for its beneficial properties, but also for its very pleasant smell. The tool is actively used in aromatherapy - the citrus scent perfectly relaxes, improves mood, relieves fatigue. In addition, the inhalation of aromatic vapors has a medical effect - useful substances enter the body, and overall well-being improves.

Important! Aromatherapy involves more than just aromatizing a room. This category also includes inhalations, aromatic baths, and spot application of oil on the skin.

Ester can often be found in perfumery products - a citrus note always refreshes the aroma, gives it lightness and at the same time astringency. If you have bergamot ether in your home, you don't even need to buy a perfume with this ingredient - before leaving the house, you can apply a couple of drops of the product to your wrists and neck.However, it must be borne in mind that the essential oil quickly disappears, and the aroma will not last long.

Slimming baths and wraps

Bergamot body oil can help you shed those extra pounds. Moreover, it does not even have to be consumed inside - in order to lose weight, baths and body wraps are used.

A healthy aromatic bath with citrus oils, cream and honey will start the fat burning processes in the body and accelerate weight loss.

  • Heat a liter of fresh cream in a small saucepan over low heat, then add 3 large tablespoons of flower honey to them.
  • The mixture is mixed well, removed from the stove and 5 drops of bergamot oil, as well as ginger and cypress oils, are instilled.
  • The prepared aromatic agent is poured into a collected warm bath and taken for about half an hour.

Advice! You should not dry off with a towel after such a bath - it is better to gently blot the skin and let it dry naturally in a warm room.

For body wraps, a beneficial essential agent is most often used with coffee grounds. Together, these two components are most effective in accelerating the metabolism in the subcutaneous tissues.

  • 8 large tablespoons of coffee grounds are mixed with unrefined wheat germ oil.
  • Add 3 drops of bergamot oil and the same amount of cardamom oil.
  • The mixture is applied to the pre-heated skin on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, rubbed in with light massaging movements.

From above, the problem area is wrapped with cling film and for 40-50 minutes they lie under a blanket or a warm blanket, and after this time the mixture is washed off.

Bergamot oil inside

Ether is used not only externally. The tool can also be used internally, although in very small quantities.

Bergamot oil tea

If desired, bergamot ether can simply be added a couple of drops to a teaspoon of honey and washed down with tea. But aromatic black tea with bergamot oil is more popular.

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If you have essential oil and regular black tea at home, then making a drink is very simple. You just need to pour the tea leaves into a glass container, add 6 drops of oil and mix the leaves thoroughly. Then brew as usual.

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Is bergamot oil used for tanning

One interesting property of bergamot ester is that it enhances tanning. This can be both beneficial and harmful. If the skin is very white and sensitive, it is better not to lubricate it before going out into the sun - burns are possible. But healthy and sun-resistant skin can be treated with a product - bergamot will help make your tan stronger and stronger.

Can bergamot oil be used for pregnant women

During the period of bearing a child, use the beneficial bergamot ester very carefully. Sessions of aromatherapy and inhalation are allowed for use - their properties will not harm the woman and baby. And the benefits will be expressed in the fact that bergamot will help cope with migraines, colds and stress.

Important! You should not use the product inside during pregnancy - the properties of bergamot can harm the mother's body and the fetus.

Harm of bergamot oil and contraindications

For all the benefits of the product, it has certain contraindications. Do not use bergamot ether:

  • if you have an individual allergy;
  • in acute diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • with hypertension;
  • with increased skin sensitivity;
  • under the age of 12.

Inside the product is not recommended for pregnant women, and before external use, concentrated ether is best diluted with water so as not to get harm and burns.

How to store bergamot oil properly

The product can retain its useful properties for up to 5 years, but it must be stored in accordance with all the rules, namely, at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees, in a dark glass bottle under a tightly closed lid.

You cannot keep bergamot ether in a plastic bottle - it will quickly deteriorate and begin to release toxins.


The benefits and harms of bergamot oil are determined by how you use it. With proper handling, the agent will bring undeniable benefits to the body and will have a beneficial effect on health and appearance.


Yartseva Irina Petrovna, 32 years old, Moscow
A few months ago I used bergamot oil for nail fungus - and I was surprised by the quick effect. I managed to cope with the fungus in a couple of weeks, the skin returned to a healthy state, and I almost did not use pharmacological agents.
Larionova Tatyana Sergeevna, 39 years old, Tver
I have been using bergamot oil for my hair for a long time - I regularly make masks, add a couple of drops of the extract to the shampoo. Thanks to this, my hair is voluminous, does not split and does not fall out. My daughter uses bergamot oil on her face for acne, and the harm from adolescence is minimal - pimples disappear quickly.

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