How to narrow jeans at the bottom at home: on a sewing machine and without sewing

Tucking jeans at the bottom at home is one of the most effective ways to give your old pants a new life. After all, fashion does not stand still, and wide, flared jeans are gradually leaving positions. In order not to throw out your favorite wardrobe item, it will be useful to learn how to narrow things. There are many different methods, which sometimes do not even require possession of a needle and thread.

Is it possible to narrow jeans from the bottom

Almost any model of trousers can be slightly changed at home without any problems. Life hacks will help to narrow jeans both with the use of a sewing machine, and in the work by hand.

The main thing is to manipulate the product from the inside of the leg, since the outer seams can have decorative elements.

How to narrow jeans at home

Everyone knows what to make narrow jeans out of wide ones in any sewing studio. However, everything is easy to do with your own hands and at home. In order not to spoil your favorite wardrobe item, it is important to take into account several nuances:

  1. Denim is rather rough but fragile. Therefore, there is a need for mandatory processing of the edges, otherwise the pant leg will gradually crumble.
  2. When sewing, you need to monitor the length of the needle steps so that the seams made by hand do not differ much from the factory ones.
  3. The suture thread should also be as similar as possible to the one with which the original stitches were made.
  4. To work at home, you will need to prepare the necessary items - scissors, chalk or soap, safety pins, sewing threads, a ruler.

How to tape the inside of your jeans

You don't have to have a lot of experience in sewing to make your jeans narrower. All you need to do is follow the instructions and don't miss important points.

How to narrow your jeans:

  1. First you need to turn your pants inside out.
  2. Cut them apart along the inner seam and at the bottom (the length of the cut seam will determine the degree of narrowing, for flared jeans you can remove the seam up to the knee).
  3. The area of ​​the allowance must be steamed with an iron so that the creases are not visible.
  4. Try on jeans.
  5. Using pins, mark the places where the new seam should go. In this case, it is important to take into account not only the appearance, but also your own comfort: it is recommended to take several steps in different directions, bend over, sit down.
  6. Spread the trousers on a firm, level surface, trying to smooth out all creases and folds.
  7. Draw a straight line with chalk where the pins are.
  8. Using contrasting threads and a needle, mark the future seam using the needle forward method.
  9. Re-try the product to identify possible defects and re-test for wearing comfort.
  10. Take off the pants and use chalk to outline new lines, remembering to make a 1.5 cm allowance from the sewing line.
  11. Cut off excess fabric.
  12. Overcast the edges or make zigzag processing, choosing the color of the thread that is most similar to the shade of the product.
  13. Iron the finished seams.
  14. Sew the product along the lines drawn, trying to connect the new and old seam as smoothly as possible so that the transition between them becomes invisible.
  15. Now you can sew the lower part of the product. To do this, it is necessary to align the cuts, mark a 4 cm allowance, bend and stitch using threads matching the tone to the finishing line.
  16. Steam all new seams with an iron using a pad or sleeve.
  17. Cut off the remaining threads.
  18. Unscrew the product and try it on.
  19. In the absence of flaws, you can completely iron skinny jeans.
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How to skinny jeans properly with old skinny jeans

You can beautifully narrow jeans in an easier way, using trousers of the desired width. This method is suitable for those who are not confident in their abilities and cannot "by eye" make a fitting.

To narrow your jeans at home, you must:

  1. Lay the product to be changed on a flat, hard surface.
  2. Put trousers on top that are completely suitable in width.
  3. Draw a line with chalk: a new seam will have to go along it.
  4. Use threads to bast the product.
  5. Try on pants.
  6. If there are no comments and feelings of discomfort, then the thing must be removed and turned to the wrong side.
  7. Cut off excess fabric, keeping in mind the allowance.
  8. Overcast the edges to prevent the jeans from fraying.
  9. Sew trousers following all the recommendations described in the first method.

How to make skinny jeans out of straight jeans using a pattern

The highest quality result at home can be obtained by applying the third method of suturing jeans, which involves the use of a pattern. To do this, you need tight pants that will serve as the basis for the pattern. And wide jeans will need to be dissolved at the seams.

There are a number of steps you need to follow to make your jeans narrow at home:

  1. Place wide open pants on a flat surface.
  2. Lay out the prepared pattern on top.
  3. Use chalk to mark the fabric.
  4. Cut off excess material, remembering the need for an allowance.
  5. Sew the pattern along the lines with a temporary seam.
  6. Try on the product. If all the nuances are taken into account, you can proceed with further finishing.
  7. Overlock the seams.
  8. Sew the product.
  9. Steam with an iron.
  10. Re-try.

How to narrow jeans at the bottom without a sewing machine

If you do not have the skills to work with a sewing machine, you can also narrow jeans with a thread and a needle, without resorting to using special sewing equipment. This will require:

  1. Unscrew the product.
  2. Try it on.
  3. Using safety pins, chop off the excess fabric back to back with the line of the original seam, focusing on the required width.
  4. Lay the jeans out on a flat surface.
  5. Sweep along the line of pins the place where you will need to sew the pants, carefully and accurately adjusting everything under the seam.
  6. Sew to the basting line with the thread matched to the maximum color. In this case, you need to try to take even and short steps.
  7. Smooth down the old seam so that it fits as tightly as possible along the suture line.
Important! This method can only be used on products where the seams are not too tight, since they are not unstitched, but sewn, which entails the formation of additional thickness.

For those who are not afraid of difficulties, it is proposed to narrow jeans at home using a different method:

  1. Try on wide trousers, first turning them inside out.
  2. Narrow the product with safety pins.
  3. Take off your pants and draw a straight line with soap or chalk along the places marked with pins.
  4. Cut off excess tissue.
  5. Overcast the edges by hand or take the item for processing on an overlock in the atelier.
  6. Sew the product as evenly as possible.
  7. Iron on new skinny pants.
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You can narrow both women's and men's jeans in this way. But in this case, you cannot count on the quality of work, since the possibilities of manual sewing are limited and radically different from processing a product with a sewing machine.

How to narrow jeans at the bottom without sewing

There is another way to manually narrow jeans without having to sew. This option is suitable for those who do not want to radically change the appearance of the product or do not have sewing skills and time to alter trousers.

All you need to properly tuck jeans down at home without using a typewriter is to follow simple instructions:

  1. Wear jeans that need to be changed.
  2. With one hand, take the leg and pull it from the knee to the desired width. This must be done on the inside of the leg, where the seam is located.
  3. With the other hand, bend the tightened section back, thus creating a fold. In this case, the fabric must be constantly kept in tension.
  4. Make a lapel of the leg along the bottom edge. The higher it is, the more firmly the fold will be fixed, designed to change the width.
  5. Repeat the manipulation with the second leg.
Attention! With this method, you can only narrow jeans that do not suit your knee width.

Useful Tips

Tightening your jeans yourself at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. By strictly following the recommendations, you can avoid going to the atelier. Here's what the experts advise:

  1. Sewing the bottom of the leg at the intersection with the transverse seam, you need to raise the foot, put an additional piece of material (cardboard, plastic card) under its back. This will help to avoid sudden changes in fabric thickness and gaps in the stitching.
  2. The threads with which the edges will be processed should be in the tone of the material.
  3. If there is no overlock, then the cut-off part can be overcast by hand. Even minimal processing of the edges will make the seam independent and protect the product from "sprinkling" and breakthrough.
  4. The thread that is visible from the outside of the jeans should match the color of the rest of the seams.
  5. The finishing stitch can be sewn with double thread. To do this, fill the machine with two coils of the same color. In the shuttle, one thread is used, while it is better if it matches the finishing line.

You can learn more about how to narrow jeans by watching a video of a master class from a specialist


Tucking jeans from the bottom at home will be easier if you have at least minimal sewing skills and using a sewing machine. But even in the absence of experience, you should not give up. There are several ways to narrow jeans, including without using a needle and thread.

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