Smoothies: benefits and harms, how to make at home

In the wake of the raw food trend, the menu of supporters of a healthy lifestyle increasingly includes unusual cocktails - smoothies. However, skeptics tend to consider this to a greater extent just another tribute to fashion. Is this so and what are the benefits and harms of smoothies, how justified are the enthusiastic responses of fans of the popular drink: let's compare all the pros and cons.

What is smoothie

Smoothie is translated from English as "very pleasant" and "homogeneous", "balanced", which indicates its taste, composition from a homogeneous mixture of various ingredients. The components of the drink are berries, fruits, vegetables with the addition of herbs, yogurt, nuts, honey, milk, eggs.

The uniformity of the composition of such a cocktail is ensured by whipping with a blender. The ready-made mixture is a "golden mean" between puree and juice.

The history of the invention of smoothies is associated with the 60s of the XX century, when vegetarianism was gaining momentum, as well as with the name of the owner of the Smoothie King chain of cocktail bars, Steve Kahnau, who, in search of relief from allergies, experimented with mixing various fruits and found that a mix of raw fruit does not cause a reaction of the body. Inspired by the find, he became a popularizer of a cocktail with a unique properties. The commercialization of smoothies began in 1984, during the Olympics in Los Angeles as part of the development of a series of healthy drinks.

Smoothies have skyrocketed to the crest of modern popularity with the spread of the healthy lifestyle movement. Indeed, in addition to the convenience of consuming a whole portion of fruits and vegetables in one glass, such cocktails have a therapeutic effect.

Useful properties of smoothies

Fresh juices that are widespread in our country represent squeeze from vegetables and fruits. Purified from the remnants of pulp, which includes fiber, such drinks include only part of the beneficial properties of the vitamin and mineral complex. In contrast, the smoothie absorbs the original plant product in full, with the maximum benefit of organic inclusions.

The denser consistency of the smoothie cocktail allows them to be used as a snack, since the puree mass enriches the body with fiber and stimulates the digestive tract, increases the absorption of nutrients, thanks to its unique bioavailable form. Such cocktails have a whole list of useful properties.

  1. Smoothies suppress free radicals... The harm from the use of refined and fried food is manifested in the creation of a favorable soil for the development of tumors and pathologies of blood vessels and heart (Alzheimer's disease, phlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis).Healthy smoothies can help neutralize this health threat.
  2. Organic products in smoothies contain as much folate as possible, ascorbic acid and iron, which are responsible for hair health. So, the benefits of banana and apple-based cocktails work to strengthen hair follicles, gaining a healthy shine, smoothness and obedience, which is very important after the harm of exposure to the sun, hair dryers, paints and low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Freshly whipped cocktails strengthen the skeletal system... Eating raw food helps maximize calcium absorption and replenishment in the body. The beneficial properties of the smoothie are reflected in the condition of the teeth, joints, and reduce the likelihood of developing problems such as caries, osteoporosis, arthrosis, arthritis, and rheumatic diseases.
  4. Increase immunity... Smoothies with citruses, carrots, herbs accelerate cell renewal, thereby increasing the formation of red blood cells, increasing the body's defense against the harm of viral, infectious and fungal infections. It is beneficial in the fight against tuberculosis, SARS, meningitis, and many inflammatory diseases that are fungal in nature.
  5. Improves vision... The beneficial properties of blueberries, carrots, spinach, pumpkin are useful as a base for smoothies to improve visual acuity, including diabetes. The inclusion of peaches, kiwi, oranges, blackberries, grapes in a cocktail will be useful for relieving eye fatigue from the influence of radiation from electronic gadgets and stress factors.
  6. Eliminate constipation... The abundance of fiber in the composition of the smoothie has a beneficial effect on the intestines, gently binding and removing feces, toxins and toxins outside, helping to cleanse the body and normalize the urge to defecate.
  7. Slow down aging... The beneficial properties of smoothie cocktails as powerful antioxidants are manifested in protecting cells from the harm of destruction, in maintaining the acid-base balance: externally, this manifests itself in the regeneration processes of the body: tightening the skin and reducing wrinkles.
  8. Qualitatively affect the excretory system and water balance... The benefits of smoothies also affect the kidneys, excretion of salt from the body, cleansing the skin and eliminating acne, acne, dermatosis, urticaria, psoriasis and other problems.
  9. Increase resistance to stress... The benefits of the effects of cocktails on hormonal levels directly affect mood and help reduce the risk of depression.
Recommended reading:  Kiwi: useful properties and contraindications

It should be noted that one of the important advantages of cocktails is the ease of its preparation.

For digestion

The use of a nutritious smoothie cocktail tends to speed up and qualitatively improve the metabolism, which has a positive effect on the state of digestion. In particular, the work of the digestive tract is being restored, as a result of which the risks of developing gastritis, colitis, and ulcers are reduced.

To cleanse the body

Smoothies can be a gentle way to cleanse the body. Fiber, which is so rich in healthy cocktails, like a sponge, is able to absorb and remove harmful toxins from the body. With regular use, the detox effect of smoothies will far outweigh drugs due to the profound effects on the digestive tract, kidneys and liver.


Due to the fact that with the help of smoothies, the body is cleared of blockages of toxins, this gives the properties to normalize metabolism, to promote fat burning. As a result, weight loss is natural and gentle, minimizing the harm of intoxication.

A smoothie diet is one of the most popular options for losing weight: its benefits lie in the fact that, with a given set of useful cocktail ingredients, it is able to preserve and even replenish the missing muscle mass.

The composition of the smoothie diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables with the addition of cereals, cereals, due to the beneficial nutritional properties of which smoothies are called "lunch in a glass".In fact, such a cocktail, unique in its composition, turns into food from a drink: at the same time, it serves not just as a snack between its main meals: it itself represents a full-fledged meal.

In this regard, to speed up the digestion, it is necessary to chew the solid particles of the cocktail: this will stimulate the work of the salivary glands.

You should also pay attention to the calorie properties of the ingredients included in the smoothie. For example, low-calorie apples can be the base of a shake. For weight loss from fruit and berry components, low-calorie apricots, tangerines, black currants are primarily suitable. The properties of low-fat apples, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, cherries will also be useful for losing weight.

Recommended reading:  Why pineapple is useful

And you should be careful when consuming such fruits with a high content of glucose and starch as grapes, avocados, watermelon, melon and peaches, bananas: it is better to exclude them from the diet.

It will be useful to replace additives from sweet and fat dairy products in smoothies with low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Salt on the diet must be excluded to normalize the water balance. For palatability, shredded dried seaweed is a good substitute.

Thanks to the ability to mix various ingredients in one glass, it makes sense to enhance the beneficial properties of the cocktail by adding components that are rarely consumed on their own, but are powerful vitamin sources: celery leaves and roots, spinach, cilantro, parsley, dill, wheat germ, nettle and beet tops.

Recommended reading:  Celery: useful properties and contraindications

For example, apple, carrot, celery, mango, and low-fat yogurt are great balanced smoothies: chop, blend, and blend everything to the desired consistency.

The mode of taking smoothies cocktails is 3 or 5 times a day, depending on the selection of products and the appearance of a feeling of hunger.

The course of the diet for weight loss smoothies can be from one to several days a week, it can be carried out regularly.

For athletes

A healthy cocktail is ideal for athletes who set themselves the task of gaining mass. Adding protein, nuts or cottage cheese to a smoothie will increase the protein content, and bananas and greens will balance the cocktail on carbohydrates. Also known is the power of smoothies to increase energy, which serves as a natural support for the body during physical activity. In addition, intense training requires the consumption of mineral elements and vitamins, which can then be well restored by a light and at the same time rich in nutrients drink.

For children

A healthy tasty solution would be to supplement the children's menu with a vitamin glass, especially for those kids who are not inspired by salads.

In addition, studies have been conducted, the results of which indicate the benefits of the effect of the properties of smoothies on mood. Drinking bright, fresh cocktails will be beneficial for switching to a positive attitude.

Healthy smoothie recipes

Smoothie is a versatile drink that both raw foodists and supporters of the traditional menu use with benefit as a tasty way to replenish the body's supply of vitamins and minerals valuable to humans.

Important! The calorie content of the finished cocktail, consisting of plant components, averages 40 kcal.

Depending on the ingredients, smoothies have different properties: they can be cleansing, nourishing, invigorating, strengthening, dessert, etc.

Fantasy makes the list of smoothie cocktails endless, but it will be useful to use already developed balanced recipes as a starting point.

Vegetable smoothies

Vegetable smoothies include tomatoes, carrots, beets, avocados, cucumbers, pumpkin, bell peppers, cabbage, ginger and enhance the benefits of the "green" vitamins parsley, basil, cilantro, celery, spinach.

Pumpkin and carrot smoothie

  • one medium carrot;
  • 150 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 150 ml of yogurt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • zest of half an orange.

Carrots are washed and squeezed in a juicer. The pumpkin is cut. All ingredients are mixed and blended into a homogeneous mass.

Tomato smoothie

  • tomatoes 500 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons l.

The tomatoes are cut. Peel and coarsely grate carrots and apples. All ingredients except oil are mixed and whipped with a blender on low speed for a minute. Poured into tall glasses, add olive oil, decorate with flax seeds on top.

Summer smoothie option

  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs .;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • red onion - ½ pc.;
  • garlic - 2 - 3 pcs.;
  • kefir or yogurt - 600 ml;
  • cottage cheese, black pepper - to taste.

The vegetables are washed, cut, mixed with all the ingredients, and interrupted in a blender. Exit - 3 glasses.

Beet smoothie

  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • celery stalk - 2 pcs.;
  • yellow bell pepper - 1 pc .;
  • large cucumber - 1 pc .;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (optional).

Vegetables are coarsely chopped, combined with lemon juice and ground in a blender.

Fruit smoothies

It is important to remember that fruits are high in sugar. Their excessive use leads to a sharp jump in blood glucose, which is highly undesirable, especially at the beginning of the day. Therefore, it will not be useful to have breakfast with fruit cocktails.

Morning Herb Cleansing Smoothie

  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • spinach - 1 bunch;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • juice of half a lime;
  • water - ½ tbsp.

The ingredients are peeled, chopped and interrupted with a blender.

Apple cinnamon smoothie

The apples are washed, peeled, coarsely chopped, poured with yogurt and whipped with a blender into a homogeneous mass, ice is added to taste. The consistency is regulated with yogurt. A cocktail will be useful for breakfast.

Other recipe options

Four more healthy fruit smoothie recipes:

  1. For a refreshing effect: from green tea, ginger, apple, grape, banana, kiwi, honey spoon.
  2. For energy: from a banana, half a glass of yogurt, half a glass of freshly brewed coffee, dark chocolate, mashed nutmegs.
  3. For the benefit of strengthening the immune system, for lunch: from kiwi, banana, berries.
  4. For relaxation - alcoholic dessert smoothie: orange, mango, 2 tbsp. l. tequila.

All components are whipped in a blender to the desired consistency. For invigorating and refreshing properties, ice is added to taste.

Berry smoothies

The beneficial properties of berry smoothies are unique due to the antioxidants and vitamins present in their composition in large quantities.

In addition, due to the specificity of carbohydrates and the acidity of berries, they, unlike fruits, will be beneficial for stabilizing blood sugar, so adding them abundantly to smoothies will not be harmful.

Recipes useful in a combination of ingredients with a balanced composition. You can use frozen berries.

Strawberries with yogurt

  • low-fat yogurt - 150 ml;
  • strawberries - 200 g;
  • milk or yogurt - 1 tbsp.

Chia Seed Vitamin Bomb

  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • frozen raspberries - 200 g;
  • Chia seeds - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • spinach - 3 handfuls;
  • coconut milk - 100 ml.

Cocktail output - 1 liter.

Sparkling smoothie:

  • white wine - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • blueberry juice - 1 tbsp.;
  • tangerine - 1 pc.;
  • raspberries - 100 g.
Attention! Berry smoothies with added ice are also beneficial for the anti-hangover effect.

Smoothie with cereals

Smoothies with the inclusion of cereals will be beneficial especially in the morning. Flakes or sprouted grains can be used as ingredients. Eating sprouted grains in a smoothie on an empty stomach may have a healing effect due to antioxidant properties in the fight against free radical damage.

Wheatgrass Morning Smoothie


  • two green apples;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 40 g each fresh basil and parsley;
  • 60 g of sprouted wheat grains.

Cooking features:

  1. Juice is made from apples.
  2. Mix half of the juice with herbs and wheat, beat until smooth.
  3. Poured into a glass and add the rest of the juice.

Smoothie with cereal

  • oat flakes "Hercules" (you can buckwheat, rye, rice, etc.) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • oranges or tangerines - 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt (kefir, fermented baked milk) - 150 g;
  • water - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.

The flakes are poured and insisted in boiling water, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients and whipped with a blender.

What you can add to your smoothie to make it healthier

The most beneficial supplements are dried fruits, seeds, and nuts.

Supporters of traditional food will appreciate the smoothies with kefir, yogurt, milk and cottage cheese.

Useful properties of ginger, turmeric, cayenne chili, cinnamon, lemon will decorate the composition of a valuable cocktail. Here, the main rule will be to observe the measure: for example, in 1 liter of the finished smoothie there should be up to 4 cm of ginger, a small lemon that can be used directly with the peel - this way bioflavonoids useful for the absorption of vitamin C will be preserved. Exceeding the amount of seasonings by more than 1.5 tsp. may harm the taste of the drink.



Athletes can also add protein and carbohydrate supplements directly to the shake.

Attention! In the cocktail, in addition to harvesting berries, you can use frozen fruits and vegetables. This will be especially useful during the winter.

What not to add to smoothies

The use of sugar and salt will not bring health benefits to the cocktail: the best solution would be to replace sugar with honey or stevia, and salt smoothies made from vegetables, if necessary, salt with seaweed powder.

Canned ingredients should be avoided.

Heavy cream is poorly compatible with fruit: this ingredient is more suitable for desserts than for a herbal cocktail.

According to doctors, the benefits of smoothies will also be significantly reduced by various flavors and fillers: sweeteners, syrups, toppings, etc.

Can i make a smoothie without a blender

The situation when there is no blender at hand, for example, on a trip, is not a reason to refuse a healthy snack in a glass.

  1. The simplest solution to the "low-tech" smoothie preparation is to choose soft fruits and berries (banana, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, etc.), arm yourself with one or two forks, and prepare a liquid cocktail base in the form of yogurt, kefir, etc. The pulp is chopped with a knife or crushed with a fork, then diluted with a small amount of yogurt, beaten with two forks folded in the form of a whisk in one hand (this way the process is accelerated) into a thick mass, and then gradually diluted with yogurt until the desired cocktail consistency.
  2. Another option is to use a fine grater. Rub hard ingredients, and very juicy or soft rub through a sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth.
  3. If you have other kitchen appliances at hand, a juicer, a meat grinder with a fine mesh, and a mixer with a regular whisk for beating eggs may be useful for grinding cocktail ingredients.

The crushed ingredients can also be whipped in a sealed jar with vigorous shaking.

How to drink smoothies properly

What parameters should the correct smoothie cocktail correspond to:

  1. Fruit should be no more than 2 medium-sized fruits per liter: this is a useful rule of thumb to balance the glucose of your cocktail.
  2. Greens, on the contrary, are considered from the minimum amount: at least 3 bunches per liter will be beneficial. It is the greens that, in their properties, represent the concentrate of the useful composition, and as you immerse yourself in the magic of the smoothie, its proportion will be useful to increase.
  3. Liquid is added to the cocktail based on the principle of rationality and focusing, first of all, on the consistency, which should not be completely liquid: this is not a drink, but food that is also good to chew.
  4. Fats will be beneficial not only in vegetable smoothies in the form of vegetable oils, but also in sweet cocktail options for which coconut milk or butter, avocado are suitable: this is also necessary for normalizing blood sugar. For 1 liter of smoothie, 2 tbsp is enough. l. butter, a third of a glass of coconut milk or half an avocado.
  5. To enhance the protein component, flax or sprouted wheat, lentils or other cereals are introduced into the cocktail.
  6. The missing sodium will be replenished by cherries, tomatoes, apricots; potassium - beets, carrots and tangerines; calcium - black currant, lemon; phosphorus - chokeberry, tomatoes and rose hips.
  7. Freshly made cocktails will have the greatest health benefits: the same cannot be said for ready-made smoothies on the shelves, which usually contain sugar, and additives known for their harm to help maintain the product's presentation.
    Important! 80% of store-bought smoothies contain more sugar than Coca-Cola.
  8. They drink smoothies through thick tubes. Too thick cocktail consistency can be corrected by adding yogurt, milk, juice, water, ice.
  9. An interesting solution would be the technique of making a flaky smoothie: for this, the bottom of the glass is poured with the thickest whipped ingredient in terms of density, then, in turn, the layers of the cocktail should become increasingly liquid. At the same time, vegetables and fruits should be selected in contrasting colors.
  10. Keep in mind that smoothies cannot completely replace your staple food. If you need to replace several meals in a row with a cocktail, you should take care of adding protein: in addition to cereals and sprouted legumes, cottage cheese, eggs, etc. are used with benefit.
Attention! The main useful rule for preparing a "live" cocktail will be the balance of BJU in order to avoid harm from high cholesterol and blood sugar.

Harm of smoothies and contraindications

Since fruit and berry cocktails are high in acid, this can be harmful to the enamel of the teeth. Precautions here include rinsing your mouth after each smoothie and using a straw.

Constant consumption of cocktails will also require the inclusion of solid components that can be chewed. This will ensure a constant blood flow to the gums and keep the gums and teeth from possible problems.

There are few contraindications to the use of cocktails, and they relate to intolerance to the components and possible allergic reactions, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: in this case, you will need to consult a doctor.

How to store smoothies

A freshly made smoothie will keep the benefits in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Moreover, after 3 hours of storage, oxidative processes begin to negatively affect the beneficial properties. Outside the refrigerator, the cocktail will last for a maximum of 4 hours until fermentation.


The benefits and harms of smoothies have long ceased to be a topic of heated discussion, since the advantages of making fresh drinks are undeniable. It all depends on the tasks of the cocktail. As in any matter of nutrition, with a competent approach, taking into account contraindications, you can not only get great pleasure from the taste, but also make the most of the healing properties of fresh smoothies.

Reviews and results of those who have lost weight

Petrova Marina, 34 years old, Perm
Thanks to smoothies, I said goodbye to those extra pounds. I used a fruit and berry composition for making cocktails, because after vegetable drinks, the feeling of hunger returns faster. Total for a month - 4 kg plus a feeling of lightness and energy.
Kovaleva Yana, 25 years old, Moscow
I switched to raw cocktails gradually, first introducing a smoothie for breakfast: the benefits became obvious after a week: energy, lightness appeared, which I felt especially well in the gym. As a result, on a smoothie diet, I lost three kilograms in half a month. Someone will say: not enough, but I think that such a natural weight loss is the safest, since the body adapts well and in the future the lost kilograms do not return.
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