Green (margelan) radish: useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of green radish are discussed in modern nutrition forums. The root crop is beginning to regain its lost popularity. Few people know that in Ancient Egypt it was the most demanded product. According to legend, the radish restored its strength, raised it after illness. In ancient Russia, it was used as a main dish until the era of the potato began.

Chemical composition and caloric content of green radish

The variety of green, or Margelan, radish is also called lobah. In some properties it is similar to daikon, but has significant differences.

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Chinese margelan radish has a greenish pulp, it can be seen even in the photo. Plant development period is 2 years. At the first stage, a leaf rosette is formed, as well as the fruit itself, reaching 0.5 kg. In the second stage, the plant begins to bloom and form seeds. The shape of the root crop can take on shape options: from round to oval and elongated.

In 100 gr. contains:


Amount in g and μg


1.2 g


4 g

Food fibers

1.5 g


96 g

Group A vitamins

10 mcg

Groups B

1.6 g

Vitamin C

30 mg

Vitamin E


Vitamin PP

2 mg


372 mg

trace elements

3.1 mg

Monosaccharides and disaccharides

0.2 g

Iodine, iron, zinc and selenium are considered especially valuable substances that are part of the mineral elements of green radish.

Riboflavin is found in small amounts, but in tandem with B vitamins, it promotes the active absorption of food. The high water content makes the pulp juicy.

The calorie content of a product is determined from the calculation of the amount of energy that a person receives after consuming a particular product. The calorie content of the Margelan variety is slightly lower than the same indicator of the related black radish - 21 kcal.

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Why is green radish useful for the human body?

The benefits and harms of green radish for the body directly depend on the substances that make up it.

The main property is to have a positive effect on digestion processes. This is due to the presence of water and dietary fiber.

The benefits of eating green radish for the human body is to improve appetite. It is customary to use it in the cold season to strengthen the immune system and saturate it with useful substances. The content of dietary fiber helps cleanse the intestines of harmful toxins. This mechanism improves intestinal peristalsis.And the iron in the radish makes it a useful vegetable, indicated for use in the prevention of anemia.

B vitamins affect metabolic processes:

  • B1 is included in the group of basic enzymes at the level of energy metabolism, its lack leads to disturbances in the activity of the digestive system;
  • B2 is responsible for the condition of the upper layer of the epidermis, visual reactions, the sensitivity of the organs of vision to color shades;
  • B5 is a participant in carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis, production of a number of hormones, adsorption of amino acids, its deficiency leads to harm to mucous membranes and skin;
  • B6 helps to increase the body's immune forces, the deficiency is accompanied by loss of appetite, the appearance of anemia.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a participant in any recovery processes, its deficiency is accompanied by the development of fragility of blood vessels.

Vitamin E is the main antioxidant responsible for heart muscle function.

The iodine content makes the vegetable beneficial for people who have problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The benefits of green green radish for men are due to the presence of substances in the composition of products that normalize the functions of the genitourinary system and are able to have a preventive effect to prevent the development of prostatitis.

Warning! In the upper parts and at the very tips of the root crops, harmful substances are contained: nitrates and nitrites. These parts are cut before use.

Is green radish possible for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a condition of the female body, in which taste preferences can change significantly. If you have a strong desire to taste a salad with radish, pregnant women need to be careful. Strengthening the work of the digestive organs can harm the general condition, create unwanted side effects, such as: nausea, diarrhea. The content of essential oils in the upper part of the root vegetable can be cumulative when consumed and have a harmful effect on the development of the fetus.

Green radish for weight loss

The benefits of green radish are used for weight loss. It is widely used in dietary nutrition; it is often included in the menu when creating special detox programs. This is due to its high water content and low calorie content. This approach to the process of losing weight is considered the most effective, it does not harm the body. By improving metabolic processes, harmful fat does not settle in problem areas, but turns into useful energy.

Warning! In addition to vegetables, the diet menu must necessarily contain lean meats, fruits and healthy drinks. An unbalanced diet can harm the body.

What diseases does green radish help?

Consuming Margelan radish has health benefits when warranted. Main reasons for use:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (with impaired outflow of bile, poor digestion of food, frequent problems with stool);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (radish acts as a natural accumulator of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the gland).

In addition to the benefits of green radish, you can get harm to health if at the stage of consumption there is an exacerbation of gastritis or gastric ulcer becomes acute. These cases involve special low-fiber dietary tables.

Traditional medicine recipes with green radish

Alternative medicine, which has an immeasurable amount of knowledge about the benefits or dangers of different root vegetables, stores many recipes using green radish. Its properties are used not only for the preparation of useful infusions, dishes or decoctions, but are often used as an external agent.

Green radish with cough honey

This method is passed down from generation to generation.It must be admitted that the use of the recipe for centuries must have real healing properties. For cooking, take a root crop, cut off the top, take out the middle pulp with a spoon and a knife, fill the resulting container with liquid honey. Close with a cut off lid, leave for several hours in a dark place. During this period, honey mixes with the excreted liquid. The product is consumed in 1 spoonful up to 3 times a day.

Green radish cocktail for constipation

This method is based on the property of juice to increase intestinal peristalsis. Add half a glass to half a glass of juice pumpkin juice, stir with 1 tsp. liquid honey added to sweeten. The drink is ready. A delicious cocktail is recommended to be used within a month 2 times a day to eliminate constipation and prevent their recurrence.

Decoction of green radish for edema

This broth is used as a drink that perfectly quenches thirst and removes excess fluid from the body, which helps to prevent edema. Root crops weighing 0.5 kg are grated, pour 1 liter of water, boil. Drink chilled, adding honey to taste.

The drink will be harmful to those who have urinary problems. The decoction must be taken after consulting a therapist.

External application of green radish

The bactericidal properties of green radish juice are beneficial in the treatment of joints. The root crop is crushed on a fine grater, the juice squeezed through cheesecloth is used for rubbing, and the mass is used for compresses. Compresses are made at night: in order to prolong their effect, it is required to ensure a state of rest.

Green radish in home cosmetology

Few know about the use of vegetables in cosmetology. The properties of the juice as an antiseptic, as well as a substance rich in chemical elements, are beneficial for the skin and hair.

Face masks

Vitamin C tends to have an antiseptic effect, which makes the vegetable useful in preparing a variety of masks. The necessary components are added to it, and the juice is used as a lotion, which, with regular use, has a vasoconstrictor effect due to its property to improve the complexion.

Rejuvenating mask:

  • chopped radish - 2 tbsp;
  • aloe juice - 1 tbsp;
  • freshly brewed tea - 1 tbsp.

All ingredients are mixed, applied to the face, kept for 15-20 minutes at rest, washed off with warm water.

Oily type mask:

  • chopped radish - 1 tbsp. l;
  • egg white - 1 piece.

The ingredients are mixed, applied to the face with a special brush, after 15 minutes, removed with a cotton swab, washed face with cold water.

Moisturizing mask:

  • grated radish - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sour cream or heavy cream - 1 tbsp.

The mixture is applied to the face, kept for 15 minutes, remove the mass, wipe the face with lotion or tonic.

Advice! After applying the masks, do not use decorative cosmetics for 2-3 hours in order to avoid a reaction of the facial skin.

Green radish for beauty and health of hair

The benefits of using green radish for the scalp in women is to improve the condition of the skin. Regular use can get rid of the appearance of dandruff, as well as strengthen the hair follicles. Masks have the properties of strengthening hair along the entire length, giving shine and softness.

Firming mask for application 2 times a week:

  • small radish -1 piece;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • 1 egg;
  • yeast granules - 3 tbsp. l.

The vegetable is rubbed, stirred with the rest of the ingredients. The mixture is distributed through the hair, rubbed into the scalp, kept for 20-25 minutes. After rinsing with a decoction of nettle.

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Anti-dandruff course for 8-10 applications:

  • radish;
  • sea ​​salt - 3 tbsp;
  • plantain - 2 tbsp.

The vegetable is crushed, salt and plantain herb are ground in a coffee grinder or with a blender. The mass is mixed, applied to the hair, rubbed into the scalp, and left for 20 minutes. Wash off.

Daily consumption rate

An adult can fearlessly consume 100-150 grams of root vegetables, this norm makes up for the need for mineral elements.

It is not recommended for children under 3 years old to consume a vegetable, since the harm to a completely immature digestive tract may exceed the benefits of eating.

It is customary to add vegetable or olive oils, honey, dressings based on natural yoghurts or sour cream to a vegetable.

Fresh green radishes are most beneficial, but there are dishes that use boiling or baking methods. In these cases, the beneficial properties of Margelan radish are significantly reduced.

What can be made from green radish

The Margelan variety is often found on the Lenten menu. Salads are prepared from it, used as a side dish. In ancient times, radish was dried in the sun, pounded, and a thick, nourishing dish was cooked from the resulting flour. In Asian countries, the vegetable is still highly valued, it is considered one of the main dishes on the table of modern samurai.

Advice! After cooking, the dishes should be infused for 10-15 minutes, they become juicier due to the release of liquid.

Delicious green radish salad recipe

Cooking salads from green radish is associated with winter evenings, when the body especially needs nutrients and spiciness does not hurt to improve appetite. For the salad, use grated radish on a medium grater, fresh carrots. The dressing is prepared from olive oil, 1 tbsp. l of Dijon mustard and 1 tsp of liquid honey.

Advice! Lemon juice and thin slices of fresh apples are often added to salads. This improves the taste.

Green radish sandwiches

The toast recipe is considered unusual. Dried bread is used for cooking. Butter is spread on it. A mixture of green radish and hard cheese grated on a fine grater is spread on top. This is an option for an afternoon snack: it can be harmful for the morning diet.

Harm of green radish and contraindications

There are several cases when the inclusion of a useful root vegetable in food is categorically contraindicated. The presence of acute forms of intestinal disease requires refusal to use. The mechanism of active production of gastric juice can lead to the development of a conflict in the pancreas in those who have problems with its natural outflow.

The chronic form of pyelonephritis is a direct contraindication to taking radish-based drinks.

People who are susceptible to allergic reactions to food are advised to introduce meals into their diet with extreme caution.

How to choose and store green radish

The root crop has the ability to be stored for a long time, while retaining its beneficial properties.

Storage of Margelan radish provides for a temperature regime from +5 to +8 ° C, lack of moisture, ventilation of premises.

Fruits are chosen of medium size, firm, undamaged, dried and free of soil.

Advice! Grated green radish should not be stored for more than a day: oxidation can adversely affect health.


The benefits and harms of green radish are determined by the presence of vitamins and minerals. An excellent combination of the properties of green radish is well absorbed, saturating the body and at the same time being a low-calorie product. Proper preparation and regular use are steps towards being lean and preventing digestive problems.

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