How useful is a trampoline

Trampoline jumping is a healthy, easy and fun way to burn extra calories and strengthen your muscles. Exercises on it are recognized as one of the most beneficial types of physical activity. In this article, the benefits and harms of jumping on a trampoline will be investigated, as well as the recommendations of doctors for children and adults, the effectiveness of jumping for weight loss.

Benefits of jumping on a trampoline for adults

In addition to the fact that jumping is the key to a great mood, they bring enormous benefits to the body due to their healing and preventive properties:

  • Jumping activates the useful work of the lymphatic system, due to which the body gets rid of toxins that are harmful to health. The lymph flow can be accelerated 10-15 times. In addition, accelerating the movement of lymphocytes helps the body to fight infections more effectively and has the property of improving immunity in general.
  • Aerobic exercise has the ability to beneficially affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, so jumping can help to get in shape and reduce cellulite.
  • The stress on the bone tissue when jumping leads to hardening of bones, tendons and joints, so the trampoline serves as a useful prevention of osteoporosis and some forms of arthritis, which, when they appear, harm the body.
  • For older people, jumping can increase the supply of useful oxygen to body tissues. This allows you to fight the damage that causes muscle and bone degeneration.

What muscles work when jumping on a trampoline

Jumping is an aerobic form of useful gymnastics that develops a muscle corset, while having the property of protecting the knee joints, feet and spine. Standard jumps strengthen the muscles of the legs and abs, without harming them with a competent approach.

Under the guidance of a trainer, you can master special sets of exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles and the enhanced impact of the abdominal muscles. Also, such physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the spine - they straighten it, and due to the even distribution of the load on the back muscles, a person's posture improves.

Is trampoline jumping good for kids

Important! Further, we will not talk about a newborn baby, but about a baby with a more or less formed skeleton, which is allowed to carry loads that carry jumping on a trampoline. It is possible to release the baby to the shell only after consulting a pediatrician.

The body of a small child will benefit from trampoline lessons.

But if you do not follow the recommendations described below, they will only bring harm. There will be no health benefits of the trampoline for the child.

In addition to the fact that such loads allow the baby to get rid of excess energy and direct it to a safe channel, the trampoline has the property of helping a growing body develop profitably.

Useful properties of loads on the projectile:

  1. Due to jumping, the respiratory system is activated, the vestibular apparatus is actively developing, the skeleton is correctly formed, which will definitely have a beneficial effect on its health in the future.
  2. After exercising on a trampoline, useful properties appear, such as an effective effect on the musculoskeletal system, and an improvement in coordination is noticeable.
  3. In adolescence, a trampoline allows you to properly develop muscles and improve posture.
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At what age can a child jump on a trampoline

The medical opinion regarding trampoline exercises for children is unambiguous - it is an excellent choice for energy release and a useful way to strengthen the body. Cheerful and joyful sports make the child happy and have the property of beneficially influencing the vestibular apparatus.

The child's readiness to jump on the apparatus begins at the age of 1.5–2 years. When the baby has learned to walk independently, you can begin to introduce him to jumping on a trampoline. Even if the child's movements are not coordinated and not like jumping, this will help him get acquainted with the new possibilities of his body.

Attention! It is forbidden to leave the baby in the trampoline unattended, otherwise irreparable harm may be caused to his body: a fracture or severe injury due to the inability to calculate the height of the jump on the trampoline.

At 1.5 years old, the baby begins to form coordination. Jumping on a trampoline has the property of beneficially influencing the development of coordination and muscle tissue. At the moment of the jump, the loads are distributed as evenly as possible, so the body is not harmed. Jumping strengthens the joints, forms the correct posture.

The benefits of a trampoline for weight loss

The benefits of trampolining for women for weight loss have long been proven.

  • In addition to active physical activity, burning calories, increasing blood flow and lymph flow beneficially affects weight loss, tissue cells are abundantly supplied with oxygen. This enhances the properties of adipose tissue and activates metabolism, which does not harm the body.
  • The number of calories burned exceeds energy expenditure by treadmill 2-3 times. In a small amount of time, you can do a high-quality vigorous workout.
  • Jumping on a trampoline is recommended for people with disabilities by types of loads, for example, with a lot of weight. Jumping does not harm the joints, does not overload the legs and feet.
Advice! When jumping, the main thing is to monitor the level of stress, otherwise health will be harmed more than good.

How many calories are spent jumping on a trampoline

According to medical studies, the benefits of fitness on trampolines and the harm when jumping, a person spends 60% more calories than running. Thus, jumping for an hour on a trampoline can achieve the beneficial physiological effect of burning calories, comparable to more than 1.5 hours of running. To accelerate the effect of weight loss, it is enough to practice on a trampoline several times a week for a quarter of an hour to allow physical activity to show its beneficial properties.

When performing normal jumps in 15 minutes of exercise, you can burn about 70 kcal. With an increase in the intensity and complexity of jumps, this figure can be increased by 2–3 times. There are special complexes that allow you to purposefully strengthen the gluteal muscles or abdominal muscles.

How to jump on a trampoline

Exercises must be supervised by a trainer, in compliance with the safety of jumping on a trampoline. The coach monitors the implementation of the rules for using the trampoline during training:

  1. The feet should always be strictly together (unless a jump with legs apart), the toes should be pulled.
  2. The body of the body should be grouped.
  3. With a grouped body, the thighs should be as close to the chest as possible.
  4. Hands should be constantly pressed to the body.
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If you follow the above recommendations, the beneficial properties of jumping will be more pronounced.

Why does your back hurt when jumping on a trampoline?

The health benefits and harms of jumping on a trampoline have been studied in detail, and some doctors negatively characterize trampoline exercises, referring to such a consequence of exercise as spinal injury. Many people think trampoline jumping is dangerous for people with back pain.

This is due to the fact that many people begin to engage in such sports without training and without the supervision of a special trainer. Mistakes usually lead to spinal injuries. Therefore, it is imperative to start under supervision.

Another beginner's mistake is to start training directly from jumps. Muscles before class should be prepared and warmed up as much as possible. Warming up will eliminate the occurrence of pain in the spine.

The harm of jumping on a trampoline and contraindications

Like any physical activity, jumping has a number of limitations due to poor health.

The trampoline will do harm, not benefit when

  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • asthma;
  • tachycardia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • angina pectoris.
Comment! We are talking only about a ban on jumping during periods of exacerbation, as well as in the case of a severe form of the disease. Otherwise, moderate exercise under the supervision of a coach will be extremely beneficial.


The benefits and harms of jumping on a trampoline are obvious. This is a great way to drain negative energies while strengthening your body. Jumping is akin to a psychotherapy session that brings joy and brings you back to childhood.

Jumping is a comfortable replacement for the usual running. During jumping, feet, knees and spine are not injured, measured movement is maintained and a much larger amount of calories is spent. They help to accelerate the metabolic processes of the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the body. This improves the condition of tissues and joints, increases the supply of oxygen to cells and improves the health of the body.

Physical activity is useful at any age: for children, adults and the elderly. Trampoline helps children to develop, adults - to maintain health and control weight, the elderly - to fight muscle degradation.


Kozlovskaya Maria Ivanovna, 54 years old, Ivanovo
A friend advised me to jump when I complained to her that going to fitness was boring for me. It's very cool to go in for sports, falling a little into childhood. In addition to a noticeable improvement in my figure and lost pounds, I noticed what a great mood I get from these activities. Jumping is very fun and effective!
Vorozhtsov Sergey Alexandrovich, 22 years old, Krasnodar
I decided to do parkour, and the trainer recommended jumping as the next stage of preparation. Jumping pleased me with an excellent technique for strengthening muscles and improving posture. Compared to the usual running, I noticed that jumping does not interfere with the breathing regime. The benefits of trampoline sports are enormous.
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