Birch tar: properties and contraindications, how to take

Since ancient times, it was believed that birch and its components, including tar, have healing properties. Recently, interest in this plant raw material has returned again, and in this regard, connoisseurs of alternative methods of treatment began to wonder what the benefits and harms of birch tar are.

What is birch tar and how is it obtained

Birch tar is a thick, oily substance of black color with a pungent specific odor. It is obtained from birch by exposing the wood to high temperatures in an airless environment. Wood fibers break down when heated, releasing a black, viscous liquid. Subsequently, it undergoes purification, turning at the outlet into a concentrated odorous substance, which is then used in various fields of human activity. Birch tar is often used in cosmetology, veterinary medicine, horticulture, but it is valued most of all by representatives of official and alternative medicine for its unique medicinal properties.

The chemical composition of birch tar

The benefits of this valuable substance are due to its special chemical composition. Among other useful substances, it contains:

  • phytoncides;
  • organic acids, including salicylic;
  • phenol;
  • toluene;
  • guaiacol.

In addition, birch tar is a rich source of cresol, which accounts for most of the beneficial properties of wood extract.

Why is birch tar useful?

Due to its properties, birch tar has tremendous benefits for the body. Moreover, it is used for both external and internal use. So, tar products help not only cleanse the skin of impurities and get rid of harmful microorganisms, but also effectively relieve various inflammations. This property allows the use of birch bark extract in the treatment of skin diseases. For the same reason, it serves as the main component of Vishnevsky and Wilkinson's ointments. It also has analgesic properties, relieves itching and accelerates tissue regeneration.

In addition, alternative medicine advocates have noted the beneficial effects of wood pomace on metabolism. The active substances in its composition improve metabolic processes, accelerate blood circulation and remove harmful toxins from the body, which has a beneficial effect on human well-being and even contributes to a decrease in body weight.

In addition, birch bark extract has proven itself as a useful tool for maintaining the health and beauty of hair. Due to these properties, it is often added to balms, shampoos, masks and other cosmetic hair compositions.

Indications for the use of birch tar

The healing properties of birch tar are able to withstand a number of diseases. So, it will benefit people suffering from the following skin ailments:

  • deprive;
  • psoriasis;
  • diathesis;
  • eczema;
  • seborrhea;
  • pyoderma;
  • scabies;
  • nail fungus;
  • acne.

It will be very useful against infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

  • sore throats;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • flu and SARS.

In addition, tar preparations have proven beneficial in the treatment of disorders of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Some adherents of traditional medicine argue about the effectiveness of the properties of birch pomace in the fight against various oncologies, including mastopathy.

How to take birch tar internally

Although many believe that taking birch tar internally brings no less benefit than using it as an external remedy, it must be remembered that this substance can cause serious harm to health. Pomace sold in pharmacies is a highly concentrated product that should never be consumed in its pure form to avoid harmful effects.

Important! Regardless of the purposes for which the drug is taken, it must be diluted with water or milk before ingestion.

Compliance with the rules for the use of the substance and its dosage will help to use the medicinal properties of birch tar much more efficiently.

For bronchitis, pneumonia and cough

Do not ignore the benefits of birch bark extract for patients with bronchitis and other lung diseases. In this situation, tar water will be a good help to traditional therapy. You need to drink it daily in the amount of 1 - 2 tbsp. l. before bedtime.

From parasites

Since birch tar has anthelmintic properties, a useful remedy against worms can be prepared on its basis. It is enough to mix 1 tsp. honey with tar and take this mixture 1 time per day before bedtime for 12 days. At the same time, the amount of pomace is increased daily throughout the course by 1 drop. At the beginning of the treatment, 1 drop of birch tar is added to honey, by the end of the course - already 12 drops.

With cirrhosis of the liver

The beneficial properties of birch tar will help alleviate the symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver and activate recovery processes in the damaged organ, if combined with sour cream and honey. For this:

  1. In 1 st. l. sour cream add 1 drop of birch tar and seize 1 tsp. honey.
  2. From the next day, the number of drops is increased by 1 per day.
  3. Having reached 10, their number begins to decrease by 1 per day.
  4. When returning to the original dose, it is worth stopping treatment. If necessary, a second course should be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks later.

With opisthorchiasis

Birch tar in combination with milk or water also helps against opisthorchiasis, which causes a certain type of parasite in the liver. As in the treatment of cirrhosis, the full course takes 10 days, with 1 tbsp. liquids every day add 2 drops of birch extract, so that on the 5th day, 10 parts of the substance are already dissolved in the drink. From 6 to 10 days, the amount of tar is gradually reduced. If the scheme of the procedure is performed correctly, then at the end of the course the body will be completely cleansed of worms.

With tuberculosis and furunculosis

For pulmonary diseases, including tuberculosis and furunculosis, it is worth using birch tar diluted in milk:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 50 ml of slightly heated milk with 1 drop of tar for the entire first week.
  2. Further, the dose is gradually increased at the rate of 1 additional part of birch tar per week. By the last, 10 weeks, 10 drops of the substance are added to the milk.
  3. The course can be repeated after 4 weeks, but the treatment should not last longer than 6 months, otherwise the body will be seriously damaged.

With cystitis

Milk with birch tar will also benefit patients with cystitis. To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, it is worth pouring 7-10 drops of 1 tbsp.warm milk and drink the resulting drink at 0.5 tbsp. 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 5 days.

Birch tar for weight loss and body cleansing

People watching their own weight have long appreciated the benefits of birch tar for weight loss. Since its active compounds activate metabolism and intensively remove harmful toxins from toxins, it can significantly help in the fight against extra pounds, especially if you combine it with training and a balanced diet.

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Since birch bark extract is not a self-sufficient medicine for weight loss, it is taken only as an auxiliary preparation and in very small quantities, usually together with water or milk.

Tar water

The water, infused with tar, not only benefits the figure, but also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, most medical and cosmetic recipes are prepared on its basis:

  1. Pour birch tar with cold water in a ratio of 1: 8 and stir with a wooden spoon for about five minutes.
  2. Then it is hermetically sealed and left for 2 days to infuse the drug.
  3. Then carefully remove the resulting film, trying not to shake the contents of the vessel. The clear liquid is poured into a clean dish, making sure that the sediment does not get into the final product.
  4. For weight loss, drink the resulting infusion of 1 tbsp. no longer than 2 weeks in a row, otherwise you can cause serious harm to health and exacerbate the course of existing diseases.

Birch tar with milk

Birch tar with milk will help cleanse the cells of the body from harmful toxins. The drink is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. 1 drop of tar should be added to ½ cup of milk. The solution should be taken 1 hour before meals 2 times a day.
  2. Every day the dose of wood extract is increased by 1 unit of substance. The maximum dosage should not exceed 12 units. The full course is from 30 to 45 days.

Birch tar with honey

The beneficial properties of birch bark tar will also be emphasized by honey. To do this, in 1 tsp. add 1 - 2 drops of honey pomace and eat it before the next meal. Over time, this rate is increased by 1 in order to reach a 10-drop dose by day 10. Then the dosage is gradually reduced.

Birch tar with bread

Often, birch tar is used together with bread, so that the nutritional compounds of the flour product negate the harm of the concentrated product.

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  1. 2 - 3 drops of the drug are dripped onto a small piece of dark bread, and eaten before bedtime.
  2. Repeat the procedure every day, increasing the amount of birch tar by 1 unit. The maximum allowable rate in this case is 10 drops.
  3. For 2 weeks, continue to take the drug without changes, then reduce the dose downward until they return to the original amount. The full course takes 24 days.

External use of birch tar

As already mentioned, the range of uses of birch tar as an external agent is quite wide. In addition to treating skin problems, the product includes joint therapy, getting rid of hemorrhoids, itching and fungal infections.

Psoriasis treatment

So, the beneficial substances in the composition of birch tar can have a positive effect on the course of psoriasis. Homemade ointment will be especially useful in this case. To prepare it, you need:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. combine butter with 1 tbsp. l. birch extract and ½ tbsp. l. copper sulfate.
  2. Put the mixture on low heat and stir it until a creamy mass is obtained.
  3. Next, let the composition cool and place in the refrigerator for storage.
  4. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the resulting drug once a day.

For scaly lichen

A lotion of birch tar will help to cope with scaly lichen:

  1. 1 tbsp. l.wood extract is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. fish oil.
  2. Apply the preparation to a piece of clean, soft tissue and apply to the desired area.
  3. The lotion is fixed with bandages or a plaster for 30 minutes 1 time per day. It is recommended to continue treatment for 10 days.

For nail fungus

On the basis of birch tar, you can prepare a simple and useful remedy for the damage of nail fungus:

  1. A small piece of tar soap is rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. soap shavings are mixed with 2 tbsp. l. soda and pour water in a small amount.
  3. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the resulting mass is rubbed into the affected area 1 time per day until the fungus completely disappears.
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With hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid sufferers will also be able to benefit from the tree extract. It is enough to regularly arrange 20-minute steam baths for the anus, bay 2 tbsp. l. birch pomace 1 liter of boiling water. For convenience, you can dilute the drug in a bucket on which you can sit down.

For joint pain

Birch tar is effective in treating joints. For this:

  1. The affected area is lubricated with pure wood extract to enhance the effect on joint deposits.
  2. After 10 - 20 minutes, when the skin begins to tingle, the product is washed off with a soft cloth.
  3. The next day, any sticky clay is applied to the affected area. If unpleasant sensations arise, it should be removed immediately.
  4. The joint is provided with rest for 2 days.
  5. Then steps 1 through 3 are repeated, after which the joint is allowed to rest for another 3 days.
  6. Next, perform steps 1 to 3 again.
  7. On day 12, treatment is stopped. A repetition of the course is recommended in 2-3 weeks.

The use of birch tar in cosmetology

Tar preparations are of great cosmetic importance. Their bactericidal properties can improve the condition of the skin, heal it, cleanse the pores and give the face a fresh color. The benefits of birch tar for hair are also obvious. They take care of the scalp, relieving it from the harm of the effects of seborrhea and dandruff, and promote the growth of hair, making it stronger and thicker. That is why you can find dozens of different body care products on sale, the component of which is wood extract. At the same time, there are many homemade recipes that are quite capable of being compared in terms of the intensity of useful properties with the compositions of factory production.

For facial skin

For facial skin care, masks based on birch extract would be an excellent option, since the substance itself not only deeply cleanses the skin, but also relieves puffiness, and in combination with herbs and other useful ingredients, it can smooth wrinkles and even have a rejuvenating effect. So, a mask with raw potatoes will help get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes:

  1. Potatoes, grated on a fine grater, are poured with tar water so that a not too liquid gruel is obtained.
  2. The mass is placed between 2 gauze napkins and left on the face for 20 - 30 minutes.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the face is wiped with motherwort infusion or aloe juice. You need to do the procedure 2 - 3 times a week.

All homemade face masks are made with tar water. Undiluted extract, even in very small doses, cannot be used.

Advice! You can significantly enhance the benefits of purchased cosmetic formulations if you add 1 - 2 drops of birch tar to them.

For hair

Due to the fact that the healing properties of birch tar improve blood circulation, blood circulation in the hair follicles increases, which makes the hair thicker and grows faster. A noteworthy remedy for hair loss is the following recipe:

  1. 30 ml of calendula tincture, 1 tbsp. l. birch extract and 50 ml of castor oil are mixed in an enamel container.
  2. The mixture is applied with massage movements to the roots for 30 minutes, repeating the scheme once a week for 2 months.

Even such a short-term effect will have a beneficial effect: hair will become stronger, acquire a healthy shine and volume.

Harm of birch tar and contraindications

Despite the obvious benefits for humans, birch tar can harm people in a certain health condition due to its high chemical activity. So, any use of tar products, both internal and external, is strictly prohibited to those persons who have:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hypersensitivity to pungent odors;
  • kidney disease.

Birch tar is also contraindicated in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

In addition, wood extract can be harmful to an absolutely healthy person in the following cases:

  1. If undiluted product is used... The use of a concentrated substance can cause a chemical burn of the skin or mucous membrane of internal organs.
  2. If the dosage of the drug is not consistent with the instructions and prescription of the doctor... Excessive dose of the substance can have a harmful effect on the body in the form of side symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness and sudden surges in blood pressure.
    Important! Although no cases of drug overdose have been established, if you observe a negative effect from taking it, you should immediately contact a specialist.
  3. If the treatment time was independently extended... Birch bark extract belongs to medicines that must be used in strict accordance with the terms of admission. Longer use of the substance provokes the harm of allergic reactions and a deterioration in well-being, and in the long term it can accelerate the process of cell destruction, which will lead to intensive aging of the body.


The benefits and harms of birch tar, like any other product, depend on the correct dosage and compliance with the recommendations for use. Although the substance has potential harmful effects, its beneficial properties will be appreciated by many ordinary people who care about their health.


Nikitina Inessa Vasilievna, 56 years old, Murmansk
I love experimenting with all sorts of medicinal herbs and other plant raw materials, so I've heard that birch tar helps against nail fungus. But my personal opinion is that using birch tar inside for treatment would be too risky a step. It won't take long to heal yourself, and then you won't get off with cheap drugs.
Evseeva Ekaterina Vitalievna, 38 years old, Podolsk
And I tried to use birch tar from parasites. Before that I was sure that it only works on animals. But no, it turns out, and people are prescribed cleansing with birch tar, and, oddly enough, the result does not fail. And most importantly - inexpensive and natural, no chemistry for you.
Kutakhova Angelica Egorovna, 20 years old, Orsha
My mother has been using birch tar infusion for many years - she rinses her hair with it. I myself do not really like his smell, but he often helped me out at school, when irritation poured all over my face. I just made myself a mask of birch tar, mayonnaise and lemon juice, it helped very well with acne.
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