Teflon iron: how to remove carbon deposits from the sole

Cleaning your Teflon iron will be easier if you know which product is best for the task. After all, the polymer sole needs a rather careful attitude.

Features of cleaning the teflon coating of the iron

As a rule, a Teflon coating is considered very convenient, since it rarely gets dirty: the villi and fibers practically do not stick to it. But with an incorrectly set temperature, the problem with the formation of carbon deposits still happens.

Cleaning a Teflon iron at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main caution is not to use abrasive substances. It is best to use liquid formulations and a soft cloth to clean the delicate finish. The use of special products for Teflon irons is recommended, the most popular of which is considered a pencil.

Important! At the first sign of poor slipping during ironing, it is worth inspecting the platform. The longer you use an appliance with dirt on the Teflon surface, the more difficult it will be to clean.

How to clean a teflon iron with folk methods

Many housewives know that folk methods are sometimes no worse than special means. The components are always at hand, do not lead to high costs, and at the same time effectively cope with the task.

You can clean the Teflon sole in several popular ways, from which it is easy to choose the best option for yourself.

How to clean the soleplate of a Teflon iron with laundry soap

Laundry soap, with the help of which it is easy to wash off almost any contamination, also copes well with removing burnt tissue. In order to clean the Teflon coating, you must follow the algorithm:

  1. Grate the soap.
  2. Heat up the appliance.
  3. Spread the shavings on a cloth spread on a firm, level surface.
  4. Iron the soap (it quickly sticks to the platform, so this procedure will not take much time).
  5. Switch off the device.
  6. Wait for it to cool completely.
  7. Wipe the sole of the sole with a sponge or cloth soaked in water and vinegar.

There is another option for using teflon coated laundry soap:

  1. Heat the iron to medium temperature so that there is no risk of scalding while working.
  2. Rub the Teflon surface with a bar of soap. The product should be completely distributed over the entire sole.
  3. Switch on the appliance so that the detergent starts to melt.
  4. Disconnect the power supply and wait for the coating to cool.
  5. Wipe the surface with a piece of damp, soft material, carefully removing any soap residue.
Attention! This method will help to clean only freshly burnt fibers in a matter of minutes. With old plaque, the procedure on the Teflon coating will have to be repeated several times or use additional household products.

How to clean a teflon iron soleplate with vinegar

Acids effectively deal with many contaminants, quickly corroding and dissolving them. Teflon coating can be cleaned with 9% vinegar or 70% essence. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into a small cup. purified water.
  2. Add 0.5 tbsp. vinegar or 2 - 3 tbsp. l. essences.
  3. Wet a soft cloth in the resulting liquid (it should be slightly larger in area than the iron platform).
  4. Spread the fabric on a flat surface.
  5. Switch on the appliance and heat it up to the highest possible temperature.
  6. Iron the vinegar "flooring".
  7. When the iron has cooled down a little, the cloth must be moistened again and the appliance must be placed on it.
  8. In 20 minutes. wipe the Teflon surface with a sponge.
  9. The holes in the sole can be treated with toothpicks or cotton swabs dipped in vinegar solution.
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There is another effective option for how you can remove burnt tissue from the working platform of the device:

  1. You need to take a heat-resistant container in which you can place the iron.
  2. Put a few ordinary pencils on the bottom (the device will stand on them).
  3. Mix 1 part vinegar and 2 parts boiling water in a separate bowl.
  4. Pour the solution into a container of pencils.
  5. Place an iron on them so that the water mixture covers half of the sole.
  6. Keep everything on low heat so that the liquid does not boil, but just floats.
  7. After 30 minutes. remove the device and wipe its platform with a dry cloth.

How to remove carbon deposits from a Teflon iron with citric acid

Citric acid works effectively against burnt fabric and other contaminants on the Teflon coating.

To clean the device by using it, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a small container. l. acids in enough water to form a slurry.
  2. Dip the edge of the napkin into the mixture.
  3. Wipe down the soleplate, being careful to clean even hard-to-reach areas and holes.
  4. Finally, walk over the acid-treated surface with a damp soft rag.

If the carbon deposit on the working sole is outdated, then the method of using the lemon should be slightly changed:

  1. Dilute the gruel as indicated in the first option (the number of ingredients can be increased).
  2. Heat the device to the maximum temperature.
  3. Spread the mixture on a cloth spread out on a flat surface (ironing board).
  4. Turn on the steaming mode on the appliance by adding the required amount of water to the tank.
  5. Iron the rags with lemon.
  6. Clean the surface with a damp cloth and dry it.
Attention! You can remove scale from the device by pouring a mixture of citric acid (1 tsp) and pure water (150 ml) into the liquid compartment. Then you need to use a steam generator. Limescale particles remaining in the holes on the sole can be cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in the same solution.

How to clean a Teflon iron from carbon deposits with ammonia

Liquid ammonia is no less productive. Its application will allow you to quickly rid the Teflon coating of the iron from plaque of various origins, including adhering fabric, burnt polyethylene or lime particles. To effectively clean the surface, you must:

  1. Soak a gauze swab in ammonia.
  2. Heat the iron to medium heat.
  3. Wipe the Teflon surface with alcohol.
Important! When carrying out manipulations, a rather sharp and unpleasant odor will emanate from the device, so it is best to carry out work near an open window or in a protective mask.

How to clean a Teflon iron with hydrogen peroxide

You can clean the adhering fibers and lint from the material accumulated on the Teflon coating with the usual antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide. For this you need:

  1. Moisten a gauze swab in a pharmacy liquid.
  2. Wipe off the Teflon surface.
  3. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
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If the contamination is abundant, then the use of peroxide should be slightly changed:

  1. Moisten a rag in the cleaning liquid that will fit or slightly exceed the area of ​​the working surface of the iron.
  2. Heat the device to the maximum temperature.
  3. Iron wet rags.

When heated, hydrogen peroxide acts more actively, so in this way you can clean not only fresh, but also old dirt on the Teflon platform.

How to clean a Teflon iron with toothpaste

Toothpaste is another option for how to clean burnt tissue from a Teflon iron. The sequence of the procedure:

  1. Apply the paste to the brush and rub the surface of the appliance with it.
  2. Turn on the iron and heat a little.
  3. Disconnect from the network.
  4. Moisten the brush and lightly rub the Teflon platform.
  5. Clean the remaining paste with a damp sponge.
  6. Let the device dry.
  7. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to clean a burnt-on Teflon paraffin wax iron

Paraffin can be used to make a kind of pencil for cleaning Teflon irons:

  1. Wrap the candle in a cloth so that it can be easily and safely held when working with a hot appliance.
  2. Switch on the iron.
  3. Coat the Teflon sole with paraffin.
  4. When melting a homemade pencil, adhering dirt will begin to drain along with the wax.

How to clean a Teflon foil iron

You can just as effectively clean the iron using ordinary food foil. To do this, you just need to iron it with a hot appliance. All carbon deposits will be removed during contact with the Teflon surface.

How to clean the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron with acetone

Acetone or thinner and nail polish remover can quickly and safely remove any type of carbon deposits from the work platform.

For this you need:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in any of the solvents listed.
  2. Wipe the Teflon coating with it.
  3. Dry with a clean cloth.

How to clean a Teflon iron with specialized cleaning products

Among the specialized tools, several of the most effective can be distinguished:

  1. Cleaning pencil... This "device" is the most popular and quite effective. You just need to rub the Teflon coating and wait for the carbon deposits to drain off the platform of the hot electrical appliance with the pencil. Then the work surface must be cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge.
  2. Topperr 3013... Rub the Teflon coating with a liquid agent and wait a little. After 10 minutes. clean it from carbon deposits and wipe it with a damp cloth.
  3. Dr. Fresh... This product can be used both in liquid form, applying the solution to the Teflon coating, or with a pencil. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions for use.


It will be easier to clean your Teflon iron if you do not start up occasional dirt. To do this, it is important to regularly carry out preventive procedures, using both specialized and folk remedies.

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