Fennel seeds: useful properties and contraindications, how to take

The healing properties of fennel seeds and contraindications raise many questions among the supporters of non-traditional therapy. They are known to be the richest source of organic acids and dietary fiber. In addition, the seeds are often used as a flavorful condiment.

What fennel seeds look like

Fennel is a perennial herb belonging to the Umbrella family. In appearance, it resembles dill. Due to its beneficial properties, the plant is widely used in alternative medicine. Its seeds are especially valuable. They contain substances necessary for the human body to fight various diseases.

Fennel seeds, the photo of which is presented below, are distinguished by an oblong shape and a brownish tint. They are also popularly called pharmaceutical dill. In length, the seeds reach 8 mm, and in width they can be 3 mm. They have a dense texture and characteristic longitudinal stripes. A distinctive feature of the seeds is a rich spicy smell.

Whole seeds are most often used for brewing.
Attention! Before using fennel seeds for medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor.

Chemical composition

The benefits of fennel seeds are due to their rich composition. It was known about it even in the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The specific taste and bright aroma are due to the rich content of essential oils. They are extremely beneficial for the human body. The seeds of the miraculous plant are considered dietary. There are only 31 kcal per 100 g. The chemical composition of fennel seeds is represented by the following substances:

  • micro and macro elements (phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper);
  • alimentary fiber;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins of groups C, PP, B and A;
  • glycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty acid.

Vitamins in the composition of the remedy strengthen the immune system, preventing the risk of developing serious diseases. Minerals have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Glycosides take part in the metabolism and normalize the heart rate. Flavonoids are anti-inflammatory. Dietary fiber, in turn, restores the functioning of the digestive system. The carminative effect of the plant is achieved due to the content of fatty acids.

Benefits of fennel seeds for the human body

Fennel seeds have been successfully used to increase appetite and strengthen the immune system. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. The main feature is the carminative effect of seeds. Thanks to him, it is possible to get rid of flatulence and pain in the abdomen.Seeds are often used for the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory organs. They are effective against asthma, tuberculosis and various types of bronchitis. The beneficial properties of fennel seeds include:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • calming effect;
  • slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improving the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • prevention of the development of malignant diseases;
  • prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
  • antioxidant action;
  • relieving spasms;
  • increased libido.

The main advantages of the remedy include its natural origin. It rarely causes side effects and can be used prophylactically. Fennel seeds can be used as a complementary medicine. Substances in their composition increase the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria by strengthening the immune system.

Benefits of fennel seeds for women

Fennel seeds are especially beneficial for women. They contain substances that help normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve mood swings during PMS. They also have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, which makes them suitable for gynecological diseases. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the remedy helps to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis. But for another period of time, it is strictly forbidden to use it.

Fennel tea has a pleasant spicy taste
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Comment! Fennel decoction has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

How to brew fennel seeds

For medicinal purposes, fennel tea is often used. For its preparation for 1 tbsp. hot water will need 1 tsp. seeds. The drink is infused for 10 minutes under the lid. Before use, it must be filtered.

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How to take fennel seeds

According to the instructions for use, fennel tea is taken before meals for ½ tbsp. The number of doses can be up to 3 times a day. For some diseases, the drink is mixed with milk or other herbal decoctions. For skin diseases it is used to make compresses.

The use of fennel seeds in medicine

Due to its many beneficial properties, fennel seeds are widely used in alternative medicine. They are often used to strengthen immunity and normalize metabolism. In addition, pharmaceutical dill is considered an excellent remedy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. It helps remove mucus from the bronchi and relieve coughs. With regular use, it will cope with eye fatigue and cleanse the body of toxins. But before using it, it is extremely important to study the contraindications and possible side effects.

With cystitis

The anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to use fennel seeds to treat cystitis. Together with this, they have a diuretic effect. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, they are used in conjunction with a decoction of St. John's wort or lingonberry. Fennel is often found in multicomponent urological preparations. They help to normalize urination and relieve inflammation.

With a cold

Fennel seeds are also effective against colds. Their broth must be taken at the very beginning of the disease. In this case, therapy will be most effective. The desired effect is achieved by strengthening the immune system. The beneficial properties of the drink can be enhanced by adding honey to it. Reception is carried out 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

For acne

Fennel seed infusion has a beneficial effect on skin condition. That is why it is often used for acne breakouts.The infusion should be used as a tonic twice a day. It perfectly cleanses pores and suppresses the inflammatory process in the epidermis. Sometimes the medicinal drink is used to make homemade face masks.

From cough

The expectorant effect makes fennel seeds effective for a tearful cough. They remove phlegm from the lungs and reduce the frequency of coughing fits. In this case, fennel tea is taken in ½ tbsp. 3 times a day. Therapy directs its action not only on the symptoms, but also on the cause of the disease. It restores lung function and relieves inflammation.

Damp fennel is undesirable to use for medicinal purposes

For joint pain

The substances present in the composition of the seeds of the medicinal plant have analgesic and warming effects. Infusion made on their basis is used for the manufacture of compresses. It is applied to the problem area for several hours. It helps to reduce pain and restore joint mobility.

With decreased vision

The medicinal plant is effective in terms of visual function. The result is achieved due to the presence in its composition of natural antioxidants - arginine and ascorbic acid. Treatment with fennel seeds improves vision and helps to cope with inflammation. The therapy is especially beneficial for the elderly. It helps to cope with age-related changes.

To normalize lactation

Fennel seeds are often prescribed for lactating women in order to normalize lactation. They are mixed with fenugreek and dill seeds in the same ratio. The resulting mixture is poured into 1 tbsp. hot water. After insisting for 3 hours, the drink is taken in 3 tbsp. l. before every meal. This method helps to significantly increase the volume of milk produced.

With pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, fennel seeds help to eliminate pain in the right hypochondrium. The desired effect is achieved by stimulating the outflow of bile. The use of a healing infusion prevents the formation of stones in the bile ducts. This reduces the risk of clogging.

Advice! To relieve gum disease and toothache, fennel tea is used to rinse the mouth.

Contraindications to the use of fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can be beneficial as well as harmful. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the contraindications for their use. Among them are:

  • allergic reaction;
  • epilepsy;
  • 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy;
  • violation of cardiac activity.

The plant is considered a common allergen. Before using it, it is important to exclude the presence of individual intolerance. It is manifested by skin rashes, watery eyes and itchy sensations on the skin. In some cases, using a folk remedy can provoke a stool disorder.

The use of fennel seeds in cooking

Shredded fennel seeds are used as a popular spice. It can be found in Provencal herbs. The seasoning is added to soups, main courses, pastries and alcoholic beverages. It is often used as a marinade for fish or meat. The spice gives the dish a rich taste and bright aroma.

The seasoning is often found in organic stores

Fennel seeds for weight loss

Due to its ability to stimulate metabolism, fennel seeds are often used for weight loss purposes. For this, a decoction is prepared from them. 2 tsp seeds are poured with 1 tbsp. water, the agent is brought to a boil. After boiling, it is kept on fire for 6 minutes. After removing from heat, the drink is insisted for another 20 minutes. It is taken on ½ tbsp. up to 3 times a day. The remedy helps to remove excess fluid from the body and starts metabolic processes. It helps to reduce appetite and shed those extra pounds.

Application in cosmetology

Fennel seeds have a positive effect on the condition of the skin due to the content of phytoestrogens and vitamins. These ingredients are especially beneficial for mature women. They help prevent the appearance of age-related changes, even out the complexion and cope with pigmentation. By stimulating the process of cell division, increased production of collagen occurs. This is reflected in the elasticity of the skin surface.

Regular use of face masks with the addition of fennel seeds helps protect the skin from external environmental influences. Fatty oils in their composition neutralize damage from ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes. In addition, fennel seed cosmetics can help fight acne. Rinsing hair with fennel decoction will stop hair loss and normalize the production of sebum.

Where to get fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can be purchased at specialty spice stores or pharmacies. It's also easy to dry them yourself. Seeds are harvested during their ripening period, cut along with the branch. The drying process is carried out in a dry and warm, but ventilated place. The shelf life of a properly prepared product is 3 years. It must be stored in a tightly closed container, protected from moisture and direct sunlight.

Important! With the development of an allergy to a remedy, an antihistamine should be taken immediately.


The healing properties of fennel seeds and contraindications are recommended for study by all supporters of alternative medicine. As a seasoning, they must be consumed in limited quantities. This will avoid side effects while getting the most benefit.

Reviews of fennel seeds for nursing mothers

Kochetkov Elena Igorevna, 52 years old, Kostroma
This seasoning is always in my kitchen arsenal. I use it in cooking everywhere. Most often I add it to soups and main courses. It is quite spicy, but does not impart strong pungency. In our family, everyone reacts to her only positively.
Kryshova Polina Vitalievna, 37 years old, St. Petersburg
After the birth of my second child, I used fennel to stimulate lactation. Fortunately, the milk was saved. The child grew up healthy, with strong immunity. I periodically use this remedy during PMS. It perfectly soothes and relieves pain in the abdomen.
Sevastyanova Kristina Alekseevna, 26 years old, Perm
I often drink fennel tea in stressful situations. It helps to cope with insomnia and eliminate anxiety. In addition to this, immunity is significantly strengthened, which affects performance and general well-being. This tea should definitely be present in the medicine cabinet of everyone who cares about health.

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