The benefits and harms of viburnum for health

Viburnum, ubiquitous in the middle lane, is best known for its beautiful fruiting at the very end of autumn. However, beauty is not the only merit of the plant. The benefits and harms of viburnum are also a very interesting question.

The composition and calorie content of viburnum

From the point of view of nutritional value, viburnum is extremely low in calories. Only 26 calories per 100 g make berries an absolutely safe product for those who care about their figure. Most of the mass in viburnum is water - 86 g, another 7 g is carbohydrates, and ash is present in very small quantities in berries - 0.5 g.

The main benefit of viburnum lies in its rich vitamin composition. Due to the berries, the body receives:

  • valuable trace elements - zinc, iron, manganese, phosphorus;
  • vitamins - not only common A, C and E, but also rare P and K;
  • organic acids - acetic, butyric, linoleic, formic and valerian.

It is especially valuable that in the autumn-winter period viburnum berries do not become a deficit - they can still be purchased inexpensively on the market or collected on their own.

Why is red viburnum useful?

The positive effect of berries on the body is expressed in the fact that viburnum:

  • helps to balance blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels;
  • normalizes bowel function;
  • has a calming effect and is wonderful for helping with stress;
  • enhances immunity;
  • promotes good blood clotting;
  • effectively tones and invigorates;
  • can act as a natural diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • fights inflammation and infections.

Kalina in diabetes mellitus lowers the level of glucose in the blood - and the berry is useful for both type I and II ailments.

For women

Huge benefit lies in viburnum for the female body.

  1. During painful periods, fresh or processed viburnum may help reduce discomfort.
  2. During menopause, viburnum improves the general condition. The female body almost ceases to produce sex hormones, but the berries contain substances that successfully replace them.
  3. Viburnum is especially valuable for uterine bleeding due to its hemostatic properties.

For men

Fresh fruits or any drink based on viburnum is a great benefit for the male body. Berries help well with diseases of the genitourinary system - they eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.

For children

Vitamin viburnum is definitely useful for children during the period of active development of the body. But it is not possible to introduce it into the diet immediately, but only from 6 to 8 months of a child's life.

Allergy to viburnum is very rare, but to be sure of its absence, first you should give your baby no more than a spoonful of viburnum juice.

Viburnum, rubbed with sugar, whole berries, as well as jelly and sweets should not appear in the diet before 1.5 years of age.

Is viburnum possible for pregnant and lactating

With all the colossal benefits of berries while waiting for a child, women are prohibited from using it.The reason is simple - although viburnum has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, at the same time it strongly raises the muscle tone of the uterus. This is very dangerous for pregnant women. In the early stages, increased muscle contractions can lead to miscarriage, and in the later stages, to premature birth.

It is also not recommended to return fresh viburnum to your diet immediately after childbirth while breastfeeding. The substances contained in berries can cause severe allergies in an infant. Viburnum syrup, preserves or jam are less dangerous, but the risk remains here, so you need to try them very carefully.

Advice! The smallest concentration of potential allergens is found in viburnum juice, weak compote or tea with viburnum - during lactation it is worth paying attention to them.

Useful properties of viburnum seeds

The great benefit of viburnum is that not only berries are valuable, but also other parts of the plant, in particular, the seeds.

  1. Viburnum bones are an excellent means of cleansing the body of toxins.
  2. The bones are very useful in the presence of sand and kidney stones - they help crush stones and facilitate their release.
  3. The supply of nutrients in small bones strengthens the heart system.

If desired, viburnum seeds can even be used as a substitute for coffee - if you roast them first.

Attention! When using seeds, you must observe the measure - no more than 10 pieces per day. Moreover, in order to avoid indigestion, they should not be taken immediately, but 1 piece at intervals.

The healing properties of viburnum flowers

The flowers that viburnum releases in late spring - from early May to early June - have a healing effect. The healing properties of viburnum flowers help with the following ailments:

  • with a cold and severe cough;
  • with diathesis;
  • for problems with appetite and stomach discomfort.

It is not difficult to prepare a healing infusion - just take 2 - 4 pinches of flowers, pour boiling water over them and wait a little.

Viburnum recipes in folk medicine

Viburnum in all forms is widely used in home treatment. It is recommended to use decoctions, infusions and teas with these berries for the following ailments:

  • gastritis, ulcerative lesions and colitis;
  • with hypertension;
  • with problems with the respiratory system - bronchitis, cough and even asthma;
  • with flu, accompanied by high fever and intoxication;
  • with problems with the gallbladder.

There are several particularly popular plant-based recipes.

Infusion of fruits

The usual infusion of fresh berries is very easy. A tablespoon of berries is poured with a glass of boiling water, the viburnum is infused for a couple of hours, then it is filtered. It is recommended to drink the infusion 2 times a day, half a glass - this will give a calming effect and generally strengthen the body.

Bark infusion

Another infusion is prepared from the viburnum bark - it also contains benefits. To begin with, the bark must be completely dried and chopped - in the volumes of a small handful. After that, pour boiling water over it in a thermos or other sealed container and leave to infuse for 5 - 6 hours. Strain the finished drink before use, and then drink it twice a day before meals.

The healing properties of the viburnum bark are especially good for bleeding gums or painful periods.

Decoction of berries

A great benefit will be from a decoction of berries - for example, viburnum with a cold will lower the temperature. For cooking you need:

  • carefully grind a handful of berries;
  • pour them with a glass of hot water;
  • cover and leave in a closed thermos for 4 hours.

After that, the drink is poured into ordinary dishes, cooled and filtered. The berries must be squeezed out so that they give all the benefits. Drink the drink 3 times a day before meals for several sips - about a third of the glass.

Viburnum broth with honey

A good anti-cold remedy is a decoction of viburnum with honey. A handful of viburnum berries also need to be grinded, but not filled with water, but with honey heated over a fire.After that, insist 5-6 hours, cool and take a tablespoon several times a day. Viburnum mixed with honey with hypertension will quickly equalize pressure.

Bark decoction

The viburnum bark is not boiled in the classical way, but is prepared in a water bath.

  1. A tablespoon of crushed dry bark is poured into a glass of warm water.
  2. The drink is kept in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. Then the broth is cooled for 10 minutes, after which it is filtered.

Drink the broth on the bark for several sips before each meal.

Important! Infusions and decoctions based on viburnum bark or berries are best consumed fresh. You can prepare drinks for future use, but in this case, you need to store them in a cool and shaded place.

Viburnum juice

One of the simplest viburnum drinks is regular fresh juice. To prepare it, you just need to grind a sufficient amount of berries, squeeze the resulting puree through a fine colander and cheesecloth, and then add a little sugar to taste.

Such a drink will have a tonic effect and will serve as an excellent prevention of many ailments.

Useful properties of tea with viburnum

Tea with viburnum is prepared literally on the go. A few berries or a pinch of seeds are added to a pre-brewed hot drink, kept for 5 - 10 minutes, and then drunk like regular tea.

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The benefit lies in the fact that the valuable properties of traditional tea are enhanced by the valuable properties of viburnum. The drink helps to overcome colds, eliminates coughs, and can serve as a good diuretic. Viburnum is useful for the heart. Tea with viburnum perfectly invigorates, which is why it is recommended to drink it before physical activity.

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The benefits of fruit drink and jam from viburnum

Viburnum jam is a sweetness suitable for any tea party. After processing the fruits, the benefits are not lost - the viburnum retains its vitamin composition. Therefore, it is recommended to use jam to prevent colds and to normalize bowel function.

Important! You do not need to remove the viburnum seeds from the jam. With them, the benefits will be even greater, since they help get rid of kidney stones and, in principle, prevent the formation of stones.

Viburnum juice effectively lowers blood pressure and restores the acid balance of the stomach. Its regular use has a rejuvenating effect.

The benefits of viburnum for facial skin

Kalina can be used as a natural cosmetic product.

  1. In order to cleanse the skin, it is enough to wipe your face with viburnum juice every morning.
  2. You can also mix mashed berries with sour cream and apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin.
  3. A good effect is given by a mask of mashed viburnum and cottage cheese, taken in equal proportions (3 teaspoons) and mixed with egg yolk and oat flour. You need to keep such a mask for 20 minutes.

Collection and storage of viburnum

Kalina does not have to be bought on the market - you can collect it yourself outside the city. But it is important to know a few collection rules.

  1. You should definitely go for berries in the fall - ideally after the first frost. During this period, the berries are most delicious, and their benefits are maximum.
  2. Kalina is not recommended to pick one berry from the bush. You need to cut off whole clusters of fruits - this way they will retain the greatest juiciness.

As for the storage of viburnum, for 3 - 4 months, the collected berries can be safely kept in the cold on the balcony or outside the window - they will not deteriorate.

Harm and contraindications

The benefits of viburnum are very great, but there are a number of contraindications. It is prohibited to use berries, decoctions, infusions and fruit drinks when:

  • chronically low blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding for the first 3 months;
  • varicose veins and a tendency to develop blood clots;
  • with serious renal ailments and enuresis.


The benefits and harms of viburnum depend on how carefully and carefully you take it.With specific ailments and conditions, viburnum can harm, but in most cases it will only benefit the whole body.

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