The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds for the body

The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds are interesting to many - appetizing and tasty seeds are a very popular delicacy. The product has enough valuable properties, but it can also harm it, so it would be wise to study the features.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of seeds

Small seeds are the richest source of valuable substances and vitamins. They contain:

  • vitamins E, A and D;
  • amino acids and vegetable fats;
  • cellulose;
  • subgroup B vitamins - from B1 to B12;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins K and PP;
  • potassium and phosphorus;
  • sodium and calcium;
  • magnesium, manganese and zinc;
  • iron and selenium;
  • Omega-9 and Omega-6.

The nutrients in the product are distributed as follows - 52 g are occupied by fats, proteins are presented in a volume of about 20 g, and there are only 15 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product is quite high - there are 570 calories in 100 g.

How are sunflower seeds useful?

For the human body, sunflower seeds are beneficial if consumed in moderation. Namely, seeds:

  • have a beneficial effect on blood vessels - strengthen their walls, equalize pressure, lower harmful cholesterol;
  • protect the heart from ailments;
  • have a positive effect on the work of the intestines and stomach - they help with constipation, cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances;
  • strengthen joints and serve as a good prevention of arthritis and other diseases;
  • protect the body from the development of oncology;
  • improve vision and dental health;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nerves and emotional state of a person;
  • improve the functioning of the respiratory system in asthma.

The beneficial properties of sunflower seeds extend to their appearance. With regular use of the product, skin condition improves, hair becomes healthier and more beautiful.

For women

The benefits of sunflower seeds for women are primarily cosmetic. When used internally, the product has a beneficial effect on beauty and allows you to prolong natural youth. Use the beneficial properties of the product and externally - for example, as part of home peels and scrubs. It contains a lot of vitamin E, on which the beauty and youth of the skin largely depends.

Despite the calorie content of the product, its beneficial properties can be used in weight loss. Since the product helps to cleanse the intestines, a small amount of seeds during the diet will only benefit the figure.

For men

The benefits of sunflower seeds for men are their beneficial effects on reproductive function. As the blood circulation improves with the use of the product, the quality of sex life also becomes higher. Vitamins and minerals in the composition help to improve the genetic material of a man, it is useful to use the product when planning babies.

For children

The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds for the body of children are closely adjacent to each other. There is no need to prohibit growing children from gnawing sunflower seeds - the beneficial properties of this product can compensate for the lack of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the body. In other words, the product will be beneficial for the teeth and bones of the child.

However, in the same way, its properties can be harmful. First of all, dosages should be moderate, no more than a small handful of the product per day. For the first time, the product should be introduced into the diet no earlier than the child turns 3 years old, and at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the baby does not gnaw the husk with his teeth - this will harm the tooth enamel.

Attention! Since in some conditions the beneficial properties of fried sunflower seeds may be contraindicated, you need to consult a pediatrician before offering a treat to a child.

Is it possible to have seeds for pregnant and lactating

Seeds are beneficial for pregnant women - the properties of the product have a beneficial effect on the state of the woman's blood vessels, on the placenta and on the fetus itself. However, at the same time, during the bearing of a child, the benefits of raw sunflower seeds are considered the greatest. They are lower in calories and are less likely to cause heartburn and diarrhea, although they should not be overused.

So that the product does not harm, it is better for pregnant women to buy peeled sunflower seeds - when using them, you do not need to crunch the husk, which means there will be no harm to the enamel of the teeth.

As for breastfeeding, during lactation, the properties of a useful product should be approached with increased caution. Sunflower seeds are an allergenic product - they must be returned to the diet in small doses, carefully observing the reaction of the baby. If the negative effect does not follow, the product will be beneficial, breast milk will become more nutritious.

The benefits of sunflower seeds for weight loss

Despite the high calorie content, sunflower seeds are beneficial for women when losing weight. The bottom line is that sunflower seeds stimulate metabolism and help to normalize stools, so accumulated toxins are released from the body faster.

The benefit of sunflower seed is that the product satisfies hunger well. A small handful of seeds will replace a snack and will not harm your figure or well-being.

How many sunflower seeds can you eat per day

The benefits and harms of fried sunflower seeds are directly determined by their quantity. The seeds are high in calories and high in fat. If consumed excessively, their properties will cause harm, have a negative effect on bowel function, cause heartburn and nausea, and contribute to excess weight.

For an adult, the average daily dosage of the product should not exceed 50 g. For children, the portion should be halved.

The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds for diseases

With certain ailments, the diet has to be given increased attention. Against the background of chronic diseases, the health benefits and harms of sunflower seeds are manifested in different ways, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of use for each disease.

With diabetes mellitus

The glycemic index of the product is rather low - only 25 units. In addition, the benefit of black seeds is the high content of magnesium in the product, this element lowers blood sugar levels.

But you should still eat healthy sunflower seeds in small portions. Due to its calorie content, the product can cause obesity, which many diabetics are already prone to.

Important! With diabetes, sunflower seeds, only lightly dried in a pan, will be most beneficial; the lower the frying level, the less potential harm to the liver and metabolism.

With gastritis

Against the background of chronic gastritis, the benefits of fried sunflower seeds become controversial. For all their valuable properties, sunflower seeds irritate the walls of the stomach, and this is harmful, since it can provoke another exacerbation and even lead to an ulcer.

It is strictly forbidden to use the product in the acute phase of gastritis. During the period of remission, it is better to limit yourself to small portions and choose minimum roasted seeds.

With pancreatitis

During an acute inflammation of the pancreas, it is strictly forbidden to use healthy sunflower seeds - their properties will only cause harm. In the chronic course of the disease, the product can be left in the diet, but it is better to give preference not to fried, but to dried seeds. There will be harm from salted seeds - it is better to refuse them completely.

With gout

The benefits of sunflower seeds for gout are ambiguous - it is better not to eat a fried product, since its properties can be harmful and lead to increased pain. But raw seeds in small quantities can be eaten, however, not during an exacerbation, but during remission. Sunflower seeds that have not been roasted contain quite a lot of nutrients and do not lead to the deposition of salts in the joints.

The use of sunflower seeds in folk medicine

The benefits of sunflower seeds are applied in home health recipes. Due to its beneficial properties, the product is able to alleviate the symptoms of some ailments, although moderate dosages should be observed here.

Cough and bronchitis treatment

With a lingering cough, a decoction of sunflower seeds will be beneficial. Pour about 50 g of raw sunflower seeds with a glass of water, boil and leave to simmer over low heat until a third of the original amount of liquid has evaporated.

After that, the broth is cooled, filtered and taken in a volume of 2 large spoons three times a day.

High pressure

Benefit from the kernels of sunflower seeds will be with hypertension. The recipe for a remedy looks like this:

  • raw seeds are measured in the amount of 2 glasses;
  • pour cold water and put on fire;
  • after boiling, boil for another 2 hours.

Then the useful agent is cooled and filtered, and they drink 100 ml twice a day. In total, the course should take 2 weeks, if necessary, you can repeat the treatment after 5 days.

To improve immunity

The sunflower kernels will benefit with weakened immunity, they contain many vitamins. During seasonal colds, it is recommended to eat a small spoonful of peeled raw sunflower seeds every morning, after mixing them with the same amount of honey and lemon juice.

For cancer

The properties of the product can help even with oncology. Sprouted sunflower seeds are the most beneficial. They contain a maximum of valuable substances, and most importantly, there is a large amount of antioxidants.

For the prevention and treatment of cancer, it is recommended to eat at least 50 sunflower sprouts every morning on an empty stomach - either separately or as part of porridge or salad. The properties of the product will contribute to the rejuvenation of cells, activate the protective functions of the body and stop the growth of malignant neoplasms.

Attention! It is necessary to treat cancer with medications and procedures prescribed by a doctor. The benefits of sunflower sprouts can only be used as a complementary remedy.

The benefits and harms of white sunflower seeds

Sometimes in stores you can find an interesting type of product - seeds, covered not with black, but with white peel. Usually they are called Turkish seeds, since it is in Turkey that this variety has been grown for a long time and successfully.

In terms of their composition, white seeds practically do not differ from black ones.Accordingly, they have similar beneficial properties - they cleanse the intestines, strengthen blood vessels and the heart, and improve the condition of the skin. The husk of this variety is slightly tougher, but it is easier to peel white sunflower seeds than black ones.

The harm of white seeds can be expressed with their excessive use. Since they are also high in fat, overeating leads to abdominal discomfort.

Why are sprouted sunflower seeds useful?

The benefits of sprouted sunflower seeds are very high. First of all, sprouts contain much more fiber than raw and even more roasted seeds, therefore they effectively help cleanse the body of toxins and improve digestion.

Also, the benefit of sunflower seed sprouts is that they help with skin ailments and problems with potency in men, strengthen teeth and hair.

The use of sunflower seeds in cosmetology

The presence of vitamins A, E and D in the composition of the product, as well as a high fat content - these are the reasons why the properties of seeds are valued in cosmetology. Crushed seeds are often used in homemade face masks, and seed-based scrubs are especially beneficial. Sunflower seeds help to get rid of acne and improve the structure of the skin, make it more elastic and toned.

The product has regenerating properties and promotes the healing of skin lesions. Therefore, homemade ointments are made from the seeds, which have a beneficial effect on cuts, scrapes and burns. And sunflower oil from seeds has a beneficial effect on the skin and strengthens the hair structure when used in medical masks.

How to fry sunflower seeds

It is not necessary to buy roasted seeds in the store, raw seeds can be quickly and easily roasted at home. They do it like this:

  • put raw seeds in husks in a hot frying pan;
  • stirring occasionally, fry over low heat for about a quarter of an hour;
  • when the seeds begin to crack, they are checked for readiness by peeling a few seeds from the husk.

If the seeds are fried, the pan can be removed from the heat. The hot seeds are then poured into any suitable container and covered with a towel for 10 minutes.

Seeds with sea salt are beneficial, and you can also cook them at home. The recipe is simple:

  • before frying, sunflower seeds are briefly soaked in water where sea salt is diluted;
  • then poured into a pan along with the liquid;
  • fry until the water evaporates and the seeds are cooked.
Advice! Frying peeled seeds is even easier - the process looks exactly the same, but takes no more than 5 minutes. The readiness of sunflower kernels will be indicated by the appearance of a slight blush on their surface.

Harm of sunflower seeds and contraindications

The beneficial properties of seeds can easily turn into harm if consumed without caution. Contraindications for this product include:

  • allergy to seeds;
  • stomach ulcer and acute gastritis;
  • pancreatitis and gout in the acute phase;
  • intestinal colitis;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • obesity tendency.

It is not recommended to gnaw the husks from the seeds with your teeth - this leads to damage to the enamel. Also, seeds are harmful at night, if you eat them shortly before bedtime, the calories received will be deposited in adipose tissue.

Answers to popular questions

Although sunflower seeds are a common staple, they still raise a lot of questions. You need to know the answers to some of them.

Which seeds are healthier: fried or raw

The properties of raw sunflower seeds are by far the most beneficial. They retain the full amount of vitamins and minerals, there is a lot of fiber and amino acids. But in the process of roasting, up to 80% of valuable substances disappear, and although such seeds are more pleasant to the taste, the benefits for the body from them are much less.

Fried seeds can be harmful for the liver - they stimulate the outflow of bile, which is dangerous in chronic diseases of this organ. If you have liver ailments, you should choose raw or slightly dried seeds and stick to small portions.

Is it possible to eat sunflower seeds with skin?

The husk is almost not digested in the body and can only do harm. Eating sunflower seeds along with the peel can cause constipation, appendicitis, and other stomach and intestinal problems.

Another reason to peel the seeds is that harmful substances accumulate in the husks, which do not disappear completely even after thorough washing of the seeds.

Which seeds are healthier: sunflower or pumpkin

Both products have many beneficial properties. They are similar in composition, but there are also important differences. In particular, sunflower kernels contain much more protein, and therefore amino acids. At the same time, pumpkin seeds contain more magnesium, iron and zinc.

You should choose a variety of sunflower seeds based on your own needs. As a protein product, sunflower seeds will be more useful, but if you need to make up for the lack of minerals, then it is better to choose pumpkin seeds.

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How to choose and store sunflower seeds

When buying a product in a store, you must first look at the date of manufacture. Sunflower seeds are harvested in the fall, respectively, and the seeds should be packaged during this period. There is usually no way to assess the quality of a store product in other ways; it is sold in opaque packages.

As for the seeds sold by weight, here you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • smell - neither raw nor roasted grains should give off a musty or bitter aroma;
  • Colour - high-quality sunflower seeds should have a shiny black skin without gray bloom;
  • the size - the most delicious are the seeds of average volume, besides, they are the easiest to peel.

Raw sunflower seeds go bad very quickly. Drying helps to preserve their beneficial properties - right after the purchase, the seeds should be spread evenly in the light and held for several days, stirring occasionally.

The product is best stored in a refrigerator at temperatures up to 10 ° C in small paper bags. In low humidity conditions, the beneficial properties will remain for 9 months. As for fried seeds, they are stored for only about one and a half months.


The benefits and harms of sunflower seeds are determined by the general condition of the body. In the absence of strict contraindications, the seeds can be beneficial, but you still need to use them a little.

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