Cloudberry: beneficial properties of berries, sepals, leaves, flowers, roots

The beneficial properties of cloudberries are actively used in home medicine. Although this berry is not very common, its beneficial properties are very significant.

Value and chemical composition of cloudberries

This valuable berry has a very diverse chemical composition. First of all, it contains many organic acids and mineral salts. Namely:

  • citric and malic acids;
  • salicylic acid;
  • fiber and tannins;
  • pectins;
  • magnesium, iron and potassium;
  • fatty acids and coumarins;
  • fructose;
  • sodium and aluminum;
  • anthocyanins;
  • calcium and phosphorus.
Cloudberry is a rare but very healthy northern berry

Of the nutrients in cloudberries, the main share is occupied by carbohydrates - about 7.4 g. Another 0.9 g is accounted for by fats, and proteins take only 0.8 g.

Vitamins in cloudberries

The beneficial properties of cloudberries are provided by vitamins present in its composition in large volumes. The berries contain:

  • vitamin C - about 32% of the daily value;
  • vitamin A and beta-carotene - 17 and 18%, respectively;
  • tocopherol - about 10%;
  • vitamins B1 and B2 - approximately 4% of the daily value;
  • vitamin PP - 2.5%.
Important! Despite its small size, the berry perfectly saturates the body with vitamins and has a strong strengthening effect.

Calorie content of cloudberries

Cloudberry is a berry with low nutritional values. 100 g of fruit contains about 40 kcal, so the product is perfect, including for a dietary diet.

Useful properties of northern cloudberries

The uniqueness of cloudberries lies in the fact that not only the fruits of the plant have beneficial properties for the body. Valuable substances are contained in the green parts and roots, so traditional medicine uses the whole plant in different recipes.

The benefits of cloudberries

The most popular fruits are cloudberries. They have the most valuable properties and, moreover, can please with a pleasant taste. The benefits of berries are expressed in the fact that they:

  • have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • help with colds and bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • have an antiparasitic effect and help with worms and lamblia;
  • strengthen the immune system, restore strength and vigor;
  • improve the condition of blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • protect the heart from dangerous ailments;
  • help to remove excess fluids, toxins and toxins from the body;
  • have an anticonvulsant and analgesic effect;
  • promote tissue regeneration;
  • strengthen eyesight.
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The berry is recommended to be used for the prevention of oncological tumors; it contains many antioxidants. The beneficial properties of the fruit will be in demand with a deficiency of vitamins, in particular, cloudberry perfectly helps to prevent the development of scurvy against the background of a lack of vitamin C.

The fruits contain a huge amount of antioxidants and vitamin C

Useful properties of cloudberry jam

Since the product is not stored fresh for long, cloudberries can often be found in the form of jam. Although the berries are cooked during cooking, they do not lose their beneficial properties. Cloudberry Jam Still:

  • reduces symptoms of colds and flu;
  • helps with inflammatory processes in the body;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and mineral salts;
  • has a beneficial effect on the vascular and cardiac systems.

Since cloudberry jam contains sugar, it is necessary to use it with caution if you are prone to obesity and diabetes. But in small quantities, the delicacy is of great benefit and supports the strength of the body.

Useful properties of cloudberry leaves

Northern cloudberry leaves are of great medicinal value. On their basis, first of all, decoctions and infusions with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties are prepared. Drinking drinks from cloudberry leaves is useful for coughing and sore throat, infectious processes in the body and a tendency to swelling.

Decoctions on cloudberry leaves can be used externally. The remedy is used to treat purulent wounds and healing burns - the beneficial substances in the leaves contribute to the rapid healing of injuries.

The healing properties of cloudberry sepals

The sepals, which are a green bed for the flower and berries, are highly regarded by folk medicine as an expectorant. Most often, an infusion is prepared from the sepals, recommended for use for bronchitis, colds cough and other respiratory diseases.

Home therapy uses the leaves, sepals and roots of the plant

The sepals infusion promotes the discharge of phlegm and helps to cure the cough faster. In addition, the vitamins in the composition of the remedy reduce the temperature in case of a cold and, in general, accelerate the treatment of the disease.

Useful properties of cloudberry root

The underground part of the plant, or its root, contains especially many tannins and vitamins. Medicinal decoctions are prepared from cloudberry roots, which have a strong positive effect on inflammation of the oral cavity and gastric disorders.

Cloudberry roots are used for urolithiasis, decoctions based on them have strong diuretic properties. The roots are also beneficial for malaria and skin conditions when applied topically.

Useful properties of cloudberry flowers

The small white flowers of the plant are not only very beautiful, but are also useful in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious ailments. Since the flowers contain many antioxidants and vitamins, when used medicinally, they help to cope with viruses and bacteria, have antipyretic and firming effects.

You can also use drinks on cloudberry flowers as a diuretic. When applied externally with infusions and decoctions, cuts and ulcers on the skin are treated.

Why cloudberries are useful for the human body

Even with infrequent use, cloudberries help:

  • strengthen the body's defenses;
  • cope with the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • to establish the work of digestion and metabolism;
  • improve the work of blood vessels and heart;
  • activate brain activity.
The product is very useful for blood vessels and heart

Taking the fruits of the plant is recommended for both women and men, since in each case the berry brings special benefits.

Useful properties of cloudberries for men

The main benefit for men is that the potassium in cloudberries has a strengthening effect on the heart and blood vessels of the stronger sex. Men are more susceptible to early heart attacks and strokes, and the northern berry protects the body from the development of dangerous conditions. In addition, tocopherol in the composition has a beneficial effect on male potency, against the background of the use of berries, libido increases and the functioning of the reproductive system improves.

Cloudberry contains many B vitamins, so it is recommended for athletes to consume it. The berry improves nerve conduction and has a positive effect on the muscular system, increases endurance and vigor.

Why cloudberries are useful for a woman's body

The northern berry is recommended for use in the diet. There are a lot of vitamins and mineral salts in cloudberries, and their calorie content is low, besides, it helps to get rid of toxins, therefore, it helps to lose weight without compromising overall health.

Also cloudberry has excellent cosmetic properties. When the berry is consumed, the skin becomes softer and the hair stronger. An even more pronounced effect of cloudberry brings with external use; masks for the face and for curls are made on its basis. The berry cleanses and moisturizes the skin, stimulates cell renewal and slows down the appearance of wrinkles.

Cloudberry also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. You can use the berry during periods of stress, during menopause and during painful periods - the product evens out the emotional background and improves physical condition.

Cloudberry berries improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation

Is cloudberry possible during pregnancy

During the period of gestation, the cloudberry berry may be useful. The vitamins present in it strengthen the woman's immunity, protect the body from viruses and infections, and help to avoid the onset of vitamin deficiency. Cloudberry is useful for edema in late pregnancy, as it removes excess fluids from the body.

But at the same time, the high content of vitamins C and A in the berry can be harmful. Cloudberries can cause allergies and sometimes bleeding. Therefore, you can take berries during pregnancy only with the permission of your doctor.

Can cloudberries be breastfed?

The red-orange berries of cloudberries contain a lot of carotene and ascorbic acid. These vitamin compounds often cause an allergic reaction in infants, therefore, it is not recommended to use them during the first period of lactation.

For the first time, a nursing mother can add cloudberries to the menu only 3 months after giving birth and in very small quantities. If a negative reaction occurs in a child, the product must be excluded from the diet again.

At what age can children take cloudberries

It is recommended to offer a product to a child for the first time not earlier than 3 years old. At an earlier age, the berry can cause allergies, in addition, the baby's digestive system is unlikely to cope with the excess of organic acids in the fruit. It is best to start a child's acquaintance with a berry with fruit drinks and compotes diluted with water.

Due to the high acid content, cloudberry berries should not be given to babies.
Attention! Cloudberries have strict contraindications; in some diseases, they can cause severe harm to the child. Before treating your baby to a berry, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Application of cloudberries

Northern berry is used not only in home medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking. To get the most out of the product, you need to read the rules for use.

In folk medicine

Its anti-inflammatory and firming properties make cloudberries especially useful in home treatments. On its basis, several medicinal drinks are prepared that have benefits and good taste.

Cloudberry tea

With a cold, severe vitamin deficiency and a breakdown in strength, tea made from dried berry leaves becomes a useful remedy.Prepare it like this:

  • dry leaves and sepals are ground in a volume of 1 large spoon;
  • pour the collection with a glass of hot water;
  • insist under the lid for 10 minutes and filter through cheesecloth.
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Take herbal tea three times a day for 1 cup, it is advisable to drink the product warm. Tea helps to reduce the temperature in case of colds, relieves headaches, activates the body to fight the disease.


From the roots and leaves of cloudberries, you can prepare a decoction that helps with inflammation of the digestive tract, diarrhea, kidney stones and cystitis. The recipe looks like this:

  • dry roots and leaves of the plant are mixed in equal parts and finely chopped;
  • measure out 1 large spoonful of raw materials and pour 250 ml of hot water;
  • simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, and then filter into a clean container and add to the original volume.

You need to drink such a remedy for 1/4 cup four times a day on an empty stomach. The broth soothes irritated mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, serves as a natural diuretic and helps with indigestion.

Drinks from the fruits and sepals of the plant are good for colds

Infusion of sepals of cloudberries for cough

Of all the parts of the plant, sepals are the best to cure a cough; a useful infusion is prepared on their basis. They make it according to this recipe:

  • a large spoonful of dried sepals is poured with a glass of hot water, either alone or together with cloudberry leaves;
  • the container is covered with a lid and wrapped in a thick cloth or towel;
  • insist the remedy for 5 hours, and then filter.

Several sips of the medicinal infusion are drunk throughout the day every 3-4 hours until the cooked portion ends. The tool helps well not only with bronchitis, but also with pneumonia, as it promotes sputum discharge and fights bacteria.

Advice! If you pour dry raw materials not with boiling water, but with water with a temperature of about 80 ° C, more nutrients in the sepals will remain.

In cosmetology

Cloudberry is popular in home beauty recipes. Its moisturizing and nourishing properties help maintain the beauty and health of the epidermis and curls.

Face masks

On the basis of cloudberries, you can prepare a homemade scrub that will help cope with breakouts and improve your complexion. They do it like this:

  • a large spoonful of fresh berries are kneaded into gruel;
  • mixed with sour cream;
  • evenly spread over the face for 10 minutes;
  • before washing off, massage the skin with light movements for a couple of minutes.

Small seeds of cloudberries will have a scrubbing effect, and vitamins in the berry and sour cream will help moisturize, refresh and slightly whiten the skin.

The berry is often used for homemade scrubs.

For oily skin, you can make another mask:

  • a handful of red-orange berries are ground to a soft gruel;
  • mixed with egg white;
  • applied to the skin for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

With regular use three times a week, the mask will help normalize the oily skin, and also eliminate the first wrinkles.

Hair masks

Northern berry is used for hair care, cloudberry makes curls stronger and stops hair loss. This mask is especially popular:

  • 5 large spoons of infusion on cloudberry leaves are mixed with a large spoonful of olive oil;
  • add chicken yolk to the mixture;
  • mix and distribute over curls for half an hour.

You can wash off the product without using shampoo. It is recommended to make a mask weekly for a couple of months, then the hair will quickly become more voluminous and stronger.

Fresh berries can also be used for hair care:

  • cloudberries are ground into gruel;
  • mixed with sour cream or yogurt;
  • applied to hair closer to the roots and left for 30 minutes under plastic wrap.

This mask is useful for excessive dryness of the scalp, as it has a softening and nourishing effect.

In cooking

The culinary use of cloudberries is very wide, most often the berries are used in the processed form. From the fruits of the plant are prepared:

  • compotes, fruit drinks and jelly;
  • jams and preserves;
  • pies and cheesecakes with cloudberry filling;
  • sour-sweet sauces for meat and game.
In the kitchen, berries are used to make jam and as a filling.

Cloudberry fruits are used as a filling for pancakes and waffles, used in ice cream and a variety of desserts, cakes. On the basis of the fruits, homemade liqueurs and liqueurs with numerous useful properties are prepared.

Collection, drying and storage of raw materials

Cloudberries are harvested at different times, depending on which part of the plant is needed to collect:

  • the fruits are harvested in the middle of summer, after the berries turn yellow-orange, the sepals are also plucked with them;
  • leaves are plucked from the plant in late May or early June, after the formation of buds;
  • flowers are also harvested in early summer during the appropriate flowering period;
  • cloudberry roots are dug up in autumn to mid-October.

Cloudberry fruits are not only eaten immediately or sent to the freezer. They can also be dried along with the roots and green parts of the plant. To do this, the leaves, fruits, sepals and roots are washed and laid out in a warm, dry place away from sunlight. When the raw material is completely dry and begins to crumble in your fingers, it is laid out in glass jars and stored in a dark and dry place.

Fresh berries are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days, dried berries - up to 2 years. Leaves and sepals also retain their beneficial properties for 2 years after drying, and the roots can be stored for up to 3 years.

Limitations and contraindications

There are not many contraindications for cloudberry fruits and leaves. You cannot use the product for culinary and medicinal purposes:

  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • with acute gastritis with high acidity;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • in the presence of individual allergies.
It is important not to overuse healthy berries

When consumed, it is necessary to observe moderation, in too much cloudberry can lead to hypervitaminosis, diarrhea, nausea and headaches.


The beneficial properties of cloudberries make them a very valuable natural product. The rare northern berry is suitable for the treatment of many diseases and decorates any dessert with its pleasant refreshing taste.

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