Black beans: useful properties, how to cook

Beans belong to the legume family. South and Central America is considered to be its homeland. Breeders have bred a large number of varieties, among which there is a culture with black fruits. In cooking, it has established itself for its nutritional value and large size. And the benefits and harms of black beans have been studied by traditional medicine.

What black beans look like

Beans are an annual crop. It can grow like a bush, reaching half a meter in height, or weave like a liana, expanding 3 to 5 m in length. The plant has developed roots, growing up to 1 m. From the hairy stem, pointed leaves of a heart-shaped shape with a wrinkled surface extend. They are located alternately. The flowers of the culture grow in inflorescences. They are white or purple in color. Inflorescences bloom in late June or July. And at the end of August and in September, the fruits ripen. These are long beans that can be green, yellow, and purple. Inside there are large grains resembling an ellipse. The beans are smooth, black or purple in color. They are found monochromatic, spotted, with patterns in the form of veins. The grains taste sweet and tender.

Vitamin and mineral composition of black beans

The benefits of black beans are scientifically proven. It contains a large number of amino acids, among which the body needs arginine, lysine, glutamine. These substances have healing properties, play an important role in metabolism and are needed for the prevention of neoplasms. The culture also contains:

  • vitamins A, K, E, group B;
  • useful minerals;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

The content of nutrients in black beans is much higher than in other types. Grains are saturated with fiber, which supports the intestinal microflora, takes an active part in metabolism, and lowers blood cholesterol.

With a large amount of useful elements, beans contain heavy metals and toxic substances that can harm the body. Therefore, it should be eaten after heat treatment. Ingestion raw can lead to severe poisoning.

Calorie content and nutritional value of black beans

Black beans are moderate-calorie foods that enhance their benefits. There are 132 calla lilies per 100 g of beans.

Nutritional value (BJU) of beans per 100 g





Quantity, g




Why are black beans useful?

Among legumes, black beans are among the healthiest. Its composition is closest to animal protein. The benefits of the product are as follows:

  • thanks to protein and calcium, beans strengthen muscle, bone tissue, nails and hair;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases metabolism, normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • stabilizes carbohydrate balance;
  • removes excess water from the body, relieves puffiness;
  • amino acids of black beans fill with energy;
  • thanks to the iron, the culture normalizes the work of the heart, cleans the blood vessels;
  • black beans are recommended as prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • the culture has a diuretic property, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver;
  • being an antioxidant, it improves skin condition and rejuvenates;
  • thanks to the B vitamins included in the composition, especially folic acid, beans soothes the nervous system, helps to cope with apathy, stress, insomnia;
  • normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity.

Due to the rich content of useful elements, the bean product is added to medicines, including those intended for the treatment and prevention of colon cancer.

For women

The beneficial properties of black beans have a beneficial effect on the female body. It is recommended to use it in food during the diet. Possessing anti-aging properties, the product improves skin condition and complexion. The consumption of legumes helps to strengthen nails and hair. Its reception helps to cope with mood swings during menopause, and for adolescents it is easier to transfer hormonal changes without harm to the body.

For men

The constant consumption of black beans has a positive effect on men's health. They contain zinc, which plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. Consuming a vegetable helps to improve sperm quality and enhances libido.

Are black beans good for pregnant and lactating women?

For pregnant women, eating beans is of great benefit. It can cause harm when overeating and personal intolerance to the product. Because of the minerals and vitamins it contains, beans are useful not only for expectant mothers, but also for the fetus. The benefits of a bean treat for women in position are as follows:

  • fiber removes toxic substances from the intestines;
  • helps to cope with the constant feeling of hunger;
  • thanks to folic acid, replaces vitamin preparations with its content;
  • the culture is saturated with iron, which prevents anemia;
  • calcium and potassium in beans contribute to better formation of the heart and bone tissue of the fetus;
  • contains magnesium, the property of which is to strengthen the nervous system;
  • iodine and zinc contribute to physical, emotional and mental development.

The benefits of nutritious beans are believed to increase lactation. Therefore, it is recommended for nursing mothers to increase the amount of useful vitamins in milk. But it is necessary to introduce the fruits into food carefully, since there is a possibility of harm to the bloating and colic in the baby. The useful elements and salts that make up the vegetable also contribute to the overall strengthening of the body of a young mother.

The benefits of black beans for losing weight

The protein contained in black beans accelerates metabolism, promotes faster burning of excess fats. Its carbohydrates have the ability to help fill and satisfy hunger, which is important during a diet. Moreover, it contains few calories.

Can black beans be used for diabetes

One of the beneficial qualities of black fruits is their ability to normalize blood glucose levels. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it for diabetes. And nutrients and vitamins strengthen the body as a whole, which helps it resist various diseases.

The use of black beans in traditional medicine

Due to its healing properties, black beans are used in alternative medicine for the preparation of infusions and decoctions according to folk recipes. They are prepared for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, removal of kidney and bladder stones, and excess fluid from the body.

Several recipes based on black beans:

  1. The first infusion is drunk for diabetes. To prepare it, you need to grind the beans to a powdery state.Dissolve 50 g of the resulting powder in 400 ml of boiled water. Pour the composition into a thermos and leave for 12 hours. Drink the infusion in half a glass before meals. This drink will help improve overall health.
  2. To prepare another infusion, 2 tbsp should be crushed to a powdery state. l. beans and pour 600 ml of cold water. Insist 7 hours, filter. Drink 200 ml throughout the day.
  3. To prepare the bean broth, take 1 kg of the shutters and 3 liters of water. Add crushed grains of culture to water and cook for half an hour. Filter and let cool. Drink a glass of broth on an empty stomach per day. The course is 30 days.
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Black beans in cooking

Black beans are widely used in various dishes. It is especially popular in Latin American cuisine. Prepare it yourself or add it to salads, soups, sauces.

How to cook black beans

Before boiling the beans, they must be soaked and allowed to sit for 8 hours. Then drain the water by throwing the beans into a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water. Pour into a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 2 hours over low heat until soft.

What can be made with black beans

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Black beans are good to season with onions, garlic, pepper and other spices. They go well with vegetables. Beans are added in the preparation of pates, pasta, borscht, vegetable stews, sauces for dressing fish, soups. It is also added to vegetarian cutlets, vegetable pancakes and baked goods. In Guatemala, beans are made into a sweet treat by coating the beans with chocolate.

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How black beans are used in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the bean product has attracted attention due to its anti-aging properties. Masks are made from it, which saturate the skin with nutrients, moisturize and improve its condition.

To prepare a mask that benefits the skin, you need to boil some beans. Then heat it to make a gruel. Add olive oil and lemon juice, mix well. Apply the resulting composition to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use the mask once a week. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it prevents and reduces skin breakouts.

Harm of black beans and contraindications

The useful properties of black beans are enough, but they can also cause harm if consumed in large quantities and incorrectly. Its beans are difficult to digest, so they should be excluded from their diet for people who have intestinal colic, gastritis, ulcers. You should not eat legumes with gout and increased acidity of the stomach. Individual intolerance is also the reason for the need to stop using them.

How to choose black beans when shopping

When choosing a product at the time of purchase, it is important to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date. Dry beans must be intact and intact. They should be free of cracks and insect marks. It is important that the packaging is stored in a dry place and not exposed to moisture. Beans should not stick together in it.

When buying canned beans, the first thing to check is the ingredients on the can. It is important that its content only consists of beans, water, salt and sugar. Good quality fruits must be whole. The brine should not be cloudy.

Storing black beans at home

To prepare the vegetable for storage with maximum conservation of its properties, it is necessary to dry well and remove damaged and dried beans. Pour them into jars or cloth bags and place them in a cool, dark place where the air temperature does not rise above +10 degrees, and the humidity is kept at around 50%. You can store legumes in this way for two years.If you heat them in the oven at a temperature of 90aboutC, and placed in hermetically sealed jars, the shelf life can last up to five years.


The benefits and harms of black beans are important points to be aware of when starting to introduce them into your diet. The product is undoubtedly endowed with a lot of useful, healing properties, so it can be taken by adults and children. But it is worth remembering the possible harm that individual elements that make up the delicacy can cause and not abuse it.

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