Tarragon herb (tarragon): benefits and harms, photos, drink recipe

The beneficial properties and contraindications of tarragon are an interesting question for those who love unusual spices and medicinal herbal remedies. To understand why tarragon is valuable, and when it can be harmful, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties.

What does tarragon look like and where does it grow

A herb called tarragon, or tarragon, is a perennial plant closely related to wormwood. The plant can reach a height of one and a half meters; in the photo of the tarragon plant, it can be seen that its stems are straight, the leaves are lanceolate and pointed.

Tarragon grows mainly in fields and on mountain slopes in Mongolia, Eastern Siberia and North America. However, it is known all over the world - it is used in Asian, American and European folk and official medicine.

The chemical composition and calorie content of tarragon herb

The health benefits and harms of tarragon are determined by its chemical composition. This plant contains:

  • vitamins B1, B2 and B6;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • vitamins D, E and K;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • valuable minerals - iron and calcium, magnesium and copper, sodium and zinc;
  • substances potassium, iodine, manganese, selenium and phosphorus;
  • essential oils and flavonoids;
  • fatty acids - both saturated and unsaturated;
  • alkaloids and proteins;
  • fats and carbohydrates.

The calorie content of spicy herbs is very small - tarragon contains only 25 kcal per 100 g of product.

Useful and medicinal properties of tarragon

The benefits of tarragon for the human body lies in its unique properties. Even when consumed in moderation or for medicinal purposes, tarragon is not harmful, but has the following health effects:

  • strengthens the body and improves immunity, preventing the development of colds and infectious diseases;
  • fights inflammatory processes, removes accumulated toxins and excess fluid from the body;
  • serves as the prevention of scurvy;
  • has a beneficial effect on hair and skin;
  • benefits with joint ailments - arthritis and rheumatism;
  • improves metabolism, awakens appetite and positively affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • calms the nerves and helps fight depressive conditions;
  • eliminates insomnia and chronic fatigue;
  • tones up and improves performance;
  • promotes rapid healing of lesions on the skin;
  • strengthens blood vessels and protects the heart from ailments;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

Tarhun is useful as a prophylaxis of oncology - it prevents the development of malignant tumors in the body.

For women

The benefit of tarragon for women is that the plant has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system and normalizes the monthly cycle. Tarragon has a mild diuretic effect and is useful in the treatment and prevention of cystitis.

Tarragon is often used for cosmetic purposes, as it has a rejuvenating effect on hair and skin, tightens the face and evens out its color.

For men

The benefits of tarragon herb for men is that the plant is a good prevention of impotence - it normalizes the production of male sex hormones. Tarragon has a good effect on the entire genitourinary system, helps to cope with inflammatory processes. With regular use, the plant promotes increased muscle growth - this is especially valuable for men who are not indifferent to sports.

Is tarragon good for weight loss

The benefits of tarragon for women include, among other things, its dietary properties. Tarragon helps the body to better absorb food, promotes the release and absorption of creatine - a substance responsible for energy balance and muscle building.

Thus, when added to food, tarragon speeds up the metabolism and helps to shed those extra pounds. And its nutritional properties allow you to lose only useless fat mass, while maintaining healthy muscle tissue.

Can tarragon be pregnant

For all its benefits, tarragon can be harmful during the period of gestation. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use it - the plant can provoke a miscarriage.

Attention! In the same way, tarragon in any form should be discarded during lactation.

The properties of the plant reduce the production of breast milk, and this is harmful to the baby.

Daily rate of consumption of tarragon

The daily dosage of the plant depends on the age of the person and on the variety of tarragon.

  1. Fresh tarragon is recommended to take no more than 50 g per day.
  2. In dried form, this amount is reduced to only 5 g.
  3. The daily rate of decoctions and teas based on tarragon should not exceed 500 ml.
Important! If we are talking about giving tarragon to a child, all dosages must be divided in half.

In addition, it is necessary to first talk to a pediatrician about the advisability of using the plant in a children's diet, otherwise tarragon can harm the baby.

Tarragon-based traditional medicine recipes

The benefits and harms of tarragon for health are intensively used in traditional medicine. There are several popular tools based on it that bring real practical benefits.

Universal syrup recipe

The properties of tarragon are used for general strengthening of the body and raising immunity, for example, the universal syrup from this plant is of great benefit. Prepare it like this:

  • 500 g of fresh tarragon is washed, kneaded or chopped in a blender;
  • the raw materials are placed in an enameled container and completely filled with water;
  • under the lid, the grass is infused for 12 hours, then squeezed and filtered;
  • a little sugar is added to the container, and then put in a water bath and boiled until the syrup becomes thick.

The finished product is poured into sterile glass jars and stored for up to six months in the refrigerator.

Infusion for men's health

The medicinal properties of tarragon can be used for problems with potency - the plant is a natural aphrodisiac. An infusion of strong alcohol will be of great benefit, which is done as follows:

  • 50 g of dry grass is poured into 500 ml of alcohol or ordinary vodka;
  • the neck of the bottle is tightly closed with cling film and the infusion is placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, until the liquid acquires a greenish tint;
  • after that, the infusion is filtered and kept in the refrigerator for another day.

It is necessary to use the finished product twice a day - in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. A single dosage is 1 tablespoon; in large quantities, the agent will do harm rather than benefit.

Tarragon tea for women

The benefits and harms of tarragon drink are used to treat female ailments in the reproductive and urogenital areas. Herbal medicinal tea is made as follows:

  • a teaspoon of herbs is poured with a glass of hot water;
  • add half a teaspoon of ginger and a slice of lemon;
  • insist for half an hour.

The useful remedy is drunk warm in small sips. The benefits of tarragon tea are not only in helping to cure cystitis and inflammatory female ailments. Also, the drink is effective in the fight against excess weight, and it also quickly improves digestion.

Joint ointment

The healing properties of tarragon are used to treat joint diseases - the plant relieves tissue swelling and inflammation well, reduces pain. Usually, tarragon-based ointment is prepared for the joints. They do it like this:

  • melt 100 g of good butter;
  • add 2 teaspoons of dry tarragon, ground into powder;
  • in a small enamel container, the mixture is placed on low heat and cooked for 3 minutes;
  • then removed from the stove and allowed to cool.

Sore joints are lubricated with a useful agent several times a day - the properties of tarragon quickly help relieve exacerbations.

In addition, with joint ailments, the beneficial properties of honey with tarragon are manifested. In this case, a teaspoon of dry tarragon powder must be mixed with liquid honey in a ratio of 1 to 3 and applied daily to the sore spot for 2 weeks.

Tea for insomnia

The beneficial properties of the tarragon plant have a calming effect on the nervous system and help get rid of chronic insomnia. It is necessary to prepare a healing broth - for this, 300 ml of boiling water is poured into a large spoonful of dry tarragon and boiled under a lid over low heat for only 3 minutes.

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The finished product is allowed to brew for about half an hour, and then filtered from the grass sediment. They drink the broth in a few sips late in the evening - the remedy quickly restores healthy sleep.

Oil for stomatitis

The plant's antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help well with diseases of the teeth and gums - tarragon soothes pain and reduces inflammation. Tarragon-based oil has the best effect, and you can even cook it at home.

  1. 20 g of dry tarragon leaves are crushed to a powdery state.
  2. In a water bath, melt 100 g of natural butter, add tarragon powder.
  3. On the lowest heat, simmer the mixture for 10 minutes, and then naturally allow the oil to cool.

Rub oil into the gums for stomatitis at least three times a day. It is better to do this within a month - there will be no harm from tarragon, and the symptoms of the disease will be eliminated reliably and for a long time.

Compress for varicose veins

The medicinal properties of tarragon are of great benefit for varicose veins - compresses with tarragon improve blood circulation, eliminate heaviness in the legs. To prepare a compress you need:

  • take 100 g of fresh tarragon, rinse the leaves thoroughly and grind them to a state of gruel;
  • mix the resulting mass with 500 ml of yogurt;
  • apply evenly on the problem skin area on the legs, close on top with cling film and a towel.
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A useful compress is washed off after half an hour. With a moderate course of the disease, it should be done once a day; with progressive varicose veins, it is allowed to carry out the procedure three times a day.

It is best to do compresses in the evening, then the legs after the procedure will not have to experience increased stress, which would be harmful.

Rash and itch recipe

To get rid of allergic skin rashes and itching with dermatitis, you can make a useful infusion based on tarragon. To prepare it you need:

  • mix 3 teaspoons of dry chamomile with the same amount of burdock root;
  • add 2 teaspoons of motherwort and nettle to the mixture;
  • add 1 teaspoon of tarragon and thyme;
  • pour the herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour under the lid.
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Drink the remedy twice a day until the symptoms pass. In addition, infusion can be used to gently treat affected skin areas.

Remedy for edema

The benefits of tarragon infusion well helps to get rid of the puffiness that has arisen against the background of kidney ailments. A healing drink is made as follows:

  • 20 g of fresh tarragon are poured with 500 ml of boiling water;
  • The product is closed with a lid and kept for about 20 minutes;
  • Then they wait until the infusion has cooled down and drink several sips up to 4 times a day.

Tarragon has diuretic properties, so it helps to remove excess fluid from the tissues. True, in order to avoid harm to health, such a remedy should be taken no longer than a month in a row.

Tarhun in home cosmetology

Treatment with tarragon herb is carried out not only for serious ailments, but also for the unsatisfactory condition of the hair or skin. Tarragon has a very good effect on the epidermis and hair follicles, helps to quickly restore beauty.

Facial skin care products

The beneficial plant tarragon is used as part of homemade masks and refreshing cleansers. For example, a plant-based lotion is popular. Prepare it like this:

  • a teaspoon of dried tarragon is poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • insist for about a quarter of an hour;
  • wait for the product to cool down and filter it.

The resulting lotion is rubbed onto the skin of the face twice a day - after waking up and before going to bed. The properties of the plant fight inflammation, nourish the skin and slightly rejuvenate the face.

You can also make a refreshing tonic based on tarragon. To do this, add 2 more large tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice to the beneficial lotion, the recipe for which is given above. Tarragon tonic improves skin tone and firmness.

Hair strengthening mask

Weakened and prone to hair loss can be quickly restored if you use the beneficial properties of tarragon. It is very easy to prepare a homemade mask, for this you need:

  • mix 2 large spoons of olive oil with the same amount of jojoba oil;
  • add 4 drops of tarragon essential oil to the mixture;
  • slightly heat the mixture with steam;
  • rub into the roots of the curls with massage movements and distribute over the entire length of the hair.

The hair is covered with cling film and a towel, and then wait the standard 40 minutes and wash off the mask with a natural shampoo.

The use of tarragon herb in cooking

Tarragon belongs to the category of spicy herbs, therefore, in cooking it is used mainly in small quantities so that there is no harm to the body. However, the plant is often found in French, Arabic and Caucasian cuisine. Tarragon is added to salads and drinks, soups and main courses are flavored with spicy herbs.

Advice! Since with prolonged heat treatment, tarragon begins to taste slightly bitter, it is necessary to add the herb to food only 2-3 minutes before the dish is fully cooked.

In this case, tarragon will give the food an unusual taste and will not do any harm.

How to make homemade tarragon lemonade

One of the most famous plant-based products is a lemonade called tarragon. You can not only buy it in the store, but also prepare it yourself.

  1. 200 g of fresh tarragon herb is ground in a blender or by hand.
  2. Then, in an enamel bowl, tarragon is mixed with a large spoonful of coconut or grape sugar.
  3. Juice is squeezed out of 2 fresh lemons, added to tarragon and sugar, and then 1 liter of water is poured.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then filtered through cheesecloth. The lemonade should then be chilled in the refrigerator and ice cubes added to it before serving.

Tarragon jam recipe

A tasty and healthy jam can be made from the tarragon plant. It takes quite a lot of time for this, but the benefits of tarragon jam are also maximized.

  1. Fresh tarragon leaves are thoroughly washed, allowed to dry and finely chopped with scissors. The resulting raw materials are kneaded with hands or with a special crush in an enamel bowl so that the tarragon lets out the juice.
  2. Then the grass is poured with 1 liter of boiling water and covered with a lid. It is necessary to insist tarragon in a warm place for 10 hours - during this time the herb will give the maximum of useful properties.
  3. After this time, the green mass is filtered, poured into a small saucepan and 1 kg of granulated sugar is added to the infusion.
  4. For 2 hours, the workpiece is placed in a water bath and waiting for the jam to thicken properly.

When the treat is completely ready, it will need to be cooled. Then the jam can be laid out in jars and rolled up with lids - in the refrigerator, it will retain its beneficial properties for months.

Harm of tarragon and contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of tarragon greens are closely adjacent to each other. Contraindications for this spicy herb are:

  • allergy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute gastritis or ulcer - tarragon produces an irritating effect on the stomach;
  • gallstone disease - the properties of tarragon can provoke the movement of stones.

The body can be harmed by an overdose of tarragon. It is necessary to take plant-based products in small amounts, and, in addition, tarragon is generally not recommended for longer than a month in a row. The characteristic symptoms of an overdose are nausea and abdominal pain, dizziness.


The useful properties and contraindications of tarragon are inseparable from each other - for some people the plant is very valuable, others can be very harmful. However, with good plant tolerance and the absence of contraindications, tarragon can effectively help with a number of ailments.

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