Rosemary: useful properties and contraindications, plant photo

You need to know what medicinal plants exist, how to use them correctly. The benefits and harms of rosemary, properties, methods of application have been described by famous scientists in popular scientific works. Now the necessary information is found on the Internet.

What does rosemary look like and where does it grow?

Medicinal rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen tall plant in the form of a bush. The culture grows up to 2 m, but stunted representatives of 70 cm in height are more common. The bush is spherical, spreading, grows at home. The aroma of rosemary is specific, reminiscent of a complex mixture of camphor.

A useful plant is mistakenly classified as a gymnosperm plant, but it belongs to an angiosperm department. This is due to the similarity of the leaves of the culture with the needles. The average length is 5 cm, the end is twisted. Small white flowers of white, blue, lilac hue are collected in inflorescences.

Flowering begins in early March, lasts until mid-May, fruiting in September. The useful plant is considered a cosmopolitan; it began to be cultivated more than 2 thousand years ago. The fruit resembles a brownish nut. In the 18th century, essential oil was made from shrubs.

There are several types of useful culture, but medicinal rosemary (ordinary) is cultivated for industrial purposes. Summer residents grow a garden variety for decorative purposes, add it to food as a seasoning.

The chemical composition and calorie content of rosemary

The taste of rosemary is peculiar, unusual, it seems to many to be moderately saturated, to others - cloying. Who knows the benefits and harms of the plant, have long included it in the daily diet. The calorie content of the product is small, it allows you to saturate the body with useful components during the diet.

The energy value:

Calorie content (kcal)

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbon (g)





Organic matter ratio:

The benefits of rosemary for the human body are invaluable due to the high content of nutrients in the chemical composition of the plant. The many properties of the product, used in folk and modern medicine, determine the components that show a strengthening, antiviral effect.




trace elements


143 μg


317 mg


6.65 mg

IN 1

0.036 mg


668 mg


0.93 mcg

AT 2

0.152 mg




0.96 mg

AT 5

0.804 mg


91 mg


301 μg

AT 6

0.336 mg


26 mg



AT 9

109 mg






21.8 mcg






0.912 mg





Important! After lengthy research by doctors, it became known that the product belongs to the group of natural antibiotics.

Why rosemary is useful

The benefits and harms of rosemary to the body have been studied and available for review. The properties of the product are aimed at detecting problems in the body, preventing or eliminating. It is actively used for medicinal, cosmetic purposes, is capable of:

  • protect the cell membrane from adverse factors;
  • accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • resist infectious and viral diseases;
  • destroy the fungus, effectively fight staphylococcus;
  • stimulate the work of the heart;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • relieve muscle and joint pain, spasms;
  • provoke the production and timely outflow of bile.
  • facilitate the digestion process;
  • split gallbladder stones;
  • help improve intestinal motility;
  • restore memory, improve performance;
  • to curb emotionality, to get rid of sudden mood swings;
  • reduce mental fatigue;
  • positively affect the work of the nervous system;
  • accelerate hair growth, eliminate the formation of dandruff;
  • cleanse the skin, get rid of the signs of aging.
Important! In the Middle Ages, it was used as an effective remedy against the plague.

The healing properties of rosemary for women

The benefits of rosemary for women are manifested in the property of eliminating menstrual irregularities, relieving pain, profuse bleeding. It is practically indispensable for menopause, when the body is under severe stress, which negatively affects physical and psychological health.

Many experts suggest using it to normalize hormonal levels, since it has the beneficial property of having a sedative effect, calming the nervous system, without harming the body, unlike most medicines.

The benefits, harms of rosemary oil are well known to gynecologists, therefore, baths and douching are often used for inflammation of the female genital organs.

The benefits of rosemary for men

Men will appreciate the beneficial properties of the product, since it can have a positive effect on their body. Tincture from fresh leaves of a plant can enhance potency, exclude the possibility of developing prostatitis. Also, the benefits of the product are used to prepare trays for inflammatory processes and purulent wounds on the genitals without harm to health.

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Rosemary for oncology

The health benefits and harms of rosemary are being investigated, since the question is about the effect on DNA, the correction of genetic information - the next generation will be much healthier, stronger than the present. After long-term studies of the influence of medicinal plants on the formation of free radicals and the development of cancer cells, scientists came to the conclusion that carzanolic acid is able to actively counteract the formation and growth of tumors. After many experiments in the early stages of cancer of most internal organs, it became known that a useful trace element stops tumor growth. In the edition of the "International Journal of Oncology" published an article with evidence that many components of the unique shrub have a useful property to provoke the death of cancer cells.

Slimming rosemary

The plant is included in the list of medicinal, which have a useful property to speed up metabolism. Thanks to the action, not only the number of kilograms can be reduced, but also the indicator of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Nutritionists advise to use the beneficial properties of rosemary in the form of tea no more than 2 times a day, since abuse of the drink can cause significant harm to the body and negatively affect weight. Apply no more than 1 month. Another way to get rid of extra calories is tincture. A fairly effective method, but before starting the course you need to find out the benefits and harms, and also seek advice from a doctor.

The use of rosemary in traditional medicine

Before medicine began to develop rapidly, people knew the beneficial properties, the appearance of almost every medicinal plant. Rosemary oil has been used since ancient times for treatment, prevention of diseases by preparing a decoction, tincture, tea, and a bath. Now they trust more in chemicals that can cause significant harm to the body, in contrast to natural remedies. This comes from ignorance of the benefits and harms of the medicinal gifts of nature, how they are used for medicinal purposes.

Rosemary decoction

It is used for stomach problems, digestion, pain in the heart, nerves. To prepare a healthy decoction of rosemary, you need 2 tsp. Pour 250 ml of boiled water over dry crushed leaves. Boil the product for no more than 15–20 minutes, strain. Apply half an hour before meals three times a day for 1 tsp. Before use, you need to find out what are the benefits and harms of the decoction.

Rosemary infusion

The benefits of the tincture are used in the case of heart disease, as well as for the rapid formation and outflow of bile. Recommended to use to relieve nervous tension after a hard day's work. When added to a tincture lavender it turns out excellent means that have the useful property of improving vision, memory, blood circulation in the brain. It is necessary to connect 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over dried leaves and leave for half an hour to brew well. Filter the mass with gauze or strainer, drink 5 times a day.

Alcohol tincture of rosemary

The benefits and harms of alcoholic infusion are determined by a large number of useful properties and are used most often as directed by a doctor. To cook, you need to pour 50 g of leaves with 1 glass of 70% alcohol, leave for at least 10 days. Filter the contents, squeeze out the dry mass. The preparation method can be simplified by combining 3 g of rosemary oil with 1 tbsp. l. alcohol.

Inhalation with rosemary

In case of colds, inhalation is advised. For more action, it is recommended to add 2 drops of rosemary oil to the water, breathe in the steam for a few minutes.

Rosemary tea

Rosemary tea, the benefits of which are aimed at general strengthening of the body, recovery from illness, is very easy to prepare. You need to put 1 tsp in a cup. with a slide of dry mass of leaves, pour boiling water over them. Wait 15 minutes, drink no more than 2 times a day in the morning without harm to health.

Rosemary bath

Such procedures are recommended to be carried out during a period of severe nervous tension and stress. 2 tbsp. l. dry mass of rosemary combine with boiling water, let it brew for an hour. Strain the infusion, add to the water bath.

Properties of rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil, the benefits of which are even discussed, is often used in cosmetology due to its ability to:

  • eliminate migraines, pain in the spine and joints;
  • normalize the functioning of the liver;
  • improve digestion;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • stabilize pressure and myocardial function;
  • relieve eye inflammation;
  • relieve mental stress;
  • nourish the skin and improve its general condition;
  • exclude hair loss, help strengthen them.

The oil is used for fungal and skin diseases, and also promotes rapid healing of wounds, scars, and other skin lesions.

The use of rosemary oil in home cosmetology

The benefits of rosemary have been actively used in folk cosmetology since ancient times. Nowadays, essential oil can be found in the list of ingredients of many drugs, drugs can be made independently.

Rosemary face masks

In folk cosmetology, products based on this culture are often used for the face. Various masks are made from useful essential oil, which strengthen, saturate the skin, give it a natural shine.

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Anti-acne remedy

Useful rosemary for acne is actively used; to prepare this healing agent, you need to mix 1 tsp. black cumin, 2 drops of rosemary. Apply the mixture to the inflamed areas using a point method.

Blend for oily skin

Dissolve dry green clay powder in water and add 3 drops of rosemary oil to a thick consistency. Apply to face no more than 3 times a week.

Rosemary for beauty and health of hair

This product is useful for hair growth and strengthening. Apply it in case of alopecia - profuse hair loss, baldness. Medicinal masses are prepared on the basis of essential oil.

For dry hair

Useful rosemary is actively used for hair loss with increased dryness. To do this, you need to slightly warm up 50 ml of olive oil, add 5 drops of essential oil. With slow massage movements of your fingers, distribute evenly through the hair, put on the film, wrap it in a towel. After half an hour, wash with shampoo.

For oily hair

Rosemary oil is useful for hair with high fat content. To prepare this product, you need to combine 10 ml of jojoba oil, 20 ml of grape seed oil, 2 drops of essential oil from rosemary, calamus and 1 drop each of birch and bay oils. Distribute through hair, wrap with foil. Wash off after half an hour.

Dandruff mask

As you know, rosemary is good for healthy hair growth and also actively fights dandruff. To get rid of it, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. olive oil or burdock oil with 3 drops of rosemary, lavender and tea tree oils. Hold for an hour, wash off with shampoo.

Rosemary oil for cellulite and stretch marks

Combine all oils in one container: 2 tbsp. l. almond, 4 drops of rosemary, juniper, 3 drops of cypress, patchouli. Distribute the resulting oil to problem areas, grind thoroughly.

Rosemary oil in aromatherapy

The oil is known in aromatherapy, as it stimulates the general condition of the body, increases blood pressure, and improves the functioning of the JCG. It is usually combined with ginger, mint, cedar, grapefruit, fir, pine, many gymnosperms. Such beneficial oil treatments are popular in France and Spain.

Where rosemary is added as a seasoning

The healthy rosemary is widely used in cooking as a spice, which has the beneficial property of improving the aftertaste of dishes. The main advantage of the spice is to retain its taste and aroma even after prolonged heat treatment.

Useful rosemary as a spice is added to fruit salads and desserts. In Italy, it is customary to add this component to pizza, and in France to improve the taste of the soup.

Rosemary harm and contraindications

In addition to significant benefits, side effects and contraindications are characteristic of rosemary; before introducing the product into the diet for culinary and medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • with hypertension;
  • in case of allergies and individual intolerance to the plant organism;
  • people who are prone to seizures suffer from epilepsy;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers.

Before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction or other contraindications. The product is toxic in high concentrations and can cause serious harm.

Collection, storage and preparation of rosemary

Benefit, harm depends on the preparation of a useful product - it is customary to collect leaves during the summer. Collecting during the flowering period is also possible. But at this time, a large amount of ether is concentrated in the leaves of the plant, which in case of an overdose can cause enormous harm to the body. In late summer and early autumn, it begins to dry out, losing half of its beneficial properties. When collecting with pruners, the tops of the shoots are cut off, they are much more aromatic, softer than the lower ones.

The stems need to be washed, laid out in one layer, and allowed to dry. After placing the shoots on cardboard, send them to a dark, dry room that is constantly ventilated.The drying process takes 2 to 4 weeks. Then send it to a clean container. You can store such raw materials for 2 years.


You need to know what the benefits and harms of rosemary are in order to properly use the medicinal product for medicinal purposes. He will help get rid of diseases. The remedy will turn out to be more useful, more effective than most of the medicines offered by modern science.


Petrova Marina Nikolaevna, Voronezh
Since childhood, I have had oily skin, since I was 18, acne formed - as a result of scars. Nothing helped until I tried rosemary essential oil for the face, the benefits and harms of which I thoroughly studied before using. The tool, like an ambulance, got rid of the problem. Now the skin is not shiny, there are no marks or spots, thanks to the benefits of rosemary for acne.
Vasilyeva Nina Vitalievna, Samara
After unsuccessful dyeing in adolescence, the hair became dull, constantly tangled, oily, losing its shine. I didn't have the strength to look in the mirror, so I began treatment. A friend advised healthy rosemary for hair loss. The plant helped her after giving birth. After several masks with rosemary oil for hair, the structure has improved. Growth has accelerated. I am happy with the result, indeed, rosemary is useful for hair growth.
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