Lavender: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

Lavender is a plant that everyone has heard of at least once in their life. It is widely used for medicinal purposes, in cosmetology and the culinary industry. But few people know what the true benefits and harms of lavender are.

What does lavender look like and where does it grow?

The plant can be found in large quantities in India, the Mediterranean countries, and the Canary Islands. The plant was brought to Europe by the ancient Romans. The most famous lavender fields grow in France, in the Provencal regions. But it is grown in other countries as well: in Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Moldova.

If we talk about the regions of Russia, lavender fields can be found in abundance in the Crimea. Bakhchisarai, the vicinity of Sevastopol, Cape Tarkhankut are famous for them.

Lavender is a very beautiful plant with a delicate aroma. It grows in bushes with green stems and flowers at the ends. Despite the apparent fragility from the outside, the roots of the shrubs penetrate deep into the ground. The bushes can reach a height of 60-70 cm.

The leaves of the plant are oblong. Inflorescences are located on the peripheral part of the stem, where the leaves are gone. The color of the flowers ranges from pale blue to purple. The photo below shows how beautiful the lavender fields are.

The chemical composition of lavender

The beneficial properties of a plant are determined by its unique chemical composition. It is rich in essential oils that are found in all of its parts. The largest percentage of oils accumulates in inflorescences - from 0.8 to 1.2%. The main component of the oil is the esters of the alcohol I-linalol and several acids:

  • oil;
  • nylon;
  • valerian;
  • acetic.

The benefits of lavender flowers are due to the presence of elements such as coumarin and ursolic acid in it.

How is lavender useful for the body?

The benefits and harms of lavender for the body have been known since ancient times. Traditional healers have long used it as a sedative. It was used to treat headaches, with a diuretic and choleretic purpose. But the benefits of the plant aren't limited to the medical industry. Lavender improves the condition of hair and skin, thanks to which it has become widespread in cosmetology.

Below are just the most pronounced effects of this plant:

  • diuretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • antimicrobial;
  • hypotensive (lowers blood pressure);
  • hypolipidemic (reduces the amount of cholesterol and fats in the blood);
  • hemostatic (stops minor bleeding);
  • promotes intestinal peristalsis;
  • calming;
  • deodorizing (eliminates unpleasant odors).

For women

More than one article can be written about the benefits of lavender for a woman's body. Girls are prone to sudden mood swings, nervous breakdowns. Not to take everything to heart, a unique plant will help to endure unfavorable situations. It has a sedative effect, relieves anxiety, and prevents the development of aggression. The plant benefits for the nervous system due to its high antioxidant content.

More than half of women have had cystitis at least once in their lives. For many, it occurs repeatedly or becomes chronic. Regular intake of infusions or decoctions with lavender will help to heal and prevent relapse.

Since lavender has a pronounced analgesic effect, its benefits are great for women during PMS, menopause. The plant reduces the severity of unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the girl becomes less irritable, aggressive.

For men

A strong half of the population is most susceptible to the development of cardiovascular diseases. This is due to a high percentage of the spread of bad habits (alcohol abuse and smoking), high blood cholesterol levels. For mild disease, lavender will help. Its benefits for the heart and blood vessels are undeniable. The plant contains a large amount of antioxidants. They help to lower blood pressure, relax the vascular wall. Regular intake of lavender by mouth is an effective prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Medicinal properties of lavender for men with prostate adenoma or hyperplasia, urethritis are undeniable. The plant has a pronounced diuretic effect. Therefore, lavender tea is recommended for men with urological diseases. A useful plant not only facilitates urination, but also reduces painful sensations, inhibits the inflammatory process.

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For children

Lavender has amazing healing properties when it comes to children. Its benefits lie in preventing insomnia, eliminating digestive disorders. Inhalations with the plant are prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, a runny nose. Mild colds and respiratory viral diseases are also cured by inhaling lavender vapor.

Important! Before starting any procedures, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, as complications and allergic reactions may develop.

Can lavender be pregnant and lactating

Pregnant women will also appreciate the beneficial properties of lavender herb. An ointment based on it eliminates stretch marks and tones the skin. It improves its elasticity and nourishes with nutrients.

Pregnant women are allowed to take small amounts of lavender honey. It has a calming effect and improves general condition during colds. The essential oil prevents varicose veins, which plagues many expectant mothers.

But it is necessary to take lavender orally during pregnancy only according to the testimony of a doctor and in minimal quantities. The plant increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage. Then the harm done will far exceed the benefit. Therefore, before using lavender, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required!

Traditional medicine recipes based on lavender

As noted earlier, healers have been using lavender essential oils for medicinal purposes for a long time. And now the plant is widely used in folk medicine. Essential oils are used to make a variety of dosage forms:

  • tea;
  • infusion;
  • tincture;
  • compress;
  • syrup;
  • baths.

Details about the benefits of each of them later in the article.

Lavender tea

Lavender tea will bring a lot of benefits to people with a stressful lifestyle. It will help those who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and have a tendency to depressive disorders. Hot tea with lavender and honey warms the body, boosts immunity and helps to cope with colds faster.

The benefits and harms of lavender tea are incomparable, and it will not be difficult to prepare it. This will require the flowers of the plant and boiling water. 2 tsp flowers are poured with 500 ml of boiling water. But he shouldn't be cool. On the contrary, the water must cool down to 90 ° C. So that the essential oils do not evaporate and the drink does not lose its useful properties, it is brewed in a teapot with a tight lid.

Attention! The effect of the plant is cumulative, that is, it does not appear immediately.
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Tea with oils should be drunk at least 2 times a day for a week to see the first results. To improve the taste and increase the healing effect, add honey, chamomile, mint or lemon balm.

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Infusion of lavender for sleep

Infusion of lavender flowers lowers blood pressure, improves memory, blood circulation in the brain, contributing to its more intense activity. But the greatest benefit is shown by lavender infusion in the fight against insomnia. Reception 1 tbsp. l. infusion in the evening will provide a sound, healthy sleep.

An infusion of lavender is prepared similarly to tea. The only difference is that the broth should stand for 20-30 minutes. The vessel must be closed. Add honey if desired.

Lavender tincture

The benefits of lavender tincture with alcohol are good antiseptic properties. Due to the content of ethyl alcohol, it inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes and cleanses the body. The tincture is suitable for external and internal use.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. 5 tbsp. l. plant flowers are poured with 500 ml of medical alcohol.
  2. In its absence, you can use strong alcoholic drinks: vodka, moonshine.
  3. The mixture is sealed.
  4. Store in a dark place out of direct sunlight, shaking the container 2 times a day.
  5. Before use, the solution is filtered through gauze folded several times.

Drink the tincture 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day with a glass of water.

Compresses and turundas

The beneficial properties of lavender flowers in warm compresses will be appreciated by patients with rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases. The plant reduces the severity of the inflammatory process and relieves pain. Cold compresses will benefit people with thermal skin burns, ulcers and purulent inflammation of the skin (abscesses, phlegmon).

To make a warm compress or turunda, take 5 to 7 drops of undiluted lavender essential oil. And for a cold compress, pure oil will not work. 1 drop should be mixed with 10 drops of other vegetable oil. Healing oil is applied to gauze, which is applied to the affected area. Wrap a film on top. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the desired effect is achieved.

Lavender syrup

Healthy syrup is widely used in cooking. It gives the baked goods an amazing aroma and pleasant color. But it is worth noting that lavender flowers do not have a bright pigment, so the color of the syrup will be golden yellow. To achieve a beautiful purple color, you need to add a natural lavender-based dye. All of the previously listed beneficial properties of the plant are preserved after the preparation of the syrup.

Both dried and fresh flowers are suitable:

  1. Take 7-8 tbsp. l. inflorescences, add them to a mixture of 1 liter of water and 0.5 kg of sugar after heating and complete dissolution of the latter.
  2. Reduce heat and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 60 minutes.
  4. The mixture is filtered and put back on the fire.
  5. Cook until the desired density is obtained.
  6. Food coloring can be added at this stage if desired.
  7. The syrup is poured into sealed bottles.
  8. In a dry, dark place, it can be stored for up to 2 years.

Lavender baths

The benefits of a lavender bath lie in its pronounced choleretic, diuretic effects. Therefore, it is effective in the complex therapy of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis (inflammatory lesions of the renal pelvis). Baths also have a calming effect, which is why they are indicated for people with a tendency to depressive and anxiety disorders. The magical properties of lavender are revealed after adding 5-6 drops of pure essential oil to a general bath.

The use of lavender in cosmetology

On the basis of the plant, masks are made for the skin, and its decoctions are used to improve the condition of the hair.The beneficial essential oil contains organic acids that have a rejuvenating effect. Tannins have an anti-inflammatory effect.

For skin and face

Plant masks will not harm either oily or dry skin. On the contrary, a face mask made from lavender infusion perfectly softens dry skin.

To prepare it:

  1. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. a mixture of this plant and 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. The mask is kept on the face for 10-15 minutes, rinsing off with warm water.

Essential oil masks are more suitable for people with oily, problem skin. To prepare a healing mixture, you will need:

  • 2-3 drops of oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

All ingredients are well mixed and kept on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Decoction for hair

The benefits of hair masks with lavender will be appreciated by people with problem scalp, with damaged, brittle hair. The mask stimulates their growth, eliminates dandruff, and makes hair shiny.

Making a mask is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. To do this, mix 2-3 drops of lavender oil and 1.5 tbsp. l. any other vegetable oil.
  2. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements.
  3. The head is wrapped in a towel and kept for up to 1 hour.
  4. After that, rinse well with shampoo.

How lavender is used in cooking

Lavender has more than just a host of medicinal properties. It has a very delicate pleasant aroma and beautiful color, which is why it is widely used in cooking. Dried flowers are added to meat dishes, as a decoration and for flavor. They are even added to vinegar.

But it is most widely used as a spice in cooking. The syrup is added to baked goods, sweet dishes, ice cream. Lavender jam is of great benefit. It helps to cope with migraine pains, improves overall well-being and boosts immunity.

Harm of lavender and contraindications

It has already been said about the healing effects of the plant. The health benefits and harms of lavender are incomparable. But there are diseases in which it is not recommended to take it inside.

A pronounced choleretic effect in some cases will bring one harm. Violation of the gallbladder motility, blockage of the bile ducts with a stone - drinking any choleretic drugs in these conditions is prohibited. It is not recommended to drink lavender for people with high acidity of gastric juice. The essential oils of this spice can provoke an even greater increase in it and heartburn.

Important! In people who are hypersensitive to lavender, it can lead to an allergic reaction.

The benefits of lavender in an apartment are really great. Everyone knows that it is convenient to store inflorescences in a bag, because they have a calming effect. But essential oils are very volatile. Even when stored in a closet, allergies can occur.

People with low blood pressure need to take oil with caution, as it can provoke a shock state. The patient will develop unpleasant symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • the person may faint.


The benefits and harms of lavender have been known for centuries. The plant reduces pressure, improves urination, soothes. But it is necessary to be treated with it only in the absence of contraindications and in a reasonable dose. For people with hypotension, gastritis with high acidity, allergies, it will only harm. Lavender should be taken wisely, then it will only benefit.


Mironova Olga Vladislavovna, 32 years old, Norilsk
A cosmetologist told me about the benefits of lavender for the face. I have oily, problem skin. I started using the mask with essential oils 3 times a week. After reading about the benefits of lavender for hair on the Internet, I decided to make a mask for them at the same time. The result was a pleasant surprise. After a month of regular use, there are fewer acne on the face, the skin is not so shiny. And the hair is just a feast for the eyes, silky and soft!
Kirilova Anna Sergeevna, 40 years old, Moscow
Recently, I have had a lot of stress at work and at home, which is why I could not sleep. I decided to try to drink lavender tea before bed. I didn't think it would be a big deal, but lavender for sleep really helps. It became easier to fall asleep and less to wake up at night. Finally, in the morning I feel sleepy.
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