Useful properties of coffee with cardamom and possible harm

The benefits of coffee with cardamom are to activate the thought processes and regulate the nervous system. The drink has an invigorating effect on the body, increasing efficiency and physical endurance. It is in particular demand in coffee shops in Rome.

History of the drink

Cardamom is a spice made from the fruit of the ginger tree. Its seeds contain useful substances that are released when crushed to a powdery state. In cooking, cardamom began to be used because of its spicy taste and pronounced aroma.

Recommended reading:  The benefits and harms of cardamom
The drink should be prepared at a temperature not exceeding 90 ° C

In eastern countries, coffee with cardamom is considered a real elixir of vitality. It got its distribution in the Bedouin villages. To prepare the drink, the Turks were used, which were preheated with hot sand. It was customary to serve coffee with cardamom to guests of honor. The spice was added to impart a pungent flavor and yellow hue to the beverage. The uniqueness of coffee was not only in this, but also in the rich content of nutrients. It was believed that it restores vitality for a long time and activates thought processes.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Even in its pure form, natural coffee is very useful for the human body. When cardamom is added, its valuable properties are enhanced several times. This is due to its rich chemical composition.

It includes the following components:

  • sodium;
  • cineole;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • borneol;
  • linalol;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins of groups PP, B and C;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils.

Zinc in the drink strengthens the immune system and participates in the production of germ cells. Its action is enhanced by vitamins. Iron prevents anemia and improves blood composition. Cineol helps with diseases of the stomach and respiratory system. Magnesium and essential oils, in turn, normalize the nervous system.

Despite the abundance of components, the drink has a low calorie content. It is 8.3 kcal per 1 serving. That is why coffee with cardamom is not prohibited for people who monitor their weight. In some cases, it is used specifically to launch metabolic processes.

Comment! Taking 1 cup of coffee with cardamom before your workout will speed up the fat burning process.

Why is cardamom useful in coffee

When in contact with hot coffee, cardamom releases a lot of nutrients. They improve the functioning of the immune system and support the functions of vital organs. The drink is especially beneficial for people suffering from high blood pressure. It allows you to improve your well-being and improve performance. In addition, coffee with cardamom has a pronounced diuretic effect. The equally important properties of the drink include:

  • prevention of kidney stones;
  • liquefaction and removal of phlegm from the lungs;
  • disinfecting effect;
  • removal of mucus from the body;
  • disinfection of the mucous surfaces of the digestive organs;
  • stimulation of the production of gastric juice;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • caries prevention;
  • replenishment of the energy reserve.
About 10% of the consumed drink is excreted unchanged by the kidneys

The benefits of coffee with cardamom for men

Cardamom has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland. It relieves inflammation and stimulates blood circulation in the genital area. In combination with coffee, the spice also saturates the body with energy. This improves physical and mental performance. Regular consumption of the drink increases sexual desire and maintains the desired level of androgens in the blood. This improves male fertility.

Useful properties for women

Cardamom coffee is good for women too. With PMS and during menopause, it helps to align the emotional state. For gynecological diseases, it is used to stabilize hormonal levels. In addition, the drink has the ability to stimulate collagen production. This improves the condition of hair, nails and skin. When consumed in moderation, coffee can have mild analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Some women add the drink to their diet for weight loss purposes. The desired effect is achieved by activating metabolic processes.

What is useful for children

Children are allowed to give coffee with cardamom only after the onset of 7 years. This is due to the fact that it can provoke hyperactivity and sleep disturbance. At an older age, the drink is consumed only in limited quantities, since it contains caffeine. Strong natural coffee can be given only from the age of 14. When consumed in moderation, it increases mental alertness and makes the body more resilient.

How to cook

The benefits of coffee with cardamom can vary depending on the recipe for making it. In addition to the main components, various spices, milk, honey, dried fruits and cream can be added to the drink. To make the coffee tasty and healthy enough, you must follow the recipe.

Important! In order for the aromatic substances to stand out in full, cardamom is added not at the end, but at the beginning of the preparation of the drink.

Traditional recipe

To maintain the required level of energy in the body, it is enough to consume 1 cup of coffee per day, prepared according to a traditional recipe. It uses only the available ingredients.


  • 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee beans;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon;
  • 2 grains of cardamom.
Recommended reading:  Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications

Cooking process:

  1. The cardamom is ground with a coffee grinder, then, along with the rest of the components, it is placed in a preheated Turk.
  2. The container is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  3. After that, you need to keep the drink on the stove for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Hot coffee is poured into cups. If necessary, add sugar to it.
The taste of the cardamom drink depends on the degree of roast and the country of origin of the coffee beans.

Slimming cardamom coffee


  • 2 tsp coffee beans;
  • 2 carnation buds;
  • 30 ml of ginger broth;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 4 grains of cardamom.

Cooking process:

  1. The cardamom seeds are ground in a mortar and poured over with water. Then they are put on fire and kept for 5 minutes. After removing from heat, the infusion is kept under the lid for another 30 minutes.
  2. A decoction is made from ginger. For this, the root crop is crushed and boiled for 5 minutes.
  3. Coffee is brewed in a Turk. After boiling, decoctions of cardamom and ginger are added to it in equal proportions.
  4. After boiling, cinnamon and cloves are thrown into the drink.
  5. Ready coffee is poured into cups.
When making a drink, it is advisable to use 100% Arabica

Immunity boosting drink


  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp coffee;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2 pcs. echinacea;
  • 2 lemon wedges;
  • 150 ml of water.


  1. Spices, lemon and echinacea are poured with water and put on fire. After boiling, filter the broth.
  2. Coffee is added to it and put on the stove again.
  3. After the appearance of foam, the drink is removed from the heat.
  4. Milk and honey are added directly to coffee cups before serving.
This drink is recommended to be consumed with dried fruits or nuts.

Fruit coffee with cardamom


  • 1.5 tsp. ground coffee beans;
  • 6 candied cherries;
  • ¼ h. L. cardamom powder;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 3 canned pineapple wedges;
  • 3 ice cubes.
Recommended reading:  Why pineapple is useful

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour the cardamom over with water and boil for 7 minutes.
  2. After cooling, the resulting liquid is poured into a Turk. Coffee is added to it.
  3. While the drink is boiling, ice and fruit are placed in a separate container.
  4. The finished coffee is cooled and then added to the fruit base.
The drink is great for taking in the summer heat

How to drink correctly

It is recommended to drink coffee with cardamom in the first half of the day. This will help avoid insomnia due to increased activity. To avoid side effects, drink no more than 2 cups of the drink per day. When making it, it should be borne in mind that only ¼ tsp is provided for 200 ml of finished coffee. cardamom. To exclude the development of allergies, it is recommended to add a small pinch of spice for the first time.

Is it possible to drink while losing weight

Cardamom has the ability to activate metabolic processes, and coffee produces a diuretic effect. That is why the drink is often used for weight loss purposes. The result will meet expectations, if at the same time with the use of coffee you refuse desserts and high-calorie dishes.

Contraindications and possible harm

Under certain circumstances, coffee with cardamom can be harmful to your health. Especially if you take it without taking into account contraindications. These include:

  • chronic liver and pancreas diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • heart diseases;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • impaired renal function;
  • hypertension;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • allergic reaction.

Exceeding the recommended dosage of the drink is fraught with the development of adverse reactions. The most common of these include diarrhea and heart palpitations. Sometimes an allergic reaction develops, accompanied by itching. It should also be remembered that coffee makes the urge to urinate more frequent and increases blood pressure. With long-term intake of the drink in large quantities, a decrease in sodium in the body is observed.

Attention! Uncontrolled drinking of coffee can cause dehydration.


The benefits of coffee with cardamom will only appear when consumed in moderation. With the right approach, you can improve your well-being and replenish the body's energy supply for a long time. If you take the drink incorrectly, you can face unwanted reactions.

Opinions on the benefits and dangers of coffee with cardamom

Shishkina Olga Vladimirovna, 37 years old, Orel
I've been adding cardamom to coffee for a long time. It turns out to be more spicy and warming in taste. I can't do without this drink for several years. I only drink 1 cup for breakfast. But this is enough to quickly wake up and recharge with energy and strength for a long time.
Okladnikov Nikolay Viktorovich, 52 years old, Yekaterinburg
I regularly take coffee with cardamom to boost my immune system. The drink is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Sometimes I add milk to it. In this case, the taste is softer, but no worse. Recently I learned that the drink, in addition to other things, improves potency.
Kazakova Anastasia Mikhailovna, 25 years old, Perm
I can drink coffee with cardamom, even at night. He always affects me only positively. To make it really tasty, I recommend cooking it in a Turk, and not in a coffee machine. The grind should be medium. Then the drink will be delicious.
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