How to remove tea from white items

There are several proven ways to remove tea stain on white. Household and chemical products are good at removing complex stains, but it is important to adhere to basic washing rules when using them.

Features of removing tea stains from white items

In the composition of black and green tea there are substances that, when they come into contact with fabric, stain textile fibers very strongly. Removing such stains is always difficult, and the task only becomes more complicated when it comes to a white tablecloth, trousers or shirt.

There are still ways to remove tea stains on white, but in order for them to be effective, you must remember the basic rules for removing tea stains.

  • Initially, the stain is always washed or soaked in cool or warm water. Hot water and even more so boiling water cannot be used, tea will be absorbed into white textiles even more thoroughly.
  • It is necessary to try to remove the stain from the tea from the seamy side of the thing, while it is customary to put paper napkins or towels under the fabric, which will absorb the pollution.
  • Before washing, a stain of tea on white must be soaked in water with the addition of a gentle cleaning agent for several hours. Only then is the thing washed by hand or sent to the machine - it is always easier to remove the pre-treated contamination.
  • If it is decided to remove the speck by the local cleaning method, then you need to rub the dirty place from the edges to the middle, and not vice versa. Otherwise, the stain may "smear" on the white fabric and completely spoil its appearance.
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With local removal of a speck on white textiles, noticeable streaks may remain along the boundaries of the treated area. To avoid such a problem, the stained white fabric must be washed completely after removing the tea stain - this will preserve the uniformity of the white color of the textile.

Important! To remove stains of tea on white, first use the mildest products in a low concentration. If it is not possible to remove the contamination, the concentration is increased, but it is not recommended to immediately use the most powerful whitening agents.
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How to remove tea stains on white using folk methods

Very simple and affordable home remedies can reliably remove tea stains from white fabrics. Folk methods are especially good at helping with fresh dirt - to remove a recent speck that has not yet had time to absorb and dry, it will almost certainly work.

How to remove tea from white clothes with hydrogen peroxide

For keeping fresh stains of white tea, hydrogen peroxide is ideal. You can buy it at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive, and the effect is very good.

To remove contamination, it is necessary to pour abundant peroxide on a cotton pad and press firmly against the tea stain for half an hour.After that, the cotton pad is removed, and the tablecloth, trousers or other white thing is washed in cool water. If a speck was recently planted on the fabric, then even a faint trace of tea does not remain - the thing again pleases the eye with its bright whiteness.

How to remove tea stains with white lemon juice

Fresh lemon juice helps to wipe tea stains off white items. It is used like this - juice is squeezed out of several fresh lemons to get 1.5 large spoons of the product, and then the juice is diluted in 1 liter of water. The tea-stained fabric is immersed in a solution of natural lemon bleach for 12 hours.

After that, the fabric must be rinsed in cool water, and then machine washed with powder in the usual way.

How to remove white salt tea stains

Regular salt is a good absorbing agent, it simply absorbs dirt and therefore helps to remove tea stains from clothes and tablecloths.

Immediately after a speck of tea has been planted on a white cloth, it is recommended to sprinkle generously with salt while still wet. The salt is left for about half an hour so that it absorbs the tea properly, and then it is shaken off and the stain is treated with other means, for example, ammonia. Then the thing is washed in cool water and dried - usually even a faint stain does not remain from the tea.

How to wash tea with white ammonia

The aggressive composition of the ammonia works well with both fresh tea stains and old stains. Use ammonia as follows:

  • half a teaspoon of ammonia is diluted in 500 ml of water;
  • a paper napkin or towel is placed under the soiled white cloth;
  • using a cotton pad or soft sponge, the solution is applied to the contaminated area;
  • the fabric is left for 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed in cool water.

If, after using ammonia, the tea stain was removed, but yellowish stains from the cleaning agent remained, they can be additionally treated with citric acid. Then the clothes or tablecloth are washed in the traditional way - by hand or in a machine in warm water.

How to remove tea stains from white clothes with glycerin

Glycerin is a very mild yet effective whitening agent, especially when combined with salt. In equal amounts, salt and slightly warmed glycerin are applied to a clean napkin, and then the brown tea stain is carefully and carefully treated. To remove dirt with glycerin, leave a white cloth for about 40 minutes, and then rinse off the remaining salt with glycerin and wash in lukewarm water.

Attention! Since glycerin does not cause allergic reactions and irritations on the skin, this method will be very convenient to remove tea stains on children's white clothes.

How to remove tea stains from white clothes with boiling water

Treatment of the fabric with boiling water helps a lot against persistent tea stains. The white thing is placed in a basin and the spots are properly poured with boiling water, and then left to steam for 10-15 minutes under the lid. After that, the clothes must be loaded into the drum of the washing machine and washed with a small amount of regular powder.

Boiling water is very effective in removing tea stains, but there are two important things to keep in mind when using it.

  • It is possible to use boiling water treatment only for cotton and linen fabrics, if the thing is made of woolen or synthetic material, hot water will deform it and ruin it.
  • Boiling water is only safe for relatively new and strong white items. It is not recommended to wash shabby tablecloths and items of clothing in this way - the fabric will become even thinner and deteriorated.

Another rule when processing with boiling water is that before removing the stain with extremely hot water, the soiled fabric must first be soaked in cool water with the addition of soap.The stain will become less persistent, and boiling water will be able to remove it completely, but if you pour hot water on the newly obtained pollution, the effect may be the opposite.

How to remove tea from white clothes with lactic acid

Lactic acid is a good cleanser for removing tea from white clothes and kitchen textiles. To eliminate a speck of tea, inadvertently planted on clothes or a tablecloth, it is necessary to mix acid and water in equal proportions and treat the contaminated area abundantly.

The product is kept on the spot for no more than half an hour, and then the fabric is rinsed in cool water and loaded into the wash with ordinary powder.

Advice! Lactic acid can be used to treat delicate items such as silk and other delicate fabrics.

How to clean tea stains from white clothes with vinegar

Table vinegar helps to remove complex impurities left by black tea. It can be used in two ways:

  • apply undiluted acetic acid to a cotton pad and rub the speck on the white thing properly, moving from the edges of the dirt to the center;
  • dilute 1.5 large tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of warm water and add the solution to a basin where washing powder or laundry soap is previously diluted, and then soak the soiled thing entirely.

In both cases, the vinegar treatment should last about half an hour. Then the clothes need to be rinsed in cool water and washed thoroughly in a machine or by hand to get rid of residual dirt and pungent vinegar odor.

How to remove tea stains from white using household chemicals

It so happens that home remedies for removing tea stains from white do not give an effect, or there is simply no time to prepare the whitening compositions on your own. In this case, you can use one of the proven chemicals.

  • White... One of the most effective remedies for tough stains is Whiteness, a powerful chlorine-based whitening agent. It is not suitable for processing colored and dark things, but for white fabric it is just perfect, since it makes it possible to remove dirt and return a snow-white color. Whiteness is used strictly according to the instructions, while you need to remember that it can only be used on natural linen and cotton things - synthetics and wool will spoil the whiteness.
  • Mild household bleaches... For synthetic and delicate items, many gentle bleaching agents have been developed, for example, Vanish for washing or Amway. Usually, such bleaches are diluted with water according to the instructions and the thing is soaked in them for a short time - or simply add the solution to the washing powder in the machine. Mild bleaches not only restore the original white color to things, but also deodorize clothes, leaving behind a pleasant unobtrusive scent.
  • Stain remover... To remove tea stains, you can purchase a stain remover such as Faberlic, ACEOXIMagic and others. Targeted stain removers are sold not only in liquid form, but also in solid form - the latter are especially good at removing old stains.

When using aggressive household chemicals, you need to remember that they have a caustic composition. If things are to be washed by hand, you should only wear protective gloves.


Numerous home remedies and chemicals can help you remove tea stains on white. However, contamination is still tough and should be removed as soon as possible when a stain appears - ideally immediately while it is still wet.

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