Is Nesquik cocoa good for you?

The benefits and harms of Nesquik cocoa is a question that interests all lovers of tasty and healthy drinks. To answer it, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product - and study the characteristic properties.

Chemical composition of Nesquik cocoa

The first conclusions about the benefits of cocoa and the properties can be made by reading the composition indicated on the package. It includes:

  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • cocoa powder;
  • soy lecithin emulsifier;
  • cinnamon;
  • natural vanilla flavor;
  • maltodextrin, or just molasses;
  • mineral elements iron and potassium, zinc;
  • vitamin B;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D.
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Important! The composition indicates that the health benefits and harms of Nesquik cocoa are balanced. However, it should be noted that sugar is indicated in the first place in the composition, which automatically reduces the benefits of the drink.

Nutritional value and calorie content of Nesquik drink

Cocoa is a fairly high-calorie product. There are 379 calories in 100 g of dry powder. But of course, the nutritional value of the finished beverage will be reduced.

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  • If you make a dessert with low-fat milk (2%), then the calorie content of 200 ml of the drink will be about 150 calories.
  • If you dilute the powder with water, then the delicacy will turn out to be almost dietary - 28 calories in one cup.

Most of all, carbohydrates are present in the composition of the product - about 80% of the volume of 100 g. Another 4.5% falls on the share of proteins, and fats occupy only 3.2% in dry powder.

Why is Nesquik cocoa useful?

Nesquik is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. In particular, the drink:

  • cleanses the body and protects against the spread of free radicals due to antioxidant properties;
  • strengthens resistance to colds due to minerals and vitamins;
  • improves mood due to excellent taste;
  • stimulates brain activity.

For children, a useful delicacy is additionally valuable in that it allows you to gradually accustom to milk those babies who do not like the pure milk taste.

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Nesquik for weight loss

The drink contains useful components, but the sugar content is increased. The properties of the drink make the diet simply meaningless - there are too many calories in it, the product will not bring any benefits.

If you really want cocoa on a diet, it is better to give preference to the usual, classic varieties of sugar-free powder - their properties will not harm.

Can pregnant women drink Nesquik cocoa?

It is not forbidden to drink cocoa while carrying a child - the benefits of Nesquik cocoa for pregnant women are that sometimes the drink helps with toxicosis. However, the product should be approached with caution.

Doctors recommend that you consume no more than 1 cup per day. The fact is that the properties of the product increase blood pressure and can be dangerous for both the mother and the child.In addition, sometimes a healthy drink causes allergies - in this case, it should also be discarded.

Is cocoa Nesquik good for a nursing mother

Due to the fact that sometimes the properties of Nesquik cause allergies, it is not recommended to use it immediately after childbirth - it can harm the baby if there is an intolerance. In addition, the drink slightly tones up - and therefore, can negatively affect the child's restful sleep.

But at the same time, the composition contains vitamins and useful microelements, and also a useful drink is able to increase lactation. Therefore, after 4 months of the child's life, it is possible to return the dessert to the mother's diet - but in a small dosage, no more than a couple of cups per day, so that the drink will benefit, not harm. In this case, you need to carefully monitor how the baby reacts to the properties of the product.

At what age can Nesquik be given to children

Despite the dessert taste of a sweet delicacy, you can only offer it to children from 3 years old. In addition to the fact that the drink can cause allergies, it also contains a lot of sugar - there will be no benefit for babies, only harm.

Upon reaching 3 years of age, the child can be offered 3 to 5 teaspoons of the drink to start. If no harm occurs, then gradually the amount can be increased to 1 cup per day.

Attention! Since the potentially useful Nesquik can still pose a danger to the health of the child, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician before introducing a treat into the diet.

Nesquik drink for gastritis and pancreatitis

With exacerbations of gastritis and pancreatitis, it is strictly forbidden to consume cocoa, and especially the sweet drink Nesquik. The properties of the product will be harmful to health and well-being.

During the period of remission, you can use the product. But since the treat has an irritating effect on the stomach and pancreas, it is better to do with very small portions - no more than 1 cup twice a week.

How to make a drink from Nesquik

The healthy powder is completely ready to use - you just need to dilute it in a hot liquid. This can be done in a couple of minutes in two ways:

  • pour 2 teaspoons of powder into a cup and pour boiling water over it, and then mix thoroughly;
  • heat the milk on the stove or in the microwave to about 50 degrees and pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture over it.

How to breed Nesquik cocoa - in water or milk - depends only on personal preference. The taste of the dessert will be pleasant in both cases, all the benefits and properties will be preserved.

Advice! If desired, you can add a little cinnamon, nut crumbs, grated chocolate, or marshmallows to the mixture. The treat is often complemented with whipped cream, and in summer they even drink it chilled - this is also beneficial.

Harm of Nesquik cocoa and contraindications

Despite the fact that the sweet powder contains some vitamins and trace elements, its beneficial properties are relative - sometimes the dessert can be harmful. It is prohibited when:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity;
  • serious kidney disease;
  • dermatitis;
  • individual allergies.

The main harm of the product lies in the increased sugar content - the properties of the treat, if consumed excessively, harm both health and the figure.

How to choose Nesquik cocoa

Choosing a healthy product in a store is not difficult. The main thing is that the powder is not fake.

  • The shelf life of the powder in a plastic container is six months, in a tin can - a year. For those who do not drink cocoa too often, there is no point in buying a bulky can - the product will simply deteriorate and there will be no benefit.
  • The price shouldn't be too low. Too cheap powder with a high degree of probability may turn out to be a fake, from which there will only be harm.
  • Before buying, it is worth checking the production date and making sure that the expiration date is not nearing completion.

It is worth checking the purchase once again after opening the package.A high-quality healthy product should be ground very finely, without grains, and when dissolved in milk or water, no sediment should appear at the bottom of the cup.

How to make Nesquik cocoa at home

Oddly enough, you can make Nesquik cocoa yourself - and not just buy it in the store.

  • The drink differs from the classic varieties mainly in its high sugar content.
  • To make a dessert at home with your own hands, you will need ordinary cocoa powder without additives, sugar, water and milk.
  • Cocoa for one serving of the drink take quite a bit - half a teaspoon.
  • You need to take more sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  • In a separate bowl, cocoa and sugar are thoroughly mixed until smooth, then poured with boiling water and stirred again so that even small lumps do not remain.
  • After that, 150 ml of milk is heated on the stove, without boiling, and the cocoa mixture is poured into the milk.

Homemade healthy drink is ready - you can drink it just like that, or you can add spices to taste.

What can be made from Nesquik cocoa

Dry powder is used not only for preparing a drink. It is often used for baking. For example, chocolate biscuits with the addition of cocoa, homemade muffins, candies and other sweets are very tasty.

Cocoa can be used to make thick hot chocolate. In addition to dry powder, you will also need chocolate, milk, sugar, eggs and spices.


The benefits and harms of Nesquik cocoa depend on the caution when using this drink. It must be remembered that cocoa contains a lot of sugar, and do not drink it too often - and in small amounts, the delicacy will only benefit.


Larina Anastasia Valerievna, 25 years old, Moscow
Nesquik cocoa is one of my favorite drinks. I don't like the classic powder because of its bitter taste, I always add more sugar, but here I don't need to add anything - the mixture is already completely ready. Usually I drink Nesquik cocoa with milk - this way the taste is richer, and the benefits are greater.
Stasova Irina Vladimirovna, 32 years old, Tomsk
Sweet Nesquik is very fond of my children - they always prefer to drink it in the morning, and not tea. I do not mind - cocoa invigorates, there are benefits for the brain too. True, I still try to limit my consumption - there is a lot of sugar in Nesquik so that there is no harm, I give it to children not every day, but 2 - 3 times a week.
Petrova Natalya Sergeevna, 28 years old, Vladimir
I love both regular cocoa powders and Nesquik, but I perceive them as different drinks. Nesquik is very different in properties - it is much sweeter, more like a dessert. I like to drink it in the evenings, I do not tend to sleep after a drink, but it helps to relax well. The main thing is not to abuse, otherwise it will harm the health and condition of the skin.

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