Kuril tea (five-leafed) shrub: useful properties, photo

Useful properties of yellow cinquefoil and contraindications are important for traditional medicine. The shrub plant is used in the treatment of acute and chronic ailments due to its rich chemical composition.

What it looks like and where it grows

Kuril tea, yellow cinquefoil, shrub cinquefoil or shrub daziphora (Dasiphora fruticosa) is a perennial erect or spread plant of the Rose family. It has reddish-brown or brownish-gray branches and feathery leaves of an oblong or oval shape with appressed pubescence on both sides.

Yellow cinquefoil rises up to 1.5 m above the ground

From June to September, the shrubby cinquefoil produces single bright yellow buds with numerous stamens in the core. From the middle of summer, it is abundantly covered with fruits - brown hemicarps-"buttons" with thin pubescence. The shrub plant is frost-resistant and unpretentious, loves fertile moist soils and illuminated places.

You can meet the yellow cinquefoil in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, in Northern Europe and in the USA. Shrub species grows in the mountains of China, Mongolia, Japan and Central Asia. Prefers meadows and river floodplains, pebbles and stony taluses, alpine tundra.

Attention! Shrub yellow cinquefoil is capable of growing on permafrost.

Chemical composition

Photos and useful properties of yellow shrub Kuril tea are of interest due to the chemical composition of the herb. The plant contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • tannins and catechins;
  • flavonoids;
  • iron, potassium and copper;
  • resins and tannins;
  • pigments;
  • calcium, magnesium and cobalt;
  • phenol carboxylic acids;
  • saponins;
  • B vitamins.

The taste of yellow cinquefoil is very similar to regular black tea. But its composition is considered more valuable.

Why is yellow cinquefoil useful?

The beneficial properties of white shrub Kuril tea, like yellow tea, are reflected in all body systems. Medicinal plant with proper brewing:

  • stops bleeding and helps to cope with inflammation;
  • has antiallergic and antiviral effects;
  • stops diarrhea and normalizes intestinal peristalsis;
  • cleanses the liver and helps restore its functions;
  • accelerates the outflow of bile;
  • has a diuretic effect and relieves swelling;
  • eliminates bacterial processes in the throat with angina;
  • has a slight analgesic effect;
  • serves as the prevention of intestinal infections and improves the microflora;
  • promotes healing of the gums with increased bleeding;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • strengthens immune resistance;
  • reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • accelerates metabolism.

It is possible to use the medicinal properties of shrub Potentilla at high temperatures, decoctions and herbal infusions relieve fever and fever.

Preparation and application methods

Basically, traditional medicine suggests making a healthy tea based on shrub cinquefoil. Also, infusions and decoctions, alcohol products and compositions for grinding can be prepared from the plant.


You need to brew Kuril tea in almost the same way as usual. The diagram looks like this:

  1. A large spoonful of dried leaves and flowers are crushed.
  2. Pour raw materials into a ceramic teapot and pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave closed for ten minutes, then filter.

Take tea from shrub Potentilla up to 750 ml per day. A single dosage is 250 ml.

You can take Kuril tea for chronic fatigue and vitamin deficiency


A concentrated decoction of yellow cinquefoil is beneficial for intestinal infections and bleeding. A product is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  1. Grind two large tablespoons of the dry herb of the plant.
  2. Pour 500 ml of hot liquid into an enamel saucepan.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for seven minutes.
  4. Leave for ten minutes under the lid and filter.
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The tool is used in 150 ml up to three times a day.

A decoction of yellow shrub cinquefoil helps with dysbiosis and kidney diseases


With a tendency to edema, with renal inflammation and pain in the abdomen, you can use an aqueous infusion of cinquefoil. Prepare it like this:

  1. Three large spoons of dry stems and leaves of a plant are poured into a thermos.
  2. Pour raw materials with two glasses of boiling water.
  3. Seal the container and leave for two hours.
  4. At the end of the period, filter.

The infusion is taken 100 ml on an empty stomach up to four times a day.

For a sore throat and sore throat, you can gargle with warm tincture of Potentilla

The use of cinquefoil shrub in folk medicine

Kuril yellow tea is used in the treatment of many ailments. Shrub cinquefoil is especially beneficial for intestinal disorders and inflammatory processes in the body.

With intestinal infections

The astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of yellow cinquefoil help fight poisoning and intestinal parasites. For treatment, such a remedy is prepared:

  1. Dry leaves of shrub Potentilla in a volume of 50 g are poured with 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Warm up over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Cool and pass through cheesecloth.

You need to take a decoction of 50 ml every hour in small sips. The remedy helps to quickly stop diarrhea and vomiting and avoid dehydration.

Advice! You can also use a strong decoction to wash purulent wounds.

With a fever

A decoction of shrubby yellow cinquefoil has a good effect at high temperatures during the flu period. Home medicine is done like this:

  1. Measure out a large spoonful of raw materials.
  2. Pour 350 ml of boiling water.
  3. Simmer on the stove in a water bath for three minutes.
  4. Cool and filter.

The broth is consumed up to four times a day, 50 ml. The agent has a good diaphoretic effect and helps to remove toxins.

With dysbiosis

You can use a decoction of yellow cinquefoil to restore the intestinal microflora after poisoning or taking antibiotics. A home remedy is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Measure out two large spoons of dry plant stems.
  2. Grind and pour 500 ml of water.
  3. Boil for five minutes over low heat.
  4. Withstand half an hour under the lid until cool.

The filtered broth is taken on an empty stomach, 50 ml four times a day. If you wish, you can add a little honey to the product, it will also help restore microflora.

Treatment with Kuril tea for dysbiosis continues for at least ten days

With pharyngitis

The medicinal properties and contraindications of shrubby cinquefoil are used for coughing caused by pharyngitis or bronchitis. The following infusion is prepared for therapy:

  1. 30 g of a dry plant is steamed with a glass of fresh boiling water.
  2. Leave it closed for half an hour.
  3. Filter from sediment.

The product must be used to rinse the throat up to four times a day. Just before use, add 1/2 a small spoonful of salt to the liquid and stir well.

For burns

Infusion of yellow cinquefoil quickly restores tissue integrity in case of burns. A solution for topical use is prepared as follows:

  1. Dry stems and leaves in a volume of 15 g are poured with boiling water.
  2. Leave under the lid for half an hour.
  3. They are filtering.

In a warm infusion, a folded piece of gauze is moistened and applied to a sore spot for 15 minutes. The procedure should be repeated twice a day until the burn heals. It is possible to use an infusion of shrub yellow cinquefoil for boils, ulcers and carbuncles, the remedy well eliminates suppuration.

With tumors

Kuril yellow cinquefoil promotes the resorption of neoplasms in the body. Alcohol tincture brings a good effect:

  1. The leaves and stems of the plant are crushed in a volume of 50 g.
  2. Pour raw materials with 500 ml of vodka.
  3. In a dark place, the drug is insisted for three weeks.
  4. Remove the vessel regularly to shake.

After the expiration of the period, the tincture is filtered and taken 30 drops per 250 ml of liquid three times a day on an empty stomach. The therapy is carried out for a month, then a week break is taken and the course is repeated.

Warning! Before using yellow cinquefoil for the treatment of tumors, you must obtain a doctor's permission. Tinctures and decoctions of the plant are used only in conjunction with official medicines.

For gynecological diseases

With gynecological infections and unhealthy discharge in women, douching with yellow cinquefoil can be performed. For treatment, prepare the following infusion:

  1. Pour 500 ml of hot liquid with 30 g of dry Potentilla grass.
  2. It is kept closed for about an hour.
  3. Filter the sediment through cheesecloth.
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Douching with a warm agent is carried out up to ten days in a row. The procedures also have a good effect on colpitis and erosion of the uterine cervix.

With weakened immunity

Instructions for the use of shrubby cinquefoil recommends using plant-based tea for the prevention of viral diseases. The tool is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. A large spoonful of herbs is poured into a ceramic teapot.
  2. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Pour into cups through a strainer.

They drink tea in between meals or on an empty stomach, 200 ml up to three times a day. In total, the prophylactic course continues for three weeks.

Application in cosmetology

The benefits and harms of Kuril Potentilla are highly appreciated by home cosmetology. The medicinal plant is often used in facial and hair care. Shrub cinquefoil helps to slow down the aging process and cope with epidermal inflammation. With regular use, the herb regulates the oiliness of the face and scalp.

Mask for problem skin

With oily epidermis and frequent rashes, a decoction of Potentilla can be used for washing. Do it as follows:

  1. The roots of the plant are crushed in the volume of a large spoon.
  2. Steam 200 ml of hot code and put on the stove.
  3. Bring to a boil and boil for seven minutes.
  4. Cool and filter the product.

The broth is used for washing twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

With regular use, Potentilla decoction helps unclog pores and removes blackheads

With cracked lips

The healing properties of shrubby cinquefoil are beneficial for frequent lip chapping. To treat skin lesions, an ointment is prepared:

  1. The dry roots of Potentilla are crushed and measured out 5 g.
  2. Pour the raw material with 125 ml of melted butter.
  3. The ingredients are boiled over low heat for ten minutes.
  4. Strain and pour into an opaque glass container.

The cooled ointment with the addition of yellow cinquefoil is applied to chapped lips several times a day.

For dandruff and weak hair

Potentilla decoction can be used for hair care for skin itching and dandruff.Usually this remedy is used:

  1. Measure out two large spoons of plant rhizomes.
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Boil the product over low heat for another ten minutes.
  4. Insist under the lid for an hour.

With the strained agent, the curls are abundantly moistened for half an hour before the next shampooing. If you repeat the procedure weekly for two months, the hair will noticeably strengthen and the dandruff will disappear.

Contraindications to the use of yellow cinquefoil

There are strict contraindications to the use of shrubby quinquefoil; for all its benefits, the plant has dangerous properties. You cannot use it:

  • with chronic hypotension;
  • during pregnancy and during feeding;
  • with renal failure and the presence of large stones;
  • with individual allergies;
  • with autoimmune diseases.

It is not recommended to offer decoctions and infusions of Kuril Potentilla to children under five years old. When using the plant, the dosages should be observed, in excessive quantities the herb causes flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Collection and procurement

For medicinal purposes, mainly the leaves, stems and flowers of Kuril Potentilla are used. Raw materials are harvested from the beginning of summer to autumn during the decorative period, the young upper shoots are cut with a sharp knife on a dry warm day.

The collected cinquefoil is first laid out in the sun for 10-12 hours, and then left in the shade under a canopy until completely dried. To speed up the process, you can use the oven by preheating it to 45 ° C. After the final evaporation of moisture, the raw materials of the plant are distributed in glass jars or paper bags and put away in a dark place with a low temperature.

Attention! The root of the yellow cinquefoil for medicinal use is dug up in late autumn or early spring and is also dried after washing.
Yellow cinquefoil retains useful properties for up to a year


Useful properties of yellow cinquefoil and contraindications are combined with each other. In small dosages, Kuril tea is used for inflammatory processes and intestinal infections. But when using it, you must remember about the possible side effects.

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