Carbonated water: harm or benefit

Carbonated water is enriched with carbon dioxide. Distinguish between mineral and table water, as well as water from a natural source. A sweet drink can have different flavors. The benefits and harms of carbonated water depend on the chemical composition.

Composition and calorie content of carbonated water

Mineral water with medicinal properties is enriched with carbon dioxide. Mineralization is 10 or more g / l. During the storage period, the composition does not change, and the substances that bring benefits are stored for a long time. Natural sparkling water is not common. It fizzles out rather quickly, while the benefits are not saved.

The compressor, which saturated the water with carbon dioxide, was invented by a Swedish designer. An industrial analogue was created in the 19th century. The production was considered unprofitable due to the high cost. The sparkling water contained baking soda.

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Modern production uses mechanical and chemical carbonation. With the mechanical method, hardware carbonation is performed in special siphons, tanks, saturators. The saturation of water with gas is carried out under high pressure. In the chemical method, baking soda or acid is added to the water. Fermentation is used in the production of kvass, beer, champagne, cider and sparkling wines.

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The composition determines the type and benefits of water:

  • slightly carbonated;
  • medium carbonated;
  • highly carbonated.

The sweet and sour base is different for each drink. The sweeteners that make up the soda are:

  • aspartame;
  • cyclomat;
  • saccharin;
  • potassium acesulfate or sunnet.

The following acid variants are distinguished:

  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • orthophosphoric.

Some types of carbonated drinks include caffeine. The preservative is represented by carbon dioxide, which reacts chemically with water and dissolves quickly.

Important! Some people wonder why the water is carbonated. The benefits of carbon dioxide are in killing pathogens that can harm your health. In addition, this composition allows you to extend the implementation period.

The calorie content of mineral and carbonated water without additives is 0 kcal. That is why this drink is beneficial for weight loss. Carbonated water with a lot of sweeteners and preservatives is harmful to the body, causing weight gain.

Is carbonated water good for you?

When asked whether it is good to drink carbonated water, experts pay attention to the type of drink. The benefits of natural sparkling water have been known since antiquity. Initially, such a product was used exclusively for the treatment of various diseases.

The use of carbonated water as a drink brought benefits to the body. Natural sources were also used for bathing.For example, Hippocrates described the benefits of a natural product in his works.

In the 18th century, the medicinal drink went on sale. Later, a synthetic analogue was created.

Sweet sparkling water

Drinks containing herbal extracts benefit:

  1. Tarragon and Duchess contain tarragon, which has an anticonvulsant effect. The substance improves the digestion process, increases appetite. Duchesse also includes pear infusion, a thirst quencher and a diuretic.
  2. The composition of the Sayan drink contains tannins and essential substances, as well as ascorbic acid, lemon syrup, and leuzea extract, which eliminate the manifestations of fatigue.
Attention! Carbonated water containing artificial sweeteners and additives is not beneficial. Excessive use can be harmful.

Sparkling mineral water

Mineral water is a purified product artificially enriched with various components. Observing certain rules, such water can be usefully drunk by both adults and children.

Healing water is taken from natural sources. An exclusively natural product brings benefits, which has the following actions:

  • good thirst quencher;
  • improves the production of gastric juice with low acidity;
  • nourishes cells, alkalizes plasma due to neutral molecules;
  • maintains acid-base balance and muscle tone due to sodium content;
  • prevents calcium leaching from bones.

It has been proven that when drinking natural carbonated water, the functioning of various body systems is normalized. The benefits of consumption in improving digestion and increasing hemoglobin.

There are types of drink that are used for specific diseases. Table water is enriched with minerals that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. Such a product can be consumed without medical indications.

Can children be given carbonated water

Experts note that a glass of sweet soda contains about 4 tablespoons of sugar. On a hot summer day, a child can drink half a liter of such a drink, which is harmful to the child's body. Sweet sparkling water is not recommended for use in childhood due to:

  • negative impact on the endocrine system and pancreas;
  • irritating effects of acids on the stomach and esophagus, tooth enamel;
  • removing calcium from bone tissue.

As a rule, sugar in modern drinks has been replaced by sweeteners. In addition, the product is enriched with vitamin C, which forms a carcinogen when interacting with preservatives. The combination of sweeteners, carbon dioxide and acids often causes allergies in children. The product does not quench thirst, but enhances it.

Attention! Sparkling water does not benefit the child's body. The harm of such a drink lies in the destruction of teeth, a negative effect on the digestive organs.

Mineral table water without gas has a beneficial effect, well quenching thirst and saturating the body with essential minerals. For children under one year old, special water purified from unnecessary substances is suitable.

Is it possible to drink carbonated water for pregnant and lactating

Carbonated water is not beneficial during pregnancy, as carbon dioxide can provoke discomfort in the stomach and intestines. The synthetic substances included in the composition block the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the development of the skeleton of the growing fetus and the mother's body during breastfeeding.

Still table water is beneficial. Chloride-containing mineral water provokes hypertension and edema in pregnant women.

The synthetic substances in soda can seriously harm a baby's body during pregnancy and lactation. That is why the use of the product should be categorically abandoned.

Carbonated water for weight loss: harm or benefit

The benefit of soda is the feeling of fullness after drinking it. Since it does not contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates, energy and nutritional value is also lacking. Nutritionists recommend including the product in the diet when dieting. Moreover, one of the principles of losing weight is called a sufficient intake of fluid.

Harm can occur with excessive use and is manifested by flatulence and bloating. Soda contains significant amounts of sugar and cannot be used for weight loss purposes.

Carbonated water for gastrointestinal diseases

Healing sparkling water is used for certain diseases. It is undesirable to use such a product without indications. Soda can exacerbate gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas, which indicates the need to exclude it from the diet. Gastroenterologists recommend drinking mineral table water without gases. In the presence of pathologies of the digestive tract, water can be prescribed, which has a therapeutic effect.

How to carbonate water at home

Many people are wondering how to make soda water on their own. Soda can be made using baking soda, citric acid, water, and sugar. Such a drink can harm children under 3 years of age, as well as people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, a history of obesity.

Homemade sparkling water is also prepared using a special apparatus - a siphon. There are models for home use that carbonate the water thanks to the presence of a carbon dioxide cylinder.

Cooking applications

Carbonated water, in particular mineral water, is widely used for preparing various dishes. Soda is the basis for various cocktails and is added to pancake dough. Culinary experts use the drink as a dressing for okroshka and marinade for meat.

How to choose soda water

In order for soda to be beneficial, not harm, you should follow the general rules:

  • drink medicinal and medicinal-table water only on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  • when purchasing a drink, give preference to the dining variety;
  • make purchases only in pharmacies and large stores;
  • carefully study the composition of the drink and the expiration date in order to avoid causing harm;
  • purchase a product of well-known brands.
Caution! Soda should be transparent. Sediment indicates spoilage, poor quality of the product, which can be harmful to health.

The harm of carbonated water and contraindications

The synthetic product is harmful to health due to its aggressive composition. The harm caused involves the development of the following pathologies:

  • gastritis;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • decreased visual acuity.

After drinking a synthetic drink, the brain receives a signal about the intake of fluid. The effect of sugar on the taste buds leads to the need to take a new portion. This is due to the inability to quench thirst with a drink containing sugar and gas. With regular use, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, obesity, atherosclerosis increases many times due to the increased concentration of cholesterol, which damages blood vessels.

Calcium is washed out from bone tissue due to the content of phosphoric acid. Thus, the likelihood of osteoporosis increases significantly, especially in the elderly. The benzene formed by the combination of ascorbic acid and sodium benzoate destroys DNA, provoking the development of malignant tumors.

Caution! The caffeine in the drink is addictive.

The product is harmful to young children, pregnant and lactating women. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity and allergies, the harm to the body is also significant.Bloating, nausea and belching are common after drinking the drink.


The benefits and harms of carbonated water make you take your choice of product seriously. Soda is not just natural mineral water that has health benefits. The name also implies a sweet drink that, if consumed frequently, can cause serious health damage.

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