Meat and fish

The benefits and harms of rabbit meat, reviews
Rabbit meat is not as popular as pork or chicken. And some consider meat to be a delicacy at all. But doctors recommend replacing them ...
Why nutria meat is useful, the healing properties of fat
Calorie content, medicinal properties, benefits and harms of nutria meat are the necessary information about the product for inclusion in the diet. Nutria is not wide enough ...
Pork: benefits and harms to the body
Pork meat is a widespread product, the benefits and harms of pork have been studied by scientists and are generally available. Views on the inclusion of meat in ...
What is beef good for?
Beef is rightfully considered one of the most popular and healthy types of meat. However, consumers know about it as delicious ...
Useful properties of flounder
Flounder is a valuable commercial fish with tasty, tender, juicy meat. The benefits and harms of flounder are expressed in the ratio of essential nutrients ...
Why is haddock fish useful?
The benefits and harms of haddock have long been known. This important commercial fish of the Cod family is very popular with the inhabitants of North America ...
The benefits of sea bass for the human body
Seabass is a deep-sea fish with a wide range. The meat of this sea fish is considered one of the most delicious. Some ...
Useful properties of bream
Bream is the most famous representative of the Karpov family. It is distinguished by its nutritional value and delicate taste. Many want to know what ...
Pangasius fish: benefits and reviews
Pangasius is an inexpensive fish primarily grown in Southeast Asia. Currently, the benefits and harms of pangasius cause active controversy, ...
Why is catfish useful?
This product has appeared on our tables relatively recently. The striped catfish or sea wolf is a perch-like fish of northern latitudes. Benefit...


the beauty
