What is beef good for?

Beef is rightfully considered one of the most popular and healthy types of meat. However, consumers know more about it as a tasty dish than a product that benefits the body. Moreover, the properties of meat depend on the age of the animal and its nutrition. The benefits and harms of beef are unknown only to those who honor the cow and class it as a sacred animal. And only a few know how to choose the right part of the cow in order to get the maximum health benefits from it.

The chemical composition of beef

To understand how each product acts on the human body, you need to know what it contains. It is the chemical composition that determines the properties of meat.

The first thing to be aware of is that beef is divided into several varieties, depending on the amount of the edible portion. In addition, the calorie content and the ratio of proteins and fats, as well as the content of other substances, depend on the part of the carcass.

Beef ranks first in protein content and last in fat content. This type of meat has less fat than pork and even chicken! It is recommended to use it for diets, for training athletes, as well as during recovery from illness, when fat is not allowed. The product is rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids. There are many B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, and K. And elastin and collagen help keep joints healthy.

How many calories are in beef

You need to understand that the calorie content of beef meat is highly dependent on the age of the cow, its diet, body part and many other factors. And when buying, no one will say how old the animal was and what it ate. So the numbers can only be approximate, but this is enough to keep track of the calorie content of your diet.

On average, the calorie value ranges from 185 kcal to 275. And the tenderloin is 214. If the cow grazed in the meadow, then the meat will contain less fat, and the calorie content will be 200 kcal. If on the farm she was fed feed with various additives, then the figure rises to 250.

The stew with vegetables will come out at 180 calories per 100 grams. The dietary part is steamed or boiled - 200 kcal. Broth - 57 kcal. But jellied meat - more than 250 kcal. Shish kebab is not so dietary and light - 210 kcal. Smoked meat - 109 kcal per 100 grams.

The benefits of beef for the body

Not everyone knows about the benefits of beef for the human body. This meat is good for men, women, children. It must be included in the diet:

  1. The meat is nutritious, but less fatty than pork. Therefore, it is great for those who monitor weight.
  2. Vitamins speed up metabolism.
  3. Protein is easy to digest.
  4. Beef is good for the nervous system.
  5. Improves sleep, relieves problems with falling asleep.
  6. Removes cholesterol.
  7. Eating beef is the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  8. Meat strengthens blood vessels.
  9. Keeps the acidity level normal.
  10. Strengthens the immune system.
  11. Facilitates the postoperative period thanks to the microelements in its composition.
  12. Vitamin E preserves youth and beauty.
  13. Iron helps to cope with anemia and other problems associated with blood formation.
  14. Good effect on the condition of teeth, nails, hair, skin.
  15. Lean beef broth will be beneficial during the recovery period from illness.

For men

No wonder they say that meat is the most "masculine" dish! If women most often give preference to fish, chicken, vegetables and cereals, then a man certainly wants meat. Fatty, juicy, nutritious. However, an amendment is needed. Fatty meats are not the healthiest even for them. Pork should not be eaten often. But beef on the table should be present as often as possible. This is due to the fact that it contains less harmful fat, more protein. But it is very nutritious and delivers to the body all the elements necessary for normal functioning.

Iron enriches cells with oxygen, amino acids and zinc increase testosterone levels. All other elements also do not stand aside and help to increase masculine strength.

Attention! In order for beef to really have a good effect on potency, it is important to choose it correctly. The meat must be very fresh.

For women

The benefit of beef for women is that this meat has the best effect on beauty, helps to keep hair, nails, skin in good shape. Despite its low calorie content (which is also a plus), it gives the body everything it needs. The product keeps acidity normal, contains a large amount of vitamin E. And iron in its composition helps with anemia after childbirth, diets, and diseases.

For children

In the children's diet, meat should also be present. Preferably in a boiled, stewed form, without a lot of spices. Why is beef good for a child's body:

  1. Proteins are quickly absorbed and are also a building block for tissues.
  2. Vitamin A in beef improves vision.
  3. Meat has a good effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.
  4. Promotes muscle growth.
  5. Phosphorus and calcium are found in sufficient quantities in beef and help prevent rickets.
  6. Eliminates toxins.
  7. Strengthens the child's immunity.

Is it possible to eat beef for pregnant and lactating women

Beef is deservedly considered the most useful meat for pregnant and lactating women. And the safest. Its composition is ideal for the body at these moments. Therefore, while carrying a child, such a choice of meat is encouraged. But when feeding with breast milk, the introduction of any product into the diet should be treated with caution. Even as safe as cow meat.

From two weeks after giving birth, you can enter the product into the diet. This should be done with extreme caution. Start with broth. After a normal baby's reaction, you can switch to meat.

Attention! Beef must be thoroughly cooked, no blood!

It is advisable to make dishes with this meat without spices and a lot of oil.

Rules for the use of beef for gastritis, pancreatitis and diabetes

The benefits of beef meat in human nutrition are great, but in some cases it must be eaten with caution, in moderation or limited quantities. This applies to people who have gastrointestinal diseases.

With gastritis, most of your favorite foods will have to be set aside. But diet food can also be varied and tasty. Gastroenterologists are allowed to eat beef, it is not only harmless, but will also bring a certain amount of benefit to the stomach. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is not allowed to eat anything at all, and you will not want to, but a week after it, beef can safely enter the patient's diet. It is preferable to use it separately from other products, stewed or boiled, without spices, frying.

With an exacerbation of pancreatitis in the first few days, the diet is also very poor. Then it is allowed to introduce beef. However, this must be done correctly. The meat should be young, from the lean part.Offal, tongue, cartilage should not be used.

With diabetes, beef is also allowed, but you need to eat it in moderation, choose low-fat varieties and combine it correctly only with approved foods.

Eating beef for weight loss

When losing weight, it is important to choose products with the necessary ratio of BJU to achieve results. Many people think that chicken will be the best choice. However, there are more nutrients in beef, this meat is considered more dietary, and at the same time it is more nutritious, tastier and juicier. It is cow meat that is included in the menu of the Japanese diet, the Ducan diet. And according to the results of the study, those who replaced the chicken with beef achieved even better results, while the taste is superior to the dry and slightly tasteless second option.

In what form is beef healthier

Beef is not always healthy, or rather, not with any cooking method. This is due to the fact that not all vitamins and essential elements remain in it during heat treatment. And additional additives during cooking can be harmful.

Why raw beef is good for you

It is strictly forbidden to eat raw meat. But this applies more to pork and lamb. Even in this form, beef will be beneficial. It is better digested in the body, reduces the risk of acne, age spots, slagging. Also, raw veal is twice as nutritious as ready-made.

Attention! You only need to eat raw meat with the certainty that it is fresh, uninfected, and the animal has not been fed with antibiotics. Otherwise, there is a risk of contracting an infection.

The benefits of boiled (boiled) beef

Boiled beef is not as popular as roast beef. This is due to its taste. It is not so juicy and soft. However, it is with this method of preparation that the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved in it. Especially if the broth is also used. In addition, no oil is added, which is harmful to the body. It is boiled beef that will benefit male potency.

Recommended reading:  Why boiled beets are useful for the body

Useful properties of beef stew

Beef stew is tastier than boiled and healthier than fried. It is recommended for losing weight and recovering from surgery. It does not lose as many properties as it does when frying. Helps with anemia, is indicated for heavy physical exertion.

Is fried beef good for you?

Fried beef loses almost all of its nutrients during processing. And the oil in which it is fried is dangerous for the body, releases harmful elements and impairs potency. In addition, the abuse of such a dish leads to excess weight. And doctors do not recommend using it during pregnancy, breastfeeding, gastritis, pancreatitis.

The benefits and harms of beef broth

Beef broth is very nutritious. It has all the health benefits of beef. However, he receives from meat not only good substances, but also bad ones. This mainly applies to meat on the bone. Then there will be salts and metals in the broth, which will have a negative effect on the body and slow down digestion. Therefore, the benefits of beef broth on the bones are in doubt.

Beef Cooking Secrets

To cook juicy meat, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. It is advisable to choose the meat of a young cow.
  2. Cut along the fibers.
  3. The meat is towel dried before frying.
  4. Salting is already during frying.
  5. Tough meat is treated with vinegar before cooking.
  6. It is advisable to start frying over high heat, then reduce.
  7. They are often baked in foil, then the dish will be juicy.

Harm of beef and contraindications

Beef is not harmful, but too much of it provokes some problems. These are digestive disorders, kidney problems, osteochondrosis, toxins, an increased risk of cancer. It is forbidden to eat in the first days of exacerbation of pancreatitis and gastritis, with individual intolerance.

How to choose and store beef correctly

To get ready-to-cook and quality meat, you need to choose from fresh rather than frozen products. The color of the beef should be rich, without splashes. A brown tint indicates staleness or an old animal. The fat should not be yellow or very dense. There should be no stains or crusts, and the surface should be elastic. You can not buy a wet or blood product. The fossa that remains on the surface when pressed should flatten out immediately.

If the beef needs to lie down before cooking, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator. For a long period, immediately put it in the freezer. Meat is not washed before freezing as it will spoil quickly. A large piece will last much longer than a small piece.


The benefits and harms of beef are known to many. This is one of the most favorite types of meat and the healthiest one. It is allowed to eat during pregnancy, breastfeeding, even after exacerbations of gastritis and pancreatitis. However, it must not be abused, this will lead to a number of violations.

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