Why beef heart is useful and how to cook it

Beef heart is a by-product saturated with vitamins and useful microelements. Helps maintain the balance of these substances in the human body. The balance of benefits and harms of beef heart depends on the quality of the meat and the frequency of consumption.

Beef heart chemical composition

The product contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H. It also contains useful trace elements such as:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium and calcium.

Nutritional value and calorie content of beef heart

The calorie content of beef heart per 100 grams is 96 kcal. This property makes the offal useful for diets. The nutritional value:

  • 16 g protein;
  • 3.5 g fat;
  • 2 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits of beef heart

Useful properties of the product with regular use lead to positive effects:

  1. Strengthening the cardiovascular system... Zinc, which is present in the composition, contributes to the formation of stronger muscles of the heart and walls of blood vessels. And the properties of magnesium normalize the heartbeat.
  2. Regulation of mineral balance... Due to the combination of properties of useful micro- and macroelements contained in the by-product, the body is able to recover from diseases in a shorter time. Mineral balance is maintained.
  3. High stress resistance... The properties of B vitamins help a person to cope with psychological stress more easily and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome.
  4. Healthy appearance... The complex of properties of useful vitamins and minerals strengthens nails and hair. Skin appearance and complexion are improved.
  5. Recovery and growth of muscle mass... Since the product is rich in protein, eating on a regular basis helps muscles grow and repair damage.
  6. Improving blood composition... The properties of iron increase the amount of hemoglobin and carried oxygen.
  7. Good immunity... Vitamins C and B6 in combination with chromium enhance the regenerative properties of tissues. Immunity becomes more stable - the human body can better resist infections and viruses. It also speeds up the healing of abrasions and cuts.
  8. Improving the digestion process... The contained useful microelements normalize the acid-base balance in the human body and accelerate metabolism. The offal contributes to the beneficial work of the digestive tract. Helps to effectively fight intestinal disorders that can develop due to the harm from vitamin deficiency.
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Important! There are 140 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of beef heart, so you cannot abuse it - it will be harmful.

Is beef heart good for weight loss

Food made from beef heart is good for the diet as it is low in calories. The high protein content will help you lose weight without losing muscle mass. Only body fat is removed.The substances contained in the beef heart, due to their properties, will benefit both women and men in the process of losing weight.

Beef heart in cooking

How to cook beef heart properly

The product is not often included in the regular diet, despite the fact that its properties make it possible to use meat as an ingredient in various tasty and healthy dishes. To avoid harm, before starting to cook, it is necessary to remove all layers of fat, large accumulations of blood vessels and blood clots. Sometimes offal can be bought in stores already processed. In any case, the meat must be rinsed well under running water.

The next step in preparation is soaking. To do this, you need to add a little salt to ice water and leave the offal in it for 2-3 hours. Once soaked, cook for 1.5 hours. Careful cooking will minimize possible harm.

Important! If the animal was old, then the heart must be soaked for at least 4-5 hours. Boil for 3 hours - otherwise the meat will be tough.

Cooked whole or cut into pieces. To enhance the flavor of the dish, add onion rings or mushroom sauce. Vegetables are a good side dish, as the carbohydrates they contain will balance the properties of beef heart proteins. This combination is optimal, benefits the digestive system and eliminates possible health risks.

What can be cooked from beef heart

A useful product can be used boiled, stewed, fried. For dietary purposes, it is recommended to bake in the oven. Boiled offal is often used as an ingredient in a snack or salad. Can be used as raw material for pate, filling for pies and pancakes. Delicious cutlets and goulash are also made.

Beef heart broth, which is more effective than chicken, is popular with housewives. Such an additional remedy brings benefits only if the meat is lean. Fatty broth can be harmful.

How and how much to cook beef heart

In order for the consistency of the product to become similar to boiled tongue, it must be cooked for at least 4–5 hours. However, 2.5 hours is enough for the healthy offal to become soft enough and suitable for slicing or chopping in a meat grinder. This time will minimize the potential harm.

Boiling stages:

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  1. Cut into several pieces and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Soak in cool salted water for 2-3 hours.
  3. Boil water in a convenient container and place the chopped pieces there.
  4. Once the foam has formed, remove it, reduce heat and cover the pan with a lid.
  5. Cook for at least 2.5 hours.
  6. 40-60 minutes before the end of the process, salt, onion, laurel leaf and black peppercorns should be added to boiling water with offal.
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Harm of the beef heart and contraindications

A beef heart can bring a person both good and bad. As a rule, it can have a negative effect on the state of the body due to low-quality meat or violations of storage rules. Excessive consumption of the product can also cause harm - to provoke kidney disease, digestive disorders, increased hemoglobin levels and arterial hypertension.

There is another serious contraindication - individual intolerance, which occurs in a small number of people. Beef heart is not recommended for children, as it can lead to early bowel problems. And then, instead of benefit, harm will be done.

How to choose and store beef heart

To prepare a tasty and healthy offal dish, it must be borne in mind that it must be fresh. It is recommended to purchase meat only from a reliable seller who does not neglect the standards of sanitation and observes all the required storage conditions.It is best to give preference to a young calf heart, the benefits and properties of which are significantly superior to the meat of an old animal. You should choose a product in accordance with the characteristics:

  • nice smell;
  • lack of spots on the surface;
  • red-brown color;
  • elasticity.

Always choose the first option between chilled and frozen. Beef heart in this form does not lose its beneficial properties, but it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days.


The benefits and harms of a beef heart depend primarily on the freshness and age of the animal. It is recommended to eat meals from this product no more than 3 times a week. Then there will be no harm, and the beneficial properties of the heart will help maintain the balance of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body.

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