Vitamins for mind and memory for schoolchildren: which ones to give

With each new academic year, the load on students increases, more and more exercises are given in institutions. Often the question arises of how to improve academic performance, what vitamins exist for schoolchildren, so that the material is better and faster to remember.

The benefits of vitamins for schoolchildren

For the full course of puberty, children need different substances. Many vitamins are involved in metabolic processes, increase the body's resistance to various pathologies. It is during school years that a child needs vitamin C, A, B, D, E. Substances A and H will help with skin problems. This is especially true in adolescence, when dermatological rashes appear.

The relevance and necessity of the use of vitamins is associated with the performance of the following functions:

  • maintaining the child's immune system;
  • control over the secretion of internal and external glands;
  • positive effect on blood circulation;
  • participation in the formation of the skeletal system;
  • assistance in the work of the internal organs of children;
  • protection of nails and hair.

What vitamins do schoolchildren need

Vitamins are important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and mental activity of children. If there are not enough substances, then the brain will not be able to perform its main functions - to control thinking, maintain memory.

B vitamins improve the functioning of nerve fibers, slow down premature aging, and help to overcome stress. If children have vitamin deficiency, memory deteriorates, and nervous disorders appear. The following B vitamins can affect memory:

  1. Vitamin B1 or thiamine provides energy, fights fatigue, and gives a feeling of vigor for a long time. The substance has a good effect on memory, copes with insomnia, stress. Thiamine is responsible for delivering glucose to the brain. If the child has a lack of substance, then nervousness, irritability appears, and memory deteriorates.
  2. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin energizes the body, activates the functioning of the brain. He takes part in the formation of neurons and fibers. The student will not get tired during long physical exertion. Riboflavin deficiency manifests itself in headaches, a sharp weight loss, lethargy, and drowsiness.
  3. Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid - the most important substance that is involved in the formation of enzymes. It is responsible for breaking down foods and getting energy from them. With a deficiency, the child feels tired and depressed, cannot concentrate.
  4. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is responsible for long-term memory, transmits impulses between nerve fibers. Synthesizes bodies that destroy toxic compounds from outside. The lack of acid manifests itself in the form of poor memory, insomnia, muscle pain in a child.
  5. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine affects mental activity, has a beneficial effect on thought processes. If the child eats well, then this substance is independently synthesized by the body. The deficiency causes irritability, inhibition in thoughts.
  6. Vitamin B9 or folic acid strengthens memory, improves the functioning of the child's nervous system.With a lack of substance, the student's sleep deteriorates, he becomes anxious, gets tired quickly.
  7. Vitamin B9 or cyanocobalamin is responsible for changing the phase of sleep and wakefulness. With a deficit, the student has difficulty waking up in the morning, he is tormented by dizziness, poor memory.

Omega-3 saturated fatty acids are needed by the body when memory problems arise. The lack of a substance affects the functioning of mental activity, the adolescent's memorizing ability, concentration of attention.

Omega-3 is not produced by the body, therefore, it is possible to replenish stocks only with food, intake of fatty fish, vegetable oils, drugs. Vitamin E is needed so that acids are not destroyed. A lot of it is concentrated in eggs, seeds, and nuts.

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Vitamin A is an essential substance for the functioning of the brain. It's in butter cod liver, carrots. Iodine is of great benefit to children. With its deficiency, health and memory deteriorate.

Important! In those parts of Russia where there is not enough iodine, it is imperative to use iodized salt when preparing meals for schoolchildren.

When to give vitamin complexes

If children learn school material poorly, remember it with difficulty, and have poor concentration of attention, then this may be a consequence of such factors:

  • difficult childbirth, difficult pregnancy;
  • brain trauma;
  • overwork;
  • abnormalities in the brain;
  • developmental delay;
  • overwork;
  • lack of exercise that affects memory and alertness;
  • unbalanced diet, vitamin deficiency.

The growing body needs a balanced diet that will provide the necessary minerals and trace elements. Vitamins for the brain and memory are needed for schoolchildren when the following conditions are observed:

  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • nervousness, increased irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • poor academic performance;
  • weak memory.

If a student is slowly assimilating the material, is not focused, performs poorly on tasks, it is worth observing the diet and, if necessary, buying a complex of vitamins.

The best vitamins for schoolchildren

Good vitamins for memory and attention to schoolchildren are produced by Canadian, American, Danish and German firms. Despite the fact that most of the complexes belong to foreign pharmaceuticals, they are available to buyers. There are 8 companies that make good vitamins to consider.

Ferrosan is produced by a Danish company, which is popular in Russia due to the use of the drug "Multi tabs junior". The company produces vitamins for concentration of attention for schoolchildren and adults, taking into account all the problems and needs of the body. Many drugs are presented in the form of chewable tablets and tablets.

The German company Amapharm GmbH produces the additive “Univit Kids". The composition contains useful vitamins, minerals, acids. There are a minimum of additional synthetic elements in them. Vitamins taste good, are safe for children and show a high level of effectiveness.

Bayer is an international pharmaceutical company that produces vitamins and minerals. She uses environmentally friendly raw materials, natural elements in the composition, conducts testing before being introduced to the market. Good composition - dietary supplement "Supradine Kids».

Vidal Rus makes popular vitamins, including children's Alphabet,... The company started its activity in 1993, has become popular and has gained a good reputation for its powerful ingredients based on natural ingredients. The products are safe for adolescents and improve health.

Eagle Nutritionals is an American pharmaceutical company that manufactures a wide variety of multivitamin formulations and minerals for adults, toddlers, and teens.The products contain a minimum of contraindications in the instructions for use, side effects rarely appear. Vitamins "Vitrum kids»Are universal. They improve immunity, have a beneficial effect on vision and memory.

PharmaMed belongs to a Canadian manufacturer that is active in the development of pharmaceuticals, even to combat vitamin deficiency in schoolchildren. The products are widely represented on the Russian market, they are sold without a prescription. The ranking includes the vitamin complex “Vitamishki Immuno + lozenges».

Krka is a company headquartered in Slovenia. The firm develops expensive products, but at the same time they are safe and effective. The rating includes the drug “Pikovit plus". When creating a medicine, they use proven, selected ingredients.

Quaysser Pharma is owned by a German developer. It produces the famous vitamin complex “Doppelherz Kinder ". The medicine includes calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid and other useful elements. The complex has a beneficial effect on immunity, bones, the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Recommended reading:  Vitamins with iodine for children

Glycine Bio, owned by a Russian development, consists of a brain amino acid. Regularly giving children the drug, inhibition, excitement is eliminated, metabolic processes in the brain are accelerated, and the synthesis of nucleic acids returns.

Biotredin, also produced in Russia, is based on vitamin B6 and the amino acid threonine. The medicine belongs to the category of herbal supplements. It is great for improving memory in adolescents, both long-term and short-term. It also increases the activity of the brain, relieves stress, anxiety. 1-2 tablets are given per day under the tongue.

A varied diet as a fight against vitamin deficiency

If parents want to buy vitamins for schoolchildren to improve memory, it is worth revising the diet, since a person receives almost all substances from food.

With a balanced and balanced diet, complexes from a pharmacy may not be needed. Parents should include the following foods on the menu:

  1. Oily fish dishes - salmon, trout, mackerel. Seafood supplies iodine and easily digestible proteins.
  2. Veal, rabbit, beans, eggs, cabbage are a source of iron.
  3. Meals made with whole grain formulas produce vitamin B.
  4. Various vegetable oils, nuts, sunflower seeds. They provide vitamin E.

It is also important to use various elements:

  • zinc, found in dried fruits, liver, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, meat;
  • magnesium is present in beans, peas, dried apricots, cereals, nuts.
Important! If a schoolchild's nutrition is balanced and rich in vitamins, then there will be no need to buy pharmacy complexes.

Oatmeal Is one of the healthiest cereals for children. It stimulates blood circulation. In addition, it contains B vitamins. Porridge should be consumed by both adults and children, as it energizes.

Blueberry contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins. Thanks to the introduction of blueberry dishes into the diet, the student will think better, assimilate and memorize material faster. It also affects vision, strengthens the retina.

Walnuts contain unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They increase mental activity in schoolchildren, provide a useful protein of plant origin. Nuts include lecithin, which improves memory. Children need to eat at least five kernels every day.

Cocoa and chocolate consist of magnesium, which is essential for the development of memory. A freshly prepared drink for breakfast will energize the student and activate mental processes. Cocoa perfectly dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and improves mood.

Important! If a teenager loves chocolate, then it is better to buy him a bitter variety, since over 60% of cocoa beans are concentrated in it. Vitamins in school meals are irreplaceable.

The opinion of doctors

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky convinces that vitamins are very important for the child's body, but there is no need to purchase pharmaceutical formulations. The doctor recommends that moms and dads carefully choose the menu for the child, so that all the necessary vitamins come with food.

The pediatrician gives advice that memory needs to be trained by studying poetry by heart, other exercises, and not by taking complexes. A student receiving the required amount of substances has the following characteristics:

  • quickly solves home exercises, is good at school;
  • has a high level of intelligence;
  • quickly remembers information, learns by heart;
  • has a high concentration of attention.


Children and schoolchildren need vitamins to improve memory, relieve stress, and improve the quality of sleep. The child's body should receive vitamins of group B, A, C, D, P, magnesium, iron, calcium, omega saturated fatty acids. All elements can be obtained from food, the main thing is to correctly compose a teen's menu.

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