Composition and benefits of hot jalapeno peppers

The benefits and harms of jalapeno peppers depend on the variety. In Russia, a very small number of varieties of this type of chili are known. On the American continents, many varieties and hybrids of jalapenos are grown, which differ not only in appearance, but also in the sharpness of the fruit.

What does it look like

The jalapeno bush is a tall plant compared to other hot pepper varieties. It grows up to 1 m. Such dimensions are not surprising. The bush must withstand 25-35 fruits up to 10 cm long and up to 4 cm in diameter.

Unlike other hot peppers in the chili group, jalapeno pods look very dense and more like cucumbers. The appearance is generally consistent with the content. Jalapenos have relatively thick and hard walls. Green pods are difficult to knife. Red, as more ripe, are softer, but when cut, they also hold their shape.

Jalapeno is a medium hot pepper. When eaten, the pungency increases gradually from "warm" to "hot".

It takes 70-80 days to grow peppers. Green pods are also considered the most valuable. Since they are much denser than red ones, they are used for pickling. Ripe peppers are usually smoked. They are considered to be of inferior quality, but smoked jalapenos are a must-have in many traditional Mexican dishes.

Comment! Jalapeno is the most widespread variety of chili in Mexico, 30% of the total area of ​​hot peppers is allocated for its cultivation.

The pungency of jalapenos increases as they mature. Thus, the same bush may contain peppers with different levels of capsaicin. The red pod will be hotter than the green one. But there is another sign that allows you to identify specimens with increased pungency.

Small brown lines that look like cracks can be seen on the surface of the pods. They are called "blockages." The number of lines is directly proportional to the hotness of the pepper, since growing technology is added to the "natural" amount of capsaicin. Conditions that increase the pungency lead to "blockages".

Recommended reading:  Why is bell pepper useful, properties
Comment! Scarred peppers are preferred when pickled or preserved in oil.
Green jalapenos without blockages are the most prized in the USA

Varieties and hybrids

Due to the popularity of this variety, breeders have come to grips with jalapenos, developing many varieties and hybrids for commercial use. All varieties obtained as a result of artificial selection are divided into 4 groups:

  1. F1 hybrids: the result of "handmade". The parent plants were artificially emasculated and manually crossed among themselves. They have the highest yields, but are 25 times more expensive than regular seeds.
  2. F11 or F12 hybrids: it is more correct to call it varieties. Late generations in which a stable, unique population has been created.
  3. F2 hybrids: the method of obtaining is often the same as that of F1. Due to the characteristics of the latter, some F2s can reduce yields by 25%.
  4. Landraces: obtained by conventional selection.

Cultivars and hybrids are created and researched to promote certain fruit qualities.Usually, when breeding new varieties of jalapenos, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • resistance to diseases typical of peppers;
  • softer pods;
  • attractiveness of the fruit in terms of wall thickness, occlusion and size;
  • high productivity.

For commercial purposes, it is best to keep the peppers the same size.

The most famous varieties and hybrids F1


Hybrid F1

Early jalapeno


TAM Mild Jalapeno II

Grande (Grande - spicy variety)

TAM Veracruz


TAM Mild Jalapeno


TAM Dulcito




NuMex Vaquero


NuMex Primavera


TAM Jaloro (yellow pods)


NuMex Pinata (bicolor, yellow and red, pods)


Bright and beautiful pods of the NuMex Pinata variety will decorate the salad of fresh vegetables and give it spice

Sweet hybrids

Hot jalapeno peppers are not only beneficial, but also harmful. It is contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, many traditional Mexican dishes cannot do without this variety. Dishes with the addition of sweet hybrid varieties are served for people who cannot stand spicy food. They differ in that they retain the aroma and appearance of the jalapenos, but have completely lost their pungency.

Comment! Fooled You was the most popular sweet variety between 2000 and 2010, but it was later replaced by Tricked You.
Outwardly sweet variety "Tricked You" is no different from the "classic version"

Jalapeno in Russia

In the middle zone of the Russian Federation, only three varieties of jalapenos have taken root and spread. Espinalteco is most similar to other chili peppers, it has a sharp tip. Peludo has long fleshy fruits. Morita has short, rounded pods.

Jalapeno pepper composition

The advantage of jalapenos over other varieties of similar peppers is that its pungency varies greatly. It can be from several thousand to more than 10 thousand units. pungency on the Scoville scale. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about the amount of capsaicin in jalapenos. It is necessary to clarify the variety and growing conditions. Otherwise, all varieties are similar.

Raw fruit contains:

  • 92% water;
  • 6% carbohydrates;
  • 1% protein;
  • very small amount of fat.

Caloric content of 100 g of fresh pepper is 29 kcal.

Jalapeno is also rich in other nutrients. It contains from 20% of the daily value of vitamins C, B₆ and E. The group of vitamins K is presented in moderate amounts.

Why jalapenos are good for you

Jalapenos are not limited to cooking. Often, tinctures from it are used as an auxiliary to improve overall well-being. Jalapeno preparations are used:

  • to speed up metabolism: useful for losing weight;
  • to improve the digestive tract, if there are no inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • to lower blood cholesterol;
  • to improve the condition of hair and skin: due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • stimulating the digestive process: spicy food increases appetite;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Spicy jalapenos improve the taste of food and promote the production of endorphins: the hormones of happiness.

Comment! The tradition of eating hot peppers originated in Mexico due to the large number of worms. Capsaicin helps to prevent helminthic invasions.
For the preparation of tinctures, it is better to choose ripe fruits that have gained maximum vitamins

Why pickled jalapenos are good for you

The health benefits of pickled jalapeno peppers do not outweigh the contraindications, as with most similar products. Its main advantage is its pleasant taste.

But the vinegar and salt contained in the marinade are contraindicated for people with liver and gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, capsaicin also irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is better to refrain from pickled pepper for those who are contraindicated in excess of salt and vinegar.

Cooking applications

Jalapenos are used not only as a seasoning, but also as an independent ingredient in a dish.The most popular pepper stuffed with meat. Most of the capsaicin is found in the tissues that hold the seeds. Removing the septa can greatly reduce the pungency of the fetus. Sometimes stuffed jalapenos are wrapped in bacon and baked.

Hot snacks and sauces are also made from peppers. One of the types of "Tobasco" sauce is made from ripe fruits. They are also harvested by smoking in smoke for several days. These smoked pods are used to make the national Mexican dish chipotle.

Comment! Mexicans have even learned to cook desserts with jalapenos: drinks, jams, jellies.
Stuffed fruits give the relatively bland pork a pleasant aftertaste

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, jalapenos are mainly used as an ingredient in hair masks. In theory, pepper should improve blood circulation to the scalp and improve hair growth in cases of baldness.

Comment! Any type of alopecia requires much more serious treatment than pepper masks. The effectiveness of treatment of genetic and androgenetic species with conservative methods is zero.

Jalapenos are often added to face masks as an antiseptic. Use in foot baths to reduce sweating. Pepper's antibacterial properties certainly don't help reduce sweating, but it does kill odor-causing bacteria. Namely, the "scent" of dirty socks is what people think is a problem.

There is also an opinion that pepper has an anti-cellulite effect. But nowhere is it specified what to do to remove the "orange skin": whether to rub the jalapeno, or to eat it.

Contraindications and possible harm

Jalapeno peppers can contain high amounts of capsaicin and essential oil. Both substances are contraindicated in people with diseases:

  • intestines;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • kidneys.

An allergic reaction and individual intolerance to any substances contained in pepper are also possible. But people at risk usually find out about these characteristics early and do not eat spicy foods.


The benefits and harms of jalapeno peppers depend not only on the variety, but also on individual characteristics. Spicy food will not harm human health, but will stimulate the intestines. In the presence of diseases, it is better to dwell on sweet varieties devoid of pungency.

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