Why is capelin useful?

The depth of the ocean holds many secrets. Capelin is one of the inhabitants of the mysterious underwater kingdom. The benefits and harms of capelin are of particular interest to advocates of proper nutrition.

What is this fish

The main habitat of this small fish is the Pacific, Atlantic oceans and all the Far Eastern seas. Life expectancy in the wild is about 10 years. It prefers to swim in the upper layers of water, at a depth of up to 300 m and comes close to the coast only during the spawning period. It feeds on crustacean plankton, crustaceans, herring roe, shrimp larvae.

Its body length is about 25 cm, and the average weight is no more than 70 g. The body is covered with small scales and is distinguished by an olive-colored back, silvery barrels and belly.

Sea fish has extraordinary taste characteristics and many useful and medicinal properties, because of which it has become popular. Healthy food lovers, as well as seafood lovers, are always looking for hearty and healthy sea fish.

Capelin chemical composition

Healthy and healthy seafood is endowed with all vital vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to the important components characteristic of sea fish, capelin contains such unique substances as vitamin PP and B2, cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, copper, as well as a large amount of chromium.

The benefits of capelin are determined by its chemical composition, which includes:





Trace elements


3 mg


290 mg


1.1 mg

IN 1

0.04 mg


240 mg


55 mcg

AT 2

0.2 mg


30 mg


4 μg

AT 6

0.1 mg


140 mg


0.1 mg

AT 9

17 mcg


165 mg


50 mcg


1,3 mg


30 mg


0,4 mg




290 mg


430 mcg




165 mg


8 μg

How many calories are in capelin

This sea fish is very satisfying and nutritious. These indicators are determined by the presence in the composition of the product of a significant amount of complete proteins containing all the vital amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Nutritional value of the product:

Calorie content (kcal)

Fat (g)

Proteins (g)

Carbohydrates (g)





Also, sea fish has many other useful components that can not only diversify the daily diet, but also replenish the reserves of vital elements in the human body.

Useful and medicinal properties of capelin

This small ocean dweller is recognized as the most famous representative of the valuable seafood. In addition, it is an affordable product that occupies a leading position in the number of useful and medicinal properties, since the valuable substances contained in these treasures of the deep sea help:

  • increase immunity, enhancing the body's resistance to colds and various kinds of infections;
  • enhance performance, cheer up, increase mental activity;
  • control blood sugar, reducing it to optimal values;
  • restore damaged sectors of the nervous system and supply the body with energy;
  • reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease;
  • regulate the performance of the thyroid gland;
  • activate metabolism and optimize the digestive system.

Such a colossal spectrum of useful and medicinal properties makes the marine product indispensable in the human diet. The main benefit of capelin is to comprehensively strengthen and restore body functions, to normalize the activity of vital systems.

Is it possible to capelin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The benefit of capelin for women is that it supports reproductive function. During pregnancy, the body of women withstands heavy loads, since it works for two, so it is more prone to the development of many diseases. In these cases, expectant mothers need to limit the use of pharmacy drugs as much as possible. It is better to resort to an affordable and safe way to solve problems - seafood, including capelin.

It should be borne in mind that useful and medicinal sea fish can have both positive and negative consequences during pregnancy and feeding. With the systematic use of this product, a pregnant woman can forget about problems with the nail plates and teeth. In addition, sea fish will improve immunity, protect against colds. Thanks to the phosphorus content, it will strengthen the baby's musculoskeletal system.

Capelin will not harm a nursing mother, but, on the contrary, will charge her with a good mood. It is not on the lactation junk food list. It does not contain a lot of iodine, unlike other seafood delicacies, so the baby does not face an allergic reaction.

At what age can capelin be given to children

It is recommended to supplement the diet of children over three years of age with sea fish, since the benefits of capelin for the growing body consist in the content of vital omegas 3 and 6. And if the child does not have an allergic reaction, and the body reacts well to sea fish products, then you can try the useful earlier capelin, but only in small portions.

Important! Seafood has a lot of bones and it is very difficult to choose the flesh. If the extraction of bones is not difficult, then complementary foods can be started at two years old.

Capelin for weight loss

Although a seafood product has a high calorie content, it is distinguished by its ability to speed up metabolism, provoking weight loss. Therefore, most nutritionists, when developing dietary programs, give preference to this useful product.

When dieting, capelin requires proper preparation: first you need to boil it, then stew it with the addition of various spices. To preserve all the useful and medicinal properties, it is better to cook capelin with a diet on low heat under a lid.

Capelin caviar: benefits and harms

Such a delicacy as capelin caviar has excellent taste characteristics and a rich healing composition, which:

  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels, promoting healthy blood formation and eliminating fatigue and stress;
  • has a stimulating effect on the productivity of the brain and improves well-being;
  • has a positive effect on the skin, improving their condition and eliminating vitamin deficiency;
  • increases immunity, establishes protection against adverse external factors;
  • activates normal intestinal motility and prevents obesity and overeating;
  • prolongs youth, slowing down the aging rate;
  • preserves beauty and gives strength and energy.

The calorie content of capelin roe is high: in 100 g - 282 kcal. Thanks to its high content of vital protein, it is able to satisfy hunger for a long time. And also capelin caviar is recommended for the elderly, children and pregnant women.

The main limitations of caviar are duodenal ulcer, exacerbation of gastritis, hypertension and atherosclerosis.It is worth giving up caviar for children under two years old and people with an allergic reaction.

Knowing the benefits and harms of capelin caviar, you can, without fear of the consequences, include it in the diet and enjoy its impeccable taste.

Is there a benefit in canned capelin roe

Modern nutritionists have a negative attitude towards canned food, so canned caviar is not included in the list of healthy foods. Usually, smoked meats, preservatives, flavors and other harmful components are added to store products. And a huge amount of extra calories from oil and mayonnaise will negatively affect your figure and health. Although the taste is preserved during canning, the positive qualities are significantly reduced.

The benefits and harms of smoked capelin

Smoked meats are a common product that has both positive and negative effects on the body. When smoking sea fish, iodine, selenium, phosphorus are preserved. These elements are necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, support of immunity, vascular, musculoskeletal systems.

The harm consists in the presence of many carcinogens. Therefore, it should be excluded from the diet for allergic reactions, diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

How to cook capelin tasty and healthy

The benefits and harms of capelin will depend on the preparation method. To preserve the maximum positive properties and minimize harm from sea fish, you need to use it boiled, baked or steamed. Also, seafood can be baked in foil or placed on a baking sheet, optionally placing vegetables on top (it is better to use potatoes or carrots). Another way to benefit from the capelin is to cover it with a beaten egg and place it in the oven for half an hour.

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The maximum amount of useful components is preserved by steamed sea fish, therefore this cooking method is considered the best. To improve the taste, it is necessary to put the product in a double boiler and sprinkle with your favorite spices.

The benefits of fried capelin are, especially when grilling, on a fire, without the use of oil, but at the same time the vitamin and mineral composition is partially lost.

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How to choose the right capelin

To fully enjoy the taste of seafood and get the most out of it, choose the right fish. When buying, you need to pay attention to the appearance:

  • eyes should be light and transparent, with pronounced pupils;
  • gills - hard, without mucus, rich pink hue;
  • the surface should not have yellow spots or streaks;
  • a dried tail is a clear sign of its long-term storage.

Any unpleasant smell can mean staleness of the product, and the presence of a sour smell indicates spoilage of the fish. The benefits and harms of capelin will depend on compliance with these recommendations.

How to store capelin

Gutted and lightly dried fish can be stored in vacuum packaging. This product is stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, and in the freezer for about three months, without losing its useful and medicinal qualities.

A vacuum sealer is an expensive pleasure, but it is a must in everyday life. If such a device is absent, then the product should be consumed within a day, since in the future it will lose its useful components and become unsuitable for human consumption.

Possible harm to capelin and contraindications

Sea fish, in addition to a huge set of useful and medicinal properties, can also cause significant harm. People who have an allergic reaction to seafood or an individual intolerance should refuse to use the product.

Smoked capelin is dangerous because it contains many carcinogens that provoke the formation of cancerous tumors.In addition, this treatment is not able to rid the fish of parasites, which, if ingested, can cause significant harm.

Fish caught in prohibited places is considered dangerous to living organisms due to the accumulation of mercury and can cause significant harm to health, so the product should be discarded.

It is important to purchase a quality marine product and pay attention to its freshness in order to protect yourself from poisoning.


Despite the pleasant taste and high calorie content of the product, you should find out before use what are the benefits and harms of capelin. Having studied them carefully, you can confidently include sea fish in your diet.

Reviews of capelin

Elena 26 years old, Oryol
At home, capelin, cooked in any variation, is eaten very quickly. It is small, the bones come off very easily, and the fillet tastes good. I am losing weight with her help on the recommendation of my doctor, who thoroughly told me about the benefits and dangers of this seafood. I cook with spices and eat with broth. Very tasty, nutritious and healthy.
Lyudmila 35 years old, Ufa
Many people dislike capelin, complaining about a specific smell. Yes, not a very pleasant fragrance when cooking, but so yummy that it is simply impossible to come off. In addition, invaluable benefits and minimal harm to the body. It's also easy to cook, doesn't need to be peeled or gutted, and capelin caviar is delicious.
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