What is useful pink salmon, calorie content

The benefits and harms of pink salmon are often not considered by housewives who use the product for their daily dinner. But the high content of vitamins and trace elements helps some people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract to solve their nutritional problems. Before you include fish in your diet, it is worth considering the beneficial properties and contraindications for its frequent use.

What does pink salmon look like and where is it found?

This fish belongs to the salmon family, like trout or salmon, and got its name as a result of the formation of a hump on the back of the male before spawning. Among all the varieties of salmon, pink salmon is less fatty. Pink salmon lives in oceans and coastal waters.

The appearance of the fish is interesting - its back is dark blue, the sides are silvery, and the belly has a persistent white color. Among the distinguishing features are the absence of teeth on the tongue, the presence of large oval spots on the back and an anal fin. During the spawning period, the appearance of pink salmon changes - the abdomen becomes yellow in color, and the back of the fish becomes pale gray.

Pink salmon composition

Pink salmon meat is useful because of the wide variety of vitamins and minerals contained in the composition. Among them are:

  • vitamins of group B, A, D, C, PP;
  • macroelements - sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements - zinc, iodine, fluorine, chromium, iron and others.

It contains a lot of fatty acids that are responsible for the youthfulness of the cells of the human body.

How many calories are in pink salmon

The benefit encourages people to eat fish while losing weight or following a health-promoting diet. This is allowed and recommended by doctors, since the calorie content of pink salmon per 100 grams is slightly more than 100 kcal.

During the cooking process, the calorie content of healthy fish changes, which can be seen in the table.

Cooking method

Calorie content per 100 g, kcal

Baked fish




Fried in vegetable oil


Salted fish


Cold / hot smoked fish


Fish roe


Useful properties of pink salmon

The benefits of pink salmon for the body:

  • fatty acids are involved in the restoration of bone tissue, provide protection against the effects of toxins;
  • substances contained in fish meat are involved in the process of lipid metabolism, have a positive effect on the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fatty acids do not harm the body, but only contribute to the restoration of the fat balance in the subcutaneous layers - as a result, the former elasticity and firmness of the skin returns (excellent prevention of cellulite);
  • calcium has a beneficial effect on human nails and hair;
  • oxygen enrichment of cells is carried out - this normalizes cellular metabolism;
  • the work of the endocrine glands improves;
  • there is an improvement in the work of the central nervous system;
  • fish nutrients have a positive effect on blood sugar levels.

The beneficial properties of pink salmon are in the prevention of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, arthritis, asthma, and hypertension.

Experts recommend to consume no more than 80 g of pure meat per day.

Important! For normal body activity, it is enough to cook meals once a week - after heat treatment, nutrients are retained in the product.

You can learn more about the benefits and dangers of the product from the video:


The benefits of pink salmon for women

Useful properties for women:

  • pink salmon is a dietary product due to its low calorie content, so it can be used for weight loss;
  • promotes cell regeneration - keeps skin youthful;
  • benefits a woman's reproductive functions;
  • prevents the development of depression and insomnia;
  • controls the balance of hormones produced by the thyroid gland - this helps prevent the development of thyroid pathologies.

Pink salmon has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, so women should eat fish in the presence of cystitis - substances prevent exacerbation.

Pink salmon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, pink salmon is recommended to be consumed to prevent exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, fish has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Pink salmon to a nursing mother can harm - more precisely, provoke an allergic reaction in a child. Everything is explained by the presence of fatty acids, an increased amount of vitamin C. Therefore, before eating pink salmon, a woman during lactation is advised to introduce white fish into her diet. If the child does not show changes in the skin, you can start cooking red fish.

Why is pink salmon useful for men

The benefits of fish for men is to increase the potency and motility of sperm. You should not take fish as a medicine for infertility, but when planning a child, it is recommended to introduce stewed or steamed pink salmon into the diet.

Is it possible to give pink salmon to children

Pink salmon for children is pure meat without preservatives with beneficial properties, rich in calcium, iron and vitamins. The presented substances contribute to the growth of bone tissue and prevent the development of rickets. But pink salmon is given to a child no earlier than 3 years of age, when the absence of an allergic reaction to white fish is confirmed.

Pink salmon for weight loss

The benefits of pink salmon for weight loss have already been mentioned - despite the low calorie content, meat has a high energy value (this contributes to long-term saturation). Additionally, fish meat is a protein that is essential for building muscle tissue.

Pink salmon on a diet can be consumed in quantities greater than recommended by a doctor. It does not harm, losing weight will not have to count calories during the day and suffer from a lack of vitamins. Fish should be cooked with minimal heat treatment - steamed or baked.

Is it possible to eat pink salmon with diabetes

The beneficial substances of fish help to control the production of hormones, which is why it should be consumed with diabetes of any type. In addition, she has an average glycemic index of only 54, so it is allowed to eat a full portion of the dish. To preserve the properties and not harm yourself, the fish is stewed or baked.

Is pink salmon useful for gastritis and pancreatitis?

Fish, if a person has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, is useful in small quantities. Excessive consumption of pink salmon can be harmful - provoke an exacerbation of ulcers and an attack of gastritis due to increased fat content and prolonged digestion in the stomach due to the increased density of meat fibers.

Attention! Do not eat fish fried or salted.You need to give preference only to boiled or baked fish - it preserves useful properties best of all.

Useful properties of pink salmon caviar

Caviar has all the useful properties that fish itself, so there is no need to talk about its benefits for a long time. But despite the beneficial properties, in large quantities, the product is harmful - it provokes the development of an ulcer or its aggravation. Everything is explained by the increased salt content, which is used for salting and subsequent conservation.

For people with a sick stomach, it is recommended to use boiled or stewed caviar. Salted product is allowed in small quantities.

Does milk eat pink salmon

It is a mistake to think that milk is a fatty product. They contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that benefit the cells and mucous membranes of the body. Milk is harmful only when consumed excessively, for example, in a salted form - there are practically no useful properties in them.

The benefits and harms of canned pink salmon

Pink salmon in canned food is rich in nicotinic acid or vitamin B3. Its beneficial properties include:

  • normalization of cholesterol levels in the body;
  • help in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes;
  • vasodilation, as a result of which the blood supply to the organs improves.

But the product can be harmful if a person has an allergic reaction - often a person suffers from an allergy to canned food.

Is there any benefit in salted and smoked pink salmon

The benefits of cold smoked pink salmon are the ability to retain more useful properties. But at the same time, during smoking, oncogenic substances penetrate into the fibers of the fish, which provoke the development of cancer in humans. Hot smoked meat is more dangerous because the smoke contains a large amount of chemical compounds.

Attention! If a person loves cold or hot smoked fish, he should not get carried away with daily consumption. It is also forbidden to eat the skin, since it contains the most harmful substances.

Salted fish is harmful for its salt content - you should not get carried away with it in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

How to deliciously cook pink salmon

Often they refuse to cook the fish of the presented variety due to its dryness in finished form. But knowing the secrets, you can avoid mistakes:

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  • it is recommended to purchase fish chilled, since after defrosting all juices from the fibers are lost, which means that the benefits are reduced;
  • bake in the oven for 20 minutes, maximum is 30 minutes for large carcasses;
  • before baking, it is recommended to grease fish with vegetable oil in large quantities - oil is used when baking open in the oven;
  • if you want to bake fish with a diet, use foil, which is wrapped around the carcass, after having greased it with spices;
  • to prevent the fish from drying out, you can add lemon, orange, herbs and fresh vegetables to the carcass - everything is crumbled into large slices;
  • black pepper, garlic, thyme, dill and various Italian spices go well with fish.
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Depending on the cooking method, the fish can be pre-marinated using vinegar, oil, lemon juice with spices. For pink salmon, it is better to prepare a sauce - you can mix natural yogurt, honey, mustard and dill with a blender.

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Harm of pink salmon and contraindications

Despite its beneficial properties, this fish can be harmful to the body. It is necessary to highlight the following recommendations and prohibitions:

  • it is not recommended to eat fish in large quantities in the presence of kidney stones - acids in the meat contribute to the formation of new calculi;
  • since fish can accelerate blood circulation, women during pregnancy should be careful about eating it - it is not recommended to enter it into the diet in the presence of high blood pressure;
  • this fish can cause swelling of the limbs, since all the gastric juice is consumed for its digestion, and this stimulates increased thirst;
  • the fish is difficult for the stomach to digest, so you cannot eat it at night.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to eat pink salmon for people with an allergy to fish and seafood. The product is harmful if the human body has a high content of phosphorus and iodine.

How to choose and store pink salmon

It is better to buy fish chilled - this way it will retain its useful properties. When choosing, you should pay attention to the color of the meat in the abdominal region - natural pink, without yellowish impurities, which indicate improper storage and spoilage of the product. The gills should have a red color - you should not pay attention to the intensity of the shade.

It is better not to postpone cooking, but to immediately start cutting it. If this is not possible, you can put the carcass in the refrigerator, covering it with cling film. It is allowed to store chilled fish in the refrigerator no more than 12 hours. If there is no possibility of cooking, the carcass is placed in the freezer.


The benefits and harms of pink salmon are considered in detail, on the basis of which everyone will draw their own conclusions, reconsider their attitude to fish and, possibly, introduce it into their diet. If the product was not previously present on the table, it is recommended to try it in all types of preparation in small quantities. In this way, you can determine the best taste for yourself, as well as the subsequent sensation in the stomach. In the presence of severity and prolonged digestion, it is recommended to cook the carcass in chopped form.


Irina Kozlova, 36 years old, Syktyvkar
I read about the benefits of pink salmon for a long time, but it was practically not in my diet. I don't particularly like red fish. I decided to try baking in foil with orange and herbs. The aroma was amazing, the rice went well as a side dish. I noted that as soon as I began to eat pink salmon, my hair color improved noticeably and my nails became stronger.
Sergey Kornevitsky, 47 years old, Moscow
I suffer from type 2 diabetes, and I don't even know what I have. My wife began to buy pink salmon - she says that this is an alternative to fat salmon, which I love very much. I cooked it in the same way as salmon. I did not notice the difference in taste, it was very tasty. Immediately after I measured the sugar - it turned out to be slightly exceeded, which is normal.
Kira Mulyarova, 23 years old, Voronezh
I am constantly on a diet, and since I just graduated from college, there is no extra money to buy healthy products for myself. Whatever one may say, but they are expensive. I drew attention to the pink salmon, checked the calorie content. Impressed. I began to cook myself for dinner. A wonderful dinner with vegetables, and I like fresh ones more. I began to lose weight and stopped taking the vitamin complex - and without them for two months everything is fine.
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