How to whiten a white shirt from a gray tint and yellowness

You can effectively bleach a shirt at home with simple household products and industrial powders and gels. To successfully return whiteness to clothes, it is important to know the rules of washing.

Is it possible to bleach a white shirt

A shirt made of white fabric is a spectacular and beautiful piece of clothing. But it also requires very careful care, any dirt is clearly visible on the white fabric, and it can be difficult to remove them. Sweat marks, greasy stains or splashes from fruits can ruin a white shirt, in addition, with frequent wear and constant washing, the collar and cuffs of clothes become grayish.

You can whiten a shirt from grayness and yellow spots with household products

If your white clothes have lost their freshness, then you do not have to throw them away. You can use household and special bleaches, which dissolve even complex dirt and return brightness to the white color.

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How to bleach a shirt with folk remedies

If the dirt on the clothes is not too strong, then you can bleach it using simple tools that are present in any kitchen or in the medicine cabinet. For example, hydrogen peroxide and aspirin, vinegar and potassium permanganate are good stain removers.

How to bleach a white shirt with peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective and fairly safe bleaching agent. When washing, use peroxide as follows:

  • 6 liters of warm water are poured into the basin;
  • add 3 small spoons of disinfectant to the liquid;
  • for 20 minutes, immerse a white thing in the solution, while turning it over in the basin every few minutes so that the bleaching occurs evenly.
Hydrogen peroxide has good whitening properties

After the expiration date, the clothes are taken out of the basin and thoroughly rinsed out of the remaining peroxide.

Advice! If you need to return whiteness to a shirt with colored inserts, then an equal amount of salt is added to the water along with peroxide, it will help prevent fading.

How to whiten a white shirt with aspirin

Another good whitening product is regular aspirin, which helps in removing yellow sweat spots. When washing clothes, it is used as follows:

  • 5-6 tablets are crushed and diluted with a small amount of water to obtain gruel;
  • aspirin is applied to a damp white cloth with yellow spots;
  • cover the shirt with plastic wrap for several hours.
Pounded aspirin helps to remove old yellowness on white fabric

After a while, the polyethylene is removed, and the white thing is washed by hand or in a typewriter in the usual way.

How to bleach a white shirt with hydrogen peroxide

You can whiten a cotton shirt with peroxide in combination with ammonia. The product has a double effect and helps to remove greasy stains and traces of sweat. For washing you need:

  • pour about 1 liter of warm water into a basin;
  • add 1 large spoonful of ammonia and peroxide;
  • soak a dirty white thing in the solution for half an hour.
Salmon and hydrogen peroxide whiten stains and restore whiteness to fabrics

It helps to whiten not only yellow spots, but also gray areas of white fabric, such as cuffs and collars.

How to whiten a shirt by boiling

The time-tested method for bleaching fabrics is to boil with detergents. High temperature treatment helps to cope even with very difficult stains.

Although boiling takes a lot of time, the process itself is very simple:

  1. The white shirt is turned inside out, carefully examined, the contaminated places are moistened with water and rubbed with laundry soap.
  2. For 40 minutes, the thing is left to lie down so that the soap has time to be properly absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.
  3. After that, 3 liters of water are poured into a large metal bucket or large saucepan and put on high heat.
  4. When the water warms up, stir 2 large tablespoons of grated laundry soap or chlorine-free powder in the container.
  5. After boiling, a white thing is immersed in the solution and "boiled" over low heat for half an hour, stirring constantly with wooden or metal tongs.
Boiling cotton shirts is allowed, but it's best not to do it too often.

After 30 minutes, turn off the fire, allow the shirt to cool, then rinse thoroughly in clean water and hang to dry. With very heavy soiling, the boiling time can be increased to 50 minutes, but no more, otherwise washing will damage the clothes.

Attention! Only white shirts without colored inserts can be boiled. In addition, high-temperature processing is suitable exclusively for cotton items, shirts made of silk and synthetics are deformed from boiling.

How to whiten a white shirt with whiteness

To restore the color of a stained white shirt, you can use Whiteness, a strong chlorine bleach. The method is not suitable for silk and synthetic things, but cotton fabric tolerates interaction with the composition well.

To whiten a thing, you must:

  • pour 3 liters of warm water about 40 ° C into a basin;
  • stir in liquid 1 large spoonful of White;
  • immerse the shirt in the solution for 15 minutes.
Whiteness is a proven product for bleaching cotton fabrics

After that, the thing must be properly washed with an ordinary powder in a machine or by hand. It is important to rinse the fabric thoroughly to eliminate bleach residues and chlorine odor.

You can soak your shirt in White to bring back a fresh color to gray areas or remove yellow spots. But at the same time, children's things cannot be processed with the product. Whiteness can lead to skin allergies. Bleach can be used to clean shirts with colored fragments, but keep in mind that bright colors will fade when interacting with the product.

How to bleach a shirt at home with baking soda

Baking soda is a proven household bleach that works well for removing tough stains. To remove yellowness from white fabric and refresh gray areas, you need:

  • pour 3 liters of warm water into a basin;
  • add 3 small spoons of baking soda and stir until completely dissolved;
  • soak the shirt in the solution for 40 minutes, and then change the water and wash the item with powder or soap.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take
Soda helps against yellow spots on the shirt - it is diluted in a basin or added to the machine tray

Also, 3 tablespoons of soda can be poured into the washing machine along with the powder.This will not only restore the whiteness of the shirt, but also soften the water during washing and prevent the formation of limescale in the machine.

How to whiten a white shirt from yellowness with laundry soap

You can whiten a white shirt from yellow spots using natural laundry soap, it removes dirt well from fabric fibers. To get a good effect, you must:

  • how to wet the thing in warm water;
  • rub abundantly with laundry soap 72%, paying special attention to contaminated areas;
  • leave the thing for 1.5-2 hours, wrapping it with cling film or putting it in a plastic bag, this will not allow the soap to dry.
Yellow stains can be bleached with regular laundry soap.

After the time has elapsed, the shirt will need to be removed from the film, loaded into the washing machine and washed as usual with a double rinse. As a rule, laundry soap helps to whiten even visible and long-standing yellow marks on the fabric.

How to bleach an old shirt with vinegar

If the shirt is heavily worn and because of this has lost its snow-white color, you can use 9% table vinegar. The solution is prepared and applied as follows:

  • vinegar is mixed with warm water in a proportion of 50 ml per 1 liter of water;
  • the gray shirt is dipped into the solution and left for 3-4 hours;
  • after a specified time, things are removed from the solution and rinsed thoroughly.
You can return whiteness to a gray shirt if you soak it with vinegar 9%

After that, the shirt must be washed in ordinary soapy water, rinsed again and hung to dry. Vinegar is good for restoring the whiteness of fabrics and helps whiten yellow spots.

How to quickly bleach a white shirt with potassium permanganate

A mild solution of potassium permanganate has good cleaning properties and helps to bleach tough stains on your shirt. To eliminate yellowness from clothing, you must:

  • collect hot water with a temperature of about 50 ° C in a basin;
  • add a little potassium permanganate to the liquid, until a pale pink solution is obtained;
  • stir another 1 large spoonful of washing powder in the basin;
  • load a white shirt into a basin and cover with a lid on top.
Soaking in a weak solution of potassium permanganate allows you to bleach stains and remove grayness

It is necessary to keep clothes in a solution of potassium permanganate until the water cools down. After that, the item is removed and rinsed thoroughly under running water to remove the remains of manganese and powder.

How to bleach a white shirt at home with milk

Among the household products for whitening white things, milk can be mentioned. It is unlikely to help cope with stubborn dirt, but it will work well on gray areas of fabric. It can be used to bleach a synthetic shirt, for which it is undesirable to use aggressive substances.

If the white shirt starts to turn gray, milk powder will help restore the color.

Apply the tool like this:

  • 250 g of powdered milk is diluted in 2 liters of water;
  • stir the powder well so that the solution becomes completely homogeneous;
  • the shirt is soaked in milk solution and left for an hour;
  • after that, the item is removed, rinsed and washed in the usual way with detergent or gel.

Milk returns things to their original color brightness if the fabric has just begun to turn gray. To whiten a faded shirt with it, it is better to soak the item in milk solution as soon as the color starts to fade.

How to whiten your shirt with lemon juice

Use lemon juice to whiten school white shirts or office clothes. It removes greasy stains and stubborn sweat marks and freshens whites. Fresh lemon juice is used like this:

  • get about 2 large spoons of juice from lemons;
  • a stained or tarnished white thing is soaked in warm water;
  • problem areas are locally treated with squeezed lemon juice;
  • the thing is left for half an hour, during which time the product will have time to be absorbed into the structure of the fabric.
Lemon juice is a good natural bleach to help with yellow spots

Then the treated shirt will need to be thoroughly rinsed under the tap, and then washed by hand or in a typewriter as usual, using powder.

How to return the whiteness of a shirt at home with boric acid

Boric acid is a household chemical that corrodes stubborn dirt. To remove yellowness from white clothes and get rid of a grayish tint, you must:

  • pour 4 liters of hot water into a basin or large saucepan;
  • stir in water 2 large tablespoons of boric acid powder;
  • immerse clothing in the solution and leave to soak for 3 hours.

If you soak your shirt with boric acid for 3 hours, you can return the white color.

From time to time, it is recommended to turn the shirt over in the basin so that the whitening occurs evenly. When 3 hours have passed, the clothes will need to be removed from the basin, rinsed by hand under the tap and loaded into the washing machine for normal washing.

Important! Boric acid is good for bleaching cotton whites. It is better not to use the product for delicate fabrics, it can cause damage.

How to bleach stains on a white shirt with Hydroperit

Sometimes the home medicine cabinet does not contain hydrogen peroxide, but Hydroperite tablets are present. They can be used as an effective analogue, in fact, the substance is the same peroxide, only in a different form of release.

You can whiten yellowness on a white shirt as follows:

  • pour 2 liters of water into a basin with a temperature of about 50 ° C;
  • dilute 1 small spoonful of soda and 2 tablets of Hydroperit in a basin;
  • immerse the soiled item in the prepared solution for only 20 minutes.
Hydroperite is an effective analogue of hydrogen peroxide for whitening things

While the shirt is soaking in the basin, it will need to be stirred periodically. After soaking, the clothes are removed from the solution and the remains of soda and Hydroperite are washed off under running water. Then the item is washed in an automatic machine or by hand using conventional cleaning agents.

How to whiten a shirt using specialized products

If folk remedies do not bring results, or you need to whiten the thing as quickly as possible, you can use special industrial preparations. There are several ways to clean the shirt from grayness and yellow spots.

Whitening with chlorine-containing products

Chlorine powders and gels such as ACE Ultra Gel, Large Wash and Whiteness are considered to be the most effective in combating yellow spots and tarnishing. You can whiten a shirt with bleach using the following algorithm:

  • the selected agent is added in the amount of half a glass for 5 liters of water with a temperature of 40 to 90 ° C;
  • soak a white shirt for half an hour;
  • after 30 minutes, the clothes are removed from the basin, rinsed in warm water and washed in the usual way.
Chlorine bleaches are the most effective, but should not be used for delicate items

Among the disadvantages of chlorine bleaches are only an unpleasant odor and an aggressive effect on the structure of the fabric. They are not suitable for worn-out clothes, and white chiffon and silk shirts cannot be washed with chlorine bleach, clothes will quickly become unusable.

Oxygen bleaching

Oxygen-type bleaches, such as BOS Maximum, Sarma Active and Clean Home, do not show as good an effect as chlorine-containing products. But then they can be used even for delicate fabrics.

Carry out the wash as follows:

  • Dissolve 2 large spoons of the selected bleach in water at a temperature of about 50 ° C
  • soak clothes in solution for 2 hours;
  • take the item out of the water, rinse it thoroughly and wash it in a standard way.
Oxygen bleaches are suitable for all fabrics in machine and hand wash

It should be noted that oxygen agents give the best effect in very hot water at about 80 ° C, but only durable cotton shirts can calmly tolerate this temperature.

Since oxygen products are suitable for all fabrics, they can be machine washed.If the dirt on the white shirt is not too strong, you can simply pour the bleach into the tray of the automatic machine and immediately carry out a normal wash without presoaking.

Optical whitening

Belofor or Heliofor, as well as Heitmann bleach, contain fluorescent additives in their composition. Such powders are poured into a dish of a washing machine or into a basin according to the instructions on the package, use warm water, not higher than 40 ° C.

Optical brighteners brighten clothes in light, but may cause allergies

The peculiarity of optical means is that after washing their particles remain inside the fabric and, under the influence of light, create the effect of bright whiteness. Things look a few shades lighter, but optical means have a drawback - they often lead to allergies.


Specialized chemicals and household products allow you to effectively bleach a shirt at home. In both cases, a good result can be achieved. When carrying out washing, it must be borne in mind that it is easiest to return the white color to things with fresh dirt.

Reviews on how to whiten a white shirt

Petrova Marina Vladimirovna, 37 years old, Moscow
I love white shirts very much, but I also have to take care of them carefully. So that whiteness is not lost, before each wash I soak things with hydrogen peroxide, the solution does not harm the fabric, and removes yellowness and grayness. Sometimes stubborn stains do appear, but laundry soap helps against them.
Sviridova Irina Sergeevna, 26 years old, Mytishchi
I wear a white shirt to work every day. I wash things often, and, of course, the whiteness fades quickly. To return the color, I use citric acid or soda, the products return freshness and remove yellowness. I also add bleach with an optical effect to the machine, it makes the shirts just shine.
Vilenova Anna Dmitrievna, 35 years old, Tyumen
Every week I wash a few white school shirts for my son. I know how difficult it is to cope with chronic yellowness, so I don't wait for it to appear. Preventively I soak things in peroxide, and rub the collar and armpits with laundry soap, as a result the fabric remains snow-white.

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