How to remove soot: how to remove stains from things

Soot stains on clothes are classified as difficult to remove, as they contain resinous substances and combustion products, which greatly complicates the cleaning process. But experienced housewives know many effective ways to cope with this problem. In this case, you can use both folk methods and professional means. The main thing is not to allow soot to penetrate into the deep layers of tissue.

Features of removing soot stains

It will not be possible to remove the fumes from clothes with ordinary detergents, but you should not rush to throw away your favorite thing either. Contamination can be eliminated by acting quickly and correctly. You should not resort to the help of the usual washing powder, which is intended for routine cleaning, as it will make the shade of the stain even brighter. This is due to the fact that the resinous elements present in the composition of the pollution, reacting with the detergent components, change their structure and then it will be almost impossible to remove the soot from the fabric.

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Key recommendations:

  1. It is worth starting to remove immediately after the appearance of the stain, since old contamination is difficult to clean.
  2. Before using aggressive components, it is necessary to first test the tissue resistance to them. To do this, apply the solution in an inconspicuous place and wait 2-3 minutes. If the shade remains the same and the fibers are not deformed, then you can start cleaning.
  3. When removing under the cloth, place an absorbent layer that can absorb excess cleaning solution.
  4. When cleaning, the movements should be directed from the edge of the spot to the center.
  5. After using the cleaning agent, you need to wash the item completely by hand.
  6. When removing soot, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to completely remove the stain the first time. Then the procedure should be repeated or use a different method.

How to remove soot from clothes using folk methods

You can wash soot from clothes at home using the available tools. But since these spots are very specific, it is worth using those components that are able to withstand the resinous substances in their composition.

Important! When using aggressive components, the procedure must be carried out in a well-ventilated area and personal safety rules must be observed.

How to remove soot stains with bread crumb

This method is effective for removing fresh soot stains. To wash them off, you need to act quickly and carefully.


  1. Heat the crumb of white bread in the oven.
  2. Blind a ball out of it, rub the trail of soot with it.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times, constantly replacing the crumb after contamination.
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How to remove soot stains with butter

This method also helps in combating small fresh traces of soot, so they are unlikely to be able to wash things from soot after a fire.

The main stages of cleaning:

  1. Apply mild butter evenly to the stain.
  2. Soak for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash the stain in hot water and detergent.
  4. Repeat if necessary.
  5. After finishing cleaning, wash the product.

How to remove soot and soot with baking soda and vinegar

The use of these components helps to remove soot from white clothes, so this method is not recommended for colored clothes.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. In a separate ceramic container, mix baking soda and vinegar in equal proportions, and then add 1 tbsp. l. detergent for dishes.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain with a toothbrush.
  3. As soon as the reaction starts, distribute evenly throughout the contamination.
  4. Withstand 15 minutes.
  5. After a while, rinse with water and then wash.
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How to remove soot with turpentine

This remover will help remove grime from your jacket, but should be used with care. Before you start cleaning, you need to open the window, put on gloves and a face mask to avoid unpleasant consequences.


  1. Beat the chicken yolk with a fork until a firm foam appears.
  2. Add turpentine (1 tbsp. L.) To the egg mass, mix.
  3. Apply the resulting thick mixture to the stain in an even layer, rub lightly.
  4. After 15 minutes. wash off and wash.
Attention! When rinsing your garment after removing soot stains with turpentine, use a conditioner to remove the unpleasant odor and soften the fabric fibers.

How to remove soot stains with kerosene

With this tool, you can wash things after a fire from a fire. Before proceeding with cleaning, it is necessary to initially shake out the clothes thoroughly, which will reduce the amount of soot.

Further cleaning should be carried out as follows:

  1. Spread the stained item on a flat surface.
  2. Wear gloves and a gauze bandage on your face.
  3. Moisten a cotton swab in kerosene, carefully wipe off the soot stains.
  4. Soak for 30-40 minutes, rinse off the remains.
Attention! In the absence of kerosene in the house, it can be replaced with acetone, white spirit, medical alcohol, refined gasoline.

How to remove soot from things using specialized products

If traditional methods were powerless, then you need to use specialized detergents that are able to cope with soot resins. They can be purchased at a household chemicals store.

The most effective ones are:

  1. Pencil from Faberlik. Moisten the soot spot with plain water. Lather thoroughly with a pencil. Wait 10 minutes, rinse.
  2. Dry cleaning powder "Vanish Stain Remover". It also requires pre-wetting the contaminated area. Then sprinkle it on the soot spot, rub, wait 15 minutes, rinse. If it was not possible to wash it off the first time, then repeat the procedure.
  3. Spray stain remover from Amway. Spray the product on the stain evenly. Wait until it is completely absorbed into the fabric, wash the product.
  4. Liquid means for removing complex stains "Vanish". To remove a soot stain, you need to apply a cleaning gel to the stain. Use a toothbrush to rub lightly so that the product penetrates into the fibers of the fabric and neutralizes the soot. After 15 minutes. wash the soiled item completely.
  5. Powerful stain remover "Astonish OXY PLUS". To remove the stain with this product, you need to prepare a working solution in a proportion of 6 tsp. for 1 liter of hot water. Moisten contaminated areas in it, wait 15-30 minutes. depending on the complexity of the spot. Then rinse the item.
Important! The chemical agent must be selected according to the type of items to be cleaned.

How to wash the tulle from soot and soot

If you find soot spots on the tulle, you need to act immediately, since it is not easy to remove old dirt on thin synthetic materials.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Dampen the stain with warm water.
  2. Thoroughly lather problem areas with 72% laundry soap.
  3. Slightly stretch tulle.
  4. Reapply dish detergent to soot stains to help remove gum residues.
  5. Pour warm water into a separate basin and add baking soda to it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. 5 liters.
  6. Soak tulle in the resulting solution, stand for 8-9 hours.
  7. After the time has elapsed, wash and rinse.
Important! To remove soot from curtains and not damage the structure, you need to take into account the permissible water temperature for each type of fabric.

You can whiten the tulle and remove soot stains by boiling. This method is only suitable for natural fabrics such as linen, cotton.

The main stages of cleaning:

  1. Pour water into an enamel bowl or pot so that its volume can cover the curtain.
  2. Pour 2 tbsp into it. l. any oxygen bleach, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 50 g of laundry soap shavings (72%).
  3. Dip the stained curtain into the resulting soapy liquid.
  4. Boil the tulle for 1 hour over low heat.
  5. After cooling, rinse thoroughly.

How to clean the soot on the curtains

To remove soot in this case, you need to use proven means to avoid damage to tissue fibers. Before proceeding directly to cleaning, you need to remove the curtains from the eaves and shake out thoroughly.

An effective way to help remove soot from curtains:

  1. Separately pour warm water into a basin.
  2. Add shavings of laundry soap to it so that the solution becomes saturated.
  3. Soak curtains in it, rub the contaminated areas and wait 30 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, reapply the Vanish stain remover to the soot stains, choosing a product depending on the color of the curtain.
  5. Rub the dirt with a soft brush until a permanent soapy deposit forms, wait 15 minutes.
  6. Carry out the wash as usual.
  7. Rinse thoroughly to remove residual detergent, as after drying, they will appear with yellow stains.

To remove small stains of soot on light-colored curtains, you can use ammonia, hydrogen peroxide.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. Pour 5 liters of warm water into a basin.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, mix.
  3. Soak the curtains in the resulting solution for 15-30 minutes. depending on the degree of soiling.
  4. After the time has elapsed, wash in the usual way.

This method helps clean natural and synthetic curtains.


Soot spots should be cleaned up as soon as they appear. Only then can they be washed off without much difficulty.

But you should not despair in advance, since any persistent contamination of soot can be made unobtrusive if you strictly follow the recommendations set out and do not avoid difficulties. When removing such stains, you need to be prepared for the fact that they cannot be removed the first time.

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