How to properly wash a downy shawl: by hand and in the washing machine

The downy shawl does not lose its relevance to this day. This cozy, comfortable and beautiful piece emphasizes femininity and warms in any weather. But such a product requires delicate care, as it is made of natural fluff. Therefore, each of its owners should properly wash a downy shawl if it gets dirty and faded during wear.

Can the downy shawl be washed

This delicate item can be washed as it gets dirty, but this must be done carefully, taking into account the characteristics of the material. Any mistake in this case can lead to deformation of the product, decrease in functionality, and then its further use is impossible.

Downy shawl occupies a special place in women's wardrobe

Before washing a thing, you must first prepare it. To do this, shake the product several times and comb around the entire perimeter with a thick massage brush with rounded teeth, which will eliminate the likelihood of snags. This must be done without affecting the base of the scarf. At the end, walk additionally with a wooden comb.

Important! It is imperative to comb the downy shawl on both sides.

If blood, tea, coffee or wine stains are present, they must be treated with an aspirin solution in advance. To do this, you need to add five tablets of the component to warm water to get a homogeneous composition. Then clean the stains.

Recommended reading:  Why white wine is useful and how to make it at home

And then you can already wash a completely downy Orenburg shawl, spider web or shawl.

How to wash a downy shawl at home

In order not to spoil this delicate thing, it is necessary not only to carry out the procedure correctly, but also to choose the optimal detergent that will preserve the structure of the material and not spoil the appearance. You can wash a downy shawl at home with baby soap or shampoo.

Important! Regular powder is not suitable for such products, as its granules become entangled in the pile, which leads to the formation of tangles.

But if this product is often used, then it is better to wash with special professional products that are designed for delicate care.

The most effective ones are:

  1. Nikwax Down Wash Direct. A unique novelty specially designed for delicate washing of items made from down. It helps not only to effectively clean from dirt, but at the same time imparts a water-repellent property to the material. Suitable for hand and automatic washing. Chlorine free.
  2. Weasel "Magic of balm"... A proven tool at an affordable price. With it, you can wash a goat down shawl without fear of ruining it. Easily removes dirt, preserves material structure and shade. The disadvantage is a rich smell that lasts for a long time.
  3. German fundso, intended for the care of things from down. Easily removes dirt, dust and various stains. At the same time, it retains the quality of the material, air permeability and thermal insulation properties. Gives a pleasant smell of freshness to a downy shawl. The disadvantages include high cost, but at the same time it is characterized by economical consumption.
  4. Salton Gel... All down products can be washed with this product. Does not contain aggressive components, perfectly removes all dirt, including stubborn ones, and also maintains the elasticity of the fibers. Eliminates the possibility of a shade change.
  5. Unipuh... Made on the basis of natural ingredients, does not contain phosphates, bleaches, chlorine. Maintains the breathability of the material and the original qualities of the product. Leaves no streaks after washing. Has no persistent odor. The disadvantages include that this tool is rarely found on sale.

    Important! It is impossible to wash the downy shawl with preparations containing chlorine, as this violates the structure of the material and gives the product a yellow tint.

How to properly wash a downy shawl

You can wash such a delicate item manually and in an automatic machine. But the first method is considered more preferable, since the probability of spoiling the structure in this case is minimal.

How to hand wash a downy shawl

For manual cleaning, a deep basin must be prepared. The volume must be sufficient so that the product can be freely immersed in it. This cleaning method is used when it is necessary to wash down spider webs, which require more gentle care.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Collect water with a temperature of no more than 30-35 degrees.
  2. Add detergent, stir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.
  3. Immerse the item so that the liquid completely covers it.
  4. Wrinkle slightly with gentle movements.
  5. Leave in this form for half an hour.
  6. At the end of the time, crush the product again.
  7. After that, collect into one lump without squeezing or twisting.
  8. Allow excess water to drain.
  9. Then rinse several times until the remaining detergent disappears.

Despite the fact that hand washing has a gentle effect, it should be done infrequently so as not to spoil the appearance of your favorite thing. It is important to use water at the same temperature when cleaning and rinsing.

How to machine wash a downy shawl

If necessary, the product can be washed in automatic mode. But this must be done in exceptional cases, since this method can lead to deformation.

Important! It is necessary to wash a downy shawl in a typewriter separately from other things.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the item first in a special bag, which will exclude its friction against the drum.
  2. Pour detergent and conditioner into the compartments of the machine.
  3. Set the "Delicate" mode and water heating at 30 degrees.
  4. Disable spin completely.
  5. Start washing.
  6. After turning off the machine, hang the item in a bag over the bathtub or basin so that the water is glass.

How to properly dry a downy shawl

When cleaning a downy shawl, it is important not only to wash it properly, but also to dry it. If possible, it is recommended to make a wooden frame, the size of which will correspond to the product. As a result, it remains only to attach the scarf around the entire perimeter with buttons and leave to dry in natural conditions.

If this is not possible, then it is recommended to use an easier drying method. To do this, spread a terry bedspread on a flat horizontal surface, and spread a wet downy shawl on it. In this case, it is necessary to periodically shake it and turn it over to the other side.

In order for the pile to completely fluff up and acquire its original volume, it is recommended to use a freezer. To do this, wrap a slightly damp downy shawl with a tube, put it in a plastic bag. In this form, keep the product in the freezer for 5-6 hours. After the waiting period, take it out, shake it well and dry it out in natural conditions.

At the end of the procedure, you need to iron the thing at a low temperature through cheesecloth and cotton cloth.

Wooden frame helps to keep the correct shape

Housewives Tips

A downy shawl belongs to the category of things that are difficult to part with, as they bring comfort, coziness and warmth. Therefore, each owner of such a product tries to extend its service life and at the same time maintain a presentable appearance.

Basic care recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to wash a thing only in those cases when it can no longer be avoided. Spot cleaning is recommended if individual stains appear.
  2. This material is capable of deforming when twisting and stretching, therefore, this is strictly prohibited.
  3. In case of heavy dirt, it is recommended to pre-soak the scarf for 30-40 minutes, and only then wash.
  4. If at the end of the procedure, the shade of the product has become yellowish, then it is necessary to soak it overnight in a special solution. This will require 20 g of hydrogen peroxide to be added to the water for every 100 g of down. In this case, it is important that the liquid completely covers the scarf, otherwise stains may appear. After that, you should rinse the thing well and dry it.
  5. In the warm season, you need to store a downy shawl in a linen bag, having previously rolled it into a tube. In this case, it is better to put lavender, mint or wild rosemary inside.
Important! If, after long-term storage, folds appear on the scarf, then to eliminate them, it is necessary to hang it in the bathroom and spray it with a spray bottle, and then dry it.


It is necessary to wash a downy shawl at home taking into account the structure of the material. Therefore, in order not to spoil your favorite thing, you must adhere to all recommendations. Since ignoring them can lead to deformation of the scarf and make it impossible for its further use.

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