Why is peanut halva useful?

The benefits and harms of peanut halva should be taken into account by any person who consumes or plans to consume this product for food. Halva is a traditional dessert in Eastern countries. This product is appreciated by locals for its properties, natural taste, while few people know that peanut dessert is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Halva has beneficial properties due to the addition of peanut kernels - food ingredients that are highly valued by gourmets. Thus, halva with all its useful properties is a dessert made from ground peanuts with the addition of granulated sugar and caramel.

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The composition and calorie content of peanut halva

If we consider the standard composition, then it includes:

  • chopped nuts;
  • sugar.

Among the auxiliary elements you can find:

  • different oils;
  • molasses;
  • flour.

Additional ingredients may vary depending on the manufacturer, which each adds in his own personal discretion.

Caloric content for every 100 g of product is about 470 kcal. This includes:

  • proteins - 15 g;
  • fat - 33 g;
  • carbohydrates - 29 g.

If we consider proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a digital ratio, then this indicator will be - 1: 2: 9.

Due to its beneficial properties, halva is able to affect human health. This is due to the fact that the product contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

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Important! Dietary fiber and water are completely absent.

The benefits of peanut halva for the body

Due to its beneficial properties, even medical professionals recommend using peanut halva.

If we consider the beneficial properties for health, then it is worth noting:

  • beneficial effect on the skin, prevents premature aging;
  • it is worth noting the special benefits of peanut halva for women planning pregnancy. Due to the beneficial properties and the content of a large amount of folic acid, the product is able to positively affect the health of the mother and fetus;
  • for the male body, a peanut product is useful in that it improves well-being and increases potency, but at the same time one must not forget about the possible harm, you need to consult a specialist in advance;
  • useful properties of the product help to protect the body from harmful microbes;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • helps to normalize blood pressure;
  • takes part in the metabolism;
  • since peanut halva contains a lot of iron and vitamins, this can significantly improve brain activity;
  • prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

In the process of preparing the product, oil obtained from peanuts is used. It is used in folk medicine to prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

Attention! Nutritionists are of the opinion that peanut halva brings both benefits and harm to the body, so the daily rate should be up to 15 g of the product, which will not harm the figure.

Who is peanut halva useful for?

Peanut dessert is recommended for people engaged in intellectual activities. Due to the high content of carbohydrates, the product is capable of energizing and increasing efficiency.

It is also worth considering athletes and people doing hard work associated with physical activity. In moderation, peanut product is good for the child's body. If the child has a weak immune system, then the product is able to strengthen it.

Important! Peanut halva is useful for women who carefully monitor their skin condition. But before starting to use it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist, which will prevent possible harm and side effects.

The benefits and features of tahini-peanut halva

Like any other product, tahini-peanut halva can bring both benefits and harm to human health. If you adhere to the general recommendations for the use of takhin halva, then it can only have a positive effect on the body, and not harm:

  • due to the presence of potassium, stroke can be prevented;
  • helps to improve fat metabolism;
  • helps to keep bones and joints in good condition;
  • if you use the product regularly in acceptable quantities, you can improve the exchange of oxygen in the body;
  • cheers up;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • improves the general condition of nails and hair;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Undoubtedly, due to its beneficial properties, the product is able to bring significant benefits to a person, but one should never forget about the harm, possible consequences and personal intolerance of some components that make up halva.

Is it possible to give peanut halva to children

Despite the fact that the product is prepared from natural ingredients, you should always consider the benefits and harms of peanut halva. It contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, which is good for the body, but in some cases harm cannot be avoided, especially when it comes to children.

The substances included in the composition help to strengthen the immune system, to improve the work of the heart muscle, but it is not recommended to give peanut treats to children under 6 years of age.

For adolescents, you can safely include halva in the diet, but at the same time, the daily norm should not exceed 15 g, otherwise it will not work to avoid harm to the body.

Before you start giving this product to a child, you should make sure if he has an allergic reaction to the components that make up the composition. In order not to harm the child's body, you should first consult a pediatrician for advice.

Advice! To give your child a boost of vivacity for the whole day, you can give peanut halva for breakfast, supplementing it with a glass of milk or cocoa.

How much peanut halva can you eat per day

For people who are overweight, it is imperative to know how much peanut halva is allowed per day, otherwise it will not benefit, but only harm.

It is allowed to eat no more than 30 g of the product daily, as a result of which one can not be afraid of weight gain. The same amount is allowed to be consumed by people on a diet, but on condition that the product is eaten in the morning and during the day the food is as light as possible. For overweight people, the permissible norm is about 50 g, but not more often than once a week.

Homemade peanut halva recipe

Useful properties can be possessed not only by purchased products, but also by homemade ones. At home, the cooking process is carried out in stages. On average, the entire cooking process takes 1 hour.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You will need 1 kg of roasted nuts. If you can't find such, then you can take raw nuts and fry at home in the oven yourself. To do this, preheat the oven, put the peanuts on a baking sheet and leave in the off oven for 25 minutes.
  2. After that, the nuts need to be cooled and chopped in a blender until they become flour. If necessary, you can use a meat grinder for such purposes.
  3. In a frying pan, you need to fry 1 tbsp. wheat flour (no oil added) and 50 g sesame seeds.
  4. In a separate container, mix 1 tbsp. sugar and 5 tbsp. l. hot water, and completely dissolve granulated sugar.
  5. Add 100 g of soft butter, sesame seeds and chopped peanuts to the syrup. Mix everything thoroughly, add fried flour and knead the dough until smooth.
  6. Then the dough is transferred to cheesecloth and placed in a container under a press.
  7. The product should be in this state for 2 hours.
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If it is necessary to make a crumbly halva, then the sugar must not be completely dissolved.

Harm of peanut halva and contraindications

Peanut halva has significant harm to people who suffer from diabetes. Since this product is high in calories and contains a lot of granulated sugar, the blood sugar level rises rapidly. Moreover, there is a possibility of gaining excess weight.

It is worth giving up such a treat for people who have an allergic reaction to seeds and nuts. Do not forget about a number of chronic diseases, which include stomach problems - in this case, peanut halva should also be discarded.

In the presence of any pathologies, it is recommended that you initially seek the advice of your doctor. Since the product contains a large amount of fats and carbohydrates, it is quite difficult to digest it in the digestive tract.

You should always remember about harmful additives, which, as a rule, are abused by some unscrupulous manufacturers. That is why many recommend preparing such a delicacy at home, without adding flavor enhancers.

Advice! While on a diet, it is not recommended to abuse halva. If you plan to introduce sesame-peanut halva into your diet, then the benefits and harm that it can bring should be considered in advance.

Selection and storage of peanut halva

To choose the right peanut halva, you should follow some recommendations during the purchase:

  • special attention should be paid to the tightness of the packaging in which the product is located;
  • no oil stains are allowed on sweets;
  • if you cut halva, then it should not crumble, while complete preservation of its shape should be observed;
  • if oriental sweets are of high quality, then they should not contain streaks of caramel, unmilled nuts;
  • the finished product must be in perfect shape;
  • there should be no bitter aftertaste.

It is recommended to store peanut halva in the refrigerator. You will first need to remove the sealed packaging and place the product in a glass container, for example, a jar. Thus, the shelf life will be increased.


The benefits and harms of peanut halva should be considered by all those with a sweet tooth. Residents of eastern countries are sure that due to its useful properties, this product is able to bring benefit to the human body, cure a number of diseases. Peanut dessert is good for humans, but only if you use it correctly and do not exceed the permissible daily allowance, otherwise you will not be able to avoid harm to health.

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