Is melamine sponge harmful, properties and instructions for use?

Innovative home and family products are constantly appearing on the market. One of these products is a melamine sponge, which, due to its beneficial properties, quickly gained recognition and popularity among housewives. It instantly removes even the most serious contamination that other detergents cannot cope with. This article will discuss the harm and benefits of a melamine sponge, instructions and tips for using it.

What is melamine sponge and what does it consist of

The composition of the melamine sponge is as simple as possible. Its structure is completely formed from crystals that are practically insoluble in water and have no color. Crystals are mined in laboratory conditions. For this, the hot melamine resin is foamed until an airy porous material is formed, which visually takes the form of a mesh. Despite the fact that the mesh fibers are flexible and elastic, they remain firm and durable, have sharp edges, and at the tips they branch into microvilli. These properties provide convenience and practicality to use, while protecting the fibers from deformation and rapid wear during use.

How Melamine Sponge Works

Thanks to its unusual structure and properties that differ from other sponges, this melamine sponge not only absorbs and washes away dirt, but has pronounced abrasive characteristics. Such a sponge first soaks dirt and stains, then gently scrapes them off without damaging the surface (furniture, floor, tiles, etc.), and then absorbs the removed liquid. Thanks to this technology for removing stains, the melamine sponge does not leave streaks, and also effectively cleans even stubborn, old dirt, without additionally using household chemicals.

Scope of application of melamine sponge

There are many options for using a melamine sponge in the household, as it is useful for cleaning almost all types of surfaces. Without risk of damaging things, it can be used for the following materials:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • rubber;
  • enamels.

To start cleaning, you just need to moisten a washcloth under running water (you do not need to use aggressive chemicals, since by their properties they can harm the material) and wipe the place with dirt. Melamine Miracle Sponge is ideal for:

  1. Living rooms and bedrooms. It easily removes ink, pens, felt-tip pens, markers and paint stains. Therefore, she is a useful assistant for young parents or those who prefer to keep their office - workplace - in absolute order. The sponge can be used on floors, ceilings and walls, on mirrors, glass and all types of furniture.It is also an ideal option for general cleaning when there is a need to clean windows without streaks and white spots.
  2. Kitchens and bathrooms. These areas are the main area of ​​application for melamine sponges, as this is where dirt most often occurs, liquids are spilled and regular cleaning is required. They do an excellent job of removing grease and soot, therefore they are recommended for cleaning ovens, stoves, refrigerators, hoods and kitchen surfaces.
  3. Offices. Due to the large flow of people who regularly visit office premises, dark stripes from shoes constantly remain on the flooring. It is possible to wash them with an ordinary rag, but it is rather difficult and time consuming. But a melamine sponge, like an eraser, copes with such dirt from the first pass. In addition, it perfectly removes stubborn dust and stains, so it will be useful for tables, chairs, shelves and office equipment.
  4. Clothes, footwear and furniture made of textiles and natural materials. Their scope is wide. They are ideal for cleaning jackets, jackets, bags, shoes, leather and leatherette furniture. They can also be used to tidy up the car interior.
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However, there are surfaces for which the use of a melamine sponge is not recommended. These include varnished and glossy finishes, Teflon and acrylic. If there are no other options for cleaning, you can perform a test and run a damp washcloth over a small area of ​​furniture that is invisible to the eyes. If the sponge does not leave any damage, you can start cleaning the main surface area.

Important! Cleaning with a melamine sponge does not require additional chemicals. She copes with all the pollution on her own.

Household chemicals containing chlorine, due to their properties, can lead to unexpected reactions and cause skin burns or surface damage.

What does a melamine sponge scrub best?

Melamine sponge will be beneficial in combating pollution:

  • on hard surfaces made mainly of enamel and plastic;
  • on the skin - suitable for cleaning shoes, outerwear, armchairs. You can also clean sofas and car interiors with a melamine sponge;
  • on parquet, laminate and linoleum floors.

The scrubber is excellent at wiping off shoe stripes, grease, soot, ingrained dust, as well as ink and paint traces.

Can I wash dishes with a melamine sponge

Although the range of application of the melamine sponge is quite wide, doctors and experts strongly advise against using it for washing dishes. The fact is that, like any material, it tends to wear out. During use, its top coating is erased and crumbles into small, invisible to the eye, particles. They settle on the surface of the dishes, and during the next meal they enter the human body, causing serious harm to health.

How to use melamine sponge correctly

The use of melamine sponges is practically no different from the use of regular washcloths. However, due to the specifics of the material and composition, there are several tips that will help extend the life of the product, as well as facilitate the cleaning process:

  1. Do not use the entire surface of the sponge at once. Experienced housewives cut it into several pieces and use each separate piece for different purposes.
  2. After finishing cleaning and rinsing the sponge under water, do not twist it in the usual way, which is used for ordinary washcloths. After rinsing, it should be lightly squeezed between your palms until all the absorbed liquid is poured out. Otherwise, there is a risk of deforming the fibers and pores of the melamine sponge.
  3. To extend the service life, it is necessary to remove dirt from the surface not with the entire area of ​​the sponge, but only with its corner.
  4. At the end of cleaning it is necessary to remove the remnants of melamine foam chips.For this, the place of cleaning is first wiped with a damp, clean cloth, and after drying - additionally dry.
Attention! The wear rate of the melamine sponge is directly related to the amount of absorbed dirt. Removing dirt, the material foams, thereby changing its structure, and the fibers cease to be elastic and break.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Melamine Sponge

The cost of a melamine sponge is several times higher than the price of a foam one, but this fact is leveled by further savings.

First of all, money is saved on the purchase of expensive household chemicals.

Secondly, the time spent on cleaning is reduced several times.

The main advantages of melamine sponge are as follows:

  1. Fast and high-quality cleaning of almost all types of surfaces.
  2. Accurate attitude to materials. Despite the strong abrasive properties, the fibers remain soft. This means that when cleaning it does not leave streaks, scratches, chips or other types of damage.
  3. The appearance of foam. Upon contact with water, the sponge begins to dissolve little by little, forming a melamine foam, due to which dirt is removed much faster.
  4. Does not leave streaks. The structure of the material allows it to completely absorb moisture and dirt, leaving no residues of liquid and stains on the surface.
  5. Economical. One scrubber is enough for a long time, it does not require the use of additional cleaning agents, and it also copes with various types of dirt on almost all surfaces.
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The disadvantages include its average efficiency in the fight against greasy stains (after absorbing fat, the pores become clogged, and the product has to be thrown away), as well as its rapid loss of shape with regular use.

Why is a melamine sponge dangerous?

Melamine sponge also has opponents that indicate the toxicity of the material of manufacture. However, their comments are unfounded. In laboratory conditions and in the course of experiments, it was proved that with tactile contact with melamine, it does not cause any allergic reactions on the skin, which also confirms its unconditional use as a home helper.

Important! Under conditions of improper use, when small particles of material with food enter the human body, they settle in the kidneys, causing all sorts of inflammation and urolithiasis.

This is the only harm that such an "au pair" can do, and it is only possible if the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions are not followed.

Precautions When Using Melamine Sponge

The following precautions will help protect the body from the possible harmful effects of melamine:

  1. It is forbidden to use for washing dishes, fruits, vegetables and any other food.
  2. The washcloth is not suitable for washing the body and is intended exclusively for use on hard surfaces: floors, walls, ceilings, furniture and leather goods.
  3. Also not suitable for cleaning areas that have direct contact with food, as microscopic particles of material can get into food.
  4. The product must be kept away from children and animals.

If you follow the above instructions, the risk of harm to health of the melamine sponge during use is reduced to zero.

How to choose a melamine sponge

There are no special tricks in the choice. Washcloths from manufacturers have the same useful properties, so the choice is left to the buyer's reasoning. The only difference in the offers is the price and the number of pieces per package.

Melamine sponge life

The average service life is determined by the area of ​​the surface treated by it and is equal to 10 square meters. m. Also, the period of operation is affected by the amount of cleaned dirt and correct use. If you follow all the above instructions, the sponge will last longer than its foam rubber counterpart and will be more useful for cleaning the house.


If we evaluate that the benefits and harms of a melamine sponge are at disparate levels, we can conclude that this washcloth is an excellent innovative tool that helps to speed up and facilitate cleaning. Despite the widespread belief about the toxicity of the material, when used correctly, it does not cause any harm to health.

You can see the results of the transformation of furniture and surfaces after using a melamine sponge in the before and after photos on the Internet.

Reviews and opinions of doctors about melamine sponge

Doctors unequivocally say that if used correctly, it will not harm the body, but will only benefit, significantly reducing skin contact with aggressive components in household chemicals.

Knyazev Vladimir, dermatologist, 19 years of experience
I can definitely say that the melamine sponge does not cause allergic reactions, nor does it cause any other harm to the body. This has been proven through research and experimentation. I would not be afraid to use it in everyday life, but I kept away from food, children and especially animals.

Customer Reviews

Yurchenko Elena, 47 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
My daughter-in-law gave me a melamine sponge. She told how to use it. We immediately divided it into several small bars. I use it to clean the bathroom, mostly in the corner. It quickly removes rust and dirt. I don't add any additional cleaning agents. I'm happy with the result!
Olga Bondareva, 24 years old, Moscow
I work in a cleaning service and first learned about the existence of such sponges when the management issued them as a working tool. I liked how quickly the washcloth removes dirt and stains, considering that I soak it cleanly in water, without additional household chemicals. I will definitely take more.
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