
How good is goat cheese
The goat was domesticated more than 5 thousand years ago, and it was goat cheese that was the first product of this type, tried by man. Benefits and ...
Why is camel milk useful?
In the countries of Asia and Africa, people traditionally use camels in their households - strong and hardy animals, the benefits of keeping, ...
The benefits and harms of kumis for the body
The benefits and harms of kumis have been a topic for medical research for more than one hundred years. What determines the healing properties of the drink and why ...
Why is yogurt useful?
History has not preserved the facts about where and when they first learned to ferment milk. But the benefits and harms of yogurt were detailed ...
What is useful and harmful to condensed milk
Due to the popularity of the product, the benefits and harms of condensed milk are an important issue for the buyer. This article discusses everything related to condensed ...
Why acidophilus is useful
The use of a healthy fermented milk drink based on acidophilus bacillus is a time-tested wellness method. Why is he so valuable to a person, so ...
Ghee: benefits and harms, doctor's advice
The benefits and harms of ghee have been known for a long time. This product has been used for several centuries in the traditional cuisines of some peoples ...
Is Imunele useful, doctors' opinion
Imunele is a fermented milk fortified probiotic of Russian production. The benefits and harms of Imunele for health, the properties of the product depend on the composition, calorie content. History...
Why oat milk is good for you
Oat milk is a tasty and healthy product that helps maintain beauty and health. The drink is not often used, but its merits are impressive. IN...
What is bifidok useful, photos, composition
Dairy products are appreciated by both adults and children for their beneficial qualities and excellent taste. The benefits and harms of bifidok have been discussed for a long time ...


the beauty
