What is useful and harmful to condensed milk

Due to the popularity of the product, the benefits and harms of condensed milk are an important issue for the buyer. This article discusses everything that concerns condensed milk: properties, features of use, benefits, harm, contraindications.

What is condensed milk

Condensed milk is a healthy food product consisting of a mixture of milk and sugar. Condensed milk is made by evaporation or concentration of milk. 11% sugar is also added to the composition of the liquid, due to which it reaches a uniform consistency. It can be white and brown in color.

Composition and calorie content of condensed milk

The health benefits and harms of condensed milk are due to its chemical composition. According to GOST, condensed milk must include milk fats - 8.6%.

B vitamins and vitamins A, D, PP, C, E, H.

Useful minerals:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • iodine;
  • calcium;
  • selenium.

In a standard jar, 1220 kcal (330 kcal per 100 grams).

Useful properties of condensed milk

The beneficial properties of condensed milk are explained by the huge amount of minerals and vitamins. If you eat it every day in small quantities (100 grams), the body's immunity will strengthen in a few days.

The benefits of condensed milk in moderation are not exaggerated, but if eaten in whole cans, then only to the detriment of yourself.

Important! Condensed milk well restores the body after long physical or mental stress.

Potassium has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, and chlorine relieves edema.

Condensed milk is useful, almost in the same way as milk, but if you cook it, it is absorbed by the body much faster. For eyesight, teeth and bone tissue, it will also be beneficial.

Is condensed milk possible for pregnant and lactating women

Nutritionists during pregnancy prohibit eating a lot of sweets, and condensed milk is no exception. Therefore, 100 grams per day is more than enough. It can provide the body with useful minerals and vitamins, as well as strengthen the immune system.

It is harmful to eat more than two teaspoons of condensed milk during feeding in one day. After all, everything that the mother eats enters the child's body with milk. In case of problems with the stomach in a child's mother, the treat is contraindicated, since it can cause gas formation and harm the baby.

There are benefits from its use, but the main reason for the limitation in both cases is the high concentration of sucrose. So milk dessert will be useful only in small quantities.

With diabetes, it is better to forget about condensed milk.

Comment! One can of condensed milk contains 1220 kcal. During breastfeeding, it leads to weight gain for the mother and negatively affects the health of the baby.

At what age can condensed milk be given to children

Compared to sweets and chocolates, which only bring harm, this sweetness is healthier due to the absence of dyes and flavor enhancers in it. A child can use it from 3-4 years old. But only in small portions: no more than 100 grams per day. If more, then this is no longer a benefit, but harm, due to which the child will be provided with caries, diabetes and obesity in the future.But concentrated milk will not bring any benefit to children.

Condensed milk for gastritis and pancreatitis

Permission to eat sweets for gastritis depends on the stage of development. At the last stage, it is impossible to eat condensed milk because of its fat content.

At any other stage, its use is allowed, and there will be benefits for the body only if it is eaten in limited portions.

With pancreatitis, you should also distinguish between periods of exacerbation and remission. Since during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, the pancreas is vulnerable and requires rest and elimination of stress, it is harmful to consume condensed milk at this time.

In the period of stable remission of pancreatitis, fats and carbohydrates should be limited, so eating condensed milk is also harmful.

If you really want to, you can eat 100 grams of condensed milk, but better not.

The most common reason for the prohibition of this product during illness and not only is not so much the high-calorie properties and the high concentration of sugar, but rather the way the product is manufactured by manufacturers. In the case of choosing a fake, condensed milk may not bring benefits, but harm the health of the body.

Condensed milk for gout is possible and necessary, because it belongs to alkalizing products and its presence in the diet is mandatory. Therefore, the benefits of the properties of this delicacy are obvious.

Condensed milk for weight loss

Important! The caloric properties of condensed milk are completely unsuitable for people who are on a diet or follow a healthy diet.

This product can be consumed during weight loss, but only in strictly limited portions. With a healthy diet or diet, it is not permissible to consume more than 2 teaspoons per day. One can is enough to gain 1220 calories in no time. Better to add the treat to tea, coffee or cocoa instead of sugar.

Recommended reading:  Why is milk tea useful?

How to cook condensed milk at home

Everyone can quickly cook condensed milk. The whole process takes only 15 minutes. Despite the speed of cooking, all properties correspond to those of the store. It is also cheaper and more natural than usual, and the benefits of homemade condensed milk with sugar are greater. For everything to work out correctly, you must follow the instructions.

The end result is a 520 ml portion.


  • 400 g icing sugar;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 400 g of milk.


  1. Mix all ingredients and place in a saucepan.
  2. Turn on low heat and stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  3. When the liquid begins to boil and foam appears, it is necessary to add heat and, stirring, cook the mixture. It will foam, and if it starts to run away from the pan, you need to make the fire smaller.
  4. From the moment the mixture starts to boil, cook for 11 minutes.
  5. Then cool the pan in water to warm temperature.
  6. When the homogeneous mass becomes warm, pour it into a jar and close. After cooling, it will become thick and take on a familiar appearance.

Which condensed milk is healthier: plain or boiled

Boiled condensed milk has almost the same properties as ordinary one. But some of the minerals and vitamins are lost during cooking.

The main difference between boiled condensed milk and ordinary milk is its high nutritional value and ease of assimilation of all useful elements by the body.

Boiled condensed milk contains a huge amount of calcium, which is very beneficial for teeth and bones.

Important! There are so many useful substances in the delicacy that they can improve the metabolism of the body, the performance of the brain, increase immunity, fill the body with vitamins and useful substances.

What they eat condensed milk with

To combine, you can use baked goods, as well as tea and other hot drinks. Any healthy flour or cereal product can be combined with condensed milk.

It is also added to cakes, pastries, ice cream... The Anthill cake with condensed milk turns out very tasty. You can eat in the morning semolina with condensed milk.

Condensed milk harm and contraindications

Condensed milk has a very high concentration of sugar, due to which it is high in calories and harmful in large quantities.


  • completeness;
  • pancreatitis at almost all stages of development;
  • gastritis in the last stage;
  • diabetes.

Counterfeit can only do harm. Such products contain E171 dye - a caustic substance, unhealthy fats, vegetable oil and food additives that impair the properties of condensed milk and greatly harm the body. Therefore, when choosing a product, you need to carefully look at the presence of the GOST inscription on the can and at the composition of the product. If it contains anything other than normalized milk and sucrose, it is fake.

How to choose and store condensed milk

For the correct choice of condensed milk, you need to know certain criteria and properties by which you can find a real product.

Signs of a quality product:

  • Name on the label: "Condensed whole milk with sugar".
  • Regulation GOST 2903-78 and GOST R53436-2009.
  • Manufacturer's choice: the larger and more reputable the manufacturer, the better.
  • Composition and properties: apart from sugar and milk, there should be nothing, if there is, then this is a fake, from which there will only be harm.
  • A metal can in a blue wrapper. Broken or bent cans are best avoided.
  • After opening the can, you need to pay attention to the properties: the presence of sugar lumps is a sweetener; an unnatural color means the presence of harmful components.
  • If condensed milk looks uneven, there is little milk in it.
  • Do not forget about the expiration date.

You can store condensed milk for several months in a dry place. A refrigerator is more suitable for long-term storage. There she will stand for a whole year.


Thanks to its valuable properties, the benefits and harms of condensed milk are unequal. The product is rich in nutrients, therefore it is recommended for a healthy diet. But the calorie content limits the use of delicacies to 100 grams per day. In the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and obesity, it is better to exclude milk dessert from the diet: it will bring little benefit, but it can cause significant harm.

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