Arnebia L-carnitine: reviews and instructions

Arnebia L-Carnitine is a dietary supplement that is used as a source of levocarnitine. This substance plays an important role in the metabolism of fats, and is also involved in the normal functioning of the heart and brain.

Useful properties of Arnebia L-carnitine

L-carnitine is absorbed into the body every day through food. Its sources are fish, meat, cheese, cottage cheese. To get a noticeable positive effect from this substance, you need to significantly increase its intake. Due to the use of Arnebium's L-carnitine, the following beneficial processes are achieved:

  • the extraction of energy from fats is improved;
  • is undergoing prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • tissue respiration improves;
  • increased immunity;
  • mental and physical performance increases;
  • recovery of the body after training is accelerated.

With normal consumption of L-carnitine, the rate of age-related brain degradation slows down. If a sufficient amount of this substance enters the body, then the transport of fatty acids to the cells in which energy is produced is improved. This effect allows you to quickly get rid of fat mass with appropriate exercise and proper nutrition.

To obtain positive results, you need to regularly consume dietary supplements. The duration of one Arnebia course is about a month. You can repeat it 2-3 times a year.

Important! Before using Arnebia, you should consult your doctor. In the absence of contraindications, levocarnitine is used in accordance with the instructions.

Composition and form of release

The main component in Arnebia is L-carnitine-L-tartrate. The following are used as auxiliary substances:

  • starch;
  • gelatin;
  • cellulose;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • iron oxide.

The additive is sold in the form of capsules, which are placed in plastic packaging. One package contains 100 units. Arnebia carnitine is sold through the pharmacy chain, so there are no problems with its purchase.

Indications for use

Arnebia can be used by people who are deficient in levocarnitine. Among the indications for use are:

  • active sports;
  • elderly age;
  • sluggish cardiovascular disease;
  • low immunity.

The dietary supplement Arnebia is very often used by athletes to improve results. Levocarnitine can be most effective when losing weight. The supplement increases endurance and enhances fat burning during super-intense exercise. Thus, a person begins to train much more efficiently and receives a pronounced result in a shorter period of time.

Taking Arnebia in old age helps to improve brain activity and reduce the likelihood of developing dangerous heart or vascular diseases. When combined with other prophylactic drugs, it is possible to significantly improve the general condition.

If a person's current diet does not allow receiving a sufficient amount of L-carnitine, then he can use Arnebia to correct the intake of this substance. By normalizing the consumption of levocarnitine, it is possible to achieve a lot of useful properties. With proper use, only advantages can be obtained from dietary supplements.

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Among the contraindications, only the individual intolerance of the components of Arnebia is distinguished. It is also not recommended to start a course of levocarnitine during pregnancy and lactation. Taking a supplement if you have an intolerance is likely to lead to an allergic reaction.

A small list of contraindications allows the use of L-carnitine in adolescence and old age. The safety of the product has been proven by many studies.

Instructions for the use of Arnebia's L-carnitine

Arnebia capsules are taken orally with meals. Athletes can use the drug 30 minutes before training. The dietary supplement is taken in a dosage of 1 capsule per day. The duration of the course is 30 days. The product is washed down with a little water. It can be used in the morning, lunchtime or evening.

If necessary, a second course is possible 2-3 months after the end of admission. The need for reuse is determined individually. A doctor's consultation is not required before use.

How to use for weight loss

The daily human need for levocarnitine is about 300 mg. Arnebia provides 250 mg of carnitine (83% of the DV). With active exercises aimed at losing weight, the need for L-carnitine increases, up to 600-1000 mg. To increase the breakdown of fat during exercise, the dosage is increased to 2 capsules per day.

In addition, nutritional adjustments are made. Exclude fatty, fried, sweet. The number of meals is increased up to 5-6 times, while the portions become smaller. It is advisable to include in the diet foods containing essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements, including L-carnitine.

More on the use of L-carnitine for weight loss:

Important! The dosage of L-carnitine can be adjusted depending on the purpose of the application.

Possible side effects

When using Arnebia, allergies may occur, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin;
  • itching;
  • swelling.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is required to stop taking Arnebium's L-carnitine. With severe allergies, you need to seek help from a specialist and carry out symptomatic treatment.

If the dosage is significantly exceeded, eating disorders may occur, but this does not always happen. No cases of L-carnitine overdose have been recorded. There is information about good tolerance of ultra-high doses (more than 1 g per day). Reviews of people about Arnebia's L-carnitine make it possible to understand that an absolute minority is faced with negative phenomena. If you follow the simple rules for using the drug, the likelihood of developing any side effects is minimal.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is necessary to store Arnebia's dietary supplement under normal conditions, in a dry and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of issue of the product. Arnebia should be kept out of the reach of children. After the expiration date, L-carnitine should not be used.

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The contents of one package of Arnebia is enough for several courses. When buying, it is advisable to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the supplement. Before the expiration date must be at least 1.5 years. Thus, it will be possible to realize the entire contents of the drug.

When to Expect the Effect of L-Carnitine

The effect of using L-carnitine becomes noticeable around the second week of taking it.The severity of the pharmacological properties of the dietary supplement L-carnitine Arnebia depends on the degree of deficiency of levocarnitine in the body and the individual characteristics of a person. Many people experience increased performance and energization as early as 1 week after starting use.

After the end of the application of Arnebia, the beneficial properties persist for several weeks. With repeated use of L-carnitine, the desired effects are again obtained. When exercising or working on your body, you need to plan your supplementation properly to achieve maximum results.

Interaction with other substances

When used simultaneously with lipoic acid increases the effectiveness of L-carnitine. When used together with glucocorticosteroids, the level of accumulation of levocarnitine in tissues increases. Also, anabolic steroids affect the severity of the effect of taking this dietary supplement. When Arnebium supplements are used together with exogenous hormones, the fat-burning, exercise-stimulating and recovery-accelerating effects become more noticeable.

Important! With the simultaneous use of several additives, the risk of side effects increases. It is required to study the compatibility of each tool with each other.


Using Arnebia's L-carnitine, it is possible to influence overall well-being, get rid of constant fatigue and normalize some metabolic processes. It is worth remembering that the supplement is not a medicine, it cannot be used for the treatment of any disease as the main remedy.

Reviews about L-carnitine Arnebia

Stepanova Valeria, 25 years old, Moscow
I used this dietary supplement during high-intensity physical activity. The duration of admission was 36 days. I can say with confidence that I felt the effect of using it. Running tolerance and performance improved. In the morning, it became much easier to wake up, and recovery from physical exertion accelerated. For a month of taking Arnebia, I managed to lose 2 kilograms of weight and set personal records in middle distance running.
Petrov Oleg, 32 years old, Stavropol
I regularly use Arnebia Carnitine to improve my overall well-being, as well as boost immunity and fight fatigue. I am inactive, but I try to keep track of my diet. This supplement allows me to avoid health problems and better endure my daily stress. I like very much that along with physical endurance, mental abilities and learning ability improve.
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