Why mozzarella is useful

There are many different options for preparing a delicacy in cheese making. Mozzarella is a famous Italian cheese that is used to prepare many delicious dishes. To find out what are the benefits and harms of mozzarella, you need to carefully study all the positive and negative properties of the product.

Mozzarella production technology

When making healthy cheese, you must follow the technology, which consists of several stages:

  • milk purification using a separator to remove excess fat;
  • pasteurization of a dairy product by heating to kill bacteria;
  • cooking and stirring in a special unit;
  • placing the obtained serum on special racks;
  • sending the resulting dry particles to a molding machine and subsequent heat treatment;
  • immersing the finished cheese in a saline solution;
  • packaging.

And you also need to use the necessary ingredients, observe the correct temperature regime and create optimal conditions for storage.

Composition and calorie content of mozzarella

The calorie content of mozzarella per 100 grams is 240 kcal. But when calculating, you need to take into account that the energy value of the product depends on the fat content of the cow's milk used in the preparation.

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Calorie content (kcal)





Carbohydrates (g)

Mozzarella cheese for pizza





Mozzarella cheese 40% fat





Mozzarella cheese 45% fat





The composition of healthy cheese contains many useful vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on human health and its vital activity.





trace elements


223 mcg


188.0 mg


3.6 mg

Beta carotene

51.0 μg


548 mg


0.2 mg

AT 2

0,4 mg


697 mg


27.6 mcg

AT 3

0.1 mg


666 mg


0.01 mg

AT 4

14.2 mg


27.0 mg


0.03 mg

AT 5

0,4 mg





AT 6

0.1 mg





AT 9

27.0 μg





AT 12

1.7 mcg





The significant content of amino acids, polysaccharides and other organic substances expands the range of the product's effect on organ systems and normalizes all life processes.

The health benefits of mozzarella cheese

The benefits of mozzarella for the body are manifested in many ways. First of all, in the impact on the general condition of a person. In addition, the product is popular and affordable, occupying a leading position in the number of useful properties, since the valuable substances contained in it help:

  • prevent vitamin deficiency by saturating the body with all the necessary components;
  • control blood sugar levels;
  • fight anemia and headaches;
  • lower cholesterol levels by helping to convert body fat into energy;
  • enhance the absorption of calcium and the protection of cell membranes;
  • avoid heart attacks and malignant tumors;
  • cope with muscle fatigue;
  • normalize digestion, accelerate intestinal peristalsis;
  • support brain activity;
  • eliminate problems with the excretory system;
  • eliminate skin diseases;
  • improve immunity and the production of leukocytes;
  • optimize heart rate, allowing you to take control of anxiety, stress.

The product not only has a pleasant taste and provides a long-term feeling of satiety, but with its properties has a significant effect on the body, endowing it with all the necessary substances. More about the benefits and properties of the product:

Can mozzarella be used for pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of mozzarella for women are the huge amount of zinc, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. The properties of this delicacy are:

Recommended reading:  Why does the body need zinc, where it is contained, the daily rate
  • increase the strength of the muscles of the pregnant woman;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • reduce pressure;
  • improve the functioning of the circulatory system, which is very important for the unborn baby.

When breastfeeding, it is very important to consume this product, since it contributes to the development of the musculoskeletal system of the baby, as well as to overcome postpartum depression in the mother.

The benefits of mozzarella for children

To determine at what age to introduce mozzarella into the child's diet, consultation with a pediatrician will help. But on average, babies from 9 months can add the product to the menu in small portions. But if the body of the crumbs has not yet matured, then you should wait.

The benefit for children lies in supplying the body with calcium, which is contained in a huge amount of a healthy treat. In addition, the child is not threatened with an allergy to mozzarella due to the lack of histamine.

Is mozzarella good for weight loss

Healthy cheese is rarely found in dietetics, but salads based on it are a model of a tasty and low-calorie dish. Eating a healthy product is great for light diets with a long duration.

Advice! The product is recommended to be used as a substitute for cottage cheese to slightly diversify the menu.

Mozzarella for the figure is quite safe due to its low calorie content and a huge set of biologically active substances. Mozzarella will saturate the body well and give strength and energy after intense workouts without harm to health.

How to make mozzarella at home

Cooking mozzarella at home has its own difficulties, but if you carefully read the recipe, paying attention to all the nuances, no problems will arise.

List of ingredients:

  • 2 liters of fatty cow's milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • there is rennet on the tip of the knife.

First, you need to dissolve the enzyme by taking half a glass of water. Then heat the milk to 70 degrees and mix it with the enzyme and lemon juice. Boil, stirring constantly. Dispose of the whey and squeeze the mixture. Heat the water to 90 degrees, add salt and dip the cheese into it several times, kneading and stretching until a homogeneous consistency. Take out the resulting mass and put it in plastic wrap, tying it with a rope in certain places to form balls. Place the finished product in a container with whey and store in a cool place.

It should be borne in mind that the benefits and harms are determined not only by the composition and properties of the product, but also by the technology of its preparation.

The calorie content of homemade mozzarella is slightly different from the products purchased in the store:

Calorie content (kcal)

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbohydrates (g)





Mozzarella should be consumed within three days as it will become more acidic and less elastic over time and can be harmful. Homemade mozzarella has a rather delicate texture, creamy milk taste and moderate acidity.

The use of mozzarella in medicine and cosmetology

The product is practically not used for medical and cosmetic purposes, but a significant amount of vital organic and inorganic substances has a positive effect on the health and life of the body.The presence of healthy cheese in the diet will significantly reduce the likelihood of developing many diseases.

The systematic use of the delicacy will affect the well-being and appearance of a person. The benefit of the product consists in improving the condition of the skin, saturating it with all the necessary elements.

Important! The healthy cheese helps with brittle nails, strengthening them, thanks to the high content of biotin.

What can be made from mozzarella

Mozzarella is a must in many Italian dishes. It is used for making pies, lasagna, pizza and all kinds of casseroles.

There is also a popular Italian dessert that consists of mozzarella and many different chopped fruits. Chefs from other countries also use this product to create their own dishes. Healthy cheese is added to soups, salads, snacks. Mozzarella in batter is becoming more and more popular.

The product produces an explosion of emotions and sensations when served with tomatoes, seafood, mushrooms, olives and herbs.

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Is it possible to freeze and fry mozzarella

It is not recommended to store the product in the freezer or in well-cooled places of the refrigerator. After freezing, the tasty juicy balls will turn into an unformed, unusable mass that can harm the digestive system.

But fried mozzarella is considered one of the most common Italian snacks. But it should not be abused due to its high fat content. Before frying, the product is usually doused in beaten egg, flour and bread crumbs. It is better to eat the dish hot right away.

Harm of mozzarella and contraindications

Before using the product, you need to know not only the benefits, but also the possible harm of cheese. In addition to the positive properties caused by a large number of useful vitamins and minerals, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the contraindications. The use of a useful product is not recommended in the case of:

  • celiac disease, since the product contains lactose and in large quantities, which can provoke diarrhea;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis, ulcers, since it can cause a severe complication or exacerbation of the disease;
  • neurological disorders and obesity due to high fat content.

The health benefits of mozzarella far exceed contraindications, but excessive use of the product or neglect of contraindications can lead to dramatically negative consequences.

How to choose and store mozzarella

Before purchasing a product in a store, you need to pay attention to its expiration date, which is always indicated on the packaging. During the period of its permitted storage, sellers do not always have time to sell the goods. Therefore, there is a high probability of buying a stale product if you do not study the label with information about the properties, origin and shelf life.

Stale cheese is characterized by a yellowish tinge, bitter aftertaste, rotten smell. Another important point is the integrity of the packaging. The presence of visible damage and the absence of liquid inside the package indicates an expired product.

After purchasing a product, do not get rid of the whey. It must be poured into a separate container and the product must be transferred into it. In such conditions, it can be stored for at least two more days. In the refrigerator, the product should be in the warmest place, since it does not tolerate freezing.

Proper storage ensures that the taste, shape and health of the Italian cheese is preserved.


The main thing is to know what are the benefits and harms of mozzarella, how to choose the right product and use it for your own purposes. If you carefully read all the positive and negative properties of the delicacy, you can protect yourself from possible harm and improve your health.


Anna 23 years old, Vladiostok
I have a soft spot for Italian cuisine and often cook mozzarella salads during the hot summer season.They are good for both health and shape. The tremendous benefits of the product have been noticed by our distant ancestors. The main thing is to choose the right product, as cheating products can harm your health.
Evgeniya 34 years old, Omsk
Mozzarella has long been the favorite cheese in our family. I often cook pizza and it eats up instantly. It is extremely useful and necessary for brain activity, which is necessary for a student.
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