How to remove odor from sneakers: the best ways

High-quality and well-groomed footwear is the strongest image indicator. An unpleasant "aroma" can cause complexes and personal tragedies. Therefore, it is important to be able to get rid of the smell in your sneakers so as not to get into a ridiculous situation.

Features of eliminating odor from sneakers

There are a lot of products on store shelves that help remove stink from shoes. These are deodorants, sprays and insoles. Homemade methods are also suitable. However, eliminating the smell is not enough to get rid of the problem itself. The stench will return if you do not find out the reason.

Any home or commercial remedy will temporarily mask the unpleasant scent. They will have to be used daily, which is not very convenient and takes some time.

The surest and best way is to wash your sneakers so that they don't stink. This can be done manually or in an automatic machine, just put it in a special bag first.

There can be several reasons for the smell from sneakers:

  • poor quality shoes;
  • constantly getting inside moisture;
  • sweating feet;
  • old shoes that do not know the correct care.

By eliminating the cause, you can achieve the disappearance of the stench from the sneakers. Attention should be paid to foot hygiene, buy quality products and change insoles in new shoes immediately after purchase for others.

How to remove an unpleasant smell from sneakers using folk methods

Unpleasant aromas appear more often in shoes made of synthetic materials and leatherette. As the feet sweat, most of the fluid stays inside, absorbing into the walls. On such a nutrient medium, bacteria actively multiply, due to which the stench appears.

There are many home remedies, each of which will help you get rid of the stench with some success. Plus folk methods - all the necessary components are at hand.

How to remove activated carbon odor from sneakers

This is a simple anti-fragrance solution. It is enough to put 10 charcoal tablets in your sneakers and leave for a couple of hours.

This method is good for low odor
Advice! No need to throw away activated carbon. The pills can be baked in the oven for 10 minutes and reused.

If the stench is felt even when walking, you will need to crush the tablets. Pour the powder in a layer over the entire insole, leave overnight. In the morning, remove the leftovers with a vacuum cleaner.

Another way to use activated charcoal is to crush it and put it in a tight bag to fit the insole. It can be made from a cotton sock or natural fabric. The smell will be absorbed better.

Using coal does not kill bacteria. This means that after a while the stench will reappear.

How to get rid of sneaker zest smell

Citrus fruits have a fairly strong aroma. Therefore, they are often used to remove various odors.You will need a citrus fruit peel.

To get your sneakers in order, you need:

  • cut off the zest of lime, orange or lemon;
  • put the skin inside;
  • leave for 12 hours.
Advice! Dried citrus zest can be used. Spread out the peelings in the sun, dry and put in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

The disadvantage of this method is that if the pulp remains on the zest, sticky areas will appear on the inner surface. Plus - the zest contains essential oils, albeit in a small concentration, but this is enough to eliminate bacteria and stench from sneakers for a long time.

The more peels you put, the faster the stench will go away.

How to remove the smell in sneakers with bay leaves

Bay leaf has a pronounced deodorant effect. The seasoning also works to eliminate the stench from the sneakers.

How to use:

  1. Grind 2-3 bay leaves.
  2. Sprinkle the powder over the insole. Leave for a few hours.
  3. Shake out or vacuum.

Use bay leaves while wearing. Powdered seasoning is poured under the insole. Even while wearing, the smell will not appear. You can put whole leaves, replace them after 4 weeks.

How to remove bad smell from sneakers with vinegar

To eliminate the stench, ordinary 9% vinegar will do. It is safe for all leatherette sneakers, but should be used with caution on genuine leather shoes.

Attention! Cannot be used for Chinese and dyed shoes. The inner surface will darken or crack.

First wash the inside with soap and water. Moisten a cotton pad with vinegar and put it on the insole overnight. Remove the tampon in the morning.

To get rid of the smell of vinegar will help ammonia, wipe the sneakers with ammonia from the inside
Advice! It is not recommended to use newspaper, especially for products with a light inner surface. Otherwise, ink stains will remain.

Soda will help remove the smell of vinegar. It is necessary to put a little product on the insole, leave it for 10 hours. You can wipe it with a solution of laundry soap, put your sneakers on the balcony for airing.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

How to remove odor from sneakers with hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide treatment is a good option. The composition on the shoes will have to be left overnight.

Treating the inside of the shoe with hydrogen peroxide will not only get rid of the smell, but also kill some of the bacteria. The tool kills the fungus.

Cannot be used on dark surfaces, it will discolor. Apply a small amount of product to an inconspicuous area before use, test.

How to get rid of the sweat smell of sneakers with rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is used to quickly eliminate the stench. It kills all bacteria.

How to get rid of sneaker stench with rubbing alcohol:

  1. Pour the product into a deep container. Add alcohol. For 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Place the shoes in the basin for 30-60 minutes. The alcohol will kill bacteria even in hard to reach places.
  3. Remove from the basin, dry in the open air.
Formidron cannot be added to water, it is enough for them to process the inner surface and put shoes in a bag for 2 hours

The stubborn scent will help remove the boric alcohol. You can get rid of the smell of sweat as follows - pour a few drops of tea tree oil inside. After an hour, wipe the surfaces with a cotton swab dipped in boric alcohol.

How to eliminate sneaker odor with salt

Table salt will do a great job of removing unpleasant aromas too. Remove the insoles, wash and dry. Pour salt into sneakers evenly, leave for 12 hours.

The product will absorb moisture, kill bacteria, and then the smell will disappear

Salt heated in a pan will help to get rid of the stench faster. You can put the product in a nylon sock and place it in a shoe.

How to quickly remove odor from sneakers with a tea bag

It contains tannins that help kill bacteria that create the stench. There are several ways to get rid of sneaker odor using tea bags:

  1. Pour boiling water over two sachets, leave in a cup for 2 minutes. Take out, cool a little. Put in shoes. If the smell is strong, use 2 sachets. Moisture allows the tannins to be absorbed into the sole and kill bacteria more effectively. After an hour, remove and dry the sneakers in the fresh air.
  2. Dry tea bags can also be placed under the insole. Leave it overnight.

It is recommended to use flavored tea.

In parallel with the processing of the sneakers, you can take care of the feet. The same tea bags should be used. Pour water into a basin, boil 1 tea bag in it. Cool and take a foot bath.

How to remove odor from sneakers with potassium permanganate

You can get rid of the stench with the help of potassium permanganate if it is provoked by sweat, or the cat has urinated into the shoes. Mode of application:

  1. Dissolve 10 crystals of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water. Prepare a slightly pink solution.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the product, treat the inside of the sneakers.
  3. Take out to the balcony or outside to dry. Keep for at least 12 hours in a well-ventilated area.
Too concentrated will stain shoes

A solution of potassium permanganate helps to get rid of the smell from sneakers made from dermantin or genuine leather.

How to get rid of sneaker odor with specialized products

Deodorants work best to deal with unpleasant odors. A special spray is sold in household chemicals departments. It is enough to spray deodorant all over the inner surface of the sneaker and the smell will be eliminated.

It is desirable to choose products with a natural composition, so that they have an antibacterial effect
Attention! All types operate on the same principle. The difference in sprays is only in composition and aggressiveness.

Special odor absorbers are sold. They help get rid of the stench overnight. You need to put 1 capsule in each shoe. They contain a biologically active compound that absorbs unpleasant odors.

Another way is to use antifungal pads. Pull out old insoles, wash and separately treat them with products that will help get rid of the stench. Put pads in their place.

They will not only help get rid of the stench, but also destroy the fungus, prevent its further development.

There are disposable and reusable linen insoles. They also have an antibacterial effect. To get rid of the stench, it is enough to put insoles instead of those in the shoes.

Odor prevention in sneakers

Getting rid of the stench is not enough. It is necessary to constantly carry out prevention so that the stench does not reappear.

It is as follows:

  1. Do not neglect storage rules.
  2. Dry shoes thoroughly if they get wet. Use an electric dryer.
  3. Store shoes in a ventilated area.
  4. Wash it regularly or wipe the inside with a damp cloth.
  5. Change old insoles for new ones every 3 months.
  6. Wear socks made from natural materials to avoid heavy sweating.

If you follow the rules of prevention, you will not have to look for ways to get rid of the stench.


You can easily and quickly get rid of the smell in sneakers, no matter how they smell. The main thing is to use useful advice every day and not neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

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