Antonovka apples: useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of Antonovka apples are beyond doubt. This variety is one of the most beloved and recognizable varieties that appeared in gardens as a result of selection. Antonovka gained wide popularity in the middle of the twentieth century and still occupies a special position among the whole variety of apples. It is distinguished from other varieties by its long shelf life, unique taste and aroma.

The chemical composition of Antonovka apples

Apples have a unique chemical composition

The beneficial properties of Antonovka are due to the set of active substances in the fruit:

  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • vitamin K (phylloquinone);
  • macro and microelements (iron, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).

In addition, the fruits are rich in carbohydrates, plant proteins, dietary fiber, organic and fatty acids.

Important! Antonovka is a long-established variety. The fruits are of medium size, the color of the peel is yellow or pale green, they have a special aroma and rich taste.

Why is Antonovka useful?

Pickled apples retain all the nutrients

Apples are primarily a source of natural antioxidants. Regular consumption of the fruit strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin, lowers cholesterol and blood glucose levels. The substances that make up the composition have a positive effect on a number of important functions in the body, normalize their work:

  1. B vitamins stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, ensuring its smooth functioning.
  2. Calcium strengthens the skeleton, bone tissue and cartilage.
  3. The balanced ratio of BJU and low calorie content allows apples to influence metabolic processes in the body, accelerating metabolism.
  4. Antonovka has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to this fruit, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the contractile activity of the heart muscles is normalized. One apple a day will help protect the body against heart failure, myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease and varicose veins.
  5. Apples are good for the urinary system as they are diuretic. It stimulates kidney function, accelerates fluid excretion, thereby preventing the formation of puffiness.
  6. The use of Antonovka in the gastrointestinal tract is of great benefit. The fibers gently stimulate intestinal motility, improve digestion. Also, apples, due to their beneficial properties, ensure the smooth functioning of the gallbladder, regulating the outflow of bile. The benefits of Antonovka for the liver are also obvious, since the pectin, ascorbic acid, fructose, magnesium included in the composition regulate the cholesterol content.

So, Antonovka has a huge impact on the course of all important processes in the body, supports and strengthens the internal organs and their main functions.

Why is Antonovka useful for women

Due to its valuable composition and useful properties, fruits have a beneficial effect on the female body:

  • provide iron to the organs of hematopoiesis during difficult periods (menstrual bleeding);
  • prevent the development of cancer due to the high content of antioxidants;
  • establish metabolic processes necessary for competent weight loss;
  • for women planning a pregnancy, folic acid is important, which is contained in large quantities in Antonovka.
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Apples are essential for pregnant women and their future children

Also, beauty is important for any woman. The vitamins contained in apples have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Why is Antonovka useful for men

Antonovka is no less important for the male body. Daily consumption of apples affects the production of male hormones, increases immunity, strengthens physical health, and slows down the aging process. Apples do not have a direct effect on potency, but since they have a beneficial effect on the circulatory organs, including the small pelvis, it is clear that they are important for male strength.

Comment! Apple orchards in Russia appeared at the time of Yaroslav the Wise on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. From there, fruit trees began to spread, the first gardens near Moscow appeared under Prince Dolgoruk.

Harm to apples Antonovka

Despite the huge number of useful properties that can be obtained from Antonovka, in some cases it can be harmful. Negative points to consider when using it regularly:

  • you should not eat fruit on an empty stomach, this can lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fruits destroy tooth enamel, therefore, after use, you need to rinse your mouth;
  • excessive consumption of the seeds contained in apples leads to the accumulation of hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous to health.

In addition, one should not forget about contraindications, despite all the beneficial properties of the fruit.

How many calories are in Antonovka apples

By and large, an apple is the product that cannot harm the body. It is not for nothing that this is the first fruit that can be introduced into complementary foods for an infant, especially since the Antonovka variety is considered hypoallergenic. However, this does not mean that apples can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Everything is good in moderation, otherwise all useful properties will be reduced to zero. This is especially true for people on a diet. An apple is a dietary fruit, but it also has a calorie content. Antonovka contains about 47 kcal per 100 g. As for nutritional value, carbohydrates occupy 92%, fats and proteins 4% each.

Contraindications to apples Antonovka

Homemade marshmallows are made from Antonovka

Like any product with beneficial properties, fruits have a number of contraindications. These include the following restrictions on use:

  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract, especially ulcerative pathologies;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • individual intolerance to some components.
Advice! A good alternative to fresh fruit is baked or soaked Antonovka. It is recommended by doctors to their patients after the acute period of the illness has passed.

Rules for eating apples Antonovka

Another huge plus of this fruit is the ability to process them and get fragrant jam, jam, natural juices with pulp, compotes, some confectionery, for example, marmalade, marshmallows.

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Fans of pickled apples know that Antonovka is the most suitable variety for this. They are often added to cabbage pickling, giving it a unique flavor. For people with problems with the digestive tract, the recipe for baked apples is well known. It is interesting that with this type of processing the beneficial properties of Antonovka are not lost, vitamins and mineral elements are not destroyed - with the exception of ascorbic acid.

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It has long been noticed that to solve certain problems with the body, you need to use some recipes with these fruits. Antonovka is most useful when baked for the treatment of dry coughs, colds and hoarseness in the voice. In this case, you need to eat the apple in a warm form, adding a little natural honey. Also, for colds and a runny nose, it is useful to brew the leaves of a fruit tree and drink like tea.

In case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, seeds will be useful, which are pre-dried, crushed into powder on a coffee grinder and consumed 1-2 times a day.

Apple gruel helps to cope with frostbite well, and when butter is added, such a mixture is used for abrasions and cracks on the skin.

Apple tea is good for the nervous system

Many people love tea made from finely chopped Antonovka. Such a drink can be both harmful and useful. Tea significantly strengthens the nervous system due to B vitamins. You should not abuse the drink. A small cup of tea a day is enough to get the nutrients.

For those who have gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the benefits of eating soaked Antonovka apples are obvious. In this form, they retain useful properties, and the acid contained in them is significantly reduced and cannot harm the gastric mucosa.

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to eat Antonovka apples with type 2 diabetes. Doctors recommend eating green-skinned fruits, which have much less sugar than red ones. Enough 1 medium-sized apple per day.

Antonovka apples during pregnancy

For pregnant women, Antonovka is only beneficial. It is necessary in the diet of women who are expecting a baby. It has been proven that children whose mothers ate apples daily during pregnancy are less susceptible to allergies and asthmatic manifestations.

Attention! Drying is one of the best ways to process apples. With this harvesting method, only water evaporates for the winter. Vitamins and minerals are preserved in almost complete composition.

Terms and conditions of storage

Antonovka has an extraordinary yield, has a long shelf life - more than 3 months. Under the right conditions, fruits can lie almost until New Years.

For long-term storage, you need to prepare fruits without damage of medium size. It is better to put the removed fruits in a wooden container and transfer to a cool room.


The beneficial properties of Antonovka apples have been known for a long time. What makes this variety unique is its sweet and sour taste, delicate aroma, and the fact that it is well suited for processing into jams, jams and juices. It is also believed that Antonovka is better than other varieties for cooking baked and soaked apples.

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