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The beneficial properties of Adams' rhododendron and contraindications are of interest to traditional medicine. The plant is used to treat diseases and to maintain tone, with ...
Rice bran wax is a useful additive that is used in the food industry and cosmetology. To evaluate its properties, it is necessary to study the features ...
The benefits of sturgeon are clearly manifested with regular use. Fish in boiled, smoked or baked form saturates the body with valuable substances and improves ...
Sugar depilation is one of the most demanded procedures. The unwanted hair removal option has both advantages and disadvantages. Benefit...
The benefits and harms of room yucca deserve close attention. The plant is able not only to decorate the home environment, but also to help in the treatment ...
The benefits and harms of lenses for the eyes must be considered before making a purchasing decision. Their convenience has been appreciated by millions of people ...
The three-leaf watch is the only plant species in the Shift family. Since the herb has been used since antiquity, it has many names. The unique composition of the medicinal ...
The benefits and harms of jalapeno peppers depend on the variety. In Russia, a very small number of varieties of this type of chili are known. On...
Cyclamen is a poisonous but beautiful plant with numerous beneficial properties. Funds based on it are used in the treatment of ENT diseases and other ...
A nettle broom for a bath is not quite a traditional tool. Most often they use birch or oak, the leaves of which hold better ...
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